Prince William Co VA Genealogy: George Calvert

George Calvert, 1694-1772

I believe I am a descendant of a George Calvert who was born in Stafford County (1694) and died in Prince William County in 1772. He married (1)Constance ??? and (2) Ester Kirkland. His son Rueben (1741-1777) is in my line of the family. (His grandson Thomas died in Nelson County, Ky in 1808.) Are there any Calverts or others who can verify such persons existed?

The questions about this early George Calvert have long baffled Calvert researchers. The theory has been that George was the great-grandson of Leonard Calvert (1st Gov. of Maryland). His father's name was also George Calvert (b.1668 Charles Co, Maryland and d.1700 Stafford Co, Virginia.) Considering the religious turmoil of the period, my guess is that these are Calverts, who left the Catholic Church.

Seaches of records in Stafford, Prince William, Fairfax, Fauquier & Culpeper Counties have been made by other researchers. Nobody has turned up more than circumstantial evidence. This is explained message sent by Kathleen Much of Standford University. The message is repeated below.

A thought I have had is that many of the old colonial churches still exist today, particularly in Virginia. Chances are the Calverts became Episcopalians and Episcopal Churches generally keep excellent records. Perhaps, baptismal, marriage, and burial records could be found at one of the older churches? (-- former email: [email protected])

*Message from :   Kathleen Much     Louise Shaw posted:

The Title is: "Genealogies of Virginia Families." Down the left side of the title page, it says: "Genealogies of Virginia Families;

Volume 1----A-Cl; Wm & Mary Qtly. " Genealogical Publishing Co. - G929.1755G28562, v. (my libraries coding.

One chapter: "An Index of Calverts (1664-1799) by John Bailey Calvert Nicklin. "These notes from the records of Stafford, Prince William, Fairfax, Fauquier & Culpeper Counties are offered in the form of an index with the hope that they may assist searchers & descendants by showing the places of residence of various Calverts of Virginia during the period from 1690 to 1800, most of whom form one family descending from George Calvert who was in Stafford County before 1690.( A few other Calverts, apparently not related, are also included.) This George Calvert was the son of the Hon. William Calvert of Maryland, only son of Governor Leonard Calvert, second son of the first Lord Baltimore, Sir George Calvert (1578-1632) and brother of Cecil (Cecilius in Latin), the second Lord Baltimore." ------

The GVF are three sets of books compiling articles from reputable journals: Wm & Mary College Quarterly, Tyler's Quarterly, and the VA Mag. of Hist. and Biog. When you cite from GVF, be sure to say which set you are using (each set has a different subtitle). Also be sure to check later articles on the family in question to see whether additions or corrections have been issued since the original publication.

The original Nicklin article "An Index of Calverts" appeared in W&MQ, Ser. 2, Vol. 20, No. 3 (Jul. 1940), pp. 411-423.

If you can't find the _GVF from W&MQ_ at your library, you might be able to find the bound volumes of back issues of W&MQ. If your university library subscribes to JSTOR, the online journal collection being tested by the Mellon Foundation, you can read or print the article directly from the computer in the library. JSTOR has W&MQ up to 1989, I think.

Note that Nicklin gave no source for his claim that George CALVERT of Stafford was the son of the Hon. William CALVERT of MD. As far as I know, nobody has turned up more than circumstantial evidence (see O'Gorman) of the relationship. If you find a contemporary document, all the Calvert researchers will bless your name forever.

1996 Kathleen Much

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