Mecklenburg County

Miscellaneous Wills, Group 2

Will of Churchwell CURTIS

Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will of Churchwell Curtis, 1810/1812

In the name of God amen I Churchwell Curtis of Mecklenburg County state of Virginia being weak of body but Sound of mind and memory and knowing that it is appointed for me and all men once to die do dispose of my worldly property in the following manner and form-acknowledging this and only this to be my true and genuine last will and testament ,First It is my will and desire that all my just debts Should be paid. Secondly, I give unto my son Claiborn Curtis an Bedford colt on the condition Viz, that is to say he the said Claiborn must pay fifteen dollars unto my son Churchwell Curtis, and I give also unto ________the said Claibourn my son one feather bed and furniture to him and his heirs forever. I lend to my beloved wife Lucy all the rest of my property during her life or widowhood. But after her decrease or marriage it is my will and desire that my land and all of my other property not already disposed of should be sold on credit of twelve months to the higgest bidder without any appraisement and the money arising from the sale equally divided among my living children and lastly do I appoint Zachariah Curtis and John Curtis executors to this and testament In witness I do hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of June eighteen hundred and ten.

Churchwell Curtis seal

In presence of

James Jones
William Eubanks
James Whittemore
John (his mark X) Creedle

At a court held in Mecklenburg County the 20th day of July 1812 This will was proved by the oaths of James Jones and William Eubank witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded and on the motion of Zachariah Curtis and John Curtis the executors therein named who made oaths thereto with Churchwell Curtis Claiborne Curtis witness Jesse Curtis & Henry Baly their securites entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of one thousand dollars condition as the law directs certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate of the said Will in due form.

Teste William Baskerville Ct Cut

Submitted by Carolyn Davis 1/20/2000

Will of Sally CURTIS

Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will of Sally Curtis 1851

In the name of God Amen. I Sally Curtis of the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia, do make constitute and ordain this to be my last will and Testament in manner and form "To Wit". My will and desire is that all my Just debts be punctually paid. 2nd I give and bequeath to my Daughter in law, Faithy Curtis widow of my deceased son Chesley Curtis, one half of all my money and property of any and every description, including the present growing crop or money arising from it or anything which I may hereafter acquire, to Her and her heirs forever, and the remaining half, I wish equally divided between my living children except Patsy Cumba, whom I wish to have only two Dollars of my entire estate-and lastly I appoint my friend Robert A. Walker Executor to this my last will and testament, revoking all others. In testimony thereof I have set my hand and seal this 16th day of April 1851.

Sally (X her mark) Curtis

In presence of
Benjamin O. Johnson
George Bing
James M. Hawkins

Mecklenburg Co. Court July 1851
The foregoing last will and Testament of Sally Curtis Deceased was this day produced in Court proven by the oaths of George Bing and James M. Hawkins two subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered recorded. And on motion of Robert A. Walker the Executor therein named who made oath whereto and together with Richard E. Walker his security entered onto and acknowledged bond in the penalty of $1200.00 conditioned according to law. Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate of said will in due form.

R. B. Baptist

Submitted by Carolyn Davis 1/20/2000

Zachariah CURTIS Will

Mecklenburg Co., VA Will of Zachariah Curtis 1849/1851, Zachariah Curtis Will

In the name of God amen. I Zachariah Curtis of the County of Mecklenburg, State of Virginia do make, constitute and ordain this to be my last will and testament in the manner and form following to wit.1st My will and desire is that all my just debts be forever punctually paid. 2nd I lend to my wife Sally Curtis during her life, all my estate, both real and personal to be used by her in any way which she may think proper for her comfortable support and maintenance. 3rd After the death of my said wife Sally Curtis, I give to my Grand Children heirs of my deceased daughter Nancy C. Vaughan five dollars to them and their heirs forever.4th I give to my Gran Children heirs of my deceased son Chesley Curtis forty dollars to them and their heirs forever. 5ht I give to my daughter Patsy C. Cumba one hundred and fifty dollars to her and her heirs forever. 6th I give to my son Zachariah Curtis one old negro man named Fill and also one hundred dollars to be raised out of my estate to him and his heirs forever.7th All the residue of my estate real and personal not heretofore disposed of I wish equally divided between my daughter Sally F. Johnson, my son Goodwin Curtis, my son Churchwell Curtis, my son Green Curtis, my daughter Mary Ann Bing and my above son Zachariah Curtis them and their heirs forever. And lastly I appoint my son Churchwell Curtis and my son Zachariah Curtis Executors of this my last will and testament evoking all others. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 12th day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty nine.
Zachariah Curtis (seal)

Acknowledged in the presence of
Rachel H.Bowers
James M. Hawkins

Inasmuch as my daughter Patsy C. Cumly(sic) and Thomas Cumly threatens to sue my son Zachariah Curtis, my will is that in case they do so all expenses of said suit together with any damages which may be recovered to be paid out of the portion of my estate left my said daughter Patsey(sic) in my will specified above. Given under my hand and seal this 24th day of December 1850.

