Andrews, Roy Cecil; June 8, 1929 - May 11, 1999; Son of George & Etta Laing Andrews Andrick, Allen Eugene; April 16, 1946 - June 12, 1962 Andrick, Angie S.; December 9, 1884 - September 25, 1960; Wife of George D. Andrick, Claude A.; March 7, 1913 - October 1987 Andrick, Diana; April 14, 1853 - November 22, 1933; Wife of Samuel D. Andrick, Dicie M.; January 9, 1915 - January 1994; Wife of Claude A. Andrick, Elborn F.; August 7, 1887 - September 13, 1933 Andrick, Esther A.; August 19, 1886 - February 21, 1947; w. of Elborn F. Andrick, Ethel E.; n.d. - October 25, 1911; 2 mo. 7 da.; daughter of G.D. & A.S. Andrick, George D.; July 19, 1885 - March 14, 1918 Andrick, Infant; May 22, 1910 - May 22, 1910; child of G.D. & A.S. Andrick, Joseph C.; August 30, 1891 - October 19, 1929 Andrick, Samuel D.; January 8, 1858 - November 2, 1933 Baker, Amanda E.; May 19, 1905 - 1985; Wife of Luther E. Baker, Bertie; 1882 - 1942 Baker, Charles J.; August 6, 1882 - December 27, 1961 Baker, Cora A.; November 3, 1879 - September 3, 1958; Wife of Charles J. Baker, David W.; 1896 - 1931 Baker, Harold M.; March 14, 1925 - March 17, 1983; U.S. Army World War II Baker, Lizzie E.; 1904 - 1946; Wife of David W. Baker, Luther E.; February 18, 1904 - January 12, 1989 Baker, Mary C.; August 7, 1879 - April 26, 1936; Wife of R.L. Baker, Preston E.; March 2, 1923 - September 15, 1966 Baker, Robert L.; November 12, 1873 - March 18, 1968 Baker, Ruby D.; March 4, 1930 - n.d.; w. of Harold M. Barrick, Betty Arlena; October 22, 1941 - October 30, 1941 Barrick, Ella M.; n.d. - February 2, 1897; 1 yr. 1 mo. 29 da.; daughter of Philip & Mary Barrick, Emma F.; February 12, 1873 - June 11, 1957 Barrick, Frances A.; March 11, 1923 - n.d.; Wife of John T. Barrick, James W.; September 15, 1894 - n.d. Barrick, John F.; May 2, 1861 - December 17, 1936 Barrick, John T.; October 15, 1913 - September 9, 1990 Barrick, Mollie E.; July 19, 1894 - March 14, 1974; Wife of James W. Barrick, Raymond Aldine; July 7, 1941 - September 15, 1942 Barrick, Samuel; n.d. - October 16, 1900; 9 mo.; son of Philip & Mary Benson, Frances Hepner; November 27, 1919 - February 14, 1953 Bowers, Daisy M.; November 2, 1898 - n.d.; Wife of Russell F. Bowers, F. L.; 1903 - 1950; Dellinger Mortuary marker Bowers, Lizzie B.; March 2, 1876 - January 10, 1920; Wife of Samuel Bowers, Milton R.; October 26, 1932 - n.d.; Son of Russell & Daisy Bowers, Russell F.; July 29, 1896 - December 17, 1981 Bowers, Samuel Lee; January 1, 1878 - December 8, 1954 Bowers, Stella M.; 1904 - 1957 Bowley, Robert Lee, Sr.; February 8, 1925 - January 11, 1999 Bowley, W. S.; n.d. - 1962 Bowman, Andrew J.; January 8, 1862 - January 27, 1912 Bowman, Catherine; July 12, 1872 - May 12, 1943 Bowman, Claude B.; September 21, 1895 - March 4, 1980; Married June 1, 1931 Bowman, Fannie M.; August 4, 1894 - October 12, 1957 Bowman, Georgia A.; 1906 - n.d.; w. of Mason K. Bowman, Jane Steele; September 