Equity Court Abstracts

Book JS-2 - 1816-1824

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

Richard ROOT vs estate of Margaret ROOT Margaret ROOT died intestate and, having no children, leaving 6 brothers and sisters and their children as follows: bro/ Richard ROOT sis/ Jane ROOT w/o Edward RICHARDS - Out of State bro/ James ROOT, deceased .........Elizabeth ROOT w/o John PONTION - Out of State .........John ROOT - Out of State .........Ann ROOT w/o Edward RILEY - Out of State .........Daniel ROOT - Out of State bro/ Daniel ROOT, deceased .........Margaret ROOT w/o George CROWL - Out of State .........Sarah ROOT w/o John COOK .........Ann (ROOT) TAYLOR .........Mary ROOT w/o Hugh McCLAIN - Out of State .........Elizabeth ROOT w/o Henry GEER - Out of State .........Lydia ROOT w/o Philip HINES - Out of State .........Daniel ROOT, minor .........Harriott ROOT w/o Nathan ENGLAND, minor sis/ Sarah ROOT wid/o John DAVIDSON - Out of State sis/ Ann ROOT w/o James DEATH - Out of State LAND - Lot# 73 on north side of Main Street in Liberty Town. To Margaret ROOT from John YANTIS (w/ Catherine) at $60 in Feb 1809. Previously owned by Henry FOX. Petition to sell real estate to settle account. Guardian appointed was Nathan ENGLAND on 28 Feb 1822. Sale was held 24 Apr 1822; high bidders were: - David HINES and Nathan ENGLAND for $236 Distribution: Each 1/6 share to siblings, $31.06 Closed 10 Jul 1822.
Laurence CREEGER vs Estate of John CREEGER of Lawrence John CREEGER of Laurence d/ 2 Mar 1819 and owed $5,000 for LAND - tracts "What You Please", 18 acres + 2 acres To John CREEGER of L. from John WISEMAN in May 1815. - "Resurvey on Content", 125 acres in Creagerstown, 1/4 mile from Graceham on the road to Creegerstown and two miles from Creegerstown. Improved with a house, barn, garden, a "never failing" spring and 15-20 acres of meadow. To John CREEGER of L. from Nathaniel & Judith LIVERS and son Anthony on 16 Mar 1814. Previously To Sarah OGLE, Joseph OGLE & w/ and Thomas OGLE and, upon their deaths, descended to Judith LIVERS, as heir of Sarah OGLE. - "Creeger's Surprise", 362 5/8 acres of timbered mountain land. Laurence CREEGER acted as surety for the mortgage of John CREEGER. On 11 Sep 1820, Laurence CREEGER filed foreclosure of mortgage to John with Joseph CREEGER appointed as Trustee but he failed to make bond. Then, Singleton DU VAL was appointed as Trustee on 22 Mar 1821. Sale was held 11 Aug 1821; high bidder was: - Isaac HANKEY who made down payment, but sale was voided after non-payment of balance. However, afterwards, it appears the sale was reinstated and he was charged interest. File closed 16 Jun 1822.
JS-2, 26-40 - FOUT, ADAMS, BOGEN
John McPHERSON vs Heirs of William FOUT John Nicholas Andrew BOGEN, dec'd w/ Amelia Magdalena BOGEN LAND - Lot # 38 & 39 in Frederick Town. To John N.A. BOGEN from Daniel GAVER & w/ Elizabeth in Apr 1787. Mortgaged to William FOUT, Barbara FOUT, George FOUT and Chrisitan SCHOLL on 5 Jul 1817. William FOUT, died testate widow - Magdaline and 7 minor children d/ Elizabeth FOUT, a minor s/ John FOUT, a minor d/ Margaret FOUT, a minor d/ Barbara FOUT, a minor d/ Charlotte FOUT, a minor d/ Mary "Polly" FOUT, a minor s/ Michael William FOUT, a minor stepson - Valentine ADAMS He owned SLAVES. Witnesses were Henry KEMP, David KEMP and Henry KEEFER. [Will written 13 Oct 1819 and probated 21 Feb 1820] LAND - "Resurvey on Locust Level", part of "Rocky Creek". Previously to Barbara MAYER and Peter HOFFMAN, ex/o John Jeremiah MAYER on 22 Sep 1778. Henry POOL was named guardian on 16 Feb 1821, but on 23 May 1822, Henry KEEFER was appointed to convey a deed to John McPHERSON who had paid the mortgage. Filed 23 May 1822.
JS-2, 40-47 - HYMES, CULLER
Henry CULLER vs John HYMES on 12 Feb 1820 LAND - House & Lot #3 in Berlin (Brunswick). John HYMES was indebted by mortgage for $600. SALE was held 15 Sep; high bidder was: - Henry CULLER at $500 and $65.84 for furnishings. Case closed on 7 Jun 1822.
James GITTINGS, et al vs Estate of Theodore MITCHELL - Jul 1821 Theodore MITCHELL d/ Sep 1819, intestate, leaving children d/ Sarah MITCHELL d/ Rachel w/o Thomas MITCHELL d/ Julia w/o Benjamin MOORE d/ Cassandra w/o James GITTINGS s/ Theodore G. MITCHELL d/ Elizabeth (died before her father) w/o William PAINTER - Ohio?? .......their daughter Mary Ann PAINTER LAND - "Fielderea", 170 acres To Theodore MITCHELL from James SMITH at 331 pounds and 10 shillings current MD money in Nov 1796. Previously to James SMITH from Adam HUNTER, Abner VERNON and Patrick HOME, all of Virginia and exs/of James HUNTER in Jun 1792. Julia and Cassandra sold their share to Tilghman MITCHELL. Theodore G. sold his share to Thomas MITCHELL. After the sale, Sarah sold her share to Thomas MITCHELL for $1,165. Guardian was Patrick McGILL, appointed on 1 Nov 1821. James GITTINGS of Hardin Co, Kentucky, was indebted to Tilghman MITCHELL of Prince Georges Co, Maryland for $2,400 on 25 Nov 1820. Since he married Cassandra, d/o Theodore MITCHELL, before the latter's death, he was acknowledged as a recipient. Sale was held 19 Feb 1822; high bidder was: - James TORRANCE for 40 acres Distribution - Each share of 1/6 = $1,108.97. Filed Jul 1822.
Michael WACHTER vs George MARKER Sr. - Jul 1821 LAND - "Catch It If You Can", pt "Hogg's Nest", pt "Fuller Delight", pt "We Have Got The Bird In The Cage", pt "Neighbors Accomodated", 303 acres, in Middletown Valley, 6 miles from Middletown on right side of road from Middle Town to Hagers Town; adjoining the lands of Jacob WARENFELTZ and Henry NEAFF. It consisted of 130 acres clear with three log dwellings, two barns, a grist mill, saw mill and orchard. To George MARKER Sr and Mortgaged to: - Rev. George GRAVER / GAVER for $300; where Michael WACHTER acted as Graver's surety; Graver also owed WACHTER $800. Trustee was William ROSS. Sale held with high bidders as: - Michael WACHTER for 303 acres at $2,000
Henry BAER vs William WERTENBAKER and David LEVY - Jul 1821 Dismissed 29 May 1822.
Peter LOWERS vs Michael KOLB and George KOLB - Oct 1819 Resolved and Filed 12 Jul 1822.
Samuel JOHNSON vs Daniel FUNDENBERG and Horation Hobbs HOY - Jul 1819 Dismissed 15 Jul 1822.
JS-2, 84 - LEEKINS
Sarah LEEKINS & Others vs Daniel LEEKINS - Mar 1819 Dismissed 15 Jul 1822.
JS-2, 84 - LOWE
Patrick LOWE - Petition- Jan 1818 Auditor's report in H-57 Equity.
Mary STOCKMAN vs Jacob STOCKMAN - 19 Sep 1821 Satisfied 26 Aug 1822.
David HIME & w/ Ann vs Jacob STOCKMAN - 18 Jan 1822 Satisfied and dismissed 26 Aug 1822.
Samuel JOHNSON vs Jacob BRANDENBURG, Samuel DUVALL and John NULL - 2 Mar 1822 Set "off" 31 Aug 1822.
Barnett AMES and Richard ALLEN of Augusta, Georgia vs George CAREY and James CAREY, both of Columbia County, Georgia LAND - Lot & Stone House in Frederick Town, adjacent and lying upon Court House Square adjacent to the branch bank of Farmers Bank of Maryland (land stretched towards Patrick Street). Mortgaged by George & James CAREY at $2,469.95. The property was previously owned by Robert Turner CAREY d/ intestate, no issue bro/ William CAREY, predeceased Robert, intestate, leaving ...widow - Barbara, now w/o Robert RITCHIE ...1. Cyrus CAREY - Virginia ...2. Elizabeth w/o Lewis GREEN ...3. William CAREY - Virginia ...4. Robert CAREY, minor ...5. Eleana CAAREY, minor ...6. John D. CAREY, minor bro/ John D. CAREY, predeceased Robert, intestate, leaving ...1. George CAREY - Columbia Co, Georgia ...2. James CAREY - Columbia Co, Georgia Michael HAUSER was named guardian of the minors. The property was then occupied by Robert RITCHIE, esq, as offices. SALE was held 13 Jul 1822 at the tavern of John DILL on Church Street in Frederick; high bidder was: - Cyrus CAREY at $1,106 Case closed on 4 Sep 1822.
Francis MANTZ vs John BOYER and Mathias BARTGIS - Jul 1819 Dismissed 3 Mar 1822.
JS-2, 100-115 - RIDING, LEMAN, PENN
Joshua PENN and Peter SHRINER vs Heirs of Andrew RIDING / REUTING - Sale of Real Estate - Jul 1818 Andrew RIDING (or REUTING) d/ Nov 1817, intestate widow - Barbara and 6 children 1. Peggy w/o Jacob LEMAN (or LEMMON, LAMAN, LAYMAN) 2. Sarah w/o Joshua PENN - Fairfield Co, Ohio 3. Ann Maria, a minor 4. Catharine, a minor 5. Elizabeth, a minor 6. Carolina, a minor The mother was guardian. Joshua and Sarah PENN sold all their rights to Peter SHRINER. Jacob and Peggy LEMAN sold theirs to Basil DORSEY. LAND - Tract "Galloway" and "Resurvey on Galloway", 100 acres, on branch of draught of Linganore called Talbot's Branch, next to property of William McDONALD. It contained 10 acres of woodland, 15 acres of meadow and had a branch of Linganore running thru it. Improved with a dwelling house, barn, good springs and fencing; located four miles east of Liberty; adjoined the land of Peter SHRINER and Basil DORSEY. To Andrew RIDING from Leonard RADICKS in Sep 1801. - Lot # 3, pt of "Legh Castle", 148 acres, three miles from the other site, on the new road from Liberty to Baltimore; adjoined lands of Amos GOSNELL. Land was half wooded and had a house. To Andrew RIDING from Samuel CHASE, elder, James CLARK, Joseph G.J. BEND and John WEATHERBURN of Baltimore County, trustees for Rev. Legh HOSKINS in May 1809. Peter SHRINER died by 25 Oct 1821; reported by Abraham JONES who was appointed as executor in his will along with Basil DORSEY; however, Dorsey refused. It was determined in the best interest to divide Legh Castle into three lots. SALE was held 2 Mar 1822 at Amos GOSNELL's tavern on the road from Liberty to Baltimore; high bidders were: - Basil DORSEY for the Galloway property at $40/ac - Nicholas HOY for Lot #1, 49 acres of "Legh Castle" at $12.05/acre - William GAITHER for Lot #2, 49 acres of "Legh Castle" at $3.11/acre - Joseph HARTSOCK for Lot# 3, and 49 acres of "Legh Castle" at $11/acre Total Sales, $5,293.04; subject to incumbrance of debt of $1,300-$1,400. Distribution: - the widow, in lieu of dower, of $560.93 - each child's 1/6 portion, $747.90
Petition of Catherine HITESHEW - 1818 (Supplement of JS-1, 212) William HITESHEW was indebeted to John SCHROEDER by note on 4 Nov 1813. Estate was sold by Richard BROOKE, trustee, but he died before completion. Distribution: - Widow, in lieu of dower, $320.08 - each heir's portion, $284.84. (Auditor's report)
Matthias FLOOK vs Henry PEAKLEY & w/ Barbara - May 1819 After many renewals, it was dismissed 23 Oct 1822.
