Mecklenburg County


Will of Samson POWERS

Mecklenburg County, Virginia, Will Book #8, page 8

In the name of God Amen I Samson Powers of the County of Mecklenburg being of a perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for it and knowing that it is appointed of God for man once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. Viz.

First of all my will and desire is that all my just debts be truly paid.

Item I lend unto my well beloved wife Sarah Powers my whole estate in land, Negroes, money and bonds and with all the other property of every kind during her natural life or widowhood.

Item on condition that my son Samuel Powers pays unto my two daughters Sally Curtis and Patsey Jackson five pounds in pure Virginia currency then at the death or marriage of my wife Sarah Powers I give to him the said Samuel Powers, the residue of my land on which I now live, together with an equal share (with my other three children) of every other part of my whole estate.

Item my will and desire is at the death or marriage of my wife Sarah Powers or as soon after as my executors hereafter named shall think proper that they proceed and have all my Negroes placed into four lots and then drawn for by my legatees and those of my heirs that shall draw that lot which is best or most naturable? shall pay to the others to make them equal and then my will and desire is that all my other property of every description whatsoever be sold and all the money arising therefrom be equally divided between my four children namely William Powers, Patsey Jackson, Sally Curtis and Samuel Powers to them or their heirs forever (Betsey Fagerson daughter of Flemming Jackson, deceased excluded for it is my will that she the said Betsey Fagerson should not heir anything of my estate forever).

Item my will is that my son William Powers shall have in the division of my estate twenty five pounds Virginia money less than my other children, by reason of property he has already received.

Lastly I appoint my wife Sarah Powers, executrix and Zachariah Curtis and Cavil Jackson, executors of this my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 25th day of February in the year of our lord 1813.

Samson Powers.

Signed and sealed in presence of:
Sanford Bowers,
Peter T. Fargeson.

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 18th day of October 1813.
This will was proved by the oaths of Sanford Bowers and Peter T. Furgeson a witness there to and ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of Cavil Jackson and Zachariah Curtis two of the executors therein named who made oath thereto and together with William Powers and Samuel Powers their securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in penalty of fifteen thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs. Certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form. Liberty being reserved to the executrix therein named to join in probate when she shall think fit.
Teste. William Baskervill, Cl. Cur.

Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book #8, page 70

On October 19, 1813 an inventory and value of the property belonging to the estate of Samson Powers was recorded by John Hutcheson - SJ, Pennington Lett, Thomas Ryland, Zachariah Curtis and Cavil Jackson. Their report was entered into Court on August 15, 1814.

Samson's estate was valued at £826-10-1/4. It included six Negroes namely Bob (£100-0-0), Tell (£140-0-0), Hannah (£100-0-0), Cary (£100-0-0), Sucky (£45-0-0) and Mary (£40-0-0). Samson also possessed a black horse named Toin (£18-0-0), two mares, numerous cattle, hogs, sheep, some pewter and earthen ware, a man and a womans saddle, three spinning wheels, three dutch ovens, a loom, numerous bushels of wheat, oats, fodder, a small looking glass, a pine chest, 600 pounds of seed cotton, a folding walnut table, a chest of drawers, five old books, an arm chair, 45 barrels of corn, 889 pounds of tobacco (£10-13-4 1/4) and many other plantation, kitchen and household items.

Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book #12, page 539

On October 5, 1831 Zachariah Curtis, executor of Samson Powers, entered a record of the estate sale he held. The sale brought a total of $141.57. The following individuals made purchases at the sale.

Items in parenthesis were those of enough interest to mention however each individual may have purchased others. Those making purchases were Dabney Farrer, Zachariah Curtis (a mans saddle, an arm chair), Thomas Seaton, John Hutcherson, Welsher Simmons, Green Crowder (a chest of drawers, toilet, an old womans saddle), Robert C. Tucker (a toilet), Green Jackson, James Holmes, Sherroad G. Colley, Augustin Smith, John Hightower, Robert B. Crews, Jessee Parrish (15 sitting chairs), Thomas Johnson, Charles C. Philips, William McCleachy, William Bowers, Alex Steegall, Warner Keeton, Cluverious Coleman, Pettus Farrer, Cargel Thompson, William H. Taylor, Joseph Talley, William Quincey, Claiborne Curtis, Daniel Tucker, Robert A. Walker, Wiley Tucker, Daniel W. McDaniel and Spotsford Thompson (a large sorrel horse).

Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book #13, page 459

On April 17, 1833 Zachariah Curtis, executor of Samson Powers, submitted an accounts current report to the Court.

After paying Court costs, Samson's estate settled at $132.09. The money was divided as follows: Waddy J. Jackson received $8.36 in his own right.

He also received $8.36 each for both Archer and Cavil O. Jackson of whom he was the legal guardian.

Waddy also paid Samuel F. Jackson, Green Jackson and William G. Hogan in right of wife Rebecca Jackson Hogan, $8.36 each as heirs of Martha Jackson, deceased.

Zachariah retained $81.93 in the right of his wife, Sally Powers Curtis.

As an addendum to the record, on June 15, 1835 their was a lawsuit filed between Waddy J. Jackson and others versus Zachariah Curtis but I do not know what became of that action. (This report was made jointly with the accounts current of Sarah Powers. See her notes for more details.)

