Mecklenburg County

WILLIS Family Wills and Related Documents

Mecklenburg County, Va Court Order Bk4 [1773 - 1779]
Court Session of June, 1777

Last Will and Testament of Richard Willis

The last will and testament of Richard Willis was proved by the oaths of James Brown and Sherod Willis witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Anne Willis the executrix therein named remained thereto and together with Benjamin Sampson and Sherod Willis for securities entered bond in penalty of one hundred pounds conditioned as the law orders. Certificate is granted for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. page 362

An inventory of the estate of Richard Willis, deceased was returned and is ordered to be recorded. page 365

On the complaint of Dorcas Crowder against Sherwood Willis for all usage and on hearing the said Dorcas on oath it is considered that the sheriff take the said Sherwood Willis into his custody thereto remain until he shall give bond with good security and the penality of one hundred pounds the condition to be of good behavior to all people, especially toward the said Dorcas Crowder for the space of one year. page 367

Mecklenburg County, Virginia Court Order Book 8, [1792-1795]

Chancery Suit

Page 178 (9th day of September 1793)

An Inventory and Appraisement in the estate of William Willis, deceased being returned into court and ordered to be recorded.

Page 209

Petition of Mary Willis, Administrator of William Willis deceased against William Nash is discontinued at the defendants cost.

Page 226

On the petition of Mary Willis administrix of William Willis deceased against William Naish for debt due by note on hand the defendant having been summoned and served with a copy of the petition and not appearing. It is considered by the court that the said plaintiff recover against the defendant two pounds eight shillings the debt aforesaid with interest thereon to be computed at the rate of five percent per annum from the 21st day of August 1792 till payment and her cost including a lawyer's fee.

Page 305

An account of sale of sale of the estate of William Willis, deceased being returned to court is ordered to be recorded.

Page 486

Howel Rose and Mary his wife Plaintiff
John Greenwood and Thomas Lockett Defendants

William Willis of the county comes into court and undertakes for the defendant that in case they shall be cast in this suit they shall satisfy and pay the condemnation of the court or tender there bodies into prisonin execution for the same court act be the said William will do and for them. Richard Swepson,  Thomas Wilson and John Pulliam having bound themselves in this court for Mary Willis (who hath since intermarried with Howel Rose) her due and faithful possessing her duty as the administrix of William Willis deceased and the said Richard Swepson, Thomas Wilson and John Pulliam appearing themselves to be in danger of suffering damages by reason of their being security as aforesaid - --- on motion of Richard Swepson, Thomas Wilson and John Pulliam it is ordered that the said Howel Rose and Mary his wife be summoned to appear due on the second Monday of September next begin the said Richard Swepson, Thomas Wilson and John Pulliam security to indemnify themselves against any damages that may happen to them by being their being security as aforesaid.

Mecklenburg County, Virginia
Court Order Book 10, Page 13

Estate of Edward Willis

On the petition of William Willis administrator of Edward Willis deceased against John Royster for thedebt due by account. By consent of the parties it is cleared by the court that the petitioner recover against the debt $10.10 the debt aforesaid and its costs including a lawyer's fee and for the full agrees to pay the execution of this judgement until the 30th day of November next.

Page 17

William Willis against John Royster

This day came as well the plaintiff lay his attorney as the debt in his proper possession and the said debt acknowledged the plaintiffs action, therefore it is considered by the court that the plaintiff recoveragainst the debt one hundred and thirty pounds nine shillings and two pence current money of Virginia.The debt in the declaration mentioned in his cost by him about his suit in his behalf expended in the saiddebt in mercy of this judgement is to be discharged by the payment of 32 pounds 10 shillings and 6 pence 3 farthings like money with interest thereon to be computed after the rate of six percent per annum from the 14 days of August 1798 to a payment and the cost and the plaintiff agrees to stay the execution of this judgement till the 30th of November next.

