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Stafford County, Virginia Births
VSL Reel 45 Bureau of Vital Statistics Births Stafford County, 1853-1896
Researched and contributed by Homer Musselman. Prepared for the web by Kristy Williams
District 2
p.159, l.1, 10 Feb 1889 - Jas R. Ashby, wma, b. Staff. F: R. Lumus Ashby,farmer, res. Staff.M: Joanne Ashby. Rep by RL Ashby, father
p.159, l.2, 17 Mar 1889 - Dora G. Ashby, wfa, b. Staff. F: Jas Ashby, farmer, res. Staff.M: Mary Ashby. Rep by Jas Ashby, father
p.159, l.6, 8 Jun 1889 - Mollie Brooks, wfa, b. Staff. F: Jno Brooks, farmer, res. Staff. M: Mollie Brooks. Rep by M. Norman, friend
p.159, l.9, 5 Apr 1889 - Unnamed Butler, wma, b. Staff. F: A. H. Butler, farmer, res. Staff. M: Aagnes Butler. Rep by A. H. Butler, father
p.159, l.10 - 3 Apr 1889 - Morris A. Briggs, wma, b. Staff. F: T. S. Briggs, farmer, res. Staff.M: S. F. Briggs.Rep by T.S. Briggs, father
p.159, l.11 - 5 Jun1889 - Kellogg Berry, wma, b. Staff. F: G. W. Berry, farmer, res. Staff.M: Bettie Berry. Rep by GW Berry, father
p.159, l.12 - 8 May 1889 - Norwood T. Beach, wma, b. Staff. F: J. L. Beach, farmer, res. Staff. M:Dallie Beach. Rep by J.L. Beach, father
p.159, l.13 - 15 Apr 1889 - Pow Bryant, wma, b. Staff. F: Eustace Bryant, farmer, res. Staff. M: Hester Bryant. Rep by Eustace Bryant, father
p.159, l.14, 12 Apr 1889 - Lelia Bowling, wfa, b. Staff. F: Jas Bowling, farmer, res Staff. M: Rose Bowling. Rep by Jas Bowling, father
p.159, l.15, 7 Dec 1889 - Jno S. Bell, wma, b. Staff. F: Jas Bell, farmer. M: Susan Bell. Rep by Jas Bell, father
p.159, l.16, 26 Sep 1889- Dan Beggle, wma, b. Staff. F: Isaac Beggle, farmer. M: Susan Beggle. Rep by I. Beggle, father
p.159, l.17, 10 Dec1889 - Archie Bouchard,wma, b. Staff. F: Jas A.Bouchard, farmer. M: Sarah Bouchard. Rep by JA Bouchard, father
p.159, l.18 - 28 Feb 1889 - Susie Brown, wfa, b. Stafford F: A. Brown, M: Pamellie Brown, rep by A. Brown, father
p.159, l.19 - 15 Aug 1889 - Lelia Bryam, wfa, b. Stafford F: Wm. M. Byram, M: Eliza Byram, rep by W. M. Byram, father
p.159, l.20 - 25 Mar 1889 - Beach, wfa, b. Stafford F:P. B. Beach, M: Jennie Beach, rep by P. B. Beach, father
p.159, l.21 - 9 June 1889 - Burton, wma, b. Stafford F: J. B. Burton, M: M. W. Burton, rep by J. B. Burton, father
p.159, l.29 - 11 Nov 1889 - Seth R. Combs, wma, b. Stafford F: Wm. S. Combs, M: Virginia Combs, rep by W. S. Combs, father
p.159, l.30 - 3 July 1889 - Jessie Cooper, wma, b Stafford F: J. S. Cooper, M: Ophelia Cooper, rep by J. S. Cooper, father
p.159, l.31 - 10 Nov 1889 - Hugh Clemment, wma, b. Stafford F: H. Clemment, M: Virginia Clemment, rep by H. Clemment, father
p.159, l.32 - 3 Mar 1889 - Lawrance R. R. Curtis, wma, b. Stafford F: Wm. H. Curtis M: Ella Curtis, rep by W. H. Curtis
