Equity Court Abstracts

Book HS-6 - 1823-1842

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

HS-6, 1-15 - STONE, MARTZ - Aug 1838
Elizabeth STONE vs Heirs of Jacob STONE - Division of Land Land - "Resurvey on Havener's Fancy", "Vulversun", and "Fancy", 25+ acres, to Mary STONE and her daughter, Elizabeth STONE, as tenants in common, from Philip FOLTZ (w/ Catharine) in 1827; runs by dividing line of Frederick T. ELIAS and Peter ENGLE, and by land of John ENGLE. Ann Maria STONE, dec'd (will 15 Apr 1827) d/ Elizabeth STONE s/ Jacob STONE d/ soon after his mother .....Joseph Daniel STONE, age 12 .....Samuel STONE, age 10 s/ John STONE Ann Maria's undivided half of property to go to daughter during her lifetime and, after her death, to go to son's equally. Executor was daughter, Elizabeth. Witnesses: John CRONISE, Jacob REESE, John WACHTER. Guardian was George MARTZ who also gave testimony. In Oct 1838, land of 4 acres with the house and other outbuildings was laid out for Elizabeth's use during her lifetime.
Daniel RUDY and w/ Susannah vs Heirs of Bernard WEILAND Bernard/Barnet WEILAND d/ bef 6 Aug 1832 widow - Elizabeth and 7 children d/ Susannah (Weiland) w/o Daniel RUDY s/ John WEILAND, a minor s/ Jacob WEILAND, a minor s/ Samuel WEILAND, a minor s/ George WEILAND, a minor d/ Elizabeth WEILAND, a minor d/ Sarah WEILAND, a minor Land - "Kernbaugh", 225+ acres, from special warrant in 1814 to resurvey parts of "Goose Bill" (to Nicholas FINK for 478 acres in 1764); "Arabia" (to Nicholas FINK for 208 acres in 1752); "Shraders Luck" (to Henry SHRADER for 63 acres in 1790); all continguous. Land lies next to tracts "George BEALL" and "The Sun is Down, the Moon is Up", and land of David STOTTLEMYER (part of "Goose Bill"). Guardian was L.P.W. BALCH; testimony given by John YOUNG. On 9 Jun 1838, the widow testified she was 48 years old and in tolerably good health. Trustee was John SIFFORD; after a failed sale, James KINNEY and Isaac GILBERT offered $312 for 50 acres of mountain tract which the court approved. Distribution: the widow's 2/17 in lieu of her dower, $28.30; each child received $30.32; closed 14 Nov 1838.
Nelson LUCKETT, guardian, et al vs Josiah C. LUCKETT, et al Samuel LUCKETT d/ 15 Jan 1824 (will 21 Oct 1823; 15 Jan 1824) s/ William Clapham LUCKETT s/ Samuel Clapham LUCKETT d/ Sarah Clapham LUCKETT, now w/o Charles B. HAMMILTON s/ Josiah Clapham LUCKETT, a minor s/ Luther Clapham LUCKETT, a minor s/ Roger Clapham LUCKETT, a minor Executor was brother-in-law, Benjamin JACKSON of Loudoun Co, VA, who refused the trust. Witnesses: Patrick McGILL Jr, Daniel DUVALL and James HOOK. Administrator and guardian was Nelson LUCKETT. On 26 Oct 1832, Henry JAMISON was appointed as guardian for the minors. Land - 192 acres, 50 acres of which are woodland. Trustee was Nelson LUCKETT; posting bond in addition to Nelson was Clarissa LUCKETT and Serena LUCKETT. After a failed public sale, a private sale was made to John BARRET at $5,000. It appears William and Sarah must have sold their interests to Samuel, as distributions show him with 3 shares and Josiah, Luther and Roger each with one share, each $799.65; closed 3 Jan 1838.
James BOVEY, et al vs Sarah BOYLE, James BOYLE, et al Dennis BOVEY d/ early 1834 (will 18 Dec 1833; 24 Feb 1834) s/ Edward BOVEY s/ James BOVEY d/ Catharine (Bovey) w/o John McKALLIAN d/ Hannah (Bovey) w/o James COLWELL d/ _____ (Bovey) BOYLE .....Sarah BOYLE, a minor .....Catharine BOYLE, a minor .....James BOYLE, a minor Family farm went to son Edward or $1,000, whichever he chose; remainder to be divided amongst 4 surviving children and grand daughter Sarah. Monies to James McDEVITT of Adams Co, PA, to be placed in trust, which he later refused. Executors were sons, James BOVEY and Edward BOVEY. Witnesses: James McDEVITT, John GLAKIN, Barny BOVEY. Land - Lot #16 of "Carrollsburg", 10 acres, from Robert L. ANNAN (w/ Mary) and William EMMIT (w/ Susan) in 1815 (formerly owned by James YOUNG, dec'd); lies on south side of main road leading from Emmitsburg to Waynesburg (Waynesboro?, PA) and by an alley. - "Dauther's Chance" (part lies in Adams Co, PA) and "Alexanders Prospect", 93+ acres, from Simon PECKAR (w/ Mary) of Adams Co, PA in 1813; lies next to land of Richard WELLS. Guardian was Peter EYSER/ISER; trustee was Samuel BAUMGARDNER. On 19 Oct 1836, sale was made to Daniel WELTY at $201.25 for the lot. Each 1/5 share, $30.20; closed 28 Feb 1839.
Darius EADER and wife, Edward W. BENTON and wife vs Abdiel E. MAGERS, et al Eli PHILIPS d/ intestate widow - Catherine and 9 children d/ Miranda (Philips) w/o Darius EADER d/ Matilda (Philips) w/o Edward W. BENTON d/ Ruth (Philips) w/o Abdiel E. MAGERS s/ John PHILIPS, a minor s/ Eli PHILIPS, a minor d/ Ann PHILIPS, a minor s/ Jason PHILIPS, a minor s/ William PHILIPS, a minor d/ Amelia PHILIPS, a minor Land - Lot #16 in Woodsberry, to John WISEMAN of VA and Ely PHILIPS from John CAMPBELL in 1810 (to Campbell from William GRIMES Jr. in 1808); also Lot #17 (to Campbell from Barnhart GILBERT in 1808). - "Fifth Dividend", 9 acres, from Peter ENGLE (w/ Mary) in 1811; next to land of John RENNER and John CRISE. - "Welch Tract", "Gunder's Delight", "Jedburgh Forrest", "Black Acne" and "Chargeable", included in a warrant resurvey made for John Stone MARLOW for 193+ acres in 1813 and renamed "Locust Bottom", which Marlow conveyed to Nicholas CLOPPER in 1813 and to Ely PHILIPS from Nicholas CLOPPER in 1817; and also "Green Fields" (granted to Elizabeth DAWSON and Samuel DAWSON by patent in 1806 for 484 acres, from the Dawsons to Nicholas CLOPPER in 1806); next to land of Jason PHILIPS; totals 310 acres. On 4 Jun 1829, William KOLB testified he was well acquainted with the widow and that on 10 Jun 1825, she was under age 53 and on 17 Jan 1829, she was under age 57 and her general health is tolerable, but she occasionally compains of weakness. Guardian and trustee was Noah PHILIPS. On 10 Jun 1825, sale was made to Vachel PUMPHREY for 9 acres of "Fifth Dividend" at $200; after many other failed attempts, on 17 Jan 1829, sale of the home farm of 310 acres went to George SNAUFFER at $4,169.50 Elie PHILIPS and Jason PHILIPS were mortgaged to Nicholas CLOPPER who assigned the bonds to Francis MANTZ and George BUCKEY, both now deceased. Jason PHILIPS also died intestate. Administrator for Elie was Catharine PHILIPS and for Jason, Noah PHILIPS. Executors for Mantz and Buckey brought claims against Eli's widow. Distributions: to George BOWLUS, creditor, took the widow's dower of 2/17 and 1/9 respectively of the two sales, $461.98; to George BUCKEY, assignee of Clopper, $980.44; to Caspar MANTZ, assignee of Clopper, $2,261.53; to George BOWLUS, in excess of the dower, $185.91; leaving each child with $13.67; closed 12 Dec 1834.