Mecklenburg County, Virginia
Court Order Book 10, page 32

Estate of William Willis

Howell Rose, administrator etc of William Willis, deceased plaintiff James Littlejohn and William Willis defendent

This day came the parties by these attornies on the motion of debts who say they have not broken the covenant in manner and found as the per against them hath complained and of this they put themselves upon the country and the plaintiff likewise is ordered that the writ of inquiry awarded in this suit be set aside and thereupon came also a jury TOWIT, Edward Leafman, Richard Ragsdale, Thomas Puryear, Richard Hughes, Ray Moss, Charles Hutcheson, Caleb Johnston, Hannan Thompson, John White, Solomon Pettits, William Coleman, and Thomas Allen who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue joined upon their oath do say that the debts have not been perfouned the covenant in the declaration mentioned but have broken the same in manner and form as the petition against them have complained and they do assess the claim for damages by occassion thereof to eight pounds thirteen shillings besides his costs. Therefore it is considered by the court that the plaintiff recover the debts his damages against the defendant. His damages aforesaid in aforesaid assessed and his costs by him about his suit in his behalf expended and the said defendents in mercy & etc.

Mecklenburg County, Virginia
Court Order Book 12 [1803-1805]

Page 19

Howel Rose and Mary, his wife, administrator and Plaintiff administratrix of William Willis, deceased
Thomas Huett Defendant

In case, discontinued by the plaintiff's attorney.

Page 22

Chancery Court

Richard Willis, William Hopewode and Nancy his wife, Sherwood Willis, Thomas Daniel and Elizabeth his wife, John Willis, Sterling Willis, Edward Willis, Drury Willis,Plaintiff Thomas Willis, Anna Willis, John Algood and Sarah his wife, heirs of William Willis deceased
Howel Rose and Mary his wife, administrator of William Defendant Willis, deceased

By consent of the parties commissioners are worded that for thirty days to examine or take the despositions of the witnesses in this cause giving each other legal notice of the times and plans of executing the same. And it is
ordered that the said cause retain as place on the dockett.

Page 150

Richard Swepson having bound himself in the court for Mary Willis who has since intermarried with Howel Rose her due and faithfully her duty as administratrix of William Willis, deceased. Apprehending himself to be in danger of suffering damages by reason of his being security aforesaid. On the motion of the said Richard wepson that the said Howel Rose and Mary his wife be summoned to appear here on the 2nd Monday in June next give the said Richard Swepson security to indemnfy himself ---- any damages that may happen to him by reason of his being security as aforesaid.Page 170

Chancery Court

Richard Willis, William Hopewode and Nancy his wife, Sherwood Willis, Thomas Daniel and Elizabeth his wife, John Willis, Sterling Willis, Edward Willis, Drury Willis,Plaintiff Thomas Willis, Anna Willis, John Algood and Sarah his wife, heirs of William Willis deceased
Howel Rose and Mary his wife, administrator of William Defendant Willis, deceased

Continued at the cost of the defendants ---- and by consent of the parties a commission is awarded the defendants to account and take the despositions of William Marshall, Christopher Clausel, and Hume R. Field, witnesses in this case giving the plaintiffs legal notice of the time and place of executing the same.

Page 293

Chancery Court

Richard Willis, William Hopwood and Nancy his wife, Sherwood Willis, Thomas Daniel and Elizabeth his wife, John Willis, Sterling Willis, Edward Willis, Drury Willis,Plaintiff Thomas Willis, Anna Willis, John Algood and Sarah his
wife, heirs of William Willis deceased
Howel Rose and Mary his wife, administrator of William Defendant Willis, deceased

Continued in the next court.

Howel Rose and Mary his wife, Administrator and Plaintiff and administratrix of William Willis, deceased
Thomas Huett Defendants

On the motion of the defendant by William Mumford his attorney his attorney who pleaded now aforesaid to which the plaintiffs replied generally it is considered that the will of inquiry awarded in this suit be set aside.

Page 469

Chancery Court

Richard Willis, William Hopwood and Nancy his wife, Sherwood Willis, Thomas Daniel and Elizabeth his wife, John Willis, Sterling Willis, Edward Willis, Drury Willis, Plaintiff Thomas Willis, Anna Willis, John Algood and Sarah his
wife, heirs of William Willis deceased
Howel Rose and Mary his wife, administrator of William Defendant Willis, deceased

On the motion of the defendant who made oath to the materiality of his witness a commission is awarded him to examine and take the best positions of Hume R. Field, Robert Boutin, William Marshall, Burnett Marshall, John Hill, and Christopher Clausel witnesses in this case giving the plaintiffs legal notice of the time and place of executing the same.

Submitted 2001 Mar 04 by William Willis

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