Samuel FUNDENBERG by Jacob CROUSE, his guardian vs Thomas DRAPER and Daniel FUNDENBERG - Sep 1820 Dismissed 19 Nov 1822.
William SELLERS & Others vs William MUMFORD, et al - Oct 1817 Satisfied 2 Oct 1822.
Barbara HOFFMAN & Others vs George THOMAS & Others - Mar 1820 Barbara HOFFMAN George HOFFMAN Henry CRUM & w/ Barbara John HOFFMAN Peter HOFFMAN vs George THOMAS & w/ Rosina - Out of State Thomas SMITH & s/ Mary - Out of State Leonard WISSINGER George WISSINGER George ALEXANDER & w/ Catherine Samuel WADSWORTH & w/ Mary John WISSINGER - Virginia and Others also Andrew SMITH & w/ Charity - Out of State Edward & Hannah MURPHY Thomas & Mary SMITH Others - Out of State also Henry MARTENY & w/ Margaret Dismissed 24 Dec 1822.
George PAYNE vs George RAMSBURG and Valentine BUCKEY - Jul 1822 Injunction and then dismissed 9 Dec 1822.
Joseph JOHNSON, Mathew MURRY & Others vs David LEVY, Francis GEISINGER & Others - Dec 1816 Dismissed 5 May 1823.
JS-2, 123 - GARROTT
John GARROTT vs Elizabeth GARROTT and John P. GARROTT's heirs - Aug 1819 Dismissed 18 Apr 1823.
George BYERLY vs John Thomson BROOKE, Mathias MORT & Others - 1819 Summoned Peter MORT, Sally MORT, Martin GRIMES & w/ Nonsun? (Naomi?), Mathias MORT & wife from OHIO, and William MORT. Filed 24 Mar 1821; decree passed 7 May 1823. (See JS-1, 197)
Jacob TROXELL vs Anthony BOWEN - Jun 1820 Auditor's report filed 15 Nov 1820.
JS-2, 124 - WISE
Valentine WISE on petition - Nov 1820 Inquisition filed Jan 1821 on _____. Valentine WISE was appointed trustee. Delunatico issued; "her" death noted on 27 Oct 1821. Auditor's Report filed 4 Mar 1823. Note - Possibly the person is listed in Montevue Hospital Records.
John L. LAWRENCE vs Samuel URY Sr. - May 1821 Dismissed 15 Apr 1823.
David ENGLAR vs John STEM's Estate - 4 Oct 1817 John STEM d/ circa 1815, intestate widow - Margaret and 4 children - Pennsylvania 1. Elizabeth w/o William HOLLINBERGER 2. Samuel STEM, a minor (under 14) - Pennsylvania 3. Lydia STEM, a minor - Pennsylvania 4. Salome STEM, a minor - Pennsylvania Nathan ZIMMERMAN was Administrator. Guardian was Thomas WORTHINGTON, appointed 26 Nov 1816. LAND - "Philip's Range", 65 acres; adjoined land of Frederick KEIFER. To John STEM from Frederick ERTHER & w/ Catherine for $1,900 in Nov 1816. - Tract "Retirement Corrected", 96 acres, two miles from Uniontown, one mile from CRABB's Mill on Pipe Creek. Improved with a two-story house, kitchen, barn, orchard and fencing; timber and water near the door. To John STEM from Jonathan DAVIS & w/ Catherine at $5,417.43 in Apr 1816. Mortgaged to David ENGLER for more than $2,000. Trustee was Jacob STEM. SALE held 8 Jan 1821 but real estate didn't sell; private sale was made to: - Adam SWIGERT Jr. for "Philip's Range" at $2,708.71. Also advertised was William HARMAN's house of nearly 65 wooded acres on Bare Branch, four miles from Union Town, five miles from Westminster. It is an excellent mill seat commanding 18-20 foot fall, a good place for a saw mill and other water works. File closed Jul 1821.
Mary DEBRULER, by her next friend George BALTZELL vs Jacob MEDTART Estate Jacob MEDTART d/ abt 1 Apr 1821, testate, leaving 6 children: 1. Mary Margaret Ruth DEBRUDER / DEBUILER .......her d/ Louisa DEBRIDER b/ 1804 2. Elizabeth JONES 3. Susan NIXDORFF 4. Jacob MEDTART, dec'd - his children: .......Jacob MEDTART .......Elizabeth MEDTART .......Jesse MEDTART 5. Lewis MEDTART 6. Joshua MEDTART made donation to the Reformed Church. Execs/ Lewis MEDTART and Henry NIXDORFF [Will and real estate in Washington, DC] Mary had married James DEBRUDER about 1801, but he squandered their money and left her and their 10-month old child and went west to Ohio. He married another woman there even though he had never divorced Mary. This was listed as happening 17 years ago but he was still listed as living there in Jan 1822. The property was divided among the heirs; Filed Jan 1822.
John HARBAUGH of Jacob vs Charles ROBERTSON Settlement of Debt for $1,000 from 7 Jun 1818 - Filed Jan 1821 Sale was advertised in the Republican citizen in Jan 1822. The property was on road leading through Nicholson's Gap and Emmitsburg to Baltimore; included buildings, orchards, meadows, woods and water courses.
William LAKIN, Abraham LAKIN and Eleanor LAKIN vs Abraham LEAKINS Estate - Mar 1822 Abraham LEAKINS / LAKIN d/ abt 1 Jul 1799, intestate, leaving 7 children d/ Sarah LAKIN s/ John LAKIN d/ before Nov 1821, intestate, leaving 3 children, ...wid/ Salome (b/ Mar 1897)* .......William LAKIN, a minor .......Martha Anne Margaret LAKIN, a minor .......John Hanson LAKIN, a minor s/ Abraham LAKIN s/ William LAKIN s/ Benjamin LAKIN, died after his father, intestate, w/o heirs d/ Mary w/o Isaac McDEVITT of Preble Co, Ohio d/ Eleanor LAKIN LAND - "Fieldera", "Brother's Lott", "John and Sarah", 252 acres. On 29 Aug 1818, Sarah LAKIN by deed transferred to William, Abraham and John LAKIN, all her portion. On 13 Nov 1818, Mary & Isaac McDEVITT transferred her portion to William, Abraham and John LAKIN. Trustee was John NELSON. SALE in Sep 1822; high bidders were: - William LAKIN and Abraham LAKIN at $34.13/acre, $8,600 John FLOOK, Sr gave testimony on 5 Sep 1822 that he knew Salome and she would be 26 years old next March. * Distribution: - Eleanor LEAKINS, 1/7 + 1/6 of bro/ Benjamin's share, $1,381.14 - William LEAKINS, 1/7 + conveyed shares, $2,301.90 - Abraham LEAKINS, , 1/7 + conveyed shares, $2,301.90 - Salome, in lieu of dower, $326.84 - John LEAKINS's children, each to receive $657.68
Henry LANTZ vs Benjamin HERSH - July 1821 LAND - 50 acres & Log House and 14 acres on North side of road, on Monocacy, adjoining the turnpike's stone bridge in Frederick County. To Benjamin HERSH from President and Company of Baltimore and Frederick Turnpike Road. Mortgaged to Henry LANTZ of York Co, PA at 100 pounds cm in Mar 1810. from Benjamin HERSH, yeoman of York Borough of York Co, PA, but now of Frederick Co, MD. On 26 Jan 1815, Benjamin conveyed his real estate to Patrick DAVIDSON and William ROSS of Frederick Co, MD (except for two acres sold to Levi HUGHES) in trust for his children, Benjamin HERSH w/ Mary? - children d/ Cassandra w/o John BEARDSLEY - Baltimore City (married since Jan 1815) s/ John HERSH d/ Sarah HERSH, a minor d/ Juliana HERSH, a minor On 26 Aug 1822, Mary HERSH was named guardian; land was to be sold to pay notes. William ROSS was named Trustee. SALE to Samuel HAUPT at $$3,300 on 8 Oct 1822. Additional petitions against Benjamin HERSH were made by George MILLER and John CROMWELL. On a March 1821 judgement, the Sheriff took Benjamin into custody but released him under the "bread law" of this state; whereby, John CROMWELL paid judgement and court costs to Richard POTTS, holder of the note. Distribution: Payments were made to creditors. - Balance to Patrick DAVIDSON and William ROSS in trust for children of Benjamin HERSH, $1,599.95. Filed 14 Dec 1822.
Abraham TOMS and Samuel TOMS, execs/of Daniel TOMS vs Daniel GAVER - Mar 1821 Daniel TOMS died testate - John TOMS of John (pt Land of Promise, 24 acres) (is illegitimate son of his dec'd son, John and Mary MARKER) (Daniel's bro/ Samuel to take charge of land and rent it until John comes of age; rents to be used for his support) - Michael TOMS - Abraham TOMS bro/ Abraham TOMS bro/ Samuel TOMS (Balance of estate to brothers but pay outs to be made to: - George HARB (HARP?) - $200 - Susannah w/o Jonathan MILLER - $200 - Michael TOMS $200 - Bro/ William TOMS (silver watch) [Will written 12 May 1820; filed 19 Jun 1820] Daniel held mortgages against Jacob SUMMERS and Daniel GAVER. LAND of Daniel GAVER - Lot #2, pt "Land of Promise", 168 acres; mortgaged to Daniel TOMS for $3,500. On 27 Sep 1819; still due. SALE to Abraham TOMS for Daniel Gaver's property at $1,682.50 Filed 28 Oct 1822.