Henry NIXDORFF, et al vs Israel MAYBERRY, et al - Foreclosure Thomas MAYBERRY d/ intestate, with no wife or children bro/ Justinian MAYBERRY, now dec'd (wid/ Margaret) .......Israel MAYBERRY .......Rebecca MAYBERRY .......Elizabeth (Mayberry) w/o Hilliary HOLLY - Out of State .......Polly (Mayberry) w/o Daniel SCHLEIGH .......Henrietta (Mayberry) w/o John RUTTER .......Sophia (Mayberry) w/o Eli MOBBERLY .......Albert MAYBERRY .......Justinian MAYBERRY bro/ Israel MAYBERRY - Out of State sis/ Nancy (Mayberry) w/o John ROADORMAN - Out of State nephew/Thomas MAYBERRY, now dec'd (wid/ Mary) - Out of State ----------John MAYBERRY, a minor - Out of State nephew/William MAYBERRY - Out of State nephew/Justinian MAYBERRY - Out of State neice/ Ann MAYBERRY - Out of State Land - "Fielderea Manor" and "Salisbury Plains Helped", 20 acres, from Joseph HARGESHEIMER (wife listed but name is blank) in 1828; runs along Baltimore and Frederick Town Turnpike. - Lot #1 of "Fielderea Manor", 1 acre, from James FIELDS and w/ Sophia in 1833 (to them from Richard and Ann L. POTTS). Property mortgaged to Henry NIXDORFF, besides that listed above, was "Dent's Neglect", 3+ acres, to Mayberry from Samuel TEMPLING in 1812; "Four Gallons and a Half of Rum", 1+ acre, to Mayberry from Phebe NORRIS, David MANKEY/MARKEY and w/ Mary in 1824. Trustee was Francis THOMAS; sale was made to Henry NIXDORFF at $1,300; his claim exceeded the sales; closed 9 May 1839.
Estate of Gabriel BOYERS - May 1836 Casper BOYERS d/ bef Jun 1795, intestate widow - Catharine s/ Gabriel BOYERS* s/ Jacob BOYERS Sr. d/ Catherine (Boyers) w/o John ARTER d/ Ann BOYERS d/ Elizabeth Barbara (Boyers) w/o Adam FEASER d/ Elizabeth (Boyers) w/o David LEMMON - Out of State s/ David BOYERS - Baltimore County d/ Susan (Boyers) LOVEALL, a widow - Baltimore County s/ Frederick BOYERS, dec'd .....John BOYERS .....Daniel BOYERS - Out of State .....Jacob BOYERS Jr. .....Catherine BOYERS .....Polly (Boyers) w/o Owen BANKERT Land - "Brower's Vexation", 50+ acres, and "Ben's Fancy", <1 acre, originally belonging to Casper BOYERS, but in possession of Gabriel and his descendants for over 50 years, but never deeded to Gabriel. In 1795, Casper's widow and Jacob, Ann, Catharine and Elizabeth Barbara conveyed their interests to Gabriel; at that time, Casper was listed as having lived in Baltimore County. Gabriel BOYERS* d/ early 1835, intestate s/ Michael BOYERS d/ Sarah (Boyers) w/o Solomon MYERLY d/ Elizabeth (Boyers) w/o Jacob POWDER d/ Polly (Boyers) w/o Joseph ORNDORF s/ John A. BOYERS s/ Henry BOYERS (a lunatic, Joseph ORNDORF as trustee) d/ Catharine (Boyers), dec'd w/o Peter SLAGLE .....Eliza (Slagle), a minor and w/o Jeremiah BROADBECK - Out of State .....Levi SLAGLE, a minor .....David SLAGLE, a minor .....Lewis SLAGLE, a minor .....John SLAGLE, a minor .....Mary SLAGLE, a minor Land - "Stevenson's Conclusion", 2+ acres, to Gabriel from Charles STEVENSON (w/ Ann) in 1795; next to "Ben's Fancy" and "Adventure". - "Ben's Fancy", 8 acres, from David KEYS and w/ Elizabeth in 1832 (previously to David KEYS from heirs of John KEYS). - "Clover Valley", "Rattle Snake Den" and "Second Amendment", 12 acres all contiguous, from Abraham KURTZ in 1832. - "Stevenson's Conclusion", 252+ acres, from Charles STEVENSON in 1811, next to "Resurvey on Dairy", "Addition to Good Rum", "Foglesong Hits", "Little Did I Think" and "Legioner"; neighbors were Ludwick MILLER, Jacob MARTIN and Henry STEVENSON. - "Resurvey on Lookabout", 5 acres, from John MIKESELL (w/ Fronica) in 1814. Guardian of the minor children was Peter SLAGLE. On 14 Apr 1837, testimony was heard from Casper LAWYER, age 73, on his knowledge of the family. He stated he knew Caspar BOYERS for ten years before his death which was about 43 years ago. He claimed Casper had bought the property from a Mr BOILER? a few years before his death and Gabariel had been in possession of it before and after his father's death. John FORMWALT and Jacob SCHAEFFER, both age 53, also testified. Trustee was Michael BOYERS; on 25 Feb 1837, sale was made to John A. BOYERS for 122 1/2 acres, at $3,675; the 5 acres was sold to John H. HOPPE at $75. The remainder was not able to be sold at that time. Stevenson's Conclusion" was surveyed to be 203 1/2 acres, being now in Carroll County. Plats on all tracts mentioned above were shown. After several failed sales, private sale was made to Adam HUMBERT of Carroll County at $2,000. Each 1/7 share to Gabriel's heirs was $769.24; closed 11 Mar 1839.