Zachariah Curtis(seal)
Acknowledged in the presence of
R. A. Walker
Alexander Johnson
H. V. Vaughan

Mecklenburg County January Court 1851
The foregoing will and testament of Zachariah Curtis dec'd together with a Codicil thereto annexed was this day produced in open court and the said will was proven by oaths of Robt. A. Walker, Rachel Bowers and James M. Hawkins sub________witnesses thereto and the said Codicil was proven by oaths of Robt. A. Walker and H. V. Johnson two of the sub____ing witnesses thereto and the said will and Codicil is_______to be recorded and on the motion of Churchwell Curtis and Zachariah Curtis as Executors therein named who made oath thereof and together with William Rainey, James W. Edmondson, George Bing, Green Curtis and Robert A. Walker their______ ________ unto and acknowledeged as bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars conditioned according to________certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form.

Teste Richard B.Baptiste

Submitted 14 Jan 2000 by Carolyn Davis

Will of Bryan LESTER

Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will Book 19, page 295, Will of Bryan LESTER 1856/1858

I Bryan Lester of county of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia & constitute and order this my last will and testament overiding of all other...

1st I desire that all of just debts be paid by my executor whom I shall appoint hereafter

2nd I give to my son in law Joel Gregory one negro boy Anderson which he has already received to him his heirs and assigns forever

3rd I give to my son in law Gill W. Watts one negro woman Milly the children together with her future increase which he has already received to him his heirs & assigns forever

4th I give to my son in law Bartley Smithson one negro woman Carey together with her future increase to him his heirs & assigns

5th I give to my grandchildren the heirs of my daughter Nancy Gregory one dollar each namely Margaret Moss, Joseph Gregory & Childs Gregory. I also give to my two grandchildren Elizabeth S. Watts and Jno S. Watts the heirs of my daughter Sally Watts one dollar each.

6th I leave to daughter Charlotte M. Smithson during her life the tract of land whereon I now reside my negro man Green my negro man Aaron my household & kitchen furniture my stock of all kinds together with ever other description of property that I possess not heretofore disposed of and at her death it is my desire that the property loaned to her shall be equally divided between her children.

Lastly I appoint my son in law Bartley Smithson Executor to this my last will and Testament given under my hand & seal in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty six January 30th
Sig: Bryan Lester
Samuel G. Johnson
Philip Gill

Recorded Mecklenburg County Court March 15th 1858.

Mecklenburg Co., VA Will Book 19, page 329
Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Bryan Lester made at his late residence in the county of Mecklenburg state of Virginia the 15th day of May 1858.

Transcribed by JoLee Gregory Spears

Will of Hardiway LETT

Dated June 1, 1852; probated 1852

Mecklenburg County, Virginia, Will Book 17, Page 450, Will of Hardiway LETT

In the Name of God amen I Hardiway Lett do make this my last will + Testament in manner and form following. Item It is my will and desire that after my death all my just debts and funeral expenses be well + truly paid. Item 2nd The remainder of my Estate real + personal + perishable I loan to my beloved wife during her natural life and at her death my Landed estate to be equally divided between my three sons Peter E. Lett Drury H. Lett + Joseph H. Lett to them and their heirs forever all the residue of my estate at the death of my widow to be divided into four equal parts one of which I give and bequeath to my son Peter E. Lett one other part to my son Drury H. Lett one other part to my son Joseph H. Lett to them and their heirs forever one other part I loan to my Daughter Fatha H. Curtis during her life and at her death it is my will and desire that she properly loaned her be equally divided between the lawful piece of her body but should it become absolutely necessary during the life time of my Daughter that any portion of the property loaned her should be sold for the support of her self and children. I hereby direct that the Court do sell such part thereof as may be thought nescessary. Lastly I appoint my son Peter E. Lett Executor to this my last will + Testament this first day of June 1852
Hardiway Lett (Seal)

Chas. S Hutcherson }
James Hayes Jr }
Green Curtis }

Mecklenburg County June Court 1852
The foregoing last will and testament of Hardiway Lett Deceased was this produced in open court