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VSL Reel 45 Bureau of Vital Statistics Births Stafford County, 1853-1896 Researched and contributed by Homer Musselman. 1856 Stafford County Clerk's Office June 17, 1859 The foregoing Register of Births was this day returned to the Clerk's Office and admitted to record Teste, H. R. Conway, Cl Cur: p.14, l.1 - 20 July 1856 - Vana F. Shelket, wfa, b. Stafford F: Rhodham Shelket, farmer, res. Stafford, M: L. Virginia Shelket, rep by R. Shelket, Father p.14, l.3 - 30 Dec 1856 - Charles L. Conway, wma, b. Stafford F: Henry R. Conway, Clerk, res. Stafford M: Elizabeth G. Conway, rep, by H. R. Conway, father p.14, l.5 - 23 Mar 1856 - William Guy, wma, b. Stafford F: Luke Guy, farmer, res. Stafford M: Eliza Guy, rep by L. Guy, father p.14, l.10 - 26 Oct 1856 - Elizabeth Ford, wfa, b. Stafford F: N. W. Ford, farmer, res. Stafford M: Margaret A? Ford, rep by N. W. Ford, father p.14, l.12 - 1 Aug 1856 - wma, b. Stafford F: Daniel Bryant, farmer, res. Stafford M: Roberta Bryant rep by D. Bryant, father p.14, l.15 - 22 Jan 1856 - Margaret Ann Groves, wfa, b. Stafford F: John T. Groves, farmer, res. Stafford M: Mary Ann Groves, rep by John T. Groves, father p.14, l.16 - 19 Mar 1856 - Elizabeth B. Dillon, wfa, b. Stafford F: William Dillon, farmer, res. Stafford M: Eliza A. Dillon, rep by W. Dillon, father p.14, l.17 - 11 July 1856 - Eliza W. Thom, wfa, b. Stafford F: W. N. Thom, farmer, res. Stafford M: Maria L Thom, rep by W. N. Thom, father p.14, l.18 - 16 May 1856 - Fanny J. Combs, wfa, b. Stafford F: B. C. Combs, farmer, res. Stafford M: Mary Combs, rep by B. C. Combs, father p.14, l.21 - 20 Oct 1856 - Malvina Skidmore, wfa, b. Stafford F: Wm. S. Skidmore, farmer, res. Stafford, M: Leah Skidmore, rep by Wm. S. Skidmore, Father p.14, l.25 - 16 Jan 1856 - Richard C. L. Moncure, wma, b. Stafford F: R. C. L. Moncure, Junr., farmer, res. Stafford M: Virginia A. Moncure, rep by R. C. L. Moncure, father p.14, l. 27 - 27 Jan 1856 - William E. Armstrong, wma, b. Stafford F: G. H. Armstrong, farmer, res Stafford M: Eliza F. Armstrong, rep by G. H. Armstrong, father p.14, l.28 - 15 July 1856 - John Robert Byram, wma, b. Stafford F: Cuthbert Byram, farmer, res. Stafford M: Jane Byram, rep by C. Byram, father p.14, l.30 - 4 May 1856 - Dalmira Schooler, wfa, b. Stafford F: Charles C. Schooler, farmer, res. Stafford M: Ann P. Schooler, rep by C. C. Schooler, father p.14, l.31 - 20 Sep 1856 - Alice V. Jones, wfa, b. Stafford F: Thomas A. Jones, farmer, res. Stafford M: Sophia Jones, rep by T. A. Jones, father p.14, l.32 - 28 Feb 1856 - Wellington Burton, wma, b. Stafford F: Richard Burton, farmer, res. Stafford M: Willy A. Burton, rep by R. Burton, father (See Page 20) p.14, l.34 - 25 Nov 1856 - wma, b. Stafford F: Jacob L. Stires, Merchant, res. Stafford M: Sally A. Stires, rep by J. L. Stires, Father p.14, l.37 - 27 Sep 1856 - Richard A. Young, wma, b. King George F: John F. Young, farmer, res. Stafford, M: Susan A. Young, rep by John F. Young, father p.14, l.38 - 4 Oct 1856 - Henry L. Brooke, Jr., wma, b. Stafford, F: Henry