Estate of John GRABILL Sr. - Mar 1836 John GRABILL Sr. d/ Feb 1836, intestate widow - Ann Elizabeth and children, d/ Henrietta (Grabill) w/o Jefferson SHIELDS d/ Catherine Ann (Grabill) w/o Joseph SCHELL d/ Susanna GRABILL d/ Charlotte GRABILL s/ John GRABILL, a minor d/ Sarah GRABILL, a minor s/ Peter GRABILL, a minor s/ George GRABILL, a minor Land - A/ "Family Study" (includes parts of "Resurvey on Long Mile" and "Low Mile"), 100 acres; also "Kitchen Garden", 78+ acres, from Frederick FLORE (w/ Juliann) in 1807 (Grabill was then listed as being from Adams Co, PA). - B/ "Union", 199 acres, from William HUNTER (w/ Elizabeth) of Adams Co, PA in 1814 (to Hunter from Chidley MATTHEWS for 190 acres in 1805); next to William RUPERT's "Frenchman's Purchase". - C/ "Hackensmith's Inheritance", 121 acres, from James NICHOLS in 1829 as trustee for Jacob HACKENSMITH's property (was devised by Jacob to his son, William HACKENSMITH). - D/ "Hackensmith's Inheritance", from James NICHOLS of Westmoreland Co, PA, James McDEVITT of Adams Co, PA, Patrick OWINGS and James A. SHORB (w/ Margaret) in 1830. Nichols was trustee from court order to sell lands of Jacob HACKENSMITH. Land was devised in Hackensmith's will to his son, George HACKENSMITH. Nichols had sold the land to James A. SHORB and Patrick GUINN jointly; Quinn now deceased with court-appointed trustees as James McDEVITT and Patrick OWINGS. - E/ "Middle Dam", 23+ acres, from William GRAYSON/GRASON /GREASON and w/ Joanna in 1835, on the PA line. - F/ 40+ acres, from Frederick GELWICKS (w/ Mary) in 1818; next to CALDWELL's and Joseph LITTLE and on road from Emmitsburg to Grabill's Mill. - G/ 32+ acres, from Lewis MOTTER (w/Mary Magdalene) in 1813; to Motter from William RUPERT and Henry WILLIAMS, Esquire, execs/of George HACKENSMITH. - H/ "Carolina", 166+ acres, from Ebenezer SHIELDS, trustee for John JODON, dec'd, in 1835. - I/ "Resurvey on Carolina" (1/3 part), from Jacob ZUMBRUM, trustee for John FUSS Jr., dec'd, in 1833 (previously to John FUSS Jr. from Daniel FUSS in 1824). One of the properties was said to include a mill. Testimony was heard from Joshua MOTTER and George M. EICHELBERGER; guardian was Isaac BAUGHER. Trustee was Jefferson SHIELDS; on 26 Apr 1837 after a failed public sale, private sale was made to Lewis MOTTER for 14 acres at $140. On 17 Nov 1838, sale of parts of A, B, C and/or D, E, F, G, totaling 455 acres, were made to John GRABILL and Peter GRABILL at $9,999; parts of C and/or D, F, G, totaling 222+ acres to Jacob D. WENTZ at $4,898.30 (Isaac BAUGHER was later substituted as the purchaser). Remaining to be sold is mountain land (H), Distributions: the widow received 2/17, $1,695.23; each 1/8 share was $1,589.27. On 13 Apr 1839, private sale was made for the remaining real estate to Nathaniel PEDDICORD at $1,000 (tract is now known as "Chesnut Level"). 2nd Distribution: each 1/8 share, $120.51; closed 18 Jul 1839.
Estate of George SNOUFFER George SNOUFFER d/ abt 1831 intestate widow - Elizabeth and 6 children s/ John B. SNOUFFER s/ Benjamin J. SNOUFFER s/ Archibald T. SNOUFFER, a minor s/ George W. SNOUFFER, a minor s/ William Henry SNOUFFER, a minor d/ Sarah E. SNOUFFER, a minor Land - 310 acres, to heirs of George SNOUFFER from Noah PHILLIPS, trustee for Eli PHILLIPS, in 1839 (to Eli PHILLIPS from Nicholas CLOPPER in 1817). Other unnamed land was: - from Frederick A. SCHLEY in 1826. - from Frederick A. SCHLEY and John NELSON in 1831. - from Elizabeth THOMAS in 1826 (quit claimed). In Feb 1839, testimony was heard from Otho THOMAS who also became the guardian. Trustee was Levin THOMAS; on 15 Jul 1839, sale was made for Lots in Point of Rocks to - John HANN/HAUSE for Lot #1 at $33. - John HANN for Lot #2 at $26. - John HANN for Lot #3 at $40. - Benjamin J. SNOUFFER for Lot #4 at $180.75. - John B. SNOUFFER for Lot #5 at $150. - Elizabeth SNOUFFER for Lot #6 at $23.75. - John B. SNOUFFER for Lot #7 at $23. - John B. SNOUFFER for Lot #8 at $23. - Philip McGAHAN for Lot #9 at $31.37. - Philip McGAHAN for Lot #10 at $31.37. Also sold to - Benjamin J. SNOUFFER for right and title in Ferry and attached lot at $200. - David TRUNDEL for Greenfield farm, 310 acres at $7,368.70. - Samuel DORSON for "Peach Island" at $170. - J.G. COBB for lot on the Canal at $10. - Daniel DUVALL for "Poplar Timber" at $20/acre, 16 1/4 acres. - Sebastian RAMSBURG and Henry CULLER for 7 acre mountain tract at $15.24/acre. Total sales, $9,964.23; each 1/6 share, $1,598.90; closed 29 Oct 1839.
