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Pinal County Birth Records

Birth records are available for genealogy search 75 years after date of birth. To search for your Pinal County ancestors' birth certificates in Arizona, go to Arizona Genealogy Record Search. Under Record type select "birth". Enter search name and date of birth or range (if known). Check the box "I'm not a robot" and click on the red search box. Unfortunately you can no longer search by county. The birth certificate images on this site are not certified copies. They are in PDF format and for geneaolgy use only.

To obtain a birth certificate other than for genealogy use, you must be at least 18 years old and will need a birth certificate application/a>, valid government issued photo ID, proof of relationship, and a cash, credit, or debit card payment. To request in person, there are three locations you can visit in Pinal County. Your requested certificates can be picked up the same day or sent to you by mail. To request by mail send to Pinal County Vital Records, PO Box 2945, Florence, AZ 85132.

Do you have ancestors who were born in Pinal County more than 75 years ago? Please submit their birth records by contacting the Pinal County Coordinator below.p>

Submitted names with a link to their birth record will be listed here:





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