JS-2, 211 - 220 - ETZLER, WALTZ, ALBAUGH
John GLISAN, adm/of Joseph ETZLER vs Abraham ALBAUGH - Nov 1822 Joseph ETZLER d/ Apr 1819, testate widow - Catherine and children: d/ Elizabeth w/o Solomon WALTZ s/ Archibald ETZLER s/ Lloyd ETZLER s/ Jonathan ETZLER d/ Sarah Ann ETZLER s/ Dennis ETZLER d/ Harriett ETZLER s/ Joel ETZLER Exec/ George FOX (but transferred to John GLISAN) Witnesses: Abdiel UNKEFER, Daniel GALAHER, David SWEADNER [Will written 1 Apr 1819; filed 26 Apr 1819] LAND - "Resurvey on Albaugh's Choice", 201 acres. House and four lots on front street in Libertytown. To Joseph ETZLER from Abraham ALBAUGH (to him from his father, William ALBAUGH) in Oct 1811. Abraham ALBAUGH was indebted to Joseph ETZLER for $260. Thomas HAMMOND was named Trustee for the property to be sold since note was not paid before Joseph's death. SALE to Abraham ALBAUGH at $600 on 10 Feb 1823. Filed 5 May 1823.
JS-2, 220-230 - GAVER, JOY
Estate Settlement of Henry GAVER - Jul 1819 Henry GAVER d/ intestate widow - Sarah (JOY) (age 26 on the 28th of Jan 1823, per her father) d/ Mary Ann, a minor d/ Willimina, a minor LAND - pt "Johnson's Lane Enlarged", pt "Johnson's Thickett", pt "Johnson's Lott" (#2), and pt "Hazle Bottom", 57 acres; adjoined lands of John TOMS and John POFFENBERGER. Stephen JOY (father of Sarah) was named guardian; he lived on the property. SALE was held at his home with him being the highest bidder at $1,125. Distribution: - widow, in lieu of dower, $146 - each child's share, $440 each Filed 5 May 1823. 2nd Distribution of Equity #208 for Henry GAVER (on Folio 918) - Sarah, widow of Henry GAVER, 2/3 of proceeds of 2nd sale in lieu of dower, $60.55 - Mary Ann GAVER - 1/2 of balance, $166.51 - Willimina GAVER - 1/2 of balance, $166.51 Files Aug 1827.
JS-2, 230-237 - WAGNER
James V. WAGNER vs Christian WAGNER - Jul 1822 LAND - pt "Duke's Woods", Lot# 32 & House in Liberty on draught of Linganore called Piney Run. Christian WAGNER of Libertytown was indebted to James V. WAGNER of Baltimore City by bond dated 21 Oct 1818 for $1,150. Trustee was John Thomson BROOKE. SALE to James V. WAGNER at $550 on 7 Feb 1823. File closed on 8 May 1823.
Estate Settlement of William ROBERTS, Jr - Jul 1821 William ROBERTS, Jr died 7 Jun 1786, intestate widow - Ann s/ Thomas ROBERTS d/ Elizabeth w/o William RANDALL s/ William ROBERTS s/ John ROBERTS, a minor s/ Samuel ROBERTS, a minor d/ Frances ROBERTS, a minor (she died between Jul 1821 and 11 Oct 1822) LAND - pt "Reynard", 4 acres of tiimberland on Pipe Creek adjoining lands of Joseph ROOP and David ENGLAR. Guardian was Curtis WILLIAMS on 11 Oct 1822. Trustee was William ROBERTS. SALE was held 14 Jan 1823 at New Windsor; high bidder was: - William POLE at $105/acre. Closed out on 8 May 1823.
JS-2, 243-252 - SOUDER, COST, COOPER
Estate Settlement of Philip SOUDER - Jul 1822 Philip SOUDER died 24 Sep 1821, intestate in Louden Co, Virginia widow - Susanna (guardian of minors) and 9 children d/ Mary SOUDER s/ Peter SOUDER s/ Anthony SOUDER s/ Michael SOUDER d/ Elizabeth SOUDER d/ Margaret SOUDER d/ Rachel w/o John COST - Ohio (by testimony of Henry COST on 9 Dec 1822) s/ John SOUDER, a minor d/ Susanna w/o George COOPER (she died before her father) .......her d/ Margaret COOPER, a minor LAND - Two Farms on tracts, "That's All", "Fielderea Manor", "Cut Knee" and "Betsy's Delight", 325 acres. - The first farm consisted of 141 acres (30 in timber) and was located 1.5 miles from New Town (or Trap Town, now known as Jefferson) and nine miles from Frederick Town on the road to Luckett's Ferry. Improved with a one-story frame dwelling with meat house, corn house, spring house, servant house, log barn and apple orchard with a spring of pure water convenient to the house. - The second farm consisted of 184 acres (100 in timber) and was located 1.5 miles from the first farm. Improved with a log dwelling, spring house and stable and was sold subject to the lease of Daniel EMORY which expired April 1825 with rent being 1/3 of the farm's products. Charles GROSS testified on 29 Apr 1823 that Susanna SOUDER was about 60 years of age. SALE held 24 Mar 1823; high bidders were: - Anthony SOUDER for 1st farm at $5,642.82 - Peter SOUDER for 2nd farm at $4,784 Distribution: - widow in lieu of dower, 1/9, $1,115 - Each child's share, $991.11 Closed out on 10 May 1823.
JS-2, 252-261 - CONRADT, KOONTZ
Henry KOONTZ Jr vs George M. CONRADT Sr - Oct 1822 LAND - Lot on Patrick St in Frederick Town. Improved with a 2-story stone house and brick back buildings. George M. CONRADT Sr was in debt for $800 to Henry KOONTZ Jr for his son, George CONRADT Jr for the property. SALE held 22 Feb 1823; high bidder was: - George M. CONRADT Jr at $2,700 It was determined proceeds fell short of debt. Filed 14 May 1823.
Wilson HAYS, Henry LIDAY & w/ Delila vs Levin HAYS - Estate - Mar 1820 Levin HAYS, formerly of Washington Co, MD, died intestate widow - Amelia (FORREST) and 16 children s/ Wilson HAYS d/ Delila w/o Henry LIDAY d/ Matilda w/o Jacob RIPLEY - Morgan Co, VA (now WV) d/ Sarah w/o Joseph H. HATHERLY d/ Mary w/o Peter PRIER s/ Otho HAYS - Out of State) s/ Levin HAYS, a minor s/ Samuel HAYS, a minor d/ Isabella HAYS, a minor d/ Henrietta HAYS, a minor s/ Washington H. HAYS, a minor d/ Elizabeth S.R. HAYS, a minor d/ Priscilla F. HAYS, a minor s/ Franklin G.H. HAYS, a minor d/ Margaret Ann L.D. HAYS, a minor d/ Harriott HAYS, a minor Amelia HAYS was listed as guardian of the minor children on 15 Jan 1821. LAND - "Pumpkin Hall", 100 acres; from Richard POTTS in 1818. - 200 acres on South Mountain; from Jonathan FORREST of Frederick County at $12/acre and still owed balance. The property included an orchard, barn and stables. On 25 Apr 1822, Jonathan FORREST gave testimony he was the father of Amelia HAYS and she was 35 and healthy, but poor. She opted to sell the land free from her dower rights. Jacob & Matilda RIPLEY conveyed their share to Wilson HAYS and the LIDAYs. SALE held 8 May 1822; high bidder was: - Wilson HAYS for the remaining 98 acres of "Pumpkin Hall" at $400 On 18 Sep 1822, the other tract was sold to Samuel BRANDENBURG for $1,600. Distribution: - Amelia HAYS, widow, in lieu of dower, $323.41 - Wilson HAYS, 1/16, $90.36 - Henry LIDAY & w/ Delilah, 1/16, $90.36 - Wilson HAYS and Henry LIDAY & w/ Delilah for purchase from Jacob RIPLEY & w/ Matilda, 1/16, $90.36 - Joseph H. HATHERLY & w/ Sarah, 1/16, $90.36 - Peter PRIER & w/ Mary, 1/16, $90.36 - Otho HAYS, 1/16, $90.36 - Levin HAYS, 1/16, $90.36 - Samuel HAYS, 1/16, $90.36 - Isabella HAYS, 1/16, $90.36 - Henrietta HAYS, 1/16, $90.36 - Washington H. HAYS, 1/16, $90.36 - Elizabeth S.R. HAYS, 1/16, $90.36 - Priscilla T. HAYS, 1/16, $90.36 - Franklin G.H. HAYS, 1/16, $90.36 - Margaret Ann S.D. HAYS, 1/16, $90.36 - Harriett HAYS, 1/16, $90.36 Filed 16 Jan 1823.
JS-2, 276-298 - STILLY, FOUT
Margaret FOUT vs John STILLY Estate - Mar 1822 Peter STILLY died testate dated 31 May 1803. widow - Elizabeth s/ John STILLY (only son) d/ Rebecca w/o John RAMSBERGER d/ Mary w/o Baltzer FOUT d/ Anna/Nancy STILLY, a minor (later m/ Peter HAGAN) d/ Elizabeth STILLY, a minor (later m/ Richard TEMPLIN) LAND - "Neighbor's Agreement", 360 acres by patent on 14 May 1793. A small parcel was conveyed to John Peter RICHART by Peter STILLY. In his will, he left his property to be evenly divided amongst his five children; however, Rebecca and Mary sold their interests to John for 1000 pounds. Anna's land (71.5 acres) adjoined tracts "Fieldera", "Saplin Ridge" and "Baker's Ramble". Elizabeth's land (71.5 acres) adjoined "Chidley's Range". Evidently, before John could repay his sisters for their sections they sold to him, he died. John STILLY died intestate widow - Lydia d/ Rebecca STILLY, a minor Stephan REMSBURG was named guardian of Rebecca on 8 Jul 1822 and he was also administrator of the estate; Stephan REMSBURG and Lewis REMSBURG were named as Trustees. SALE held 2 Sep 1822; high bidder was: - George FOUT for 200 acres at $19/acre; subject to two widows' dowers. Filed 5 Feb 1823.
JS-2, 299-309 - BAKER
Brooke BAKER vs Nathan BAKER - Mar 1821 LAND - "Resurvey on Joseph's Friendship" - "The Fifth Dividend"; adjoined "Browning's Inheritance" and next to land of Joel STIMMEL. To Robert GASSAWAY from Henry GRIFFITH; - and part of the Estate of Nathan BAKER. To Brooke BAKER of Woodsboro. Brooke Baker became the surety for Nathan Baker who was heavily in debt. Nathan BAKER had mortgaged land next to STAUFFER's land. Petition to settle debts; not finalized; filed 18 Jun 1823..