22, 1932 - August 31, 1970 Bowman, John W.; November 9, 1859 - September 24, 1926 Bowman, Joseph Earl; September 16, 1894 - February 17, 1977 Bowman, Joyce Dellinger; October 28, 1893 - February 7, 1970; w. of Joseph Earl Bowman, Judy Ann; November 11, 1939 - April 2, 1940; Daughter of Preston & Mary Bowman, Loy O.; March 2, 1896 - August 18, 1957 Bowman, Lydia A.; November 16, 1874 - May 28, 1954; Wife of John W. Bowman, Mason K.; 1908 - 1959 Bowman, Ruth Nealy; December 17, 1906 - n.d.; Wife of Claude B. Bowman, Sarah; n.d. - December 31, 1894 Bowman, Walter L.; n.d. - March 18, 1899; 1 yr. 9 mo. 28 da.; son of J.W. & L.A. Bowman, Willie F.; February 28, 1892 - January 6, 1958 Brinker, Edgar Bryan; May 9, 1896 - December 21, 1977 Brinker, Fleta Minnick; July 11, 1898 - November 29, 1978; Wife of Edgar Brinker, Ira Franklin; August 29, 1925 - March 26, 1944; Pvt. HQ Battery 53rd; s. of E.B. & Fleta V. Brumbaugh, Elizabeth M.; July 8, 1822 - May 8, 1891; Wife of J. Brumbaugh Brumbaugh, Fred A.; n.d. - May 19, 2005 Brumbaugh, Infant; n.d. - n.d.; Son of J. W. & Annie E. Brumbaugh, Joseph; December 17, 1816 - December 24, 1908 Brumbaugh, Lena P.; n.d. - November 23, 1901; 14 yr. 1 mo.; daughter of J.W. & Annie E. Carr, Goldie Polk; August 25, 1930 - December 3, 1958 Castell, Geraldine M.; March 6, 1911 - December 14, 1982; mother of Joseph A. Williams Click, Amos; 1854 - June 17, 1933 Click, Annie L.; August 7, 1857 - January 21, 1924; Wife of Amos Click, David S.; September 4, 1912 - June 15, 1915; Son of G.D. & Ida A. Click, Ida A.; August 6, 1881 - December 18, 1918; Wife of G.D. Click, Infant; January 1, 1903 - n.d.; Son of J.A. & L.C. Click, J. Arthur; 1883 - 1978 Click, L. Cordelia; 1878 - 1936; Wife of J. Arthur Click, Lula V. Spitler; 1891 - 1969; Wife of G. D. Click, Mark W. Sr.; 1914 - 1969; s. of Gumpy & Ida Click, May Lillie; November 28, 1908 - February 3, 1917; Daughter of J.A. & Lillie C. Click, Montgomery D.; 1887 - 1983 Coffman, Nancy; June 6, 1841 - May 7, 1923; w. of Henry Coleman, Dorothy V. Brinker; August 10, 1929 - July 7, 1953; Wife of R.E. Coleman Coleman, R. E.; July 7, 1953 - July 8, 1953; Son of R.E. & Dorothy Combs, Barbara V.; n.d. - October 5, 1902; 44 yr. 10 mo. 6 da. Craig, B. A.; 1962 - 1963 Craig, Timmie C.; 1964 - 1982 Curren, Joseph B.; November 8, 1868 - July 8, 1921 Day, Betty Ann Dellinger; April 29, 1932 - August 3, 1970 Dellinger, Alice Jane; August 14, 1908 - April 14, 1973 Dellinger, Alma R.; 1908 - 1969 Dellinger, Alton C.; July 26, 1923 - September 18, 1971 Dellinger, Angus; n.d. - August 28, 1901; 5 mo. 20 da.; son of C.F. & Mary C. Dellinger, Aquilla; July 1, 1846 - January 14, 1929; Son of Samuel F.; Aquilla's Photo; Plot Photo Dellinger, Benjamin; n.d. - April 9, 1900; 25 da.; s. of S.W. & B. Dellinger, Birtie A.; February 14, 1880 - February 18, 1910; Wife of S.W. Dellinger, C. Harold; May 4, 1898 - November 14, 1950 