p.159, l.33 - 29 July 1889 - Thos Curtis, wma, b. Stafford F: W. W. Cooper (sic) M: Bettie Cooper (sic), rep by Bettie Cooper, mother
p.159, l.34 - 15 June 1889 - Claris Cooper, wfa, b. Stafford F: H. L. Cooper, M: Dellia Cooper, rep by H. L. Cooper, father
p.159, l.35 - 27 June 1889 - Auther Dickerson, wma, b. Stafford F: Ed Dickerson M: Allis Dickerson, rep by M. Norman, friend
p.159, l.36 - 18 Nov 1889 - Blanch Dye, wfa, b. Stafford F: B. Dye M: Lucy Dye, rep by B. Dye, father
p.160, l.1 - 10 Mar 1889 - Fannie Dickerson, wfa, b. Stafford F: Ed Dickerson, farmer, res. Stafford M: Allis Dickerson, rep by M. Norman, friend
p.160, l.2 - 15 Dec 1889 - Leldie Dent, wfa, b. Stafford F: Wm. T. Dent, farmer, res. Stafford M: Fannie Dent, rep by W. T. Dent, father
p.160, l.3 - 18 May 1889 - Cora Dickerson, wfa, b. Stafford F: Robt Dickerson, farmer, res. Stafford M: Marion Dickerson, rep by R. Dickerson, father
p.160, l.4 - 14 Feb 1889 - Nellie Dillard, wfa, b Stafford F: J. B. Dillard, farmer, res. Stafford M: Corna Dillard, rep by Corna Dillard, mother
p.160, l.5 - 15 Sep 1889 - Henry English, wma, b Stafford F: M. H. English, farmer, res. Stafford M: Martha English, rep by M. H. English, father
p.160, l.6 - 4 July 1889 - Pat Ennis, wma, b. Stafford F: Jos. Ennis, farmer, res. Stafford M: Mary Ennis, rep by Jos Ennis, father
p.160, l.7 - 22 Jan 1889 - James English, wma, b. Stafford F: J. P. English, farmer, res. Stafford M: Bettie English, rep by J. P. English, father
p.160, l.8 - 1 June 1889 - Annie English, wfa, b. Stafford F: Jos English, farmer, res. Stafford M: Lucy, rep by Jos English, father
p.160, l.9 - 15 Feb 1889 - Ben English, wma, F: Wm. English, farmer M: Lillie English, rep by Wm. English, father
p.160, l.10 - 11 Oct 1889 - Leola Fritter, wfa, F: J. H. Fritter M: Ida Fritter, rep by J. H. Fritter, father
p.160, l.11 - 25 Mar 1889 - Dan Fritter, wma, F: L. A. Fritter, M: Mary Fritter, rep by L. A. Fritter, father
p.160, l.12 - 15 Aug 1889 - Bessie Fritter, wfa, F: R. L. Fritter M: Fannie Fritter, rep by C. A. Bryan, friend
p.160, l.13 - 12 June 1889 - Elwood Fritter, wma, F: A. C. Fritter M: Emma Fritter, rep by A. G. Fritter, father
p.160, l.14 14 Mar 1889 - Howard Fritter, wma, F: Jno M. Fritter M: Mary Fritter, rep by Jno N. Fritter, father
p.160, l.15 - 30 Oct 1889 - Cleo Burton Faukner, wfa, F: Dan Faukner M: Allis Faukner, rep by Dan Faukner, father
p.160, l.16 - 10 Dec 1889 - Vollie V. Green, wfa, F: Wm. T. Green M: Mattie Green, rep by W. T. Green, father
p.160, l.17 - 15 Sep 1889 - Jos Gallahan, wma, F: Jos M. Gallahan M: Lucy Gallahan, rep by Jos M. Gallahan, father
p.160, l.19 - 10 Dec 1889 - Kate Gallahan, wfa, F: Albert Gallahan M: Lue Gallahan, rep by A. Gallahan, father
p.160, l.20 - 5 Mar 1889 - Doris Garrison, wfa, F: G. W. Garrison M: Mary Garrison, rep by G. W. Garrison, father