L. Brooke, Attorney, res. Stafford, M: Virginia Brooke, rep by H. L. Brooke, father p.14, l.41 - 22 Mar 1856 - Sarah E. (sic), wfa, b. Stafford F: R. M. Shelton, farmer, res Stafford, M: Eliza Shelton, rep by R. M. Shelton p.14, l.42 - 2 Aug 1856 - James B. Wamsley, wma, b. Stafford F: B. C. Wamsley, farmer, res. Stafford, M: Eliza F. Wamsley, rep by B. C. Wamsley, father p.14, l.43 - 9 Aug 1856 - Pulaski Warren, wma, b. Stafford F: Charles H. Warren, farmer, res. Stafford M: Sarah Warren, rep by C. H. Warren p.14, l.45 - 10 Aug 1856 - Mary K. R. Briggs, wfa, b. Stafford F: J. M. Briggs, farmer, res. Stafford M: Louisa A. Briggs, rep by J. M. Briggs, father p.14, l.46 - 8 Aug 1856 - Molly Knoxville, wfa, b. Stafford F: John Knoxville, farmer, res. Stafford M: Mary Knoxville, rep by J. Knoxville, father p.15, l.47 - 24 Apl 1856 - Soloman D. Timmons, wma, b. Stafford F: J. T. Timmons, farmer, res. Stafford M: Mary G. Timmons, rep by J. T. Timmons, father p.15, l.48 - 11 Jan 1856 - William T. Moore, wma, b. Stafford F: W. F. Moore, Jr., farmer, res. Stafford M: Mary F. Moore, rep by W. F. Moore, father p.15, l.49 - 12 June 1856 - Hester V. Jones, wfa, b. Stafford F: W. T. Jones, farmer, res. Stafford M: Mary F. Jones, rep by W. T. Jones, father p.15, l.51 - 8 Aug 1856 - James E. Raines, wma, b. Stafford F: John M. Raines, farmer, res. Stafford M: Frances Raines, rep by James M. Raines, father p.15, l.52 - 3 Aug 1856 - Daniel Gollahorne, wma, b. Stafford F: Thomas Gollahorne, farmer, res. Stafford M: Sarah Gollahorne, rep by T. Gollahorne, Father p.15, l.53 - 3 Apl 1856 - Rebecca Murphy, wfa, b. Stafford F: Robert E. Murphy, farmer, res. Stafford M: Mary Murphy, rep by R. E. Murphy, father p.15, l.54 - 18 Oct 1856 - Henrietta Sullivan, wfa, b. Stafford F: T. Sullivan, farmer, res. Stafford M: Emily Sullivan, rep by T. Sullivan, father p.15, l.55 - 31 July 1856 - Morris W. Sullivan, wma, b. Stafford F: John Sullivan, farmer, res. Stafford M: Susanna Sullivan, rep by J. Sullivan, father p.15, l.56 - 21 Dec 1856 - Herbert M. Tolson, wma, b. Stafford F: James Tolson, farmer, res. Stafford M: A. E. Tolson, rep by J. Tolson, father p.15, l.57 - 22 Dec 1856 - wma, b. Stafford F: Aldridge Dye, farmer, res. Stafford M: Laurinda Dye, rep by by Aldridge Dye, Father p.15, l.58 - 4 Apr 1856 - wfa, b. Stafford F: Marshal Payne, farmer, res. Stafford M. Harriet Payne, rep by M. Payne, Father. p.15, l.68, 10 Nov 1856, wma, b. Stafford. F: J. Ashby, M. Fanny Ashby, rep by J. Ashby, Father. p.15, l.70, 17 Apr 1856 - Eudolphus Botts, wma, b. Stafford F: Wm. Botts, Farmer, res Stafford M. Sophia Botts, rep by W. Botts, Father p.15, l.81 - 10 Nov 1856 - Ann R. Alexander, wfa, b. Stafford, F: J. William Alexander, Farmer, res Stafford M. Ann Alexander. rep by J. W. Alexander, Father p.15, l.82 - Sep 1856 - Lucinda Shelton, wfa, b. Stafford F: Rodney S. Shelton, farmer, res. Stafford. M. Nancy Shelton, rep by R. S. Shelton, father p.15, l.83 - 1 Jul 1856 - Charles W. Gollahone, wma, b. Stafford F: James Gollahorne, farmer, res. Stafford, M. Mary Gollahorn, rep by M. Gallhorn, Mother p.15, l.84 - 7 Oct 1856 - James K. Newton, wma, b. Stafford F: Charles C. Newton, farmer, res. Stafford. M. Elizabeth A. Newton. rep by C. C. Newton, father p.15, l.85, 15 Jul 1856 - Emma Hewett, wfa, b. Stafford F:Thomas H. Hewett, Merchant, res Stafford M. Jane Hewett, reb. by T. H. Hewett, father. p.15, l.90 - 18 Aug 1856, wma, b. Stafford. F: Johnson Fitzhugh, farmer, b. Stafford. M: Lucy B. Fitzhugh, rep by J. Fitzhugh, Father. p.15, l.91, 1 Sep 1856 - Filmore Green, wma, b. Stafford, F: Washington Green, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Elizabeth Green. rep by W. Green, Father p.15, l.92 - 1 Aug 1856 - wm decd, b. Stafford. F: John Anderson, Stone Mason, res. Stafford. M. Delphia Anderson, rep by J. Anderson, Father. p.16, l.95, 22 Nov 1856, James Byram, wma, b. Stafford. F: Strother Bryam, merchant, res Stafford. M. Sarah Bryam. rep by Strother Byram, father p.16, l.99, 20 Feb 1856 - Ellen D. Evans, wfa, b. Stafford. F: John A. Evans. M: MariaJane Evans, rep by J. A. Evans, father p.16, l.100, 30 Apr 1856, Luther W. Walker, wma, b. Stafford. F: James H. Walker, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Mary C. Walker. rep by J. H. Walker, father. p.16, l.102, 23 Apr 1856, Georgeanna Shelton, wfa, b. Stafford. F: Walter J. Shelton, farmer, res. Stafford. M. Sarah Shtlton, rep by W. J. Shelton, father p.16, l.103, 3 Dec 1856 - Joseph Embrey, wma, b. Stafford. F: James M. Embrey, farmer, b. Stafford. M: Mildred Embrey. rep by J. M. Embrey, father. p.16, l.106, 5 July 1856 - Ewing G. Patton, wma, b. Stafford. F: Thornton Patton, farmer, res. Stafford. rep by T. Patton, father p.16, l.108, 25 Dec 1856 - Charles W. Beach, wma, b. Stafford. F: William Beach, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Eliza A. E. Beach. rep by W. Beach, father p.16, l.109, 21 Jun 1856 - Wickliffe Combs, wma, b. Stafford. F: Drew W. Combs, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Margaret Combs. rep by D. W. Combs, father p.16, l.110, Oct 1856 - Charles M. Heflin, wma, b. Stafford. F: Wallace Heflin, farmer, res Stafford. M. Lucy Ann Heflin. rep by W. Heflin, father. p.16, l.111, 15 Sep 1856 - Richard F. Stark, wma, b. Stafford. F: R. Stark, farmer, res Stafford. M. Eleanor Stark. rep by R. Stark, father p.16, l.113, 5 Dec 1856, wfa, b. Stafford. F: W. L. Garrison, blacksmith, res. Stafford. M: Ritta Garrison. rep by WL Garrison, father. p.16, l.115, 25 Aug 1856, Emma C. Shelton, wfa, b. Stafford. F: Abroad Shelton, farmer, res. Stafford. M. Martha Shelton, rep by A. Shelton, father. p.16, l.116, 10 Oct 1856, wfa, b. Stafford. F: William A. Monroe, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Frances Monroe. rep by W. A. Monroe, father. p.16, l.117, 10 Sep 1856 - Ann E. Honey, wfa, b. Stafford. F: Wesley Honey, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Frances A. Honey, rep by W. Honey, father. p.16, l.118, 31 Oct 1856, wma, b. Stafford. F: Patrick England, farmer res. Stafford. M. Emily E. England. rep by P. England, father. p.16, l.119, Ann E. Jones, wf, b. Stafford. F: Churchill Jones, farmer, res Stafford. M: Maria A. Jones, rep by