Vital Records


[Births] [Deaths] [Marriages] [Bible Records] [Wills]

Bible Records: 

Tolson Bible; Sullivan Bible; Withers Bible Stevens Bible


1853 - 1896 

Marriages 1800 - 1849 1850 - 1899   1900 - 1920 

Contributed Records; Sullivan Bible; Elopements

Deaths 1853 - 1896
Wills John Grigsby

Virginia started keeping birth and death records in 1853, but some county clerks did a better job than others.  And, the commonwealth of Virginia stopped requiring the registration of births and deaths from 1896-June 1912.

Marriages were recorded as usual. There are even marriage records from before 1853. Unfortunately, Stafford County lost a lot of records during the Civil War.

The Library of Virginia in Richmond has microfilms of all the counties' birth, death, and marriage records. See
Library of Virginia
They do charge for providing records by mail.

Official birth, death, and marriage CERTIFICATES are expensive but available through the State. See
Virginia Department of Health

The Stafford County Courthouse has some records for the county. I do not know exactly which ones they have, except that they have all real estate records. See
Stafford County Circuit Court Clerk
