I have compiled this list of cemeteries from various sources, if you find a mistake please feel free to contact me with your source. I will correct any mistakes, with a source sitation.
Mary Ann
Callao Cemetery - GNIS (395308N 1134228W)
Callao, UT
Eureka area
Diamond City -- ghost town
Diamond City Cemetery - GNIS (395252N 1120626W)
Diamond, UT Inactive
Cemetery Opened: 1870's
First Burial: Not Provided
Latest Burial:
Total Burials: 7
Only 1 grave remains intact & is still frequented by a family member.
Important representation of Diamond one of the earliest camps in the Tintic Mining District. Part of Eureka.
Eureka City CemeteryGNIS, CIU, CUS (395642N 1120847W) Active
Find A Grave
208 Leadville
Eureka, UT 84628
Records Keeper: Patricia Bigler
Records Phone: 435-433-6915
Records Email:
Records Address: 15 N Church Street, Eureka, 84628
Cemetery Opened: 1894
First Burial: 1895
Latest Burial: 2000
Total Burials: 2500
Fitch Cemetery - GNIS (395614N 1120908W) Inactive
Located on the N side of the Spur of SR 36, Eureka
Cemetery Opened: 1920's
First Burial: Not Provided
Latest Burial:
Total Burials: 18
Silver City -- ghost town
Silver City Cemetery - GNIS (395408N 1120801W) Inactive
Silver City, UT
Cemetery Opened: 1870
First Burial: Not Provided
Latest Burial:
Total Burials: 53
Only remaining evidence of Silver City, at one time it was the Tintic Mining Districts Center. Part of the Eureka Multiple Resource National Register District.
Levan City Cemetery - GNIS, CIU, CUS (393300N 1115107W)Active
Names in Stone
Find A Grave
Address: 550 East 400 South
Levan, UT 84639
Phone: 435-623-1867
Sexton: Jason Worwood
Cemetery Opened: 1868
First Burial: 1867
Latest Burial: 2015
Total Burials: 1096
Records Keeper: Stephanie Wood
Records Phone: 435-623-0125
Records Email: levantown@gmail.com
Records Address: 20 North Main (Box 40)
Mona City Cemetery - GNIS, CIU, CUS (394827N 1115020W)Active
approx. 900 East Cemetery Lane
Mona, UT 84645
Sexton: Ardath Newton
Cemetery Opened:
First Burial:
Latest Burial: 1998
Total Burials: 100
Records Keeper: Ardath Newton
Records Phone: 435-623-1119
Records Email:
Records Address: 210 N Main
Old Pioneer Cemetery - DUP, Inactive
Also known as: Pioneer Memorial Park
350 N Main Street,
Mona Mona UT
Cemetery Opened:
First Burial: 11/28/1852
Latest Burial: 1869
Total Burials: 20
Records Keeper: Elizabeth Yates or Bessie Jones
Records Phone:
Records Email:
Records Address:
Nancy Love, 1st burial, A few names are available. DUP Marker #29
This monument is erected in memory of the pioneers buried here, there are about 20 whose resting place surrounds this monument. The first grave was that of Nancy Maria Biglow Love, who died November 27, and was buried November 28, 1852. In 1852 there were only three pioneer ranchers and their families living here. In 1853 Indian trouble forced them to move to Nephi. After Mona was settled in 1859, it served for a burial ground until 1869.
Swasey Burials Inactive
USGenWeb Archvies Transcription
West of Creek Mona
Swasey Family Cemetery is located abt 1.15miles due West of Mona City (500 South street),
West of the river (39.809381 N, 111.876310 W.) The cemetery contains only two grave markers.
Cemetery Opened:
First Burial:
Latest Burial: 1902
Total Burials: 3
Established by Rodney Degrass Swasey who's buried there with his 1st wife Lorette Scovil Swasey and a child.
Old Rocky Ridge Cemetery
Rocky Ridge Cemetery
Nephi City Cemetery - GNIS (394252N 1114936W) Active
Names in Stone
Find A Grave
Address: 400 N 400 E
Nephi, UT 84648
Phone: 435-623-0822
Sexton: Philip J. Baker
Cemetery Opened: 1851
First Burial:
Latest Burial: 1997
Total Burials: 1405
Records Keeper: Blair Painter
Records Phone: 435-623-0822
Records Email:
Records Address: 21 East 100 North, Nephi, 84648
Vine Bluff Cemetery - GNIS: (394333N 1114932W) Active
Names in Stone
Address: 1250 N 400 E
Nephi, UT 84648
Phone: 435-623-0822
Sexton: Philip Baker
Cemetery Opened: 1870
First Burial: 1870
Latest Burial: 2005
Total Burials: 3842
Records Keeper: Blair Painter
Records Phone: 435-623-0822
Records Email:
Records Address: 21 East 100 North, Nephi 84648
- GNIS The U.S. Board on Geographic Names -- Geographic Names Information System;
- CIU Cemeteries in Utah; Utah State Archives and Records Service; Family History Library [979.2 A1 #172]
- CUS Cemeteries of the U.S.; edited by Deborah M. Burek; Family History Library [973 V34ce]
- Utah Gravestones
- Billiongraves
- Find A Grave
- American Cemeteries
- USGenWeb Archives Juab County, Utah

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