Addresses for Juab County Research
Juab County Courthouse
160 North Main
Nephi, UT 84648
Juab County Clerk
Phone: 435-623-3410
Office Hours Mondy - Thursday 7a.m. to6 p.m
The following services are available in this office:
Birth Records: 1898–1905
Death Records: 1898–1905
Juab County Birth Records: 1905-Present -- Records closed for 75 years without subject's written approval.
Juab County Death Records: 1905-Present -- Records closed for 75 years without subject's written approval.
Birth certificate fees:
Search fee (includes one certified copy) - $20.00
Each additional copy of the same record - $8.00
Marriage Records: 1888-Present
The cost of a copy is $.25 each, with a $25.00 research fee. If you need a certified copy of a marriage license, the cost is $6.00 per copy
The County Clerk was known originally as Clerk of the County Court until statehood in 1896 when the name was officially changed to County Clerk.
Juab County Recorder
Phone: (435) 623-3430
Office Hours Monday - Thursday 7a.m. to 6 p.m.
Juab County Recorders/ Surveyor’s Office is the custodian of all land ownership records.
Land Records: 1859-Present
Juab County Clerk of District Court
125 North 100 West,
Provo, UT 84601
Phone: (801) 429-1176
Probate Records: 1859-Present
Court Records: 1859-Present
Juab County Clerk of District Court duties services include Divorce, Protective Orders, Guardianship and other civil matters.
These records can also be purchased at:
Bureau of Vital Statistics and Health Statistics
Utah State Department of Health
288 North 460 West
P.O. Box 16700
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
State office has Birth and Death records since 1905.
Cost of copy: $20.00; Add'l copy at same time-$8.00
State office has Marriage and Divorce records since 1978. Only short form certified copies are available.
Cost of copy: $18.00; Add'l copy at same time-$8.00
Public Libraries
Nephi Public Library
21 East 100 North
Nephi, UT 84648
Phone: 435-623-0822
Hours: Mon-Fri 11am-7pm; Sat 2pm-7pm
DUP Museum
4 South Main Street
Nephi, UT 84648
Phone: 435-623-5202
Hours: Mon-Fri 1:00pm to 5:00 pm Year Round
Special hours by appointment, call to arrange special group tours.
This building was the former Juab County Courthouse erected in approximately 1884. It was completely remodeled and opened as a museum in 1992.
Old Territorial Prison
Located behind the DUP Museum, this prison later became the Juab County jail. It can be viewed on request during regular museum hours. It was erected in approximately 1892, prior to Utah’s statehood.
Tintic Mining Museum
Eureka, UT 84628
Phone: 435-433-6842 or 435-433-6869
Museum Hours: May-Sep, Sat-Sun 3:00-5:00 and by appointment.
Driving Directions: From Salt Lake City travel on I-15 south to exit 244 in Santaquin Utah. Exit and travel on US-6 W. US-6 runs through the town of Eureka Utah.
Family History Centers
Eureka Utah Family History Center
70 East Main Street
Eureka, UT
Nephi Family History Center
351 North 100 West
Nephi, UT
Phone: 435-623-1378
Hours: Mon,Thu 10am-2pm; Tue,Wed 1-9pm; Sat 1-5pm
Closed: 2 weeks over Christmas & New Years.

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