HS-6, 195-219 - BURKITT, CRAMER, BAER, GARROTT, SLIFER, etc - Feb 1837
William H. CREAGER as next friend of Mary Ann and Henrietta BURKITT - Petition Henry BURKITT d/ 1836 (will 23 Aug 1836; 13 Dec 1836) s/ John BURKITT (only living child, but now dec'd) .....Henry BURKITT .....Mary Ann BURKITT (age 17) s/ Newton BURKITT, dec'd .....Henrietta C. BURKITT (age 12) - Sarah CRAMER (lot adjoining Adam CUSTARD's lot and Dr. BISER's) George BAER was then guardian. Land in Washington - mountain land, 6 acres, from Jacob HUFFER and Frederick counties - - Land from George WINE and John FINK Sr (to grandson Henry); - Land from heirs of Jacob SHAIN (to grandson Henry); on farm where Henry SIGLER then lived; adjoining land formerly of Philip FINK Sr and Edward BRITTS, George COATS, Mr MULENDORE and Mr GOODMAN and Dr. BISER; leaving the Suman Field, the Montgomery Field and the Bridge Field to be otherwise disposed of. - "Friend's Good Will", 140 acres, w/ 2-story stone house with attached stone house and back building, a 2-story frame warehouse, brick meathouse, small log house used as kitchen, small negro house, stone spring house, old log barn with straw roof, waggon shed, corn house and an old orchard and a young orchard; 87 acres clear tillable, 38 acres woodland; old log waggonmaker's shop with 1 acre; log house occupied by Solomon FUNK with samll stable and garden; brick 2-story stone house in Burkittsville; 2-story weatherboard house and lot in Burkittsville occupied by Ezra SLIFER with brick back building, old stable and old spring house, old blacksmith shop; 1 1/2 story log house in Burkittsville occupied by Daniel GAVER; 1 1/2 story log house in Burkittsville occupied by Frederick CRAMER with kitchen attached and a stable; wood lot in mountain on "Fielderea Manor", 9 acres, separately located from the other mentioned lots (goes to grand daughters). Executors: Henry OHR and Emanual SLIFER. Witnesses: Adam CUSTARD, George KARN, William B. LAMAR, John EMISS. In 1837, Tilghman BISER and w/ Mary Ann conveyed to Mary Ann and Henrietta BURKITT, "Gaver's Recovery", 1+ acres, by previous agreement with Henry BURKITT Sr. Trustee was George BAER; on 22 Feb 1839, sale was made - John D. GARROTT for 113 acres at $67.13/acre; - Ezra SLIFER for 46+ acres at $59.75/acre; lands on west and east side (respectively) of Middle Town and Burkettsville Road which at Sharpsburgh Rd. Lots in Burkittsville were sold to: - G.A. CLEGGETT for Lot #1 at $58.10; - Samuel SLIFER for Lot #2 at $74; - Samuel SLIFER for Lot #3 at 72; - John D. GARROTT for Lots #4 and 5 at $600; - David ARNOLD for Lot #6 at $255; - Jacob DEAN for Lot #7 at $85; - Henry SHAFER for Lot #8 at $314; - Mary Ann BURKETT for Lot #9 at $705; - George PADGED for Lot #10 at $89; - John E. MILES for Lot #11 at $55.12; - Emanual SLIFER for Lot #12 at $100; - George KARN for Lot #13 at $59; - Tilghman S. BISER for Lot #14 at $86.25; - George KARNS for Lot #15 at $210; - George KARNS for Lot #16 at $25; - Henry BURKITT for Lot #17 at $ 25; - John ENNISS for Lot #18 at $20.50; - Henry KOONTZ for Lot #19 at $15; - John FINK for Lot #20 at $60; - John KARN for Lot #21 at $91; - John KARN for Lot #22 at $25; - John E. MILES for Lot #23 at $51; - Joseph RHODERICK for Lot #24 at $305; also sold to John FINK Jr. a 16+ acres mountain parcel at $30.87/acre. Remaining unsold is an 18 acre mountain lot near Burkittsville and an 8 acre mountain lot in Washington county. Total sales to date, $14,221.62. Distribution: each half to the two granddaughters was $6,826.58; closed 25 Sep 1839.
Henry TALBOTT, Mary JONES and Priscilla FISHER, creditors, vs heirs of George GEDDINGS (a negro) George GEDDINGS/GIDDINGS d/ abt 1836 intestate bro/ Samuel HILLMAN bro/ John HILLMAN bro/ Moses HILLMAN, a minor All are free men. Land - "Gantz Garden", 2 acres, from Philip PERRILL (w/ Mary) in 1828, previously to Perrill from William KOONTZ; adjoins lands of Isaac McPHERSON on east side of the Monocacy near his new mill and on east side of new road from mill to New Market. Testimony was heard from John E.H. SIMMONS, who was also the administrator. Guardian was Samuel HILMAN; trustee was John SIMMONS. On 22 Jun 1839, sale was made to William G. YINGLING at $231. After debts were paid, each brother received $13.02; closed 28 Feb 1840.
Francis A. HOFFMAN, et al vs Jacob THOMAS was indebted by mortgage to Henry CULLER and Thomas JOHNSON of Wm.; also another mortgage to Francis A. HOFFMAN, Levin RICE and David M. HOFFMAN; and a third mortgage to Frederick HEMP. A deed of trust was made to Francis A. HOFFMAN to pay his creditors. Land - "The Mill is Safe", 30 acres, situated in Middletown Valley, within a mile or so of Jefferson, includes a stone mill (three stories high with three pair of burrs) upon a lasting stream; has a two-story dwelling and back buildings, a stable and cooper shop and an excellent well in the yard. Jacob THOMAS now lives out of state. Trustees to sell the property were Henry CULLER and Thomas JOHNSON of Wm. On 23 Apr 1840, sale was made to Isaiah MEALY at $3,300. Creditors were paid some portion as proceeds were short; closed 4 Jun 1840.
HS-6, 253-265 - HALLER, CULLER, BASH, HEMP - Oct 1839
Henry CULLER and w/ Ann vs Jacob B. HALLER and Henry M. BASH Henry CULLER sold lots to Jacob B. HALLER who has not paid all of the purchase price. Haller made a deed of trust to Henry M. BASH of Baltimore for distribution to creditors. Land - Lots #24 and 25 in Jefferson, 1 acre, with two-story weatherboard house, stable and blacksmith shop and good well of water. Testimony was heard from Frederick HEMP who became the trustee for the sale. On 11 Apr 1840, sale was made to Henry CULLER at $300 which about equalled the monies still due to Culler; closed 4 Jun 1840.
Estate of Jacob BOON/BOHN Jacob BOON d/ May 1839 intestate widow - Mary and no children bro/ Adam BOON bro/ Solomon BOON bro/ Nicholas BOON bro/ Michael BOON, dec'd .....John BOON .....Hester BOON sis/ Elizabeth METZ, dec'd .....John METZ .....David METZ .....Jacob METZ bro/ John BOON, dec'd .....Ann BOON .....Dennis BOON .....Seny BOON (niece) .....John BOON - Ohio .....Edward BOON .....Ephraim BOON .....Henry BOON sis/ Susannah SHEWEY, dec'd - Ohio .....Hannah SHEWEY - Ohio .....Betsey SHEWEY - Ohio sis/ Maria w/o _____ SCOTT - Ohio sis/ Eve w/o Jacob FUNDENBURG - Ohio sis/ Susan METZ - Ohio sis/ Barbara w/o Philip SHEWEY - Ohio sis/ Catherine w/o _____ FROST - Ohio bro/ Martin BOON - Ohio Land - "Huckleberry Hills", 115 acres, in Libertytown, from Henry DONSON (w/ Mary) in 1814; (previously from Peter CREAGER to Richard COALE for 133 acres in 1806); next to land of Christian CREAGER. Exception is 10 acres sold to Jacob HARNIS. Trustee was Daniel SWEADNER; on 28 Mar 1840, sale was made to Mary BOON (wid/of the deceased) at $551. Each 1/13 share was $37.48; closed 4 Jun 1840.
