Mecklenburg County


Will of Dabney PHILLIPS

Dated Nov. 25, 1805, Proved Sep. 8, 1806

Mecklenburg Co, VA, Will Book 5, p. 370-372

In the name of God amen I Dabney Phillips of Mecklenburg County and the State of Virginia now in my perfect sences & of sound mine and memory do make and ordain this to be My last will and testament in manner and form following

Imprimis It is my desire that all my estate, both real and personal be held in position by my beloved wife Martha Phillips until the tenth of December Eighteen hundred and fourteen, for the support of herself & children at her Descression, and then for it to be divided in the following Manner. Viz.

My wife to have the tract of land I now live on and one hundred pounds ___ over and above that to have an equal part of all the rest my estate, with my then surviving children.

Item It is my will & desire that if it should please God to remove my beloved wife Martha Phillips from this life before the expiration of the above date Eighteen hundred & fourteen, then and in that case that the children that shall then be living in the state of celibacy, should have the use of said house and plantation until they shall marry & no longer, but should they not marry It is my desire they should have and enjoy said house & Plantation as their home at their discretion untill the Above date eighteen hundred and fourteen and no longer

Item whereas my son Archibald Phillips has departed This life, I wish and desire that the property which I let him have to be considered as my estate to the Amount of one hundred and twenty pounds & then In this case when my estate is divided for his five Children, John, Archer, Sarah Speed, Dabney, and Martha Hix Phillips orphans of the said Archibald Phillips Deced to come in for one equal part of my estate with my children and that one equal part to be equally divided between the said John Phillips, Archer Phillips, Sarah Speed Phillips, Dabney Phillips, and Martha Hix Phillips

Item, whereas it hath pleased the Almighty to remove my my Daughter Nancy Pettus Hill from this life, my will and desire is that she nor her husband, Richard Hill, nor either of their heirs should come in for any part of my estate which I left her in a former will.

But the child she left name Dabney Pettus Hill I desire he should be raised and schooled on my estate at the discretion of my executors hereafter named, and should he live to the age of twenty years I give unto him one Negro boy named Ben, or one hundred pounds as my wife Martha Phillips and my executor thinks best, but should Dabney Pettus Hill depart this life before he shall arrive to the age of twenty years it is my desire that the said legacy should return to my estate.

Item It is my will and desire that Mary Jeter, Dabney Phillips, Jane Phillips, Martin Phillips, Elizabeth Hix Phillips, James Phillips, Pettus Phillips and Martha Holeman Phillips, my children should have each one equal part of my estate both real and personal after the expiration of the tenth day of December Eighteen hundred & fourteen. To as not to interfear with other devises herein contained.

Item It is my will and desire that such a part of my estate as may fall in the possession of my wife by this will may be considered as only lent during her natural life and at her death may be equally divided among my above named children.

Item It is my will and desire that at the death of my wife Martha Phillips the land I lent her be sold to the highest bidder on two years Credit & the money arising from such sale to be equally divided my surviving children but if she dies before the tenth day of December Eighteen hundred and fourteen then and in that case my will and desire is that the land house and plantation be reserved as in a former divise as a home for such of my children as shall be & continue in a state of selibacy until the tenth day of December Eighteen hundred and fourteen.

Item It is my will and desire that if any of my Children die without lawful issue that whatever he or she hath received of my estate be equally Divided between my surviving children. It is my will and desire that not any child of mine be entitled to any part of the above divisons mentioned or in any wise alluded to until he or she renders a Just account of all that he or she hath received or may receive prior to any such divisions in order that each child may have an equal part of my estate.

Item It is my will and Desire that my tract of land situated & laying on Allens Creek in said County be considered under the same tenure as that on which I now live.

Item It is my will and desire that my beloved wife Martha Phillips as Executrix, my son Dabney Phillips and Martin Phillips & my good friend Allen Young as executors do have this my last will and Testament recorded and fulfilled in Witness whereof I have here unto set my and Seal this twenty fifth day of November one thousand Eight hundred and five

Dabney Phillips (seal)

James Meacham
John Young
Polly Tanner
Pettus Phillips
Edward Holloway

Codicil to this my will made this 27 day of June 1806

herewith that it is my will and desire that one Desk, six chests of draws and three dressing tables that I have lately employed Thomas Stone to make, be disposed of in the following manner Viz.