Dellinger, Caleb F.; May 29, 1870 - February 14, 1956 Dellinger, Catherine M.; 1893 - 1968 Dellinger, Charles E.; 1883 - 1962 Dellinger, Charles P.; March 6, 1872 - April 20, 1898 Dellinger, Christina; August 7, 1851 - January 8, 1918; Wife of Aquilla; nee Baker; Plot Photo Dellinger, Clinton M.; 1880 - 1945 Dellinger, Clyde E.; November 21, 1916 - July 7, 1962 Dellinger, Eliza A.; August 27, 1828 - April 30, 1905; Wife of William Dellinger, Emma F.; 1860 - 1935; Wife of Paul J. Dellinger, Ervie E.; 1896 - 1991; Wife of Stanley H. Dellinger, Esther F.; July 14, 1916 - n.d.; Wife of Clyde E. Dellinger, Fleta L.; 1906 - n.d.; Wife of Garnet R. Dellinger, Garnet R.; 1904 - 1951 Dellinger, George E.; January 13, 1857 - August 17, 1936 Dellinger, Gertie S.; December 13, 1889 - September 25, 1981; Wife of Samuel Dellinger, Glendora; 1888 - 1965; Wife of Charles Dellinger, Guy; n.d. - 1928; infant Dellinger, Henry Harrison; October 2, 1888 - January 21, 1946; Virginia Chief Pharmacists Mate U.S.N.P.F. Dellinger, Hilda I.; December 10, 1931 - August 9, 1979; w. of Preston Dellinger, Hildred B.; July 8, 1897 - n.d.; Wife of C. Harold Dellinger, Jacob D.; Aug 1, 1895 - April 27, 1959 Dellinger, James E.; September 25, 1875 - February 27, 1959 Dellinger, Jane F.; 1921 - 1964 Dellinger, John B.; May 12, 1882 - May 24, 1962 Dellinger, Laura E. D. Webb; February 22, 1868 - February 5, 1951; Wife of Thomas A. Dellinger, Lena Ellen; August 13, 1892 - April 26, 1974; Wife of Lloyd Dellinger, Leroy; 1914 - 1981 Dellinger, Lester A.; July 4, 1892 - January 29, 1955 Dellinger, Lloyd William; July 16, 1893 - January 30, 1980 Dellinger, Lydia Alice; September 1, 1865 - May 29, 1936; Wife of Philip W. Dellinger, Marshall P.; September 27, 1920 - March 3, 1945; Virginia Sgt. 92 Army Air Force Bomb Group World War II; Marshall's Photo Dellinger, Mary A.; n.d. - August 23, 1895; 2 yr. 7 mo. 21 da.; daughter of G.E. & M.V. Dellinger, Mary C.; November 8, 1871 - December 7, 1938 Dellinger, Mary C.; February 3, 1872 - July 19, 1948; Wife of Caleb F. Dellinger, Mary E.; December 6, 1896 - November 19, 1981; Wife of Perry G. Dellinger, Mary V.; August 15, 1858 - June 6, 1930; Wife of George E. Dellinger, Mazie E.; June 28, 1905 - March 18, 1961; Wife of James E. Dellinger, Mildred F.; May 27, 1916 - June 8, 1916; Daughter of P.L. & P.A. Dellinger, Nellie F.; January 23, 1896 - August 19, 1962; Wife of Lester A. Dellinger, Noah T.; September 2, 1880 - April 24, 1958 Dellinger, Ollie Virginia; n.d. - October 16, 1956; infant of C.G. & E.J. Dellinger, Paul J.; 1860 - 1934 Dellinger, Pearl A.; July 30, 1888 - August 15, 1973; Wife of John B. Dellinger, Perry G.; September 13, 1894 - July 5, 1949; Virginia, Pvt. 318th Infantry 80th Division World War I Dellinger, Philip W.; March 8, 1855 - February 20, 1954 Dellinger, Phillip & Phyllis; n.d. - October 16, 1956; infants of C.G. & E.J. Dellinger, Preston; October 17, 