Estate Settlement of John BURGESS John BURGESS d/ about 8 Oct 1821, testate, leaving 9 children 1/ Eleanor McCANN ($300) .......Minerva McCANN ($200 when she becomes 16 or marries) 2/ Nancy w/o Henry STIER (gave $300 or if she dies, to her children, not husband) 3/ Charlotte w/o Nathan HAMMOND (gave $300) 4/ Ruth H. w/o John WOOD (gave $300) 5/ Sarah D. BURGESS ($250) 6/ Juliana BURGESS, now w/o Micah LARKIN ($300) 7/ John H. BURGESS & w/ Ruth H. (gave $500 to exec for his use) 8/ William P. BURGESS (gave $500 to exec for his use) .......Oliver BURGESS, a minor (gave $250 for their father to hold) .......Louisa BURGESS, a minor .......John BURGESS BURGESS, a minor (gave $250 for their father to hold) 9/ Washington BURGESS (gave negro man Ned & $1500) SLAVES: - negro woman CATE and her d/ SARAH (to his daughter Eleanor) - negro woman PEG and her offspring (to his daughter Sarah) - negro girl HETTY (then living with his son William) (now given to his d/ Juliana) - negro man NED (to his son Washington) - negro boy HARRY (to his granddaughter Minerva McCANN when of age) Execs: Washington BURGESS, Nathan HAMMOND, son-in-law Witnesses: Isaeh PRICE, Adam SPONSELLER, Joshua MURRAY [Will Written 1 Oct 1821] Guardian was Isaiah PRICE. Trustee was John WOOD Sale was held 10 Feb 1823 but did not effect a sale. Re-advertised for 28 Mar 1823 and surveyed and divided property into three sections (plats with metes and bounds shown on pages 316-317); LAND - pts "The Supply to the Barrons", "Wet Time", "Middle Plantation", totalling 363 acres. A - pt "Wet Time", 181 acres, located next to Jacob LEASE's along Lynganore Creek. B - pt "Wet Time", 104 acres, next to John LARKIN and North of Linganore Creek C - pts of all three tracts, 78+ acres, located on North side of branch of Lynganore High bidders were: - Washington BURGESS for Part A at $11.20/acre - John LEASE for Part B at $11.01/acre - Nathan HAMMOND of Vachel for Part C at $10/acre Total Sales, $3,957.24. Closed out on 9 Jul 1823.
Francis Brown SAPPINGTON vs John MUMFORD - Payment of Debt - Jul 1821 On 10 Apr 1820, John MUMFORD mortgaged land to Francis B. SAPPINGTON, but prior to that, had mortgaged said land to Christian GARBER on 20 Apr 1811. GARBER was supposedly paid but left the state and settled in Virginia sometime after this. Mumford is still living on the property, won't turn over property to SAPPINGTON, but still owes him interest. LAND - "Resurvey on Butler's Lot", 220 acres (except 63 acres of which have been sold to Christopher HILL) - "Brooke Field", 7+ acres which adjoins the first tract; - Lot K, part of "Three Mill Seats", 40+ acres. Daniel CRAWMER (or CRAMMER?) was named as trustee to sell the property to pay debts. SAPPINGTON was assignee of Joseph WARNER. SALE to Francis B. SAPPINGTON at $2,101.72. Case closed out on 10 Jul 1823.
JS-2, 339-347 - RAYMER
Susanna RAYMER, widow of John RAYMER - Petition for Dower - Mar 1822 John RAYMER died intestate widow - Susanna and children: d/ Ann R. RAYMER, a minor s/ William P. RAYMER, a minor s/ John A. RAYMER, a minor LAND - pt "Three Brothers", 152 acres; adjoining land of Jacob WARSTLER. To John RAYMER from Peter WARENFELS at $10,781. - "Hazle Bottom", 3 acres; adjoined land of Henry AMBROSE. conveyed to him on 8 Jun 1819. Land was surveyed to lay off the widow's dower of 50 acres, leaving 100 acres to sell. Guardian was Peter RAYMER (children's grandfather). Commissioners: John GETZENDANNER, Frederick STEMBEEL Sr, Christian SIFFERD, Adam RAUZAHN and Henry MOTTER. Filed out 18 Jul 1823. Suppleental at JS-3, 672
Thomas B. OWINGS & w/ Cordelia, Basil DORSEY & w/ Harriet, adms/of Estate of Nathan HARRIS vs John S. LAWRENCE - Foreclosure - Jan 1820 John S. LAWRENCE was indebted to Nathan HARRIS for $3,000 cm by bond dated 1 May 1818 and deed of Mortgage of same date conveying lands if in default of debt. LAND - tracts "Mount Pleasant" and "Brand Wine Spring Enlarged", 77 acres; adjoined "Third Addition", Henry POOL's "Pool's Industry" and Henry POOL's part of "Mount Pleasant" (deeded him by John DORSEY of John on 19 Oct 1778). To Nathan HARRIS from John Stephen LAWRENCE at $6,000 cm in May 1816. Trustee was Basil DORSEY, but before the sale was held, he died intestate, this reported 14 May 1823. Trustee then was William DOWNEY and he and Harriet DORSEY pledged bond. SALE was held 26 Jun 1823; high bidder was: - Thomas B. OWINGS at $40/acre. Ratification of sale placed in Republican Citizen newspaper. Distribution: Thomas B. & Cordelia OWINGS and Harriet DORSEY, as their right as legal representatives; each half share, $1,477.49. Closed on 21 Aug 1823.
Priscilla HAMMOND, et al - Petition to Lay Out Widow's Dower - Mar 1823 Vachel HAMMOND d/ Dec 1821, intestate widow - Priscilla and children 1. Elizabeth w/o Frederick STIER 2. Polly w/o Benjamin JOHNSON 3. Nathan HAMMOND 4. Carroll HAMMOND 5. Rezin HAMMOND 6. Thomas HAMMOND 7. John HAMMOND 8. Juliet w/o Jacob ANGEL 9. Lloyd HAMMOND d/ 1799 intestate ....w/ Polly .......Mordecai L. HAMMOND 10. Upton HAMMOND d/ intestate, since his father ....w/ Arianna * .......Harriet HAMMOND .......Martha HAMMOND, a minor .......Phillip HAMMOND, a minor .......Vachel HAMMOND, a minor .......Upton John HAMMOND, a minor .......Randolph HAMMOND, a minor 11. Dawson HAMMOND, a minor LAND - On 7 Dec 1786, Vachel Hammond obtained special warrant to resurvey - part "Gaither's Chance", 1,060 acres, originally granted to Benjamin GAITHER on 24 Jul 1732; - part "Hammond's Strife", 1,230 acres, originally granted to John HAMMOND on 10 Aug 1753. A resurvey dated 20 Jun 1787 contained only 488 acres and no vacancies and combined both tracts into "Hammond's Good Luck", lying next to John MAYNARD and Richard WARFIELD's lands. - tract "Hammond's Good Luck", 488 acres, by patent on 14 Dec 1795. Vachel, during his lifetime, transferred all land except two parts; one part of 122 acres and another of 24 acres. Guardian was Isaac LYON (17 Apr 1823). Commissioners were appointed to layout the widow's dower: John GLISAN, Thomas SAPPINGTON, Nicholas HOY, John DUDDERER and Charles SIMPSON; Elihu H. ROCKWELL was surveyor and Zachariah DANNER and Solomon GLISAN were chain carriers. The survey for the widow's dower included the front/eastern part of the mansion house from the cellar to the garrot as now divided, the stone kitchen, most northerly, stone meat house and turkey house, southern half of the garden divided by the walk, front yard with full liberty to pass from buildings; oven and spring house to be considered in common for use of the widow and heirs of estate; contained 122 acres, dated 10 May 1823. File closed on 6 Aug 1823. * Frederick Marriage Licenses - Upton HAMMOND to Ariana HAMMOND - Apr 20, 1799
John POFFINBERGER vs estate of John TOMS - Title - Mar 1822 On 10 Feb 1817, John TOMS agreed to sell lands to John POFFINBERGER for $1,400 and a deed was to be conveyed upon the downpayment. TOMS executed the deed in Middle Town and deposited it with David BOWLUS, esquire, to be delivered to POFFINBERGER; but soon after, BOWLUS moved West without delivering the deed. When POFFINBERGER finally did receive it, it was more than six months old and therefore, not having been recorded, was inoperative by law. John TOMS promised to re-execute the deed but died before doing so. John TOMS died leaving children d/ Maria TOMS, a minor - Washington County d/ Catharine TOMS, a minor - Washington County s/ Ezra TOMS, a minor - Washington County LAND - "Resurvey on Parts of Pallentine and Shady Grove", 41 acres. (John TOMS' undivided part) To John TOMS and Daniel TOMS from Benjamin MOSER by agreement dated 25 Nov 1812, reserving for timber to be cut for George ANSPERGER to make staves. Guardian for Catharine and Ezra TOMS was Matthew COLLINS (15 Mar 1823). Maria TOMS had died per statement dated Jul 1823. On 29 Aug 1823, Abraham TOMS, brother to John and justice of the peace, verified Maria's death, although he had not seen her. On 10 Sep 1823, deed was granted.
JS-2, 372-405 - WOODS
Peter, Jacob and Joseph LEATHERMAN vs Estate of Pierce WOODS Pierce WOODS died intestate with real estate but heavily in debt widow - Ann Maria and children 1. Maria Martena WOODS, a minor 2. Catharine WOODS, a minor 3. Jerome WOODS, a minor 4. Ann Elizabeth WOODS, a minor 5. Pierce Patrick WOODS, a minor 6. William WOODS, a minor 7. John WOODS, a minor 8. Francis WOODS, a minor 9. Caroline WOODS, a minor Guardian was George M. EICHELBERGER. LAND - part "Daniel's Conquest", 189 acres; adjoining tracts "Three Neighbours", "Gump's Addition", and "Mount Calvery". To Pierce WOODS from Catherine McCORMICK and William GILLIAN, legatees of Daniel McCORMICK, Joseph HUGHES trustee in Aug 1812. - Lot# 10 of "Resurvey on Buck Forrest", originally for 100 acres, now 168 acres; adjoined "Beaver Dam Level", and "Elder's Choice". To Pierce WOODS from Daniel F. DULANY of Fairfax Co, VA in Dec 1811 (conveyed to Dulany by Benjamin DULANY & w/ Elizabeth of Alexandria Co, DC) at $5,368 cm (current money). SALE held 1 Mar 1822; high bidders were: - William KROM for 198 acres at $2,844.65 - Jacob LEATHERMAN for the remaining 168 acres at $2,856 Settled on 26 Feb 1823.
John L. HARDING & w/ Eleanor vs George BURKHART, Francis MANTZ & w/ Mary - Jul 1823 Mary (BURKHART) MANTZ d/ 12 May 1818 intestate w/o Francis MANTZ who died 22 May 1823 s/ Casper MANTZ d/ Eleanor w/o John S. HARDING d/ Christiana w/o David BARR of Washington Co d/ Charlotte (recently died) w/o Valentine BIRELY, Washington County .......no children d/ Theresa w/o John H. McELFRESH LAND - "Peace and Plenty", 100+ acres To Mary MANTZ from her father, George BURKHART Sr & mother Mary on 5 Feb 1795 for the love and affection he had for her and 5 shillings. ("Pioneers of Monocacy" indicates this tract to be in Emmitsburg area) The land was divided in four sections for the four remaining children, Metes & Bounds and plat on page 415. Filed 8 Nov 1823.