HS-6, 276-287 - BAUGHMAN, SMITH, BOON, LYNCH - Jan 1838
Estate of Adam BAUGHMAN Adam BAUGHMAN d/ abt 1837 intestate s/ John H. BAUGHMAN, single d/ Mary Ann BAUGHMAN d/ Charlotte C. BAUGHMAN, a minor - Baltimore County s/ James A. BAUGHMAN, a minor Land - Lots #33 and 34, from Joseph SMITH in 1811, on the Potomac River. - Lots #87-95, in Berlin (Brunswick), conveyed to heirs of Adam BAUGHMAN by Joseph L. SMITH in 1837, on the Potomac River. The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal has had an interest in the said lots. Guardian was Robert BOON; trustee was Edward A. LYNCH. Lots #89, 920, 91, 33 and 34 were sold at private sale to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company for $275. Each 1/4 share was $52.26; closed 6 Jul 1838.
HS-6, 288-303 - ROHRER, BARR, LAWVER, BARR, MONG, WEBB - Sep 1836
Peter MONG vs Frederick ROHRER, et al Jacob ROHRER Sr of Washington County d/ intestate s/ Frederick ROHRER - Washington County s/ Samuel ROHRER - Washington County d/ Elizabeth (Rohrer) w/o John BARR - Washington County d/ Barbara (Rohrer) LAWVER, widow - Washington County s/ Jacob ROHRER Jr - Lancaster Co, PA s/ John ROHRER, dec'd (wid/ Elizabeth) - Washington County .....Joseph F. ROHRER - Washington County d/ Anna (Rohrer), dec'd w/o Martin ROHRER - Franklin Co, PA .....David ROHRER - Franklin Co, PA .....Elizabeth ROHRER - Franklin Co, PA .....Barbara ROHRER - Franklin Co, PA .....Ann ROHRER - Franklin Co, PA .....Joseph ROHRER - Franklin Co, PA d/ Frances (Rohrer), dec'd w/o Jacob BARR - Ohio .....Martin BARR - Ohio .....John BARR - Ohio .....Ann BARR - Ohio .....Matilda BARR - Ohio .....Frances BARR - Ohio Land - "Foxes Chase", 144+ acres, from Albright FLORA in 1795, in Frederick county, next to "Good Luck". Administrator was Jacob BARR who left the state some years past, insolvent, and now lives in Ohio. Peter MONG and Jacob ROHRER Sr became liable for for judgements against Jacob ROHRER Jr and Willilam WEBB, the latter two both becoming insolvent. Trustee was Joseph P. MONG; on 5 Aug 1837, sale was made for the surveyed 138 acres to Peter MONG of Washington County at $810.75 who received the proceeds of $716.10 judgements he had paid; closed 13 Jun 1839.
HS-6, 303-317 - ORME, KOHLENBURG, PERREL, SIMMONS - Sep 1839
Estate of Archibald B. ORME Archibald B. ORME d/ Jan 1832 (will Aug 1829) widow - Etty (d/ 1839) s/ Jacob ORME s/ Nathaniel ORME (d/ aft Jan 1832 intestate, no issue) d/ Margaret (Orme) w/o Adam KOHLENBURG s/ Roger ORME s/ Robert ORME s/ Philamon/William ORME Executor was Col. John H. SIMMONS who renounced duties. Witnesses: Zacharia T. SIMMONS, Brook EDMONSTON, Richard SILENCE. After the executor renounced, son Jacob ORME became the administrator and also was trustee. Land - "Woodstock", Plot 1005, 61+ acres, from George RUPERT (w/ Hannah) of Baltimore in 1810, where David WILLS then lived (to Rupert from William McMEEKIN, esq, and Jacob LEVY of Baltimore in 1808). - "Black Acre", 6 acres, from Benjamin BEALL (w/ Amelia) in 1829. On 14 Oct 1829, sale was made to Thomas PERREL for 61+ acres at $612.50 ($10/acre); to John H. SIMMONS (s/o Frederick) for the 6 acres at $155. Each 1/5 share, $139.13; closed 6 Aug 1840.
Thomas H. HODGKISS, et al vs Ephraim H. MAYNARD, et al Henry MAYNARD d/ Dec 1837 (will 4 Apr 1831) widow - Eleanor s/ Ephraim H. MAYNARD ("Pleasant Fields") s/ George Washington MAYNARD ("Slate Hill" and pt "Strawberry Plains") s/ Basil MAYNARD (mansion and remaining pt "Strawberry Plains") d/ Juliet (Maynard)(d/ 7 Apr 1833) - her children, .....Thomas H. HODGKISS .....Lydia E. HODGKISS .....Ann Maria WARFIELD, a minor age 15 .....Basil M. WARFIELD, a minor age 13 .....William WARFIELD, a minor age 11 d/ Elizabeth MAYNARD ("Lapland") d/ Ellen MAYNARD ("Lapland") SLAVES - LUKE, VACHEL, NACK (to be freed after his death); - GEORGE and PHILL (to son Basil til they are 35); - ANN (to serve til age 35) - MARY JANE (under control of executors for use of Juliet; to serve til age 35) Land - "Spring Garden", 158+ acres, (to d/ Juliet, after her death to her children). Executors were three sons; witnesses were John DUDDERAR, David DUDDERAR, James PEARRE. Codicil to will dated 1 May 1835 - Negro MARY JANE to go to wife instead, until age 35. Witnesses: John CLEMSON Jr, Benjamin BUCKINGHAM, John C. WHITEHILL. Testifying was Suratt D. WARFIELD; the widow released any dower claim to the real estate. Trustee was Thomas H. HODGKISS; on 2 Mar 1840, private sale was made to John F. STRASBERGER for 123 acres at $3,099.37; to James WOOD at private sale for 30 acres at $750. Total sales was $3,849.37. Each 1/5 to Juliet's children was $735.58; closed 28 May 1840.
HS-6, 331-351 - KELLER, HALLER, SHRIVER, MARKELL - Jul 1839
Estate of Jacob KELLER Jr. Jacob KELLER Jr d/ Sep 1828 intestate widow - Mary Ann and 6 children d/ Adeline KELLER s/ Eli KELLER - Missouri s/ Joseph KELLER, a minor s/ Otho KELLER, a minor s/ Jacob KELLER, a minor d/ Jemima Ann KELLER, a minor Land - "Resurvey on Duvall's Forest", 12+ acres (previously from Benjamin DUVALL), and "George's Delight", from Jacob KELLER Sr. in 1819; located on the Monocacy, within 3 miles of Frederick, has a stream and log house and other buildings. In 1824, land of Jacob KELLER Sr. was divided between his sons, Henry KELLER, Jacob KELLER Jr and Rudolph KELLER - "Duvall's Forrest", 100 acres (previously from Johsua DORSEY as trustee, in 1807; "Resurvey on Duvall's Forrest", "George's Delight", "Give and Take", 3 acres (previously from Henry HOWARD). Testimony was heard from Henry T. KELLER; he also stated he had known the widow for the last 30 years and she was about 48 years old and her general health is uncommon great. Guardian was Michael H. HALLER; trustee was Edward SHRIVER. Sale was to be held at Gilbert's Hotel in Frederick. On 14 Mar 1840, sale was made to John MARKELL at $500. Distribution: widow's 2/17, $55.22; each of the 6 children received $62.77; closed 4 Jun 1840.
