Mecklenburg County

Will of Richard WILLIAMS

Signed Oct 1, 1769; Proved May 10, 1770
Lunenburg County, VA: Will Book 2, p. 347-350

In the name of God Amen I Richard Williams of Lunenburg County Planter do Will & dispose of such worldly goods with which it hath pleased God to bless me, in the form & manner following, to wit. Imprimis, I give and bequeath to my son Nicholas Williams that half of my land which lies off from the Rudy Creek & up my great branch, which shall be by a dividing line arising from Hamlin's line across the said land to my brother Lazarus William's line to him & his heirs or assigns forever, but if my said son Nicholas should die without lawfull issue, then the above mentioned land to revert to my son Eldred Williams & his heirs or assigns forever. And if my two sons Nicholas & Eldred should both of them die without such lawfull issue, then the above land to go to my son William Williams to him & his heirs forever.

I give to my said son Nicholas Williams (immediately) two Cows & Calves & a three year old heifer, one grey colt, two breeding sows, two ewes & lambs, one good feather bed & furniture & one saddle & bridle, and I lend him my negroe boy called Sam until my youngest daughter comes of the age of eighteen years or marries of which he hath all now in possession.

Item, I give and bequeath to my son Daniel Williams (when he comes to the age of twenty-one years) two Cows & Calves & a three year old heifer, one young horse or mare fit for use, two breeding sows, two ewes & lambs, one good feather bed & furniture & one saddle & bridle to to be made good out of my estate. I likewise lend him my negroe boy called Ned until my youngest daughter comes of the age of eighteen years &c.

I give and bequeath to my said son Daniel Williams the other half of my land which lies on the Rudy Creek whereon my plantation now is, to him & his heirs or assigns forever, but if my said son Daniel should die without lawfull issue then this above mentioned land whereon my plantation now is, shall revert to my son William Williams & his heirs or assigns forever and if my two sons Daniel & William should both of them die without such lawfull issue then the last above mentioned land to go to my son Eldred Williams to him & his heirs &c.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Eldred Williams fifty pounds cash which is in lieu of land, but if by the death of my older son Nicholas that my son Eldred should enjoy his land then the above fifty pounds shall return to my son William Williams & that my said son William shall hold & enjoy that fifty pounds together with other fifty pounds hereafter mentioned, also I give to my said son Eldred ( when he comes of the age of

[Lunenburg Co, VA: WB # 2 p. 348]

twenty-one years) two Cows & Calves & a three year old heifer, one young horse or mare fit for use, two breeding sows, two ewes & lambs, one good feather bed & furniture & one bridle & saddle to be made good out of my estate. I likewise lend him one Negro of which my Execs. shall think proper to choose for him until my youngest daughter comes of the age of eighteen years or marries.

Item, I give & bequeath unto my son William Williams fifty pounds cash which is in lieu of land, but if by the death of my son Daniel that my son William should enjoy his lands then this above fifty pounds shall return to my son Eldred Williams & that my said son Eldred shall hold & enjoy this fifty pounds together with other fifty pounds above mentioned, also I give unto my said son William Williams (when he comes to the age of twenty-one years) two Cows & Calves & a three year old heifer, one young horse or mare fit for use, two breeding sows, two ewes & lambs, one good feather bed & furniture & one saddle & bridle to be made good out of my estate. I likewise lend him one Negro (of which my Execs. shall think proper to choose for him) until my youngest daughter comes of the age of eighteen years or marries.

Item The above fifty pounds mentioned in each of the last two legacies Viz. Eldred & William is to be raised out of my estate (that is not Well's away) within the term of seven years from this date, that my Executors immediately may put the said money out at interest in order to be paid to my said sons Eldred & William, when they come of age, and if either of my two younger sons Eldred & William should die without lawfull issue that then the survivor shall have & enjoy the other fifty pounds which shall make the whole sum one hundred pounds to the survivor &c.

Item I have given to my daughter Ann on her marriage with John Hardy as much of my estate as I shall give to either of my daughters. I lend her one negroe girl named Judith until my youngest daughter comes to the age of eighteen years or marries.

Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Lucy Williams one cow & calf, two two, year old heifers, two ewes & lambs, one good feather bed & furniture one woman's saddle & bridle which she now has in her possession & one large pewter bason likewise I lend her one negroe boy named Moses until my youngest daughter comes of the age of eighteen years or marries.

Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Susanah Williams one cow & calf, two, two year old heifers, two ewes & lambs, One good feather bead & furniture one woman's saddle & bridle & one large pewter bason. I lend her one negroe all which legacies is to be delivered when they

[Lunenburg Co, VA: WB # 2 p. 349]

comes to the age of eighteen or marries, and the loan of a Negro until my youngest daughter comes to the age of eighteen or marries.

Item I give to my daughter Patience Williams one cow & calf, two, two year old heifers, two ewes & lambs, one good feather bed & furniture one woman's saddle & bridle & one large pewter bason to be delivered at the age of 18 years or her marriage. I likewise lend her one Negro as aforesaid to the rest of my children &c.

Item I give & bequeath to my daughter Martha Williams, one cow & calf, two, two year old heifers, two ewes & lambs, one good feather bed & furniture one woman's saddle & bridle, one large pewter bason to be delivered at the age of eighteen years or her marriage. also I lend her one negroe, until my youngest daughter comes to the age of eighteen years or her marriage.

Item I give & bequeath to my daughter Mary Williams, one cow & calf, two, two year old heifers, two ewes & lambs, one good bed & furniture one woman's bridle & saddle, one large pewter bason, to be delivered at the age of eighteen years or her marriage.

Item it is my will & desire that all my negroes and their increase be collected together, at the time whence my youngest daughter come to the age of eighteen or at her marriage, I lend the _______ {ink stain} a child's part of my negroes to my loving wife Agness during her life, and the remainder of my negroes to be equally divided between all my children & their heirs &c. But in case of the death of either of my sons leaving no lawfull issue after the aforesaid division of negroes it is my will that such deceased sons moveable estate allotted him (or the value thereof) by this my Will be equally divided between the surviving sons or their issue lawfully begotten, and in regard to my daughters, after the division of my negroes aforesaid. It is my will that such deceased daughters estate allotted her (or the value thereof) by this only Will to be equally divided between the surviving daughters or their issue lawfully begotten.

Item I lend the use of my plantation with all the improvements thereon to my loving wife Agness together with land sufficient for the maintenance of herself & children & for raising money & household goods & stock for the paying of legacies & educating the children & after the aforesaid division of the negroes, I then lend the use of the remaining part of my estate that has not yet been mentioned in this my Will to my beloved wife Agness during her life, except a reasonable part of the plantation & improvements when my son Daniel comes to age and after the death of Agness my wife, my Will is that the remaining part of my estate shall be equally divided between all my children

[Lunenburg Co, VA: WB # 2 p. 350]

& my Will & desire is that the Court shall have nothing to do with this my last Will & Testament but to order it on the Record.

Lastly, I constitute & appoint my son Nicholas Williams and my son in law John Hardy my whole & sole Executors of this my last Will & Testament.

In Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this first day of October one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine.

Signed, Sealed & Declared
Richard Williams {seal}

in Presence of
Thom. Edwards, Zachariah Davis, Lazarus Williams, Ben Williams, Isaac Williams

In a Court held for Lunenburg County the 10th day of May 1770.

The above written last will & testament of Richard Williams decd. was exhibited in Court by Nicholas Williams one of the Executors therein named and was proved by the oaths of three of the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded. An on the motion of the said Executor (who made oath according to law) certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate of said will in due form (he giving security) where upon he together with Thomas Edwards and Thomas Tabb Gent. his securities entered in to and acknowledged bond for that purpose according to law, and John Hardy the other Executor refused here in Court to join in probate.

Wm Taylor Ck__

Abstract and notes -

Richard Williams - Decedent
Agness Williams - Wife
Lazarus Williams - His brother - Witness
Nicholas Williams - son - Executor
William Williams - son
Eldred Williams - son
Daniel Williams - son
Ann Hardy - daughter
John Hardy - son in law - Executor
Susanah Williams - daughter
Lucy Williams - daughter
Martha - daughter
Patience - daughter
Mary - daughter
Thom. Edwards - Witness
Zachariah Davis - Witness
Ben Williams - Witness
Isaac Williams - Witness

“of seven years” -- does this mean that the youngest child was 11 years old?

Contributed by David Clark Dorsey

Design by Templates in Time

This page was last updated 03/08/2024