p.160, l.21 - 10 July 1889 - Emma Garrison, wfa, F: J. B. Garrison, Mecanic M:Rachel Garrison, rep by J. B. Garrison, father
p.160, l.22 - 30 Mar 1889 - Pow Gallahan, wma, F: Sam Gallahan, farmer M: Annie Gallahan, rep by Sam Gallahan, father
p.160, l.23 - 7 Oct 1889 - Mary R. Garrison, wfa, F: Jno W. Garrison, farmer M: Mary F. Garrison, rep by J. W. Garrison, father
p.160, l.24 - 25 Jan 1889 - Wm. Grisby, wma, F: Jno Grisby, farmer M: Bettie Grisby, rep by Wm. Grisby, father(sic)
p.160, l.25 - 25 July 1889 - Maggie Gallahan, wfa, Thos Gallahan, farmer M: Bettie Gallahan, rep by Thos Gallahan, father
p.160, l.26 - 13 June 1889 - Howard Grayson, wma, F: J. W. Grayson, farmer M: Bell Grayson, rep by Bell Grayson, mother
p.160, l.28 - 24 June 1889 - William Honey, wma, F: J. W. Honey, farmer M: Ella Honey, rep by J. W. Honey, father
p.160, l.31 - 27 June 1889 - Robt L. & Virgie B. Houston, 2wfma, F: W. D. Houston M: Josie Houston (2), rep by W. D. Houston, father
p.160, l.32 - 30 Oct 1889 - Joseph H. Heflin, wma, F: Jos Heflin M: Annie Heflin, rep by Jos Heflin, father
p.160, l.33 - 18 Dec 1889 - Herndon, wma, F: T. W. Herndon M: Annie H. Herndon, rep by T. W. Herndon, father
p.161, l.2 - 1 Mar 1889 - Hallie Jett, wfa, b. Stafford F: J. E. Jett, farmer, res. Stafford M: Annie Jett, rep by J. E. Jett, father
p.161, l.3 - 16 Apl 1889 - Real? Jones, wfa, b. Stafford F: Davis Jones, farmer, res. Stafford M: Mollie, rep by Davis Jones, father
p.161, l.4 - 14 Feb 1889 - Jones, wma, F: Jas. M. Jones, farmer, res. Stafford M:Serena Jones, rep by J. M. Jones, father
p.161, l.5 - 14 Mar 1889 - Susan Knight, wfa, F: Uriah Knight, farmer, res. Stafford M:Martha Knight, rep by Uriah Knight, father
p.161, l.6 - 10 Oct 1889 - Hattie King, wfa, F: G. W. King, farmer M: Dollie King, rep by G. W. King, father
p.161, l.7 - 21 Mar 1889 - Emma Knight, wfa, F: J. T. Knight, farmer M: Sarah Knight, rep by J. T. Knight, father
p.161, l.8 - 6 Feb 1889 - Mary & Martha Knight, 2wfa, F: H. T. Knight, farmer M: Agnis Knight(2), rep by H. T. Knight, father
p.161, l.10 - 10 July 1889 - Lizzie Lynn, wfa, F: W. B. Lynn, farmer M: Nannie Lynn, rep by W. B. Lynn, father
p.161, l.11 - 9 Feb 1889 - Lelia Musselman, wfa, F: Jas. W. Musselman, farmer M: Fannie Musselman, rep by J. W. Musselman, father
p.161, l.12 - 20 Oct 1889 - Max Murry, wma, F: Wm. Murry M: Mary Murry, rep by Wm. Murry, father
p.161, l.13 - 20 Mar 1889 - Clara Musselman, wfa, F: Jno. W. Musselman M: Bettie Musselman, rep by J. W. Musselman, father
p.161, l.14 - 8 June 1889 - Benj Moore, wma, F: Chas Moore M: Emma Moore, rep by Emma Moore, mother
p.161, l.15 - 26 Aug 1889 - H. Stone Moncure, wma, F: G. V. Moncure M: Lizzie Moncure, rep by G. V. Moncure, father
p.161, l.18 -15 Nov 1889 - Blanch Nelson, wfa, F: Armstead Nelson M: Henretta Nelson, rep by A. Nelson, father