1934 - n.d.; Married April 8, 1961 Dellinger, Preston L.; n.d. - March 23, 1922; Son of C.T. & G.L. Dellinger, Rosie M.; November 7, 1890 - December 29, 1917; Wife of J.E. Dellinger, Ruby A.; December 25, 1924 - n.d.; Wife of Alton C. Dellinger, Samuel N.; November 23, 1889 - October 16, 1911; 21 yr. 10 mo. 23 da. Dellinger, Samuel W.; February 18, 1878 - May 27, 1921 Dellinger, Shirley Bruce; n.d. - 1930; infant Dellinger, Stanley H.; 1894 - 1975 Dellinger, Stella; February 12, 1901 - August 20, 1950; Wife of Wilbur Dellinger, Stella May; August 24, 1890 - April 21, 1911; Wife of N.T. Dellinger, Susie A.; September 2, 1916 - March 21, 1977; Wife of Theodore Dellinger, Theodore C.; July 30, 1910 - February 17, 1973 Dellinger, Thomas A.; September 23, 1865 - October 4, 1917 Dellinger, Thomas A.; October 4, 1943 - March 27, 1960; Son of Theodore & Susie Dellinger, Thomas D.; April 3, 1921 - April 4, 1921; Son of C.T. & G.L. Dellinger, Titus A.; n.d. - October 18, 1909; Son of Samuel & Gertie Dellinger, Virgie Alice; September 19, 1881 - July 19, 1966 Dellinger, Walter H.; November 1, 1918 - June 29, 1948; Son of C. Harold & Hildred Dellinger, Wilbur; May 1, 1896 - October 17, 1938 Dellinger, William A.; March 2, 1921 - March 2, 1921; Son of L.W. & L.E. Dodson, Andrew J.; August 31, 1857 - July 3, 1933 Dodson, Beada M.; December 23, 1891 - March 13, 1910; Daughter of M.A. & R.B.; photo contributed by Alley Blackford Dodson, C.A.; 1901 - 1949 Dodson, Deann M.; n.d. - December 21, 1956; Dellinger Mortuary marker Dodson, Dorcas; Mar 10, 1874 - April 28, 1959 Dodson, Freddie F.; February 13, 1872 - June 23, 1940 Dodson, Frederick L.; January 9, 1909 - n.d. Dodson, Hobson; May 11, 1898 - March 25, 1919; Child of F. & R.H.; photo contributed by Alley Blackford Dodson, Irena May; August 27, 1898 - April 2, 1903 Dodson, Isabella; April 3, 1833 - June 10, 1902; Headstone Photo; Alternate Photo contributed by Alley Blackford Dodson, J. Paul; November 28, 1901 - May 22, 1973 Dodson, Joseph Granville; July 24, 1900 - January 3, 1902; child of F. & R.H.; photo contributed by Alley Blackford Dodson, Laura C.; June 16, 1861 - April 24, 1890 Dodson, Levi (Captain); March 4, 1837 - April 9, 1880; Main Stone Photo; Alternate Photo contributed by Alley Blackford Dodson, Mary Alice; May 28, 1867 - June 23, 1951; Wife of Andrew J. Dodson, Moses A.; June 19, 1865 - March 20, 1910; Photo contributed by Alley Blackford Dodson, Nina L.; November 2, 1904 - June 2, 1907; child of F. & R.H. Dodson, Ora D.; August 8, 1902 - March 22, 1997; Wife of J. Paul Dodson, Polly Ann; October 9, 1869 - January 18, 1939 Dodson, Robert Henry; March 8, 1865 - December 21, 1943 Dodson, Rosa B.; May 1, 1869 - September 12, 1938; Wife of Moses A.; photo contributed by Alley Blackford Dodson, Virgil Agnes; June 27, 1915 - August 4, 1999; w. of Robert; nee Nesselrodt Dodson, Virginia A.; August 31, 1857 - September 26, 1882 