HS-6, 352-362 - MUSSETTER, SNIDER, RINER - Nov 1840
Mary MUSSETTER vs George RINER - Dower Land Division Alexander MUSSETTER, dec'd (will 4 Aug 1831; 23 Jul 1838) widow - Mary (1/3 life estate)* bro/ Michael MUSSETTER, his children, .....Philip MUSSETTER .....Christian MUSSETTER .....Elizabeth MUSSETTER .....Peggy MUSSETTER .....Daniel MUSSETTER - Margaret SNIDER - George RINER (2/3 life estate)*, his daughters, .....Mary RINER .....Hester Anne RINER Land - "Finishing Stroke"*, 124 acres, from Thomas BEATTY in 1793; located on north edge of Old Annapolis Road. Executor was George RINER. Witnesses: Nathan NELSON, John BLUME Sr, John BLUME Jr. Commissioners requested were: Daniel CREAGER, Adam NUSBAUM, Michael LEASE, George DEVILBISS and Henry NELSON. Widow's dower land laid off for 36 acres in Apr 1841.
HS-6, 362-379 - KOONTZ, LONG, HAUPT - Feb 1840
Rebekah KOONTZ, mother and next friend of John KOONTZ - Sale of Real Estate George W. KOONTZ d/ intestate widow - Rebekah s/ John KOONTZ, only child, age 17 months Land - "Last Shift", "Kisford Kind All", "I Hope It's Well Done", 3/4 acre lot in Middletown Valley, from Jonas SMITH and w/ Rebecca in 1838, (previously from Joseph M. PALMER, trustee for estate of John R. MAGRUDER, dec'd; conveyed by Andrew SMITH to Frederick HUNTSBURY in 1815); adjoins land of Andrew SMITH, and Jacob SAMPSELL (but now is Henry HAUPT's). Administrator was Joseph LONG who also gave testimony; guardian was L.P.W. BALCH, esquire. On 24 May 1841, the widow testified she was 23 years old and in good health; she was awarded 1/7 share in lieu of her dower. Trustee was Joseph LONG; on 24 Feb 1841, sale was made to Daniel HAUPT at $235. Distribution: widow, $25.19; only child, $151.15; closed 3 Jun 1841.
HS-6, 379-397 - RIDENOUR, WYANT, FOX, DIFFENDOLL - May 1840
Jacob WYANT vs Jacob RIDENOUR Jacob WYANT was surety on notes for Jacob RIDENOUR and has had to pay on judgements for Ridenour's benefit; agreement and conveyance of Ridenour's lands was made, but allowed six years for repayment. Six years have elapsed without payment and suit is to reclaim losses. Land - "Dunkard's Folly", 40 acres, begins at pile of rocks in the middle of the main channel of Catoctin Creek; - "I'll See Whose the Land Will Be", 9 acres, near road leading from Smith's Town in Washington County to Mechanic's Town in Frederick County, four miles from Smith's Town; - "Resurvey on Timber Land", 53 acres (also starts at Catoctin Creek); totals 102 acres, all contiguous; and lies on division line between George LANTZ and Adam LANTZ, by Joseph GABBY's. Included two log houses and first-rate spring near the house, log barn, orchard of apple and peach trees, half of land was well timbered. Trustee was George P. FOX; on 10 Nov 1840, sale was made to Samuel DIFFENDOLL at $475; but was renounced by Ridenour as unfair. A new sale was held in Feb 1841 and land was sold in three parcels: - to Jacob RIDENOUR for 40 acres at $171 - to Jacob RIDENOUR for 9 acres at $45 - to Jacob WYANT for 53 acres at $247. Distribution: after Wyant was paid, Ridenour received $39.53; closed 17 Jun 1841.
Daniel ROUTZAHN vs Heirs of Jacob TEPUS Jacob TEPUS/DEABUS/DIPPISS, dec'd (will GME-1, 539 - 19 May 1830; 17 Feb 1834) widow - Charlotte (d/ Apr 1840 intestate) d/ Catharine, dec'd w/o John HALLER .....Harriet C. HALLER d/ Barbara, dec'd w/o John DANNER/DARNER .....Margaret (Danner) w/o John FOUCH/FOUTCH/FRICK .....Elizabeth (Danner) w/o Frederick HARTMAN .....Mary Magdalena "Polly" (Danner) w/o Richard WHITE .....Lydia Ann (Danner) w/o Jacob FOGLER .....John DANNER .....Joseph DANNER, a minor d/ Margaret DANNER/DARNER .....Frederick DANNER - Indiana or Ohio .....Jacob DANNER - Indiana or Ohio .....Angelina DANNER - Indiana or Ohio .....Carolina (Danner) w/o Henry FEASTER d/ Charlotte w/o Henry LUDEN/LEWTON - Montgomery Co, Ohio (Only one of the grandchildren's names was listed in the will, but without the surname.) exec/ George EBRECK, George SHAFER and William JARBO wit/ Henry S. SHAFFER, Justinian MAYBERRY Jr, Michael HOUSER. Land - "Wardrobe" (or "Wardroof"), 48 1/2 acres; by special warrant in 1757, resurveyed from parts "Wardroof", 36 acres by Daniel TEPUS in 1757; "Meadow Recovered", 25 acres, by Christian KEMP in 1754; "I Have Lost the Most", 95 acres, by John SMITH in 1799; and and "The Best of the Two", 2 1/2 acres, by Jacob TEPUS in 1802. Land lies next to Joseph COWMAN's "Catch As Catch Can, He That Gets the Land Is the Best Man" (in 1752), Catherine THOMAS' "Mantz' Management Resurveyed" (1787). Land lies in Middletown Valley, by lands of Daniel ROUTZAHN and Jacob SMITH, has excellent orchard, spring house, old barn and is well watered. In 1836, Margaret sold her interests to her children; Daniel ROUTZAHN purchased the interests of the daughters of Barbara DANNER and those of Carolina FEASTER and Charlotte LUDEN. Testimony was heard from George SHAFER and Peter SHAFER. Trustee was George SHAFER; sale went to Daniel ROUTZAHN at $2,449.25. Distribution: Harriet HALLER, 1/4 or $159.91; Joseph and John DANNER each, 1/6 of 1/4 or $26.65; Frederick, Jacob and Angelina DANNER each, 1/4 of 1/4 or $39.97; balance was shares purchased from heirs by Daniel ROUTZAHN (5/12), $266.57; closed 27 Feb 1841.