p.161, l.21 - 6 Sep 1889 - Cent Pearson, wma, F: Luther Pearson M: Lillie Pearson, rep by L. Pearson, father
p.161, l.22 - 6 Nov 1889 - Pearson, wma, F: Watson Pearson M: Nancy Pearson (2), rep by W. Pearson, father
p.161, l.25 - 15 July 1889 - Roles, wfa, F: W. A. Roles,M: Maggie Roles, rep by W. A. Roles, father
p.161, l.26 - 15 July 1889 - Jno Randall, wma, F: Benj. Randall M: Mary Randall, rep by Ben Randall, father
p.161, l.27 - 7 Apl 1889 - Ida May Robinson, wfa, F: Edwin Robinson M: Dosa Robinson, rep by E. Robinson, father
p.161, l.28 - 15 July 1889 - Martha Raines, wfa, F: W. R. Raines M: Martha Raines, rep by W. R. Raines, father
p.161, l.29 - 30 July 1889 - Richard Randall, wma, F: Jno H. Randall M: Mary Randall, rep by J. H. Randall, father
p.161, l.30 - 26 June 1889 - Archie Roles, wma, F: J. W. Roles M: Maggie Roles, rep by J. W. Roles, father
p.161, l.31 - 30 July 1889 - Nannie Shelton, wfa, F: J. S. Shelton M: Etta Shelton, rep by J. S. Shelton, father
p.161, l.32 - 24 Mar 1889 - Cora Smith, wfa, F: A. B. Smith M: Mary Smith, rep by A. B. Smith, father
p.161, l.33 - 2 Mar 1889 - J. A. Shelton, wma, F: Jas.? H. Shelton M: Nora Shelton, rep by J. H. Shelton, father
p.161, l.34 - 10 May 1889 - Henry Segar, wma, F: Levi Segar M: Ida Segar, rep by L. Segar, father
p.161, l.35 - 10 June 1889 - Kate Shackelford, wfa, F: R. E. Shackelford M: Lucy Shackelford, rep by R. E. Shackelford
p.162, l.1 - 1 June 1889 - Jno. R. Stone, wma, b. Stafford F: George W. Stone, farmer, res. Stafford M: Ida Stone, rep by G. W. Stone, father
p.162, l.2 - 19 Dec 1889 - Benj. H. Skinner, wma, b.Stafford F: L. A. Skinner, merchant, res. Stafford M: Sallie B. Skinner, rep by L. A. Skinner, father
p.162, l.3 - 10 Dec 1889 - Benj. A. Tolson, wma, b. Stafford F: Benj. G. Tolson, farmer, res. Stafford M: Almira Tolson, rep by B. G. Tolson, father
p.162, l.6 - 15 Sep 1889 - Jno W. Truslow, wma, F: Jno C. Truslow, farmer M: Fannie Truslow, rep by Jno. C. Truslow, father
p.162, l.8 - 19 Mar 1889 - Lula May Withers, wfa, F: Thos Withers M: Mary Withers, rep by Tos. Withers, father
p.162, l.10 - 5 June 1889 - Cora Winkler, wfa, F: Henry L. Winkler, farmer, res. Stafford M: Mollie Winkler, rep by H. L. Winkler, father
p.162, l.11 - 10 Oct 1889 - Cora Watson, wfa, F: W. A. Watson M: Sallie Watson, rep by W. A. Watson, father
Hartwood - District No. 1
p.163 - l.1 - 23 July 1889 - Mary Wellford Armstrong, wfa, b. Stafford F: W. Bell Armstrong, farmer, res. Stafford M: Alice O. Armstrong, rep by W. Bell Armstrong, father
p.163, l.2 - date not given - Clara Virginia Black, wfa, b. Stafford F: Joseph P. Black, farmer, res. Stafford M: Gabrella Black, rep by Jos P. Black, father
p.163, l.3 - 11 July 1889 - Robert A. Brown, wma, b. Stafford F: Robert Brown, farmer, res. Stafford M: Anna Brown, rep by Robt Brown, father
