Mecklenburg County

Will of James WILKINGS

Will of James Wilkings [James Wilkins, by tradition]

Mecklenburg Co., VA Will Bk 1:384,385
Dated 11 Jul 1781; Proved 6 Oct 1781

In the name of God Amen I James Wilkings of the parish of St. James in the County of Mecklenburg of Sound mind & Memory do make and ordain this my last will and Testament first I assign my Soul unto the hands of almighty God hoping for pardon & remission of my Sins through the merits and [word not readable] of my blessed Saviour Christ Jesus & my body I commit to the Earth to be buried in a Decent & Christian like manner.

Item I lend unto my Dearly beloved wife Arabella during her natural life the use of my plantation whereon I now live containing by Deed six hundred acres Land I likewise desire she may have the use of all my stock of Cattle, horses, hogs & sheep except four Cows and Calves and twelve head of Sheep, it is further my desire that she may have the use of my Negroes with all Kitchen & household Furniture except two Feather Beds & their furniture to her during her life.

Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Wilkings the land I purchased of Henry Howard containing by estimation one hundred and fifty acres Land whereon there was a mill with all the conveniences there belonging unto the said Mill, I likewise desire that? My said Daughter Mary may have two cows [an unreadable line on copy] and furniture to her and her Heirs for ever,

Item I give & bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Sarah Vaughan now living with me two Cows with their Calves & a bed with its furniture to her and her heirs for ever.

Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Milla Newton Six head sheep to her and her heirs forever,

Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Charles Wilkings after my wifes decease the plantation whereon I now live to him and his heirs forever.

Item it is further my will and desire that the sale of my estate both real and personal shall be sold after my wifes decease at publick auction and [the moneys there arising ?] may be equally divided between my Children, Charles Wilkings, Martha Wilkings, Sukey Vaughan, Mary Wilkings & Milley Newton they first discharging all just debts, then an equal division to be made,

Item I appoint my Son Charles Wilkings, Jno Puryear & Thomas Feild Executors to this my last will and Testament, Revoking all will be me formerly made.

I [unreadable word] & Declare this to be my last will & Testament in Witness whereof I have set my affixed seal this 11 day of July 1781.

James [his ^ mark] Wilkings

Thomas Feild
John Puryear
Wm Hundley

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 6th day of Oct 1781 This Will was proved by the oaths of John Puryear and William Hundley Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded And on the motion of Thomas Feild and Charles Wilkings two of the Executors therein names who made oath thereto and entered into and acknowledged this Bond in the penalty of one hundred thousand pounds conditioned [unreadable to bottom of copy of page].

[Edited 11 Jan 1999 to read wife "Arabella" instead of "Anabella."]

Contributed by JoLee Gregory Spears

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024