Mecklenburg County

Will of David THOMAS

Mecklenburg County, VA, Will Book 15 p. 437

I David Thomas of the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia, being of sound mind and make and ordain that my last will and testement, setting aside all wills made by me heretofore, in ___ and forms as follows (viz)

1) I wish all my just debts to be fully ___ by any lawful executors herein after mentioned and after the payment of any of my just debts is fully discharged, my will and desire is that the residue of my estate be disposed in the following manner

2) I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife REBECCA THOMAS the following property (viz) neg Grandison and a negro woman Tempy, all my land, her choice of stock of every description, household and kitchen furniture, plantation utensils, also the crop that may be on hand or so much as she may wish.

3) I give and bequeath to my son ALLEN THOMAS a negro Dianah and a boy named Mansfield to him and his heirs forever.

4) I give and bequeath unto my son BENNETT THOMAS two negros by name Jack and Kitty to him and his heirs forever.

5) I give and bequeath to the surviving heirs of my son CHARLES THOMAS by his first wife, two negros Sarah and Ben to them and their heirs forever and also the residue of my estate shall also go to the said heirs.

6) I give and bequeath to my son STITH THOMAS two negros Harriet and Jim to him and his heirs forever.

7) I give and bequeath to my daughter Jane Lambert two negros Winny and Washington to her and hers heirs forever, my further desire is in case that my Grandson Green J Thomas the son of my daughter Jane Lambert not a lawful issue of her body that in case that he should not secure two hundred dollars of the ___ all ready given said daughter, that the said Grandson Green J Thomas may be ___ to said daughter. That the said Grandson shall never the above mentioned two hundred dollars out of her last portion that may be ___ to her and their heirs forever.

8) I give and bequeath to my son ROBERT THOMAS two negros Hartwell and Sally to him and his heirs forever.

9) I give and bequeath to my son LEONARD THOMAS two negros Albert and Cyntha to him and his heirs forever.

10) I give and bequeath to my son DAVID W. THOMAS two negros Lewis and Pebe? To him and his heirs forever.

11) I give and bequeath to my son JOHN J THOMAS the following property (viz) two negro girls named Minty and Mary, one negro boy named Hinton and further my will and desire that after the death of my wife REBECCA that my son shall take the within named land in use to her during her life at the price the commissioners or appraisers may value it at, by giving his ___ to my executor or executors for one hundred and fifty dollars per year or so much as will make up to their valuation without interest. The deed to be made by my executor or executors to him the said JOHN J THOMAS to him and his heirs forever, provided---will take the same at their appraisment if not to be sold and the proceeds equally divided among all the within named children.

12) My will and desire is that all the residue of my estate both real and ___ , not herein not mentioned specially named by me to be sold and the proceeds therefore to be equally divided among all my living children and in case of their death to go to their heirs forever (except my son CHARLES his portion to the heirs of his first wife and their heirs forever.

13) I nominate and appoint my son DAVID W. THOMAS and my son JOHN J THOMAS and in case of their death my friend AC Dugger, executors to this my last will and testement.

Given under my hand and seal this day 18 of February 1841.

David (x his mark) Thomas

Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of witness:
James L. Wright
Wiley G. Jones
Benjamin Childress
A.C. Dugger

At the court held for Mecklenburg County at the courthouse thereof on the 18th day of April 1842

The forgoing will and testement of DAVID THOMAS decd was this day produced in court and proven by the oaths of Wiley G. Jones and Benjamin Childress, two of the subscribing witness th___ t and named to be recorded. And on motion of DAVID W. THOMAS one of the executors therein named who made oath th___ t and together with Johnathan B. Northington and Samuel H. Goode his securities entered into and acknowledge therein bond in the penalty of $200.00 dollars conditioned according to Law certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate there of in one form ___ (?Liberty?) is named to join said probate when he may think fit.

Teste R.B. Baptist (clerk)

Written in margin of book which could not be fully read from microfilm -
A motion by John J. Thomas on September 24, 1846, with oaths Robert Jones and Stith Thomas-set bond of $200.00 for obtaining probate.?

Contributed 2001 Jul 06 by Cynthia Thomas Huggett

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