That my son Dabney Phillips have the Desk

and that my Daughter Jane Phillips, Elizabeth Hix Phillips and Martha Holeman Phillips have each of them one Chest of Draws and one dressing table

and that my sons Martin Phillips, James Phillips and Pettus Phillips have each of them one Chest of draws

to which I have set my hand and affixed my seal this day and date above mentioned

Dabney Phillips (seal)

in the presence of
Petus Phillips
Asher Stone
Thomas Stone

Meck. Co, VA Will Book 5, p. 373

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 8 of September 1806

This will was proved by the oaths of John Young, Pettus Phillips and Edward Holloway witnesses thereto and the Codicil there under written was proved by the oaths of Petus Phillips, Asher Stone and Thomas Stone witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded, and on the motion of Martha Phillips and Dabney Phillips the exoc and exro therein named who made oath thereto and together Frances Hester, James Hester, John Roffe Pettus Phillips, Samuel Farrar, and Hutchins Ferrell their securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of fifteen thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs Certificate was granted them for obtaining aprobal thereof in due form liberty being reserved for the other exer therein named to join in the probal when he shall think fit

William Baskervill

Will of Martha PHILLIPS

Dated May 11, 1843;Proved April 15 1844, Mecklenburg Co, VA Will Book 16, p.35,36,37

The last will & Testament of Martha Phillips County of Mecklenburg & State of Virginia to wit May the 11th 1843.

I Martha Phillips being of sound mind but weak in body doth will and bequeath my property in the following manner.

Item the first It is wish that all my Just debts be paid.

Item the 2nd. I give unto my grandson Thomas D. Phillips Son of Martin Phillips, all of my household & kitchen furniture all of my Stock of all kind all my plantation tools of all kind & all the proceeds of my crop whether in hand on hand at my deceased and I do hereby appoint him my sole executor of my estate

Martha Phillips (her mark) {Seal}

Signed, Sealed & witnessed in the Presence of
Boswell S. Crute
Willis R. Crute
Dabney Farrar

Mecklenburg Co, VA Will Book 16, p.36

At a court held for Mecklenburg County at the courthouse thereof On the 15th April 1844 the foregoing last will and Testament of Martha Phillips decd was this day produced in court and proved by the oaths of Dabney Farrar and Boswell S. Crute Subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded And on the motion of Thomas D. Phillips, the executor therein named who made oath thereto and together with Dabney Farrar and Isaiah Jackson his securities enter into are acknowledged their bond in the penalty of $1000 conditioned according to said certificate is granted him for obtaining probal of said will in due form.

R B Baptist cc

Inventory and Appraisement of Martha Phillips Estate

Recorded June 17 1844 Mecklenburg Co, VA, Will Book 16, p. 57

May 22nd 1844

Appraisement of property belonging to estate of Martha Phillips Decd.

3 Leavel hoe Ploughs - __
3 H________ - 2.00
3 Grub & 3 hilling hoes - 1.50
1 weeding hoes - 1.50
4 axes & 1 howet - 1.50
4 Dagons - 5.00
1 Clark hoe - 5.25
2 Sells fileing geed - 1.50
2 pr. weages - 1.00
2 cow & calf - 10.00
1 do do - 10.00
1 yoke oxen - 20.00
1 horse - 30.00
2 sows 27 pigs - 37.00
11 Hogs - 18.00
3000 lbs. Oats - 15.00
2 stacks fodder - 7.00
35 barrels corn - 7.00
____cel crockery ware - 2.00
Knives & forks - 2.00
11 chairs - 2.50
2 chests - 2.00
1 cup board & draws - 4.00
3 bed & furniture - 30.00
[SubTotal] - $243.00
[Plus] - 5.00
[Total] - 248.75

Agreeable to the above order we the ______ssioners have proceeded to appraise the Estate of Martha Phillips deceased

Venable Crute
Dabney Farrar
Saml Farrar

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County at the Court House there of On the 17th day of June 1844

The foregoing inventory and appraisement of the estate of Martha Phillips decd was this day returned into Court and ordered to be recorded.

RB Baptist CC

Transcriber's Abstract and notes:

There are numerous Martha Phillips. This Martha (widow of Dabney Phillips Sr., will proved 1806) is identified thru “Thomas D. son of Martin”. This Martha's maiden name is most likely Martha Hix, not to be confused with her daughter in law, Martha (Hutcheson) Phillips, wife of decedent's son Dabney Phillips Jr.(and daughter of Charles Hutcheson, see his will of 1807) Martha Hutcheson Phillips (see 1850 will of Martha Simmons) married secondly Joseph Simmons in 1816, while Martha Hix Phillips remained widowed. These two Martha s have been confused in many publications

Martha Phillips - decedent ( most likely d/o Amos and Sarah Bugg Hix)
Martin Phillips - son
Thomas D. Phillips - Grandson
Willis R. V. Crute - deacon of Ebenezer Baptist Church in 1840(age 65
on 1850 census, Women Physician)
Boswell S. Crute (age 39 on 1850 census, a schoolmaster) s/o Willis R.V. Crute?
Venable Crute (age 50 on 1850 census, Farmer)
Isaiah Jackson (age 61 on 1850 census, Farmer)
Dabney Farrar died July 1,1849 age 58 (may be nephew and possible son of Elizabeth (d/o Martin Phillips) & Samuel Farrar)

