Mecklenburg County

Will of Edwin PEETE

Mecklenburg County
January 19, 1830

In the name of God amen. I, Edwin H. Peete of Mecklenburg county, being weak in body but of sound mind and memory thanks to almighty God for the same, but knowing that it is appointed unto man once to die, do make this my last will and testament herby revoking all others heretofore made by me. Imprimis, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Drusilla one moity of two Negro men: Neeco, the shoe maker and Thadrack which Capt. Fennell and myself bought of Reverend Fennell to her and her heirs forever together with all the property Capt. Fennell may hereafter give her as part of her legacy and as soon as money can be made from this crop after paying Ewing P. Smith for land purchased of him on liens as per bond given him. I also give $300 to her and her heirs forever for the purpose of purchasing a gig together with my bay horse Chester, partially blind.

Item the 2nd. My will and desire is that my just debts be honorably paid besides the land I bought I owe comparably little.

Item the 3rd. I give to my beloved daughter Angelina Fennell a tract of land that I bought of Samuel Jordan agreeable to agreement between Dr. Fennell and myself in 1823 and now in possession of Charles Ogborne and a Negro girl by the name of Amy but now called Liza and an equal share with my other children after deducting the above legacy with sundry other things which she received of me.

Item 4th. I give and bequeath to Emaly, Mary, Joseph, John, Ann and Robert Peete to the one yet to be born of my second wife and everything else wheresoever found to my above named children share and share alike having respect to the age, sex, and sign of the Negroes to be divided. The Miles Creek land together with that bought of sonith to be divided into 4 parts between my boys and the home tract unto 3 between my girls share and share alike. In truth, I want an equal division among my children.

Item 5th. In case any one of my children die before they arrive to lawful age or marry, I wish their part divided equally among the other children. I wish them as well educated as their estate will allow, so I commend them to God and the word of his grace, hoping he will guard them and protect them through this unfriendly world and bring them to heaven where I hope to rest.

Edwin H. Peete

Cho. H. Ogborne
Martha A. Fennell
Emily Peete

Contributed by Jonathan Taylor 30 Dec 2003

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