Dotson, Elisabeth; n.d. - February 11, 1884; Daughter of L. & I. Dodson; 6 yr. 11 mo.; photo contributed by Alley Blackford Dotson, Laura C.; n.d. - April 24, 1890; Daughter of L. & I.; 29 yr. 3 mo. 8 da.; photo contributed by Alley Blackford Dotson, Virginia A.; n.d. - September 26, 1882; 25 yr. 25 da.; d. of L. & I.; photo contributed by Alley Blackford Drummond, Rebecca; January 15, 1827 - March 31, 1903; Wife of W.S.; photo contributed by Alley Blackford Drummonds, Arthur R.; n.d. - September 20, 1942; son of H.L. & L.F.; photo contributed by Alley Blackford Drummonds, Fleta G.; February 22, 1922 - March 17, 1922; Daughter of H.L. & L.F.; photo contributed by Alley Blackford Drummonds, Homer L.; October 14, 1899 - February 13, 1975; m. September 3, 1921 Drummonds, Lula F.; January 19, 1904 - n.d.; Wife of Homer L. Emswiller, Isaiah; July 21, 1844 - September 29, 1930; Photo contributed by Lois Emswiler Emswiller, Sarah E.; February 24, 1848 - July 20, 1926; Wife of Isaiah; photo contributed by Lois Emswiler Estep, John I.; 1907 - 1975; Son of Milton & Ottie Estep, Milton L.; 1878 - 1946 Estep, Ottie F.; 1880 - 1944; w. of Milton L. Fadely, Annie B.; February 18, 1881 - December 16, 1963; Wife of J. William Fadely, Hazel C.; August 21, 1916 - n.d.; Wife of James E. Fadely, J. William; March 17, 1883 - January 29, 1944 Fadely, James E.; October 25, 1914 - September 10, 1974 Fletcher, James R. (Dr.); September 20, 1853 - October 23, 1928 Fletcher, Mattie L.; December 22, 1862 - August 3, 1934; Wife of James Fogel, Martha E.; June 21, 1833 - February 7, 1912; Wife of Harvey Foltz, Aaron; n.d. - January 6, 1893; 69 yr. 11 mo. 18 da. Foltz, Charles L.; October 21, 1850 - October 6, 1937 Foltz, Cora A.;Sep. 14, 1870 - January 28, 1942 Foltz, Jacob F.; n.d. - October 23, 1895; 10 yr. 8 mo. 15 da.; son of C.L. & V.A. Foltz, Leanah; January 16, 1826 - n.d.; Wife of Aaron Foltz, Lizzie E.; March 22, 1890 - December 24, 1919; Wife of Alton C.; photo contributed by Alley Blackford Foltz, Margaret; December 26, 1928 - September 8, 1929; d. of Annie M. Foltz, Rachel Fogle; February 8, 1860 - July 15, 1940; Wife of W.H. Foltz, Virginia A.; May 17, 1852 - n.d.; Wife of C.L. Freese, Mary E.; 1905 - n.d.; Mortuary marker Freeze, Joseph Z.; 1902 - 1973 Fry, Hugh E.; August 28, 1887 - December 21, 1905; Son of Readus & Julia Fry, Israel; November 17, 1823 - June 20, 1905; Private, Co. K, 33rd Virginia Infantry, C.S.A.; Private, Co. C, 7th Virginia Cavalry, C.S.A; 82 yr. 7 mo. 3 da. Frye, Israel Allen; June 1, 1891 - December 18, 1973; Son of Readus & Julia Frye, Julia Ann; April 14, 1864 - March 24, 1933; Wife of R. Frye; daughter of Geo. & Elizabeth Miller Frye, Mary Effie; March 14, 1891 - November 2, 1969; Wife of Israel A.; nee Ludwig Frye, Readus; March 20, 1851 - February 1, 1925; Son of Israel & Catherine Frye, Readus Fletcher; February 4, 1919 - June 21, 2005; U.S. Army, World War II; s. of