Mecklenburg County


Abstract of Will of John Stembridge of Lunenburg Co., VA - 1830
Will recorded Will Book 12:255, in Mecklenburg Co., VA, Recorded: 18 Oct 1830

In the name of God amen, I John Stembridge of the county of Lunenburg & state of Va...

1st Just debts be paid ...

Item My son James Stembridge my tract of land lying in the county of Mecklenburg which my son John Stembridge died seized of.

Item My son Baker Stembridge and my daughter America Slaughter to them & their heirs one negro woman named Ron [or Ren/jgs] with all her increase to be equally divided between them also I give unto them one dollar each.

Item I give unto my daughter Sally Stembridge & to her heirs forever my tract of land lying in the county of Hancock state of Georgia which my son John Stembridge died seized of

Item It is my will and desire that all the rest of my estate both real & personal (not heretofore bequeathed) at my death to be equally divided between my following mentioned children Towit Betty Townsand?, James Stembridge, Lucy Smith, Polly Roberts and William Stembridge.

Lastly I nominate & appoint my son James Stembridge Exec. to this my last will and testament.

John [his mark] Stembridge

John S. Jeffers [or John L. Jeffers?]
Lattney M. Gregory
Drury A. Harris

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County on the 19th day of July 1830

The foregoing last will and testament of John Stembridge dec'd was this day produced into Court & proved by the oaths of the subscribing witnesses thereto & Ordered to be recorded and at another court held for said county on the 18th day of October 1830 James Stembridge the Executor therein named appeared in court and refused to take upon himself the burden of the execution thereof and on motion of John S. Jeffries who made oath thereto and together with Thomas B. Puryear and John G. Baptist his securities entered to and acknowledge their bond in the penalty of $6000. conditioned according to Law certificate is granted him for obtaining letter of administration with the will on record in due form.

E. L. Tabb

Contributed 1998 Nov 24 by JoLee Gregory Spears

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