Walter DARBY vs Gerard COWMAN and Joseph HIBBERD, admins & Others - Jul 1823 Richard ROBERTS d/ 1822 intestate, leaving widow - Sarah (step mother of Rachel) d/ Rachael Ann ROBERTS, a minor Administrators were Gerard COWMAN and Joseph HIBBERD. LAND - tract "Middle Plantation", 132 acres. To Richard ROBERTS from John PANCOAST (w/ Mary) at $2,000 in Dec 1820 [JS-12, 305]. ROBERTS issued an agreement to Walter DARBY for the land at $2,000, but if payment wasn't made in a year, then agreement to be voided. John SHEETS was renting from Walter DARBY. Guardian was William COALE. Testimony was heard 28 Jul 1823 from: - Eli ELLIOTT - had known Richard ROBERTS since 1792. - George WARFIELD - William WILLIAMS - had known Richard ROBERTS for 15 years. - John RUSSELL - had known Richard ROBERTS for 20 years. - John TALBOTT - had known Richard ROBERTS for 30 years. - John MILLER The agreement was cancelled. Filed 24 Sep 1826.
Horatio G. ONEAL, Henry KELLER and Francis RICHMOND, t/a the firm H.G. ONEAL and Company vs John BIRELY and John DOUB - Mar 1823 Judgement was taken against John BIRELY in 1820 and BIRELY was also indebted to David SCHNEIDER of Cumberland, PA for tract "Rough and Smooth" since 1817. Schneider wrote his will in 1818, the value of this note to his wife, Elizabeth SCHNEIDER. In 1823, she sold the note to John DOUB. David SNYDER died testate, West Pennsboro Twp, Cumberland Co, PA - Sally COUGH (who lived with him) gave her his house and lands of 60 acres, lying on the state road, except for the lot where his tenant, Alexander SANDERS lives, this upon the death of his wife, Elizabeth. - United Brethren Society to receive monies and land. - Rebecca BYERLY to receive the house and lot, 5 acres, where she now lives in Westpennsboro Twp, adjoining the lands of Richard WOODS. - Also Monies to English Methodist Baltimore for the poor or traveling preachers. bro/ Melchor SNYDER, dec'd - to his children bro/ Philip SNYDER - to his children sis/ Margaret HELLDER? - to her children sis/ Rosena BYERLY, dec'd - to her children sis/ Catharine HESTER / HEITER, dec'd - to her children - David SHELLEBERGER, miller and s/o Martin SHELLEBERGER, dec'd - Ephraim BEAR of Westpennsboro Twp - Isaac SHELLEBERGER's sons .......Jacob SHELLEBERGER .......David SHELLEBERGER .......Isaac SHELLEBERGER .......John SHELLEBERGER - Westpennsboro Twp Execs/ Philip ROTH of --urton Twp and John HUKIS of West-Pennsboro Twp. Witnesses: John GEDDIS and Robert PEEBLES. [Will written 18 Jul 1818; filed 16 Feb 1819, Cumberland Co, PA] SALE held Aug 1823; high bidder was: - Nicholas LUDI at $1,112.40 Filed 9 Oct 1823.
George SCHLOSSER vs John WELKER - Jan 1823 Welker, being indebted, mortgaged his properties to Schlosser in 1822. LAND - tract "Springfields", 217 acres, and "Jacob's Fortune", 10 acres; also, negro man BASIL and livestock. Trustee was Peter SCHLOSSER. SALE to George SCHLOSSER at $1,604.08 Filed May 1823.
JS-2, 457-467 - STOVER, CRAPSTER
David KEPHART and William Bradford HIBBERD vs Michael STOVER Jr - Mar 1821 LAND - tract "The Beautiful Farm", 154 acres Michael STOVER Jr mortgaged his property for debts owed to John McKALEB. SALE held 12 Nov 1821; high bidder was: - John CRAPSTER for $5,764.43
Thomas C. SHIPLEY & w/ Ann, Elizabeth PITTS, John STIERS, Henry STIERS and Frederick STIERS vs Estate of Nicholas HULL Nicholas HULL / HALL died testate, leaving 3 children d/ Ann w/o Thomas C. SHIPLEY - and her son .......Nicholas Hall SHIPLEY (gave negro boy, BEN - to be freed 1 Dec 1839) d/ Elizabeth w/o John PITTS - and her son .......Nicholas Hull PITTS s/ _____ HALL, dec'd, leaving his children (children's grandmother was Mrs Jane MACKELFRESH) .......John Henry HALL .......Nicholas HALL (gave negro boy, WILLIAM - to be freed 1 Dec 1840) .......Elizabeth Jane HALL (gave negro girl, CHARITY - to be freed 1 Dec 1838, her children to be freed at the following ages - males at 31, females at 25 If Elizabeth Jane dies w/o issue, CHARITY and her children, if any, to be sold .......Martha Ann HALL (gave negro girl, BETTY, sister of CHARITY - to be freed Dec 1840 (same conditions as Charity) bro/ John L. HALL (life estate in the property now in his possession) SLAVES to be Manumitted and set free dates: - PHILIP and PETER, immediately upon Hull's death with provision - NACE and w/ AELSEY - 1 Dec 1827 - NED and w/ PHOEBE - 1 Dec 1829 - TOM and w/ JANE - 1 Dec 1828 - HENRY - 1 Dec 1826 or 1836 - REZIN - 1 Dec 1842? - MARY - 1 Dec 1838 - SOLOMON - 1 Dec 1846 - HARRIET - 1 Dec 1843 - SAMUEL - 1 Dec 1848 - ISAAC - 1 Dec 1850 - CHARLES - 1 Dec 1847 - NELSON - 1 Dec 1850 Children born of female slaves to be freed at age 31 for males, and 25 for females. Upon sales of property, to be divided three ways: 1/3 for each daughter and 1/3 for the gransons of deceased son. [Will written 9 May 1820; filed 23 Jan 1821] Guardians of his two grandsons of his deceased son were Doctor Belt BRASHEAR, Charles MACKELFRESH and Thomas C. SHIPLEY. Executors - John and Elizabeth PITTS and Thomas C. and Ann SHIPLEY Witnesses: Belt BRASHEAR, Henry STIER, Gerard COWMAN and John PANCOAST. LAND -Lot #47 and back Lot #114, in New Market, adjoining, on the south side of Main Street and adjoining the east side of Federal Street. In 1816, HULL conveyed it to John STIERS (wagonmaker) who then transfered his interest to Henry STIER and Frederick STIER.
Jacob IJAMS and John M. LAUGHLIN & w/ Ann vs IJAMS Estate - Jul 1823 Mary (WATERS) IJAMS, widow of John IJAMS, d/ intestate, leaving children s/ Jacob IJAMS d/ Ann IJAMS w/o John M. LAUGHLIN d/ Mary and John MONTGOMERY d/ Elizabeth and Thomas DUVALL d/ Jane w/o Singleton BURGEE s/ Plummer IJAMS, Jr, a minor s/ John IJAMS, a minor Jacob IJAMS purchased interests from siblings, Mary, Elizabeth and Jane. LAND - tract, "Paris the Third", 210 acres (formerly "Paris Resurveyed"), lying on Bush Creek. Mary IJAMS received the land from her father, John WATERS of John, to whom it was patented. Plummer IJAMS was guardian for Plummer and John, the minors. SALE on 25 Aug 1823; hig bidder was: - Jacob IJAMS at $2,422
NICODEMUS, OTTO and OTTO vs John HERSH - Mar 1822 Harman HERSH died testate, leaving children d/ Anna w/o Jacob NICODEMUS (family Bible) d/ Mary w/o Herbert OTTO d/ Christianna w/o Abraham OTTO s/ John HERSH (farm of 216 acres with pymts to 3 sisters) s/ Philip HERSH, dec'd - his children - .......Mary Ann HERSH .......Anna HERSH .......Margaret HERSH .......Conrad HERSH d/ Catharine HERSH? s/ Conrad HERSH (100 pounds) d/ Elizabeth COVER (part tract "Addition to Head's Industry", 100 acres) .......Harman COVER (watch) .......Jacob Harman COVER .......Margaret COVER .......Daniel COVER - Grandson - Henry OTTO (gun) [Will written 11 Apr 1818; filed 26 Oct 1818] 150 acres remaining were to be sold and divided. The three sisters, Anna, Mary and Christianna filed petition to collect the monies they were to receive from their brother, John. SALE was held 16 Oct 1823; high bidder was: - John OTTO for $2,250
William M. BEALL Jr and Adam SCHISSLER (creditors) vs Tobias BUTLER Estate - Mar 1816 Tobias BUTLER d/ intestate, leaving children d/ Agnes w/o James F. HUSTON / HOUSTON d/ Elizabeth w/o Cecelias HEAD - Ohio s/ Tobias BUTLER Jr - Ohio James F. HOUSTON was administrator and trustee. LAND - House and Lot in Frederick Town. - mountain tract, "Rockey Mantle Piece", 60 acres SALE held 15 Mar 1817 at the house of John HUSTON in Frederick Town; high bidder: - Benjamin WEST at $1,805; however, he refused it and then it was offered to - George BALTZELL as 2nd highest at $1,800; but, he too refused it. - Sebastian RAMSBURG also refused his bid for the mountain tract. SALE again held 29 Mar 1817; high bidder was: - Adam STULL for the mountain tract at $315. No sufficient bid was received for the House &Lot and was again postponed to 10 Apr 1817; whereby high bidder was: - Richard ENGLISH at $1,661; (appears it may be Lot #119 on Second Street). George KOLB and Jacob STEINER came to court claiming debts owed to them by Tobias BUTLER Jr and also claimed Richard ENGLISH had actually purchased the property for James HUSTON, the trustee, and HUSTON was in possession of the property. Michael BALTZELL Sr, now deceased, held a judgement of condemnation against Tobias BUTLER Jr. on lands descended to Tobias BUTLER Jr by his father. Michael BALTZELL, died leaving 4 children, s/ George BALTZELL s/ Michael BALTZELL d/ Margaret McGOWAN s/ Lewis BALTZELL Filed 2 Jul 1823.
Creditors against Lawrence CREEGER's sons and Estate - Mar 1821 Lawrence CREEGER died testate w/ Ann Mary (15 acres between Samuel and William's part) and children - s/ Henry CREEGER (land on Hunting Creek, "Buck's Horn", 32 acres w/ grist mill) s/ Jacob CREEGER (part "Creager's Farm", 121 acres) s/ Joseph CREEGER (part "Creager's Farm", 84 acres) s/ John CREEGER ($5) s/ Daniel CREEGER (home place, part "Stoney Corner", 112 acres) s/ William CREEGER (part "Resurvey on Stoney Corner", 88 acres) s/ Samuel CREEGER (part "Resurvey on Stoney Corner", 38 acres) d/ Margaret w/o Elias WELLER d/ Elizabeth w/o Conratt WILHIDE d/ Rachel w/o Samuel HARBAUGH (her heirs) d/ Rosanna w/o Elias WELLER (her heirs) Executors/ Elias WELLER and Jacob FIROR Witnesses: Frederick WELLER, Jacob FIROR and ____. [Will written 10 Nov 1820, filed 27 Nov 1820] Trustees were Elias WELLER and Jacob FIROR. SALES to: - Christian HARBAUGH for Samuel CREEGER's part - Henry W. HOFFMAN for William CREEGER's part - John HARBAUGH for Jacob CREEGER and Joseph CREEGER's parts; - Widow received her portion of dower. Daniel WELLER, trustee of Mary Barbara WELLER, for her legacy. Finalized Oct 1823.