Isreal & Mary Effie Ludwig Frye Frye, Rodney Israel; September 16, 1921 - July 7, 1955; Virginia, TEC 5, Battery C, 106th AAA Bn. CAC World War II Funkhouser, Ada M.; July 7, 1891 - December 9, 1947; Wife of Charles E. Funkhouser, Alton Adam; July 13, 1924 - July 16, 1924; Infant of Roy L. & Grace L. Funkhouser, Annie Lee; July 30, 1917 - January 5, 1975; Wife of William Funkhouser, Annie M.; 1909 - 1967; Wife of Oliver C. Funkhouser, Austin J.; February 21, 1925 - September 23, 1944; Virginia, P.F.C., 137th Infantry 35th Infantry Division World War II; s. of Frank Funkhouser, Bertha E.; July 5, 1899 - April 7, 1982; Wife of James F. Funkhouser, Charles E.; August 27, 1889 - April 17, 1970 Funkhouser, Della M.; March 26, 1923 - n.d.; Wife of Oren C. Funkhouser, Grace L.; April 12, 1903 - Mar 10, 1978; Wife of Roy L. Funkhouser, Ida L.; 1876 - 1939 Funkhouser, Ivan Harding; July 6, 1928 - n.d.; 6 da.; son of R.L. & G.L. Funkhouser, J. Frank; September 18, 1891 - December 27, 1959 Funkhouser, James F.; August 19, 1892 - May 29, 1968 Funkhouser, Martha E.; September 11, 1899 - August 2, 1910 Funkhouser, Mary F.; January 25, 1875 - September 4, 1941; Wife of Isaac C. Funkhouser, Oliver C.; 1907 - 1970 Funkhouser, Oren C.; November 30, 1920 - n.d. Funkhouser, Rosa A.; January 6, 1901 - March 20, 1921; Daughter of I.C. & M.F. Funkhouser, Rose F.; May 26, 1906 - n.d.; Wife of J. Frank Funkhouser, Roy L.; September 29, 1894 - August 15, 1961 Funkhouser, Tressie Louise; November 20, 1920 - January 30, 1940 Funkhouser, Victoria; 1886 - 1956 Funkhouser, William Sidney; April 9, 1909 - n.d. George, Anna M.; June 12, 1906 - 1987; Wife of Loftus T. George, Loftus T.; June 25, 1905 - April 18, 1973 Golladay, Alger E.; September 19, 1946 - n.d. Golladay, Betty M.; May 6, 1946 - n.d.; Wife of Alger E. Golladay, Calvin Beverly; April 20, 1922 - April 14, 2006; U.S. Air Force, World War II, Prisoner of War; Son of Phillip Franklin & Lydia Andrick Golladay Golladay, Grace Gladys; 1900 - 1971 Golladay, Phillip F.; 1886 - 1971 Good, Charles F.; April 26, 1894 - May 3, 1966 Good, Clara A.; Mar 10, 1868 - May 7, 1929; Wife of Jacob Good, Jacob; December 3, 1862 - July 8, 1938 Good, Mazie F.; August 3, 1898 - April 4, 1973; Wife of Charles F. Good, Noah; February 18, 1860 - June 3, 192 Good, Virginia A.; August 23, 1862 - November 6, 1947 Hamans, Sally; December 26, 1816 - May 15, 1893 Hambleton, A. Franklin; February 15, 1864 - May 25, 1939 Hambleton, Barbara A.; n.d. - February 19, 1913; Wife of Thomas G. Hambleton, Bessie V.; 1890 - 1962; w. of Philbert Hambleton, Birdie Churchill; April 6, 1908 - July 4, 1911; Son of B.I. & I.D. Hambleton, Birdie I.; December 10, 1867 - January 5, 1937 Hambleton, Birdie S. "John"; 1916 - 1942 Hambleton, Catharine; September 4, 1889 - December 6, 1905; Wife of John R. Hambleton, Charles; 1873 - 1937 Hambleton, Emma C.; 1874 - 1950; Wife of Ezra Hambleton, Ezra; 1875 - 1959 Hambleton, Ida B.; January 23, 1872 - October 22, 1925 Hambleton, Ida B.; August 29, 1865 - November 3, 1951; Wife of A. Franklin Hambleton, Joby Pierceon; February 11, 1904 - July 9, 1906; s. of A.F. & Ida B. Hambleton, John R.; December 18, 1820 - March 3, 1898; Aged 77 years, 2 months and 15 days Hambleton, John W.; June 17, 1851 - February 9, 1922 Hambleton, Lillie E.; February 20, 1871 - May 28, 1895 Hambleton, Lora A.; February 6, 1868 - May 16, 1900; w. of M.G. Hambleton, M. G.; 1865 - 1949 Hambleton, Mary E.; February 15, 1854 - February 4, 1928; Wife of John W. Hambleton, Philbert I.; 1889 - 1977 Hambleton, Thomas G.; n.d. - n.d. Hamilton, Braxton T.; July 14, 1899 - January 6, 1958 Hansberger, Barbara E.; February 22, 1852 - April 3, 1932; Wife of Joseph L. Hansberger, Charles O.; September 23, 1887 - January 9, 1924 Hansberger, Dysie E.; June 28, 1889 - May 11, 1979 Hansberger, Joseph L.; October 17, 1893 - September 4, 1964 Hansberger, Joseph L.; May 10, 1845 - August 19, 1922 Harlow, Ruby Irene Polk; December 11, 1924 - May 13, 1999; Wife of James P., Sr.; daughter of Noah F. & Martha Susan Miller Polk Hawkins, Louise Virginia; 1916 - 1971 Hawkins, Robert D., Sr.; April 20, 1925 - June 8, 1973; Married May 11, 1946 Hawkins, Ruby D.; January 8, 1924 - n.d.; w. of Robert D. Heischman, Glenn M.; n.d. - January 8, 1906; 5 mo. 15 da.; son of A. & B. Heischman, Jacob; 1852 - 1932 Heischman, Mary A.; 1851 - 1937; w. of Jacob Heishman, Archie G.; May 12, 1880 - June 4, 1952 Heishman, Paulson J.; June 4, 1907 - July 18, 1930; s. of Archie G. & Retta A. Heishman, Retta A.; August 31, 1882 - December 3, 1961; Wife of Archie G. Helsley, Annie V.; August 4, 1879 - July 7, 1948; Wife of Charles R. Helsley, Charles E.; April 9, 1874 - August 22, 1936 Helsley, Charles R.; January 28, 1875 - March 11, 1956 Helsley, Daisie Isabelle; August 8, 1888 - July 19, 1950 Helsley, Hannah F.; 1872 - 1924; Wife of C.E. Helsley, India L.; 1876 - 1946 Helsley, Lester Lee; 1908 - 1951 Helsley, Mary C.; n.d. - April 27, 1934 Helsley, Mary E.; 1897 - 1947 Helsley, Paul Elwood; 1913 - 1981; Body donated to science Helsley, Phoebe A.; September 10, 1832 - April 23, 1907; 74 yr. 7 mo. 13 da. Helsley, Sarah C.; July 2, 1856 - August 7, 1905; Wife of David Helsley, W. David; 1862 - 1941; h. of Sarah C. Hepner, Betty June; April 14, 1927 - May 9, 1927; Daughter of Lawrence E. & Virginia E. Hepner, Charles L.; September 22, 1892 - January 2, 1979 Hepner, Lawrence E.; September 22, 1902 - May 21, 1974 Hepner, Ruth G.; September 25, 1896 - n.d.; Wife of Charles L. Hepner, Virginia E.; November 10, 1909 - March 21, 1966; Wife of Lawrence E. Hollar, Audrey H.; February 28, 1925 - n.d.; Married October 18, 1948; w. of Melvin L. Hollar, Melvin L. Sr.; October 2, 1930 - June 17, 1972 Holler, Martha F.; December 16, 1883 - May 1, 1961; Wife of Perry H. Holler, Perry H.; October 2, 1877 - October 27, 1965