p.163, l.4 - 21 Dec 1889 - Not named, wma, b. Stafford F: Joseph F. Baker, farmer, res. Stafford M: Caroline B. Baker, rep by Jos F. Baker, father
p.163, l.5 - 6 Apl 1889 - Nellie Beagle, wfa, b. Stafford F: George Beagle, laborer, res. Stafford M: Lucy R Beable, rep by Geo Beagle, father
p.163, l.6 - 22 Nov 1889- Frank Beckham, wma, b. Stafford F: L. W. C. Beckham, farmer, res. Stafford M: Margarett Beckham, rep by L. W. C. Beckham, father
p.163, l.l7 - 30 Dec 1889 - Not named, wma, b. Stafford F: Chas D. Boutyard, farmer, res. Stafford M: Almira Boutyard, rep by Chas D. Boutyard, father
p.163, l.18 - 14 Feb 1889 - Gusta D. Boutyard, wma, b. Stafford F: John W. Boutyard, farmer, res. Stafford M: Sarah E. Boutyard, rep by John W. Boutyard, father
p.163, l.9 - 6 Dec 1889 - Not named, wma, b. Stafford F: Elijah Burton, farmer, res. Stafford M: Letha? A. Burton, rep by Elijah Burton, father
p.163, l.10 - 8 Mar 1889 Ira Richard Burton, wma, b. Stafford F: Haswell Burton, farmer, res. Stafford M: Lethe A. Burton (sic), rep by Haswell Burton, father
p.163, l.11 - 8 MAY 1889 - Leonard Burton, wma, b. Stafford F: Wellington Burton, farmer, res. Stafford M: Laura A. Burton, rep by Wellington Burton, father
p.163, l.12 - 7 Apl 1889 - Minnie Burton, wfa, b. Stafford F: John Burton, farmer, res. Stafford M: Margaarett Burton, rep by John Burton, father
p.163, l.13 - 4 Nov 1889 - Sally F. V. Beach, wfa, b. Stafford F: Richard Beach, farmer, res. Stafford M: Sarah E. Beach, rep by Richd Beach, father
p.163, l.14 - 9 June 1889 - Earle Bell, wma, b. Stafford F: Chas N. Bell, farmer, res. Stafford M: Susan Bell, rep by Chas N. Bell, father
p.163, l.15 - 31 Mar 1889 - Flossie May Embrey, wfa, b. Stafford F: Wm. M. Embrey, farmer, res Stafford M: Levenia Embrey, rep by Wm. M. Embrey, father
p.163, l.16 - 21 Oct 1889 - John Stansbury Ficklen, wma, b. Stafford F: William F. Ficklen, Mercht Miller, res. Stafford M: Jubelle Ficklen, rep by Wm. F. Ficklen, father
p.163, l.17 - 30 May 1889 - Eva Eagle, wfa, b. Stafford F: James T. Eagle, Mechanic, res. Stafford M: Rosa Eagle, rep by Rosa Eagle, mother
p.163, l.18 - 25 Oct 1889 - Fanny Lee Heflin, wfa, b. Stafford F: Lemuel J. Heflin, laborer, res. Stafford M: Sally Heflin, rep by Sally Heflin, mother
p.163, l.19 - 4 May 1889 - Not named, wfa, b. Stafford F: Chas D. Littrell, labourer, res. Stafford M: Mary Littrell, rep by Chas. D. Littrell, father
p.163, l.20 - 26 June 1889 - Earnest C. Musselman, wma, b. Stafford F: Thos Musselman, Cooper, res. Stafford M: Sarah Musselman, rep by Thos Musselman, father
p.163, l.21 - 28 May 1889 - George E. Monroe, wma, b. Stafford F: George E. Monroe, farmer, res. Stafford M: Mary Monroe, rep by Geo E. Monroe, father
p.163, l.22 - 3 June 1889 - Chester Snellings, wma, b. Stafford F: Posey Snellings, farmer, res. Stafford M: Lucy Snellings, rep by Posey Snellings, father