Will of Sarah POWERS

Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book #12, 1826/1831, page 394

In the name of God amen I Sarah Powers (widow) of the county of Mecklenburg being of a perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for it and calling to mind the mortality of my body and that it is appointed of God that I must die do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following (Viz.) as it respects my worldly estate that it has pleased God to bless me with since my husbands' death I dispose of in the following manner.

Item the parts or portions of slaves that did belong to my two sons Samuel Powers and William Powers. according to their father's will, I have bought with my own lawful earnings.

Item I give and bequeath the one half of the said slaves to my daughter, Sally Curtis, to her and her heirs forever and the other half I give and bequeath to be equally divided between my six grandchildren namely Waddy J. Jackson, Rebecca T. Hogan, Samuel Jackson, Green Jackson, Archer Jackson and Osborne C. Jackson to them and their heirs forever.

Item I give and bequeath all my money that shall remain at my decease to Sally Curtis and William Powers to be equally divided between them

and lastly I appoint Zachariah Curtis and John Hutcheson, executors to this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 25th day of July 1826. Sarah Powers.

Witnesses: Mary Ann Tucker, Zachariah Bowers, Thomas Johnson.

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County on the 20th day of June 1831.

The foregoing last will and testament of Sarah Powers, deceased was produced into Court duly proved by the oaths of the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded and John Hutcheson one of the executors therein named appeared in Court and refused to take upon him self the burden of the execution thereof and on motion of Zachariah Curtis the other executor therein named, who made oath thereto and together with Waddy J. Jackson, Churchwell Curtis and William Powers his security, entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of $10,000 conditioned according to law. Certificate is granted him for obtaining probate of said will in due form. Edward L. Tabb, C. C.

Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book #12, page 457

On September 23, 1831 Robert A. Walker, Pennington Lett and Hardiway Lett recorded an inventory and appraisal for the estate of Sarah Powers, deceased. It was valued at $1,385.83 and included items such as 22 sheep, 14 hogs, 11 pigs, 10 cows, a yoke of oxen, two horses, two rugs, nine snuff bottles, six Negroe women and children ($1,050) and many other kitchen, plantation, household goods and foodstuffs including a 12 gallons of vinegar.

Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book #12, page 537

On October 5, 1831 Zachariah Curtis, executor of Sarah Powers, entered into Court a record of the estate sale he held. The sale brought a total of $522.65 1/4. The following individuals made purchases at the public auction. Items in parenthesis were those of enough interest to mention however each individual may have purchased others. Those making purchases were Zachariah Curtis (a colt and filly), Claiborne Curtis, Green Crowder (ten pounds of soap, twelve gallons of vinegar), Welsher Simmons, Samuel Tary, Charles C. Philips, James Holmes, Robert A. Walker (a stone churn), Clevious R. Coleman, Thomas Sexton (ten pounds of soap), Green Jackson (17 1/2 pounds of soap), Churchwell Curtis, William Farrer, Robert B. Crews, Thomas Hutcherson, Alfred Vaughan, David Johnson, Salley Cooper, Dabney Farrer, Augustin Smith, Jessee Parrish, William Quincey, Pettus Farrer, Sherod G. Colley, Thomas Johnson, Hardiway Lett, Isaac Holmes, William Wells, William Hunt, Zachariah Shackleford, Peter Stegall, John Hudson, Alfred Vaughan, John Hightower, George Holmes, Warner Keeton, Wiley Tucker and Cargal Thompson (11 1/2 pounds of bacon). There was also a private sale of items to Robert C. Tucker (47 pounds of bacon), Zachariah Curtis (23 1/4 pounds of bacon), James Day, William Powers (10 pounds of soap), Thomas Johnson, Henry Harriss, Waddy J. Jackson and Daniel Tucker. Also 2,223 pounds of tobacco was sold at market. Sarah had unusually large amounts of soap, bacon and vinegar. Perhaps they were used as a source of income.

Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book #13, page 459

On April 17, 1833 Zachariah Curtis, executor of Sarah Powers, submitted an accounts current report to the Court. After paying Court costs and several debts the remaining money was divided amongst her heirs. Debts were paid totalling $116.76 1/2 and were to the following people: Augustine Smith, to the sheriff of Mecklenburg County, Baskervill & Dortch, A. Wright & Co., William O. Gregory, Claibourn Curtis, Pleasant Vaughan, Robert C. Tucker, C. R. Coleman, Samuel Sydnor, to the clerk of Mecklenburg County, Zachariah Shackleford, Woodson V. Johnson, a commission on the estate (likely to Zachariah Curtis), and also to harvest her crops of tobacco, corn and cotton. The remaining money, $407.63, was divided as follows: Zachariah Curtis, in right of his wife Sally Powers Curtis, received $134.21, William Powers received $134.21 and each of the following received one seventh of the estate totalling $19.17 each, Waddy J. Jackson, Archer Jackson, Cavil O. Jackson (Waddy being Archer and Cavil's guardian), Samuel Jackson, Green Jackson, William G. Hogan in right of wife Rebecca Jackson Hogan with the final seventh being divided between Fleming, John and Elizabeth Furgerson (John and Elizabeth's guardian being Peter T. Furgerson.) Zachariah Curtis was also given $5 to pay for the document to be recorded into Court and was witnessed by Woodson T. Johnson, Robert F. Bridgforth and Isaac Holmes.

Contributed 2000 by Kevin Lett

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024