Mecklenburg County

Will of William Mallory SWEPSON

In the Name of God, Amen, I William M. Swepson of the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia being of sound mind and disposing memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament:

In the first place I lend to my beloved wife Ann E Swepson all my land, negroes, household and kitchen furniture, stock of every description, plantation utensils and crops on hand for and during her natural life or widowhood with the priviledge of giving off to my children as they marry or become of age such property as she may see cause., which property so given shall be valued by 2 disinterested neighbors and accounted for in a general division as so much of their part of my estate.

Secondly, it is my will and desire at the death of my beloved wife Ann E Swepson, or upon marrying again, that my lands, stock, household and kitchen furniture and every thing lent her, except what she may have given off to her child or children, shall be sold except the negroes and the money arising from the sale and the negroes shall be equally divided between my children: Charity Ann Swepson, George W Swepson, Robert R Swepson, Martha A Swepson, and Mary E Swepson, and their heirs forever.

I do hereby authorize and empower my wife to sell, should I not do it before my death, a negro woman by the name of Maria, upon condition that she shall with the money purchase another woman in her place.

Lastly, I do hereby nominate and appoint my beloved wife Ann E Swepson whole and sole Executrix to this my last will and testament do respectfully request of the worshipful County of Mecklenburg that they will not make her do any security for the performance of her duties as my Executrix.

As witness my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five.
Signed: Wm. M. Swepson (Seal)
Witnesses: William T White James Brame R Brame

I, William M Swepson, hold by deeds in the county court office of Mecklenburg, Virginia, three shares or legatees parts of the negroes in the possession of Ray Moss widow as her thirds or dower. There are only two of those shares or legatees parts that belong to me, the other one rightfully belongs to Thomas Redd's heirs or legatees. I sold it to Thomas Redd a short time before his death and rec'd payment, but from neglect the conveyance of right never was made. It is my will and desire that one legatees part or share shall go to Thomas Redd's heirs , two shares only belonging to me.
Signed: Wm. M Swepson (Seal)
Witnesses: William T White James Brame R Brame

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County on the 16th day of May, 1836, the foregoing instrument of Wm M Swepson deceased was this day produced in open court and the subscribing witnesses thereto being out of this Commonwealth,
Wm C Wall and John S Field, were sworn and examined; say that they are well acquainted with the handwriting of the Testator, having frequently seen him write and that they verily believe the said Will throughout, as well as the signature thereto, to be in the proper handwriting of the said Wm M Swepson, dec'd.;
thereupon, the said will was ordered to be recorded, and on motion of Robert Redd, who made oath thereunto, and together with Beverly Sydnor and John S Fields, his securities, entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of $15,000.00 conditioned according to law a certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Administration with the will aforesaid annexed on the estate of the said Wm M Swepson, deceased.
Teste: Jno G Baptiste

Dec 19, 1836 Inventory of Est filed (WB 14. P 116,117)
Signed by appraisors and John S Fields, ADM Jan 20, 1837 Robert Redd, Dec'd- late Adm of Wm M Swepson-accts adjusted (WB 14. P 213) WB 15- P 271-273 Accounting for 1837.

1838, filed by John S Fields, Adm. Final Division of est by Court Jan 1, 1839 WB 15- P 243-251- Final acctg filed Apr 20, 1840

Guardian BK 3-P 141-144 1839, 1840 John S Fields, Gdn of GeorgeW Swepson, Martha Swepson, Mary Swepson, Robert R Swepson

George Redd, Will dated April 16, 1818-Pro Sept 21, 1818-Meck names dtr Nancy Swepson, wife of Wm M Swepson (among others)
EXRS: Sons, Thomas Redd, Robert Redd, &Wm M Swepson

Submitted by Judy Baugh & Sadie Greening Sparks

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024