p.163, l.23 - 2 Mar 1889 - Harrison Simpson, wma, b. Stafford F: James P. Simpson, farmer, res. Stafford M: Louisa Simpson, rep by Jas P. Simpson, father
p.163, l.24 - 29 Dec 1889 - Chas Melvin Timmons, wma, b. Stafford F: Sinclair Timmons, farmer, res. Stafford M: Dora Timmons, rep by Dora Timmons, mother
p.163, l.25 - 29 Dec 1889 - Adrian Nalle Truslow, wma, b. Stafford F: Chas A. Truslow, Merchant, res. Stafford M: Hallie E. Truslow, rep by Chas A. Truslow, father
p.163, l.26 - 18 Dec 1889 - Edmonia Truslow, wfa, b. Stafford F: James E. Truslow, farmer, res. Stafford M: Sarah E. Truslow, rep by Jas E. Truslow, father
p.163, l.27 - 21 Mar 1889 - Eugenia Tate, wfa, b. Stafford F: Julius Tate, farmer, res. Stafford M: Rosa Tate, rep by Julius Tate, father
p.163, l.28 - 28 Mar 1889 - Berey? W. Wine, wma, b. Stafford F: Allen W. Wine, farmer, res. Stafford M: Eliza Wine, rep by A. W. Wine, father
p.163, l.29 - 12 Jan 1889 - Edward Watts, wma, b. Stafford F: James Watts, farmer, res. Stafford M: Emma Watts, rep by James Watts,father
p.163, l.30 - 7 Dec 1889 - Lauretta Raines, wfa, b. Stafford F: Amos J. Raines, farmer, res. Stafford M: Sarah E. Raines, rep by Sarah E. Raines, mother
p.163, l.31 - 5 Dec 1889 - Virginia L. Shelton, wfa, b. Stafford F: Andrew J. Shelton, farmer, res. Stafford M: Olive N. Shelton, rep by Andrew J. Shelton, father
p. 164 - Colored in Falmouth for 1889
Stafford County - 1889
Falmouth - Distr. No. 1
p.165, l.1 - 4 Sep 1889 - Peter Armstrong, wma, b. Stafford F: James Armstrong, labourer, res. Stafford M: Lucy A. Armstrong, rep by Jas Armstrong, father
p.165, l.2 - 22 Apl 1889 - Norman Brown, wma, b. Stafford F: Thomas Brown, labourer, res. Stafford M: Nora Brown, rep by Thomas Brown, father
p.165, l.3 - 18 Feb 1889 - Benjamin H. Brown, wma, b. Stafford F: Silas H. Brown, farmer, res. Stafford M: Ellen F. Brown, rep by Silas H. Brown, father
p.165, l.4 - 4 July 1889 - Joseph Catlett, wma, b. Stafford F: John E. Catlett, farmer, res. Stafford M: Fanny Catlett, rep by Jno E. Catlett, father
p.165, l.5, 10 Sep 1889 - A.Lee Cox, wma, b. Staff. F: Howard K. Cox, farmer, res. Staff: M: Ellen C. Cox. Rep by Howard K. Cox, father
p.165, l.6, 28 Jul 1889 - Susan Dobson, wfa, b. Staff. F: William Dobson, farmer, res. Staff. M: Ann Dobson, rep by Wm. Dobson, father
p.165, l.7, 20 Dec 1889 - Eddie Dillion, wma, b. Staff. F: Temple Dillion, farmer, res. Staff. M: Julia Dillion. Rep by Temple Dillion, father
p.165, l.8, 8 Mar 1889 - William F. Fines, wma, b. Staff. F: Joseph Fines, farmer, res. Staff. M: Martha E. Fines, rep by Joseph Fines, father
p.165, l.9, 4 Aug 1889 - Frank Fines, wma, b. Staff. F: E. Luther Fines, farmer, res. Staff. M: Sarah Fines, rep by E. Luther Fines, father