HS-6, 428-436 - DOLL, CROSS, MICHAEL, BROWN - May 1835
Susan DOLL, Samuel CROSS and wife vs Joshua DOLL and John MICHAEL and wife George DOLL of Joseph - Catharine, now w/o Samuel CROSS - Susannah DOLL - Charlotte (Doll) w/o John MICHAEL - Joshua DOLL, a minor - Catherine DOLL, a minor (It is stated the petition was lost, so relationships are suspected to be the widow and children; there wasn't any distribution either for comparison and no death date.) Land - "Rich Bottom", 16+ acres, from John BRUNNER of John in 1801; next to Joseph STALEY's "Foxes Spy". - "Staley's Desire", 4+ acres, from Joseph STALEY in 1806. Guardian was Nicholas H. PITTS; trustee was James RAYMOND. Sale was made to Benjamin BROWN at $349.37; distirbution not shown; closed 16 Aug 1835.
HAMILTONs - Sale of Real Estate Woodward EVITT, dec'd (will 12 Aug 1830) widow - (not named) d/ Mary w/o Peter NICHOLS d/ Susanna w/o William WERTENBAKER s/ George W. EVITT d/ Catharine wid/o John HAMILTON .....Woodward A. HAMILTON .....John H. HAMILTON .....Catharine (Hamilton) w/o _____ DOYLE .....Ann Margaret (Hamilton) w/o George W. JACOBS .....Mary Jane (Hamilton) w/o John PENN .....Amelia Eliza (Hamilton) w/o Thomas H. WEBB .....Louisa HAMILTON, a minor s/ Joseph EVITT SLAVES - negro girls, MARY (to serve until 13 Mar 1834) - ELIZA (to serve until 10 Nov 1845) afterwards, they are to be set free and manumitted from slavery. Grains at Linganore Mills to wife. Lands - - to d/ Catharine, life estate in lands south of Plankerton's Branch and use of north end and Smith Shop fronting Church Street; after her death, to her children. - to d/ Mary - brick house in Frederick on Patrick Street, now occupied by James WALLING; also, 1/2 of south lot and backing Patrick Street, now occupied by David SPRENGLE; - to d/ Susannah - house and lot in Frederick from Philip PYFER, fronting Patrick Street and now occupied by James WHITEHILL. - to s/ George - lands north of Plankerton's Branch. - to s/ Joseph - use and benefit of house fronting Patrick Street in Frederick, now occupied by Stockton and Stokes as a Stage office, and portion of ground in rear backing Church Street w/ brick house now occupied by George W. SHARP as a printing office; in trust for education and maintenance of his children; upon his death, to his children. Lands are east of Monocacy River. exec/ widow wit/ John KUNKEL, Lewis BIRELY, Edward TRAIL, David STEINER Catharine HAMILTON is agreeable to sale of property now to her children, provided she receives a child's 1/8 portion. Guardian was Joshua DILL who also gave testimony; trustee was also Joshua DILL. On 11 Dec 1841, sale was made to George KOONTZ at $600; each 1/8 share, $64.37; closed 13 Jan 1842.
HS-6, 449-461 - BOWLUS, THOMAS, SIFFORD - Dec 1841
Executors of David BOWLUS - Title David BOWLUS d/ intestate widow - Sophia and 7 minor children - Asa BOWLUS - Elizabeth Ann BOWLUS - Noah BOWLUS - Sophia BOWLUS - Edward BOWLUS - Martha A. BOWLUS - Mary E. BOWLUS Administrators were the widow and Jacob THOMAS of John. Land - 161 acre farm adjoining Middletown; also 35 acre mountain lot; from Jacob GROVE, esquire and trustee for estate of Leonard STORM, dec'd, to John SIFFORD and David BOWLUS in 1839. An agreement of division was made establishing - BOWLUS' part - starts on turnpike road to front of east front corner of Jacob T.C. MILLER's in "Grove's Addition to Middletown", runs by barn where George HARGET then lived, towards the stable near Charles BROOKINS, crosses creek and down to Charles BROOKIN's stable for 30-35 acres. - SIFFORD's part - starts on road leading from Middletown to Jefferson in front of Leonard SPEAK's house, along road near Harry SNURR's house to his meadow, across the creek above Charles BROOKIN's house, around to division stake towards Speak's house for 65 acres. - 1 1/2 acres on Bowlus' part was to be sold to John SIFFORD, but deed was not conveyed before his death, court approval because of minor heirs. In 1839, David BOWLUS made an agreement to sell the said property to John SIFFORD; but, deed was not conveyed. On 26 Jan 1842, testimony was heard from Michael McCARTNEY, George W. MARIS. Guardian was George BOWLUS, esquire. Court assigned the administrators as trustees to convey the title of John SIFFORD's portion to him, clear of widow's dower, on 27 Jan 1842.
HS-6, 461-480 - BOWLUS, SIFFORD, STORM - Dec 1841
John SIFFORD vs Estate of David BOWLUS - Sale of Real Estate This is connected to the above case which lists the descendants of David BOWLUS, dec'd. In this, Jacob GROVE, as trustee, was authorized to convey lands (previously sold to Jacob GROVE Sr from estate of Leonard STORM). Land - "Resurvey on Turkey Range", 19+ acres, adjoins land of Peter HAGAN. Court granted title to John SIFFORD; closed Jan 1842.
Estate of Michael COLLIFLOWER Michael COLLIFLOWER Sr d/ 1838 intestate widow - Susanna and 8 children, s/ John COLLIFLOWER s/ George COLLIFLOWER (lives on home site) d/ Polly COLLIFLOWER d/ Catharine wid/o John GARRET d/ Elizabeth w/o John HOOD - Ohio s/ Michael COLLIFLOWER - Ohio s/ Samuel COLLIFLOWER - Ohio d/ Susanna w/o Jacob O. DOYLE - PA Land - "Greenspring", 102 acres, and "First Dividend", 40 acres; from Peter LEGHLIDER (w/ Magdalena) in 1803 (Michael COLLIFLOWER the lived in Washington County); lies next to John RUSHER's. - "Greenspring", 102 acres, and "First Dividend", 40 acres, from Peter LEGHLIDER of Hampshire Co, VA and Conrad LEGHLIDER of Jefferson Co, VA/WV in 1805. - "Salt Traugh Long Enough", 65+ acre mountain tract from Conrad WILHIDE in 1831, along Bear Run stream. - "Taylor's Bodkin" and "Breeches Pocket", 58+ acres from John BUSH in 1829, lies next to lands of George WEDDLE and Daniel WELLER. Administrator was Samuel WILHIDE; testifying was George MILLER and Daniel HELLER. Trustee was Samuel HILLHIDE/WILHIDE; sale was held on 3 Apr 1841 in Mechanics Town with William CREAGER being high bidder for the 65 acres at $1.67/acre. On 17 Apr 1841, sale was made to Abraham GROSHON of John for the 102 and 40 acres at $10/acre. Each 1/8 share, $179.03; closed 3 Nov 1841.