BRICKER, MIKESELL, BISHOP vs Valentine BOST Estate - Jan 1819 Valentine BOST / BAST d/ Apr 1809, testate widow - Sidney (1/3 estate til her death) and 7 children. 1/ Peter BOST, dec'd (100 acres in Kentucky purchased from Benedict SWOPE) (also given family bible, was to be kept in family with BOST name) his 13 children all lived in Mercer Co, Kentucky .......David BOST .......Valentine BOST .......Elizabeth w/o William PULLUM .......Catharine w/o William ALFORD .......George BOST .......Mary BOST .......Isaac BOST, a minor .......Abraham BOST, a minor .......Sarah BOST, a minor .......Jacob BOST, a minor .......Peter BOST, a minor .......Moses BOST, a minor .......Adam BOST, a minor 2/ Betty w/o _____ BRICKER 3/ Mary w/o Jacob MIKESELL 4/ Elizabeth w/o Philip MIKESELL 5/ Sarah BOST 6/ Catharine, dec'd w/o Daniel NYFONG - Mercer Co, Kentucky their minor children - .......Betsy NYFONG, a minor .......James NYFONG, a minor .......Joseph NYFONG, a minor .......Daniel NYFONG Jr, a minor .......Peggy NYFONG, a minor .......Francis NYFONG, a minor 7/ Margaret w/o Vachel BISHOP grandson/ Cornelius BOST (parents names not given) Execs/ Jacob YON and Jacob BARNHART Witnesses: Francis BURGOON, Henry HAHN, Abraham DERR [Will RB-1, 12; written 26 Mar 1809; 10 Apr 1809] Peter BOST Jr was guardian for Peter BOST's children; Daniel NYFONG was guardian for his children; Jacob YON was trustee. LAND - "Pretty Improvement" and "Errors Corrected". SALE held Aug 1823; high bidders were: - Peter SHOEMAKER for 50 acres - the widow, 75 - _____HESSON for 177 acres Distribution: - Each child's share, $439.47 (Each of Peter's children's share, $33.80) (Each of Catharine's children's share, $81.24) Filed 5 Apr 1824.
Peter EARTHER Estate - Jul 1822 In July 1819, Henry BLACK was appointed trustee to sell the real estate of his father, Adam BLACK. He sold the property to Peter EARTHER. Peter EARTHER d/ Dec 1821 intestate, leaving widow - Rebecca d/ Elmyra EARTHER Administrator was John JONES. Guardian was David GARMON. Trustee's bond to Henry BLACK, Jacob KUHN and John BLACK. SALE to: - David GARMON for 122 acres at $1,799.50
JS-2, 571-581 - NEAD/NEAT, SMITH
Christian SMITH vs Christian NEAD/NEAT - Jul 1821 In Feb 1820, Christian NEAD was indebted to Abraham STONER, Daniel CREAGER and Abraham JONES and thus mortgaged his real Estate which consisted of a house and lot on part of tract "Middle Plantation", 3/4 acre, lying on the forks of the Old Annapolis Road and the road leading from Frederick Town to Liberty Town, adjoining the lands of William E. WILLIAMS and Abraham STONER. Christian SMITH was high bidder for $750. Closed 8 Jan 1824.
John CRONISE - Oct 1822 John Martin DERR died testate, leaving w/ Elizabeth (1/3) - 10 surviving children and one grandchild s/ George DERR s/ John DERR d/ Margaret DERR d/ Christena DERR d/ Elizabeth DERR d/ Catharine DERR d/ Mary DERR d/ Susanna DERR d/ Eve DERR w/o Conrad HOLTZMAN (to divorce) d/ Sally DERR d/ Barbara, dec'd w/o Henry MILLER - their child - .......Betsy MILLER John CRONISE, Christopher HILL and Michael MYERS were to lay out the land and house and garden for the widow's dower. Exec/ John CRONISE Witnesses: Jacob CRAMER, Ephraim RIDGE and John CRAMER. [Will written 22 Nov 1809, filed 23 Mar 1812] LAND - The four tracts were "Miller's Chance", "Cooper's Point", "Cassel's Desire", "Bond Him, Secure Him", 20 1/4 acres, on former road leading from Frederick Town to BRIEN's Furnace, by tract "The Eldest Son"; and part is in 16-acre section. John CRONISE as executor sold parts of tracts to: - James JOHNSON, part tract "Cooper's Point", 10 1/2 acres; - Peter MICHAEL, the rest of the farm lying on the east side of road leading to Frederick Town. Johnson has paid but Eichelberger has not. Trustee was Joseph M. PALMER. SALE held 18 Apr 1823 to sell Eichelberger's part; high bidder was: - Jacob KERSHNER for 70 acres at $9.55/acre. - John CRONISE for 16 acres fat $21.25/acre. Filed 20 May 1824.
Jacob STIMMEL, John GLISAN, Henry STALEY vs Joel STIMMEL - Jul 1821 Joel STIMMEL d/ Oct 1821 intestate, leaving widow - Catharine (guardian of son) son - Joel STIMMEL (infant) Administrator was John B. STIMMEL, brother of Joel. LAND - 2+ acres To Joel STIMMEL from Nathan BAKER in Sep 1820. SALE held 8 Dec 1822 in Woodsborough; high bidder was: - Jacob STIMMEL at $140
George BAER Jr vs Edward YOUNGER Jr, Isaac CARR and Austin FORTNER, trustees of the African Bethel Church in Frederick Town - Foreclosure - Jul 1821 LAND - 1/4 of lot in Frederick Town conveyed by Guy ROBINSON. SALE to George BAER at $600. Filed 12 Feb 1824.
JS-2, 621-628 - OTTO, CRISE -
Jacob CRISE vs John OTTO - Foreclosure - Jan 1823 LAND - tract "Resurveyed on Welch Cabbin", 8 acres and House. Trustee was Thomas CARLETON. SALE to Jacob CRISE at $320.
Jacob OTTO vs Samuel LONGLEY of Baltimore County - Foreclosure - Mar 1823 LAND - tract part "Good Intent", 112 acres. Trustee was William ROSS. SALE was held Oct 1823; high bidder was: - John CLABAUGH of Middleburgh at $1,100. John HASSELBACK complained it was less than the value of said property and petitioned to pay additional monies to claim the property. The sale was reheld on 13 Dec 1823 and high bidder was: - John HASSELBACK at $1,320.
JS-2, 639-645 - BROOKE, WILLSON, BAYLEY - Mar 1823
Basil BROOKE & Others vs Heirs of Jane BROOKE Jane BROOKE d/ intestate, leaving heirs - - Basil BROOKE - Henrietta E. w/o Edward J. WILLSON - Richard BROOKE (died since Jane) .....John T. BROOKE .....Harriet E. BROOKE .....Richard BROOKE, a minor - Baltimore County .....William R. BROOKE, a minor - Baltimore County .....Lydia Ann E. BROOKE, a minor - Baltimore County LAND - House and lot in Taneytown. Guardian was John BAYLEY. Trustee was John T. BROOKE. SALE to John DARBY at $375; but that was considered insufficient, so was postponed and contract was made with - Mrs. REID for $650 on 24 Jan 1824 Distribution: - Basil BROOKE, 1/3, $195.72 - Edward J. & Henrietta WILSON, 1/3, $195.72 - Richard BROOKE's children, each 1/5 of 1/3, $39.14 Closed 9 Mar 1824.
William LUGENBEEL vs Heirs of John LUGENBEEL - Estate - Equity #469 - Jul 1823 John LUGENBEEL d/ Jul 1821 , leaving widow - Sarah and 10 children - s/ John LUGENBEEL s/ William LUGENBEEL d/ Susannah LUGENBEEL d/ Elizabeth LUGENBEEL d/ Peggy LUGENBEEL d/ Sally LUGENBEEL d/ Barbara LUGENBEEL s/ Peter LUGENBEEL, a minor s/ Andrew LUGENBEEL, a minor s/ Basil LUGENBEEL, a minor bro/ Peter LUGENBEEL and his daughter .......Eliza LUGENBEEL To Manumit and Release from Slavery - - negro boy, CALEB - 1 Jan 1835 He had sold to Jacob LINDENBERGER of Baltimore, a lot on Hanover Street in Baltimore. Execs/ Sons, John and William LUGENBEEL. Witnesses: Robert CUMMING, Thomas SAPPINGTON and Alexander LOWE. [Will written will 19 Feb 1820; filed 16 Jul 1821] LAND - "Resurvey on John and Sally", "Hobson's Choice", "Pleasant Fields", "Policy", "Cold Friday", Conveyed to John LUGENBEEL from: - Basil WOOD on 11 Apr 1812 - William WORMAN on 8 Dec 1815 (part goes to son, John LUGENBEEL Jr - Jacob DANNER on 29 Mar 1791 - Peter BECRAFT on 30 Aug 1802 - John McDANIEL on 16 Mar 1810 - Decree by court of Jacob STRIPE heirs on 9 Dec 1799 for tract "Resurvey on Stripe's Purchase", 229 acres, next to Adam BISH, Nicholas BOYER and John SHRINER. (88.5 acres were conveyed to the heirs of Malachi BONHAM in 1795) Jacob STRIPE d/ before Oct 1799 intestate, leaving children - s/ David STRIPE d/ Catharine w/o Christian EURY s/ Jacob STRIPE d/ Polly STRIPE /s Warner STRIPE d/ Sally STRIPE d/ Elizabeth STRIPE Guardian was John LUGENBEEL. The widow asked the land be divided among the other sons who had not yet received land and for her dower, as provided in the Will. William H. POOLE was appointed to survey and divide it: (Plat and M&B on page 656-657) Lot #1, first part, widow's dower, 59 acres Lot #1, second part, widow's dower, 15 acres Lot #2, first part, Basil's, 66 acres Lot #2, second part, Basil's, 14 acres Lot #3, first part, Peter's, 48 acres Lot #3, second part, Peter's, 33 acres Lot #4, Andrew's, 45 acres Lot #5, William's, 45 acres Closed 20 Mar 1824.
William GOLDSBOROUGH vs Jacob LAYMAN - Mar 1824 In Oct 1819, Peter EICHELBERGER was indebted to Goldsborough with a note endorsed by Jacob CRAVER and Jacob LAYMAN. Neither Eichelberger or Craver were able to pay on the note and on the 26th of Oct 1822, Jacob LAYMAN executed a deed to his two sons, John LAYMAN and George LAYMAN, for the 153-acre tract where he lived. LAND - Patented to Philip Jacob LAYMAN in 1760 for 100 acres. - Lot #4 of "Baltzell's Content", 28 acres To Jacob LAYMAN from George BALTZELL of Jacob in 1783. - "Resurvey on Puzzle", 6 acres and 27 acres, next to tract "Ungerland" and "Mad Bottom". To Jacob LAYMAN from Charles BEATTY. The deed of Layman to his sons was considered fraudulent by the court and declared void; restitution would have to be made on the $1,600 note or the property would be sold. Filed 15 Apr 1824.