p.165,l.10, 8 Jan 1889 - Howard E. Gallahan, wma, b. Staff. F: William H. Gallahan, farmer, res. Staff. M: Laura D. Gallahan. Rep by Wm H Gallahan, father
p.165, l.12, 3 Sep 1889 - William P. Henderson, wma, b. Staff. F: John T. Henderson, farmer, res. Staff. M: Mary V. Henderson, rep by Jno T. Henderson, father
p.165, l.13, 8 Apr 1889 - Thomas Jett, wma, b. Staff. F: Thomas Jett, farmer res. Staff. M: Irene Jett, rep by Thos Jett, father
p.165, l.14, 5 Mar 1889 - Adrian Jett, wma, b. Staff. F: Minor Jett, farmer, res. Staff. M: Mary Jett. Rep by Minor Jett, father
p.165, l.15, 21 Dec 1889 - Charles P. Limirick, wma, b. Staff. F: Thomas P. Limirick, farmer, res. Staff.M: Ella Limirick. Rep by Thos P. Limirick, father
p.165, l.16, 11 Jun 1889 - John Lee, wma, b. Staff. F: James O. Lee, farmer, res. Staff. M: Lucy A. Lee. Rep by Jas O Lee, father
p.165, l.17, 3 Apr 1889 - Artie Morgan, wfa, b. Staff. F: Byrd L. Morgan, farmer, res. Staff. M: Eliza Morgan, rep by Byrd L.Morgan, father
p.165, l.18, 26 Apr 1889 - Patrick M. Martin, wma, b. Staff. F: Patrick Martin,Jr, farmer, res. Staff. M: Alice Martin, rep by Patrick Martin, Jr, father
p.165, l.19, 5 Jul 1889, Frances Newton, wfa, b. Staff. F: Isaac Newton, farmer, res. Staff. M: Adelade Newton, rep by Isaac Newton, father
p.165, l.20, 22 Aug 1889 - Turner Roberson, wma, b. Staff. F: Chas T. Roberson, farmer, res. Staff.M: Sarah Roberson, rep by Chas T. Roberson, father
p.165, l.21, 5 Nov 1889 - Ethel M. Rollins, wfa, b. Staff. F: William H. Rollins, farmer, res. Staff: Rep by Wm H. Rollins, father
p.165, l.22, 30 Jan 1889 - Eva B. Streshley, wfa, b. Staff. F: Marcus Streshley, farmer, res. Staff. M: Fanny Streshley. Rep by Marcus Streshley, father
p.165, l.23, 18 Oct 1889 - Azile C. Snellings, wfa, b. Staff. F: John Saml Snellings, farmer, res. Staff. M: Lucy A. Snellings, rep by Jno S. Snellings, father
p.165, l.24, 7 May 1889 - H. Rowe Shelton, wma, b. Staff. F: Robt Lee Shelton, farmer, res. Staff. Rep by Robt Lee Shelton, father
p.165, l.25, 28 Mar 1889 - Webster Sullivan, wma, b. Staff. F: Joseph Sullivan, farmer, res. Staff. M: Ann E. Sullivan, rep. by Joseph Sullivan, father
p.165, l.26, 2 Oct 1889 - Frazier Furr Sullivan, wma, b. Staff. F: John A. Sullivan, farmer, res. Staff. M: Willie Ann Sulivan, rep by Jno A. Sullivan, father
p.165, l.27, 16 Jul 1889 - Burrows Sullivan, wma, b. Staff. F: Woodson Sullivan, farmer, res. Staff.M: Eliza A. Sullivan, rep by Woodson Sullivan, father
p.165, l.28, 20 Sep 1889 - V. Buchanan Truslow, wma, b. Staff. F: Silas B. Truslow, farmer, res. Staff. M: Susan J. Truslow. Repby Silas B. Truslow, father
p.165, l.29, 6 Jun 1889 - Garnett Williams, wma, b. Staff. F: George T. Williams, farmer, res Staff. M: M. Catherine Williams. Rep by Geo T. Williams, father
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