Will of Martin PHILLIPS

Dated July, 26 1781, Proved Sept. 10 1781

Mecklenburg Co, VA Will Book 1, p. 373, 374, 375

In the name of God Amen I Martin Phillips of the County of Mecklenburg

Gentleman, being sick and weak in body but of perfect sense sound mind and memory do make this my last will in manner and form following, that is to say

First I recommend my soul into the hands of the almighty God who gave it and comit my body to the earth to be buried in a decent manner at the discretion of my executors and what worldly goods God has been pleased to bestow upon me I give and bequeath as follows.

Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Ann Phillips out of the love and tender affection I have for her the following slaves, George Bailey, Abraham, Jefrey, Ester a Negro woman Rachel Sukey and her child Tom to have and to hold the said slaves to her own separate use and not subject to the control of any person whatsoever together with my plantation on the Long Rudy Branch where I at present live, all my stock of cattle, hoggs and sheep, three beds and furne ture, half of all my household and kitchen furniture, a young mare colt called Cala, also the following horses Jack, Dick Ballard, Flower during her natural life and after her decease for all the slaves and their increase land and what furniture stock etc as may be left after raising my children, to return unto my children Dabney Phillips, Pettus Phillips, Sarah Jones, Anne Phillips, Betty Phillips, & William Phillips, also Mary Jeters five children to come in for a childs portion to be equally divided between them, The plantation I at present live on excepted as I intend that for my son _____________

Item, I give and Bequeath unto my eldest son ______________
Plantation he at present lives on to him and _______________
I give and bequeath unto my second son Pettus ___________ hundred
and ten acres of land adjoining W. Fran _______________and his brother
Dabney's Plantation, also a Negro women ____________ his grand-
Father named Isabella, and a Negro ___________________ a bed and
Furniture also a sorrel mare, if nev__ ____ ________takes the Blasit {Black}
Face colt that at present sucks to _______________ heirs forever.
Item but in case I should meet _____________ fortune of losing my
son Pettus and he _________________________ body In that case
I desire the above___________________________ my son William
( “Z” tear is taped must look at original copy.)

Mecklenburg Co, VA WB #1, p. 374

as above.

Item I give unto my daughter Anne Phillips a a Negro girl named Pheby a saddle that she rides on also a feather bed and furniture to her and her heirs forever.

Item but in case of the death of the said Anne Phillips without issue in that case I desire her estate my be equally divided among her brothers & sisters.

Item I give unto my daughter Betty a Negro girl named Lucy also a feather bead and furniture a saddle to be purchased for her out of my estate a mare called Fancy to her and her heirs forever.

Item But in case of the death of the said Betty without issue in that case I desire her estate may be equally divided among her bothers and sisters.

Item I give unto my son William Phillips a Negro man named Denis also a girl named Fanney, one feather bed and furniture a Desk looking glass and table a Jolley colt the plantation I at present live on containing by estimation three hundred Acres, my riding saddle to him and his heirs forever.

Item But in case of the death of the said William Phillips and leaving No issue and not arriving to proper age in that case I Desire his estate may be equally divided among his brothers and sisters. Except the land which I desire my son Pettus Phillips may have.

Item I give unto my daughter Sarah Jones a Negro woman named Pattey and her increase to her and her heirs forever.

Item I desire as soon as I am dead my Stone colt may be sold and the money arising from such sale be towards defraying expenses,

Item I leave my beloved wife Anne Phillips my son Dabney Phillips and William Johnson Executors of this my last will and testament

In Witness where of I have here on set my hand and affixed my ______ twenty sixth day of July in the year of our Lord 1781

Martin Phillips (seal)

_________Published and _____ ______ Martin Phillips for his _______ and Testament in presence of us


At a _____________Mecklenburg County the 10th day of Sept. 1781
_________________Edward Roffe and George
Bing _____________to be recorded and on the
motion ___________Phillips and Wm Johnson the
( “Z” tear is taped must look at original copy.)

Transcriber's Abstract and notes:

Martin Phillips - decedent
Ann Phillips - wife {thought to be Ann Pettus}
Dabney Phillips - son - Executor
Pettus Phillips - son
Sarah Jones - daughter
Anne Phillips - daughter
Betty Phillips - daughter
William Phillips - son
Mary Jeter - daughter –five children
William Johnson - Executor
Edward Roffe - Witness
George Bing - Witness

George,Bailey, Abraham, Jefrey, Ester,Rachel, Sukey and her child Tom, Isabella (old his Martin's father named her),Pheby, Lucy, Denis, Fanney, Pattey

Contributed by David Clark Dorsey

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024