Henry BANTZ vs William KOLB - Jul 1823 On 19 Oct 1820, William KOLB owned Lot #31 in Frederick Town and was indebted to Frederick STONER who received a judgement on Kolb in 1822. Stoner had assigned the note to Henry BANTZ. Kolb was also indebted to Valentine BUCKEY, Gideon BANTZ, Christian SCHOLL and William M. BEALL. SALE was held 25 Mar 1824; high bidders were: - William M. BEALL and Christian SCHOLL for $2,200. Filed Mar 1824.
Isaac SHRIVER of Westminster vs Jacob SHERMAN Estate - Title - Mar 1823 In Jan 1812, Isaac SHRIVER bought from Jacob SHERMAN a parcel of land in Westminster on four tracts: "White's Level", "Resurvey on Timber Ridge", "Bond's Meadow Enlarged", "Addition to Water Oak Level", all contiguous to each other totaling 5 1/2 acres for 2750 pounds. Adjoined east corner of John Valentine MILLER's lot. Before the conveyance was made - Jacob SHERMAN d/ 7 Jul 1822 testate, leaving widow - Elizabeth and only child d/ Eve w/o David SHRIVER Jr their minor children - all live in Wheeling, VA (now WV) .......Jacob Sherman SHRIVER .......William Wagner SHRIVER .......Elizabeth SHRIVER Executors were his widow and William DURBIN Jr. The lands included Sherman's tavern stand in Westminster situated at an alley on Main Street, along tract "Weedings Choice" and private road of David FISHER, John Valentine MILLER's lot, and corner of William CAMPBELL's lot. Court approved conveyance of deed on 17 Mar 1824.
Henry LANTZ vs Benjamin HERSH, Patrick DAVIDSON, William ROSS & Others - Title - Oct 1824 LAND - To Patrick DAVIDSON and William ROSS as trustees from Benjamin HERSH Trustee was William ROSS. SALE to Samuel HAUPT with stipulatlion John REICH was to have 25 acres; Levi HUGHES to have 10 acres; and HAUPT to have remainder. REICH and HUGHES have paid, but HAUPT has not. Suit was filed, judgment received and Haupt's section was sold by sheriff to John REICH Petition for trustees convey to Christian SHULL the 25 acres of REICH plus HAUPT's part and to convey the 10 acres to the heirs of Levi HUGHES. Filed 9 Dec 1824.
John ORTNER, et al vs Catharine ORTNER, a minor - for Title - Jul 1824 An equity suit between John GUNN, Jacob DADISMAN & w/ Sarah, John MILLER & w/ Christiana, Caleb FULLER & w/ Margaret vs John Curry Cunningham GUNN, Solomon D. GIBSON, Stephen Decatur GIBSON and Peter BRUNNER Jr was filed in Jan 1820 for lot of ground to be sold with Bean S. PIGMAN, esquire as trustee who sold it on 18 Mar 1820 to Mary ORTNER as highest bidder for $538. After the sale, Mary ORTNER sold half of the lot to John ORTNER, her brother. Afterwards, Mary ORTNER married William STANSBURY, but both now deceased, w/o issue and died without conveying the deed for the 1/2 lot (west side) to her brother. bro/ John ORTNER bro/ Jacob ORTNER bro/ Samuel ORTNER sis/ Elizabeth ORTNER sis/ Catharine ORTNER In July 1824, John SPONSELLER testified as to the siblings of Mary. Title given to John for west side of lot and to John and other siblings as tenants in common for east side of lot. Filed Jul 1826.
Benjamin RUTHERFORD and wife Sophia vs Charles SCHOLL Estate - Jan 1823 Charles SCHOLL d/ 9 Jan 1824 intestate, leaving 10 children s/ Enos SCHOLL d/ Elizabeth SCHOLL s/ Seth SCHOLL s/ Jesse SCHOLL s/ Joseph SCHOLL d/ Sophia w/o Benjamin RUTHERFORD d/ Margaret w/o Stuart GAITHER d/ Charlotte SCHOLL d/ Mary SCHOLL s/ William SCHOLL, a minor Guardian was Nathaniel A. HINKLE. LAND - "Locust Level", 25 acres and a Lot of mountain land, 47 acres. SALE to Benjamin RUTHERFORD at $1,660 Filed on 22 Jul 1824.
Patrick REID and George GROVER vs the Estate of Caleb KNOTT - Mar 1823 Caleb KNOTT d/ 4 Oct 1821 intestate, leaving widow - Eleanor and 11 children s/ Benedict KNOTT d/ Matilda KNOTT s/ Josias KNOTT s/ Zachary KNOTT, a minor s/ John KNOTT, a minor d/ Eliza KNOTT, a minor d/ Anna KNOTT, a minor d/ Helen KNOTT, a minor d/ Elizabeth KNOTT, a minor s/ Francis KNOTT, a minor s/ Ignatius KNOTT, a minor LAND - Lot #36 in Emmitsburg, lying on the south side of Baltimore Street on a corner of an alley below the main square. Admin/ Joachin ELDER. Guardian was Thomas CARLTON. Trustee was John HARRITT. SALE on 28th of June 1824 to Edward McBRIDE at $325.
John GITTINGER vs Michael HAFFNER, William B. SANDERSON, John GESEY and John BALTZELL - Mar 1824 Michael HAFFNER was indebted to Peter DUTRO on 28 Feb 1822 for $4,040.50 and secured a mortgage owed to John GITTINGER for real estate (not identified). The others in the suit were creditors of Michael HAFFNER. SALE 31 Jul 1824 to Nicholas HOLTZ at $2,209. Filed 13 Jan 1825.
SMITH vs SMITH Estate - Jan 1824 Andrew SMITH d/ Mar 1808, testate wife - Elizabeth - Henry SMITH (only son - gave land)* - Elizabeth HAUP (only daughter) - her 2 children .....1/ Elizabeth HAUP w/o Abraham SNYDER - their children ..........Daniel SNYDER ..........Elizabeth SNYDER .....2/ Magdalena HAUP - Andrew KELLER (stepson) [Will written 1 Nov 1804, filed 11 Mar 1808] ----- *Henry SMITH d/ Apr 1823 intestate, leaving 10 children s/ Jacob SMITH s/ Joseph SMITH s/ Daniel SMITH d/ Julianna SMITH d/ Elizabeth SMITH d/ Susan, dec'd w/o Jacob FLOOK - their children .....Lydia Ann FLOOK, a minor .....Israel FLOOK, a minor d/ Rebecca SMITH, a minor d/ Mary SMITH, a minor d/ Molly SMITH, a minor d/ Lydia Ann SMITH, a minor LAND to Henry SMITH: - tract "Neighbor's Content", 180 acres, in Middletown Valley. - tract "Locust Valley", 35 acres. Guardian was George BOWLUS Jr. Trustee was Israel RAMSBURG. The property had to be sold to pay the debts. SALE to: - Jacob SMITH for the 180 acres at $7,290 - Frederick RUDY for the 35 acres at $358.75. Distribution: - Catharine SMITH, $1,102.88 - Israel RAMSBURG, assignee of Julian SMITH, $1,200 - Ann Maria COST, $175.35 - Henry LIGHTER and David BOWLUS, execs/of Henry LIGHTER, $25.13 - Magdalena HEMP, $356 - Daniel SNYDER and Elizabeth SNYDER, children of Elizabeth (Haup) SNYDER, $1,111.92 - Jacob SMITH, 1/10, $347.99 - Joseph SMITH, 1/10, $347.99 - Daniel SMITH, 1/10, $347.99 - Julianna SMITH, 1/10, $347.99 - Elizabeth SMITH, 1/10, $347.99 - Rebecca SMITH, 1/10, $347.99 - Mary SMITH, 1/10, $347.99 - Molly SMITH, 1/10, $347.99 - Lydia Ann SMITH, 1/10, $347.99 - Lydia Ann FLOOK, 1/2 of 1/10, $173.99 - Israel FLOOK, 1/2 of 1/10, $173.99 Filed 23 Dec 1824.
Abraham JONES vs William COOKERLY Estate - Jan 1824 William COOKERLY d/ Sep 1823 intestate, leaving widow - Dorcas and 6 children s/ John COOKERLY, a minor d/ Amelia COOKERLY, a minor d/ Jane COOKERLY, a minor s/ Grafton COOKERLY, a minor d/ Elizabeth COOKERLY, a minor s/ James COOKERLY, a minor LAND - part tract "Resurvey on Stoney Spring", 72 acres. Conveyed from Levy HUGHES on 13 Oct 1817. - "Resurvey on the Olive Branch", 46 acres, on the Liberty Road, 4 miles from Liberty Town. Conveyed from Philip HINES on 16 May 1818. On 20 Dec 1822, William COOKERLY became indebted to William JONES for $1,200. Dorcas, the mother, was guardian of the minor children. Trustee was Jacob BRENGLE. SALE to Jacob BURRIER for $1,511; subject to the widow's dower. Filed Jun 1824.
BECKENBAUGH vs Peter BECKENBAUGH Estate - Mar 1823 Peter BECKENBAUGH Sr d/ Apr 1814, testate widow - Susanna and 11 children s/ John BECKENBAUGH s/ Michael BECKENBAUGH s/ Jacob BECKENBAUGH d/ Elizabeth w/o Jacob ALEXANDER d/ Magdalena w/o Jacob SHANK d/ Mary BECKENBAUGH (d/ Oct 1823, intestate, no issue) d/ Susanna w/o Jacob WEDDLE d/ Margaret w/o Isaac WEDDLE d/ Barbara w/o Jonathan POWELL (he d/ Jul 1823) d/ Hutta BECKENBAUGH, a minor s/ Peter BECKENBAUGH Jr, a minor (who has since died) [Will written 16 Mar 1814, filed 18 Apr 1814] LAND - pt tracts "Resurvey on Whiskey Alley" and "Hopkins Content", 325 acres; - "Resurvey on Whiskey Alley", 11 1/2 acres; - "The Forest", 19 3/4 acres; - "Bone Heiser Secured Him", 1 1/2 acres; - "Joined Together", 3 3/4 acres; all totaling 360 acres, 100 acres having been sold to Lawrence EVERHART. David BOWLUS was guardian and trustee. Private sales on 13 Mar 1824 to: - John DEAR for 111 acres at $35/acre - Israel RAMSBURG for 25 acres at $35/acre The remainder of the land remains unsold per agreement with the widow. Distribution: - John BECKENBAUGH, 1/10 + legacy, $617.49 - Michael BECKENBAUGH, 1/10 + legacy, $617.49 - Jacob BECKENBAUGH, 1/10 + legacy, $617.49 - Elizabeth ALEXANDER, 1/10, $350.82 - Mary BECKENBAUGH, 1/10, $350.82 - Hutta BECKENBAUGH, 1/10, $350.82 - Magdalena SHANK, 1/10, $350.82 - Susanna WEDDLE, 1/10, $350.82 - Margaret WEDDLE, 1/10, $350.82 - Barbara POWELL, 1/10, $350.82 Filed 10 Jun 1824.
Tabitha SWEARINGEN of Virginia vs Benjamin RUTHERFORD and Charles TALBOTT - Jul 1823 On 21 Apr 1821, Charles TALBOTT became indebted for $2,800 to Benjamin RUTHERFORD, with $1,400 to be for the use of Tabitha who is now the widow of Joseph SWEARINGEN. LAND - tract "Many Makes One", 70 acres, Conveyed to Talbott by Asa BEALL and Elisha BEALL. Trustee was William SCHLEY. SALE held 31 Mar 1824 at the tavern of William MICHAEL in Frederick; high bidder was Benjamin RUTHERFORD at $5/acre. Filed 17 Jun 1824.
