Mecklenburg County

Will of Polly NEWTON

In the name of god amen. I Polly Newton of Mecklenburg County Virginia do make my last will and testament: In the first place I wish my just debts to be paid:

One debt, one of a bond originally in Capt. Robert Williamsons hands which has been lost, the amount of which is not mentioned but James Bowen to whom the money is due having agreed to take out of my estate after my death 75.00 in full satisfaction of said debt. I hereby direct my executors to pay him that sum.

2ndly I give to my grand-daughter Elizabeth Frances Vaughan and daughter of David Vaughan one feather bed, bed stead and furniture which stands in the last room behind the south door.

3rdly The balance of my estate I wish to be divided into three equal parts except a list of articles which I shall hereafter dispose of, one part I give to Nancy Bowen the wife of James Bowen, one part to Polly Newton, the wife of James Newton the other part I give to Daniel Elam in trust for the sole use and benefit of my daughter Letty Vaughan, the wife of David Vaughan, as long as she may live, and after her death I wish the same equally divided between all the children of Letty Vaughan:

I also give to the said Daniel Elam in trust for the same purpose above stated the following property viz. two feather beds, bedsteads and furniture, 3 chairs 1 table, 1 cow, 1 spinning wheel, 1 pair cords, 1 pail, 1 digger, 1 tub, 6 knives and forks, 1 box of earthenware, 1 po(?), 1 oven; 6 chairs being the articles bought by me at the sale of David Vaughan property made by Anderson Overby Constable some time since, and which are now in Letty Vaughan's possession as long as said Letty Vaughan shall live, and at her death I desire that the aforesaid property shall be divided equally between all the children of Letty Vaughan.

It is further my will that neither of my daughters Letty Vaughan, Nancy Bowen and Polly Newton shall be required to account for any advancements made them by me in my life time.

In witness wherof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd day May 1837.

Polly [her mark] Newton

David Shelton
James [his mark] Newton
Lucinda [her mark] Stewart

At a circuit superior court of law and chancery continued and held for Mecklenburg County on the 22nd day of October 1838,

The forgoing last will and testament of Polly Newton deceased was proved according to law by the oaths of David Shelton, James Newton and Lucinda Stewart subscribing witnesses thereto and is ordered to be recorded. And on the hon. of Anderson Overby who made oath thereto and together with Erasmus Ninnon and Charles Yancy...

Contributed by JoLee Gregory Spears, from Faye Vaughan Ford

Design by Templates in Time

This page was last updated 03/08/2024