Mecklenburg County


Will of Jane MORRIS

Signed November 25, 1822 - Proved July 21, 1823

[Jane was the wife of Jesse Morris Sr.]

In the name of God amen. I Jane Morris of Mecklenburg County and state of Virginia being low in body but sound in mind and memory and calling to mind the certainty of death do appoint and make this my last will and testament in the following manner.

To wit First: I give to my loving daughter Catherine Morris 2 cows and calves, my bay filly named Bounce also one iron pot and skillet, one side-saddle, one bed and furniture, one chest and trunk, one table, one spinning wheel and cards and one half of my corn fodder and shucks and half of my pork and cotton and half of my yoke of oxen to her and her heirs forever.

I give to my loving daughter Sarah Jones Morris two cows and calves and my other bay filly and side-saddle, two feather beds and furniture, two chests and three tables, one oxen, half my corn fodder & shucks, half my pork & cotton, half my yoke oxen to her and her heirs forever.

Lastly, I appoint my friend John Northington my executor to this my last will and Testament. In witnesseth hereunto I set my hand and seal this twenty-fifth day of November, 1822.

Jane X Morris (her mark) (seal)

Thomas Smith
James Drumright
W.R. Creath

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 21st day of July 1823

The within written last will and Testament of Jane Morris deceased was exhibited in court and proved by the oaths of two subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.

Edward L. Tabbeth


Will of Jesse MORRIS, Sr.

Signed September 1, 1806 - Proved April 13, 1807
Will Book No. 6

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I JESSE MORRIS, SR. of Mecklenburg County being low in body but sound mind and memory do appoint this my last will and Testament in the following manner.

I leave one Negro woman Relor to be sold to pay my Just Debts.

Item: I lend unto my beloved wife, Jane Morris all my Negroes to her with all my stock of all kinds with my household and kitchen furniture with all my plantation utensils during her life and after her decease I give as followeth. –

Item: I give unto my Daughter Katherine Morris one Negro man named Ned to her and her heirs forever.

Item: I give to my son Edward one Negro boy named Willie and five Dollars Cash to him and his heirs forever.

Item: I give to my son Jesse one Negro boy named Lewis with one cow & calf to him and his heirs forever.

Item: I give unto My Daughter Polly Sanders [note: Mary ‘Polly’ Morris Saunders, wife of Thomas Saunders as listed in the Mecklenburg Co, VA marriage records] one Negro girl named Viney with one Negro boy named Hartwell to her and her heirs forever.

Item: I give unto my son Henry my two Negroes named Peter and Edey with one bay horse and saddle also the tract of land I bought {from} William Warren supposed to be seventy three acres more or less to him and his heirs forever.

Item: I give unto my son Daniel my two Negroes named Mark & Chainey with one bay mare and saddle to him and his heirs forever.

Item: I give unto my Daughter Sally Jones Morris my two Negroes Ted and Matthew to her and her heirs forever.

Item: I lend unto my two daughters Katherine and Sally Jones Morris the small room of my dwelling house as long as they live single also I give them privilege of working one Negro on my land as long they live single.

Item: I give unto my son Daniel my land and plantation whereon I now live being one hundred and seventy one acres to him and his heirs forever.

All the remainder of my estate not before willed I leave to be sold and to be equally divided amongst my four children namely Daniel, Henry, Katherine and Sally Jones Morris to them and their heirs forever. Also I desire that there may be no appraisement nor inventory of my estate. Lastly I appoint my two sons Henry and Daniel Morris as executors to this my last will and testament revoking all others before by me made. In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of September 1806.

Jesse Morris, Senr. {Seal}

John Northington
Nicolas Lanier
John Feagin

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 13th day of April, 1807, this Will was proved by John Northington & John Feagan.

Will of Jesse MORRIS, Jr.

Dated 1828 - Proved January 19, 1829

[Jesse Jr was the son of Jesse Morris Sr. & Jane Morris.]

I Jesse Morris now in perfect senses do make this my last will and testament.

Item the 1st - I wish all my just debts to be punctually paid when they become due.

Item the 2nd – I bequeath to my wife Sally Morris [note: Sally William Drumright Morris, daughter of William Drumright Sr] two choice Negroes two choice cows and calves; my plantation, and plantation tools, one horse and one yolk of oxen during her natural life or as long as she lives in my name.

Item the 3rd – I will and bequeath to my son William I. Morris [transcription note: many descendents use William J; but close study of several documents indicates I as his middle initial. However, whether J or I, we are still referring to the same individual, who is the son of Jesse Morris, Jr] one sorrel mare and saddle and to my daughter Catherine Waller one dollar until a division of my estate takes place.

Item the 4th – It is my wish that the balance of said estate should be equally divided between my four children that is to say William I. Morris, Catherine Waller, Aly Morris, & Parmelia Morris for the benefit of the heirs of their body. I appoint my wife, Sally Morris and my son, William I. Morris executors to this my last will and testament. Given under my hand and seal this 9th day of _____1828.

Jesse Morris {Seal}
Drafted in the presence of
James Drumright
Ephraim Drumright

At a court held for Mecklenburg County 19th day of January 1829.

The foregoing last will and testament of Jesse Morris was produced in court and duly proven by the oath of James Drumright and Ephraim Drumright, two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. On motion of Wm Morris, the executor named who made oath thereto and together with Wm Drumright and Ephraim Drumright his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of $4000 conditioned according to law certificate is granted to him for obtaining probate of said will in due form.

Edward L. Tabbeth

Contributed by Reed & Ginie Morris Sayles

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024