Thomas CARLETON and Jacob LEAB vs John DERR Estate - Jan 1824 John DERR (s/o Martin DERR) died leaving widow - Elizabeth and 9 children d/ Mary Anne w/o Jacob FREDERICK d/ Sophia DERR, a minor d/ Rebecca DERR, a minor s/ Henry DERR, a minor s/ Daniel DERR, a minor s/ Jacob DERR, a minor s/ John DERR, a minor d/ Elizabeth DERR, a minor s/ Frederick DERR, a minor LAND - "Derr's Purchase", 3 acres; "Resurvey on Miller's Chance", 10 acres; conveyed by John CRONISE, exectutor of John Martin DERR. Derr was indebted to Carleton and Leab by mortgage of $150. Guardian was James RAYMOND. Trustee was Edward NEWSOME / NUZUM. SALE held 26 Feb 1825; high bidder was: - Jacob LEAB at $57 Filed 19 May 1825.
John BRENGLE, Casper MANTZ, execs/of Francis MANTZ vs Abraham EADER Estate - Aug 1824 Abraham EADER, blacksmith, d/ Apr 1822, testate, leaving widow - Susan and 11 children s/ Thomas EADER s/ Willilam EADER s/ Jonathan EADER s/ Uriah EADER s/ Ezra EADER (died since his father, intestate, no issue) s/ George EADER, a minor s/ Randolph EADER (died since his father, intestate, no issue) s/ Lewis EADER, a minor d/ Catharine EADER, a minor d/ Rebecca EADER, a minor d/ ______, dec'd w/o Henry KELLER - their children * .......Louisa KELLER, a minor .......Rebecca KELLER, a minor SLAVES - HEZEKIAH, 34 - to be freed 9 years from decedent's death - SUSAN, 26 - to be freed 9 years from decedent's death Exec/ son Jonathan EADER Witnesses: David F. SCHAEFFER, Peter BRENGLE, Jacob KELLER [Will written 10 Apr 1822; filed 16 Apr 1822] LAND - tracts "Addison's Choice" #2, 4 acres, confiscated British property; conveyed to him by Conrad KELLER (w/ Elizabeth) in 1796. - "Addison's Choice" #2, 176 acres, borders Monocacy; conveyed to him by Jacob KELLER (wife Rebecca) in 1796. - "Addison's Choice", 17 acres; conveyed to him by Edward SALMON, school master, in 1796. - "Resurvey called Final", 158 acres, borders "Addison's Choice" and "Middle Plantation", 11 acres; conveyed to him by Samuel Cook (wife Mary) in 1800. - Lot #2 of "Middle Plantation", 50 acres, Abraham EADER was holding bond of conveyance of John BRENGLE to be conveyed to EADER upon final payment. Previously to Lawrence BRENGLE by Samuel DUVALL in 1786. Eader and Brengle signed note to Eleanor POTTS, exec/of Richard POTTS in 1817. Guardian was Jonathan EADER as well as trustee. SALE held 25 Feb 1825; high bidder was: - Jacob BRENGLE at $5,838.12 Distribution: - Louisa KELLER, $200 per Will - Rebecca KELLER, $150 per Will - Each surviving child's 1/8 share, $311.44 Filed 5 Jun 1825. * NOTES - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Records - Nancy EADER to Henry KELLER - Aug 28, 1807
John RITCHIE vs Benjamin BIGGS Estate - Oct 1823 Benjamin BIGGS d/ about 1 May 1819 intestate s/ Zacharias I. BIGGS s/ Benjamin BIGGS d/ Naomi BIGGS d/ Elizabeth w/o George TROXELL d/ Amanda/Annamae w/o Elie GRAFF s/ William BIGGS, d/ 1 Aug 1822 intestate - his children - .......Elizabeth Naomi BIGGS .......Martha Jane BIGGS .......Anne William BIGGS LAND - tract "Benjamin's Good Luck", 70 acres; - "Resurvey on Digges' Lot", 28 acres; - "Six Brothers", 165 acres; - "Waddle's Delight", 60 acres; - "Shark's Choice", 50 acres; Totaling 325 acres William BIGGS was administrator but died 1 Aug 1822 before settlement of the estate was made. After William's death, Zebulon KUHN and John PITTENGER became the administrators. Benjamin BIGGS was indebted to Abraham HOFF, now deceased, (exec/ John RITCHIE) Guardian was Thomas GRAGORY. Trustees were Zebulon KUHN and John PITTENGER. SALE to Avery HOFF for 106 acres at $1,484. (parts of the first three tracts mentioned above) Filed 2 Dec 1824. Also see JS-3, 533
JS-2, 836-846 - ANDERSON
Richard ANDERSON vs Heirs of Robert ANDERSON - Sale of Real Estate - Aug 1824 Robert ANDERSON d/ intestate, leaving 6 children s/ Richard ANDERSON s/ Adam ANDERSON, a minor s/ Robert ANDERSON, a minor d/ Catharine ANDERSON, a minor d/ Mary ANDERSON, a minor s/ Talbott ANDERSON, a minor LAND - "Duvall's Forest", 101 acres; runs along Elisha BEALL's part. Conveyed by Lewis DUVALL (wife Elizabeth) on 14 Sep 1791, Guardian was Gilbert DAVIS. Trustee was William SCHLEY. SALE to Richard ANDERSON at $1,868.50. Filed 2 Jun 1825.
Valentine ADAMS vs Heirs of William FOUT - Sale of Real Estate - Oct 1823 Henry FOUT d/ Jan 1807, testate w/ Magdalena (1/3) and children s/ William FOUT - given negro DICK plantation home, tract "Rockey Creek", 105 acres; and "Fieldera", 49 acres mountain land d/ Elizabeth w/o Henry HILDEBRAND - she given negro JOSEPH and negro HANNAH (but she has since been sold) s/ Michael FOUT d/ Barbara KEIFER d/ Magdalena MILLER d/ Charlotte LINTON, widow Exec/ son William FOUT Witnesses: Lawrence BRENGLE, Baltzer FOUT and Frederick SEAVERS. [Will written 29 Mar 1806; filed 19 Jan 1807] ---------------- William FOUT d/ Feb 1820, testate, leaving w/ Magdalena (previously w/o Abraham ADAMS) d/ Elizabeth FOUT - by 19 Jan 1824 was w/o David MICHAEL s/ John Henry FOUT (testified on 14 Jan 1824 he was over 21) d/ Margaret FOUT, a minor d/ Charlotte FOUT, a minor d/ Barbara FOUT, a minor d/ Mary (Tolly) FOUT, a minor s/ Michael William FOUT, a minor stepson - Valentine ADAMS (s/o Abraham ADAMS) Exec/ stepson Valentine ADAMS Witnesses were Henry KEMP, David KEMP and Henry KEEFER. (Will 13 Oct 1819; filed 21 Feb 1820] ----------- LAND - Lots #35 & 36 on tract "Resurvey on Locust Level", 192 acres. Conveyed from Frederick A. SCHLEY and Richard POTTS, trustees for Baltzer FOUT in 1819. Property needed to be sold to pay debts. Magdalena w/o William was guardian for her minor children; but in 1824, John H. FOUT was made guardian of his younger siblings. Trustees for William FOUT's Estate were Frederick SCHLEY and Richard POTTS. SALE held 1 Apr 1824 at house of John DILL; high bidder was: - John LANE for "Rockey Creek" at $6,659.76 - Valentine ADAMS for "Resurvey on Locust Level" at $4,911.93. Estate was still short, paying only $.86 to a dollar to creditors. Filed 29 Jul 1824. Continued on JS-3, 314
George BUCKEY and w/ Maria, Jacob HOUCK and w/ Catharine vs Andrew LOW Estate - Jan 1822 Andrew LOW, Taylor of Frederick Town, d/ Dec 1797 intestate, leaving widow - Maria (also d/ 1821 intestate) - and 5 children s/ Jacob LOW - New Orleans, Ohio d/ Maria w/o George BUCKEY d/ Catharine w/o Jacob HOUCK - Rockingham Co, VA s/ John LOW d/ intestate in VA, leaving .....w/ Sarah - who is now w/o John GREAR .......s/ John LOW s/ Cyrus LOW, a minor - also has d/ intestate [Will written 26 Oct 1797; filed 27 Dec 1797] Exec/ Michael HOUSER Witnesses: Baltzer KOONTZ, Richard GRIFFITH. LAND - Lots #68 & 69 on Patrick Street in Frederick Town. Conveyed to Low by Col. Thomas PRICE (w/ Mary) on 2 Aug 1787 (Fr Co Land WR-7, 393). Private sale made to John DILL for $1,250 on 22 Sep 1823. Filed Aug 1824.
David WAGNER vs William ROBERTS Estate - Oct 1823 William ROBERTS and wife are now both deceased, leaving 5 children s/ Richard ROBERTS who left Maryland a long time ago, believed dead d/ Sally, dec'd w/o George BOOSER/BUSER, their son, .......William BUSER, a minor d/ Hannah ROBERTS d/ Elizabeth ROBERTS s/ Steven ROBERTS, a minor LAND - tract "Resurvey on Small Beginning", 128 acres, 1.5 miles from Beaver Dam and adjoined land of Mr. HANE. Mortgaged for $3,936.40 to Joel PUSEY on 13 Dec 1818; but then to David WAGNER in 1819. Guardians were Thomas W. MORGAN for Steven; and James RAYMOND, esquire, for William BUSER. Trustee was George GASSAWAY. SALE to William M. BEALL of Frederick Town at $2,832.18. Filed Jun 1824.
Henry STULLER, Abraham DERR, John FLUIGLE vs Conrad STULLER Estate - Mar 1824 Conrad STULLER d/ c 1824 intestate, leaving widow - Sarah and 8 children 1/ Samuel STULLER 2/ Elizabeth STULLER 3/ Christian/Christina STULLER, a minor 4/ Frederick STULLER, a minor 5/ Molly STULLER, a minor 6/ Henry STULLER, a minor 7/ Sarah Ann STULLER, a minor 8/ Conrad STULLER, a minor LAND - tracts "Empty Cupboard" and "Elory", 121 acres. Conveyed from Ulrick STULLER Sr on 20 Feb 1802. - "Elory Beginning", 16 acres. Conveyed from John SLIFE (w/ Appolonia) on 23 Jan 1802. - "Runny Mede Enlarged", 9 acres. (Resurveyed May 1794 by Dr. Upton SCOTT, dec'd, of Annapolis), Conveyed Clotworthy BIRNIE (w/ Hessy) on 5 Dec 1818. Administrator was George RINEHART. Guardian was Andrew K. SHRIVER. Trustee was John FLUEGLE / FLEGLE, esquire. Private sale was made 7 Dec 1824 to: - George REICHARD at $1,000 The estate was still short and creditors paid 66% of claims. Filed 16 Jun 1825.

The End of JS-2

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