HS-6, 503-519 - BROWN, MANAHAN, COMFORT, BUHRMAN - Nov 1841
Estate of John BROWN John BROWN d/ abt 1839 or 1840 intestate widow - Elizabeth s/ John BROWN Jr and w/ Mary Ann s/ William D. BROWN and w/ Mary d/ Elizabeth w/o Dennis MANAHAN d/ Magdalena w/o Abraham COMFORT d/ Lydia w/o Henry MANAHAN s/ Henry BROWN s/ Daniel BROWN, a minor s/ Levi BROWN, a minor d/ Levina BROWN, a minor Land - "Deer Park", 49 acres, from George ELLICOTT and w/ Elizabeth of Baltimore County in 1818, on south side of Caspar Creek in Catoctin Mountain; also "Addition to Deer Park", 104 acres; adjoins "Resurvey on Israel's Lot", "Naughts Never in Danger" and "Sweep Stakes". Property is located 3 miles from Harbaugh's Valley and 2 miles from David WOLFE's tavern and adjoins lands of Daniel BUHRMAN and Abraham TOMS Sr. There are 2 log houses, a log barn and other out buildings, orchard of apple and peach trees and spring of good water near each house; total lands are 153 1/2 acres. In 1840, Magdalena and husband sold their interests to brother Henry BROWN. On 5 Feb 1842, testimony was heard at the house of George P. FOX from William TOMS(?). Guardian was the widow; trustee was William D. BROWN. On 5 Mar 1842, sale was made to Henry BROWN for the large tract at $1,025.11; to Daniel BUHRMAN for 27 acres at $302.50; to to Elizabeth BROWN for 16+ acres at $163.87. On 25 Apr 1842, the widow stated she was 50 years old and afflicted with rheumatism; she was allowed 2/17 share. Distributions: widow, $161.87; each 1/9 share, $134.89; closed 12 May 1849.
HS-6, 519-537 - POOLE, HOY, PHILIPS, LONG - Jan 1842
William EURY, Thorton POOLE, Nicholas HOY, William A. DORSEY (of territory of Iowa), Elihu H. ROCKWELL, creditors vs Estate of George W. POOLE George W. POOLE d/ May-Jun 1841 intestate d/ Ann Matilda POOLE, a minor d/ Clemintine POOLE, a minor Administrator was Thomas E.D. POOLE; testimony was heard from John PHILIPS, William LOWE, Thomas E.D. POOLE. Guardian was Nicholas HOY; trustee was John PHILIPS. On 4 Mar 1842, private sale was made to Daniel LONG at $1,710; proceeds short, creditors were paid 98%; closed 23 Jun 1842.
William WILHIDE vs Heirs of Conrad WILHIDE Conrad WILHIDE, dec'd (will 16 Apr 1833) s/ Daniel WILHIDE and his minor children, .....John W. WILHIDE .....Conrad WILHIDE .....Caroline WILHIDE .....Jane WILHIDE .....Simon WILHIDE .....Owen WILHIDE .....Sarah Ann WILHIDE s/ William WILHIDE s/ David WILHIDE d/ Elizabeth w/o Henry SNOOK d/ Sarah w/o Frederick LEATHERMAN d/ Phoebe Ann WILHIDE d/ Mary RIDER and her sons, .....Reuben WELLER .....John WELLER s/ Joseph WILHIDE s/ Ezra WILHIDE s/ Sepheniah WILHIDE s/ Frederick WILHIDE d/ Terressa WILHIDE SLAVES - coloured woman SARAH (to son Joseph); - coloured man WILLIAM (to son Ezra); - coloured boy MATHEW (to son Sepheniah, else Frederick); they to be kept for life on the homesite until the youngest son is 21 years old. Land - to sons Daniel and William, 117 acres, conveyed to Conrad WILHIDE from Jacob WILHITE and John SHUFF, farm where David WELLER (s/o Daniel WELLER) now resides, lease expires 1 Apr 1837. - to son David - "Shoemaker's Knife" and "Long Kate Paw", 30 acres, from Jonathan FRY; and 2 acres from Nicholas CRAWL. - to sons Joseph, Ezra, Sepheniah and Frederick - "Mountain Tract" (home farm) and "Thereabouts"; from John CREAGER Sr in two separate deeds; - also "Shoemaker Knife" and "Long Kate Paw", 55 1/2 acres from John LEATHERMAN and David CRAWL, exec/of Isaac CRAWL; - also 117 acres from heirs of Isaac CRAWL and deeded by David CRAWL, Henry CRAWL, John CRAWL, Betsey and h/ David DOMER, Lancy CRAWL, Sarah CRAWL and Mary CRAWL; - also "Shoemaker Knife", from David BUSH and Benjamin BUSH (where they and their father presently reside) and which they inherited from their grandfather, Nicholas CRAWL (if the Bushes' debt is paid within three years, they are to receive a deed and sons to receive proceeds. - to d/ Elizabeth - house and 2 acres of "Mountain Tract" where they then lived; adjoins lands of Samutel STEM and Henry CREAGER. Exec/ son Joseph WILHIDE. Witnesses - John ARTHUR, Henry CREEGER, William BEAM. Petition asks for partition of lands devised to William and Daniel (lands were for Daniel when living, then to go to Daniel's children). Guardian was Joseph EICHELBERGER. Survey started at "Weaver's Weave Stool" at branch running into Hunting Creek and by tract "Breeches Pocket"; Lot #1 was Daniel's, 79 acres; and Lot #2 was William's, 37 1/2 acres; closed 2 Jun 1842.
Elizabeth PHEBUS, exec/of Peter PHEBUS vs Soloman RANK and w/ Sarah Ann Property was mortgaged in 1833 by Sarah Ann MARMAN, now w/o Soloman RANK, to Peter PHEBUS. Partial amount still owed on property and the RANKS live out of state. Land - Northern half of Lot #5 in Frederick Town on East Street, part of "Tasker's Chance"; conveyed to Sarah Ann MARMAN from Catharine LEWAY, a widowed colored woman, in 1825; on the eastern edge of Love Lane (conveyed to Leway from Jacob DOLL in 1824), presently occupied by William PURNELL. Trustee was William I. ROSS; on 29 Jan 1842, sale was made to David C. STEINER and Valentine S. BRUNNER at $144. After the balance of the mortgage was paid, the RANKS' residue was $67.09; closed 4 Mar 1842.

The End of HS-6

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