C. Jones, father. p.16, l.120, James W. Humphries, wma, b. Stafford F: Wm Humphries, farmer, res. Stafford. M. Elizabeth Humphries. Rep. by W. Humphries, father. p.16, l.121, 7 Sep 1856, wma, b. Stafford. F: George Gollahorne, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Frances Gollahorn. rep by G. Gollahorn, father. p.16, l.122, 13 Nov 1856 - William B. Stewart, wma, b. Stafford. F: Bamet Steward, farmer, res. Stafford. M. Mary E. Steward, rep by B. Stewart, father p.16, l.123, Dec 1856 - Martha W. Shackelford, wfa, b. Stafford. F: Wilson B. Shackelford, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Mary E. Shackelford. rep by W. B. Shackelford, father. p.16, l.124, 15 Sep 1856 - Louisa M. Jackson, wfa f. Stafford. F: John Jackson, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Pamelia C. Jackson, rep by J. Jackson, father. p.16, l.125, 7 Aug, 1856, wma, b. Stafford. F: James Cropp, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Mahala Cropp, rep. by J. Cropp, father p.16, l.127, 16 Jan 1856 - Frances A. Herndon, wfa, b. Stafford. F: James B. Herndon, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Sarah Ann Herndon. rep by J. B. Herndon, father p.16, l.128, 19 Nov 1856 - Broadus Heflin, wma, b. Stafford. F: Marshal Heflin, farmer, res. Stafford. M. Susan Heflin. rep by M. Heflin, father. p.16, l.130, 23 Dec 1856 - Charles M. Bradshaw, wma, b. Stafford. F: John H. Bradshaw, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Citha E. Bradshaw. rep by J> H. Bradshaw, father p.16, l.131, 10 Dec 1856 - William F. Peden, wma, b. Stafford. F: John Peder, Millwright, res. Stafford. M: Louisa E.M. Peden. rep by J. Peden, father p.16, l.132, 1 Mar 1856 - Lewis Walker Armstrong, wma, b. Stafford. F: William Armstrong, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Mary Ann Armstrong, rep by W. Armstrong, father. p.16, l.133, 16 Feb 1856 - Franklin P. Embrey, wma, b. Stafford. F: Alexander A. Embrey, farmer, res. Stafford. M: June Embrey. rep by A. A. Embrey, father p.16, l.134, 25 Jan 1856 - William D. L. Jones, wma, b. Stafford. F: Richard Jones, farmer, res Stafford. M: Esther Jones. rep by R. Jones, father. p.16, l.135, 19 Dec 1856 - Ella Watson, wfa, b. Stafford. F: George M. Watson, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Frances Watson. rep by G. M. Watson, father. p.16, l.136, 28 Ju7l 1856 - N. B. Green, wma, b. Stafford. F: John Green, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Mary Ann Green, rep by J. Green, father. p.16, l.137, 24 Jul 1856 - Mary Ann Grayson, FFA, by Stafford. F: Silas Grayson, farmer, res Stafford. M: Mary Ann Grayson, rep by M. A. Grayson, mother. p.17, l.139, 29 Aug 1856 - James F. Armstrong, wma, b. Stafford. F: James Armstrong, farmer, res. Stafford. M: Ann E. Armstrong. rep by J. Armstrong, father p.17, l.143, 1 Dec 1856 - E. Frances Watson, wfa, b. Stafford. F: Jackson Watson, farmer, res. Stafford. M. Ellen Watson. rep by J. Watson, father. p.17, l.144, 16 Jun 1856 - Roger Garrison, wma, b. Stafford. F: John L. Garrison, wheelwright, res. Stafford. M: Elizabeth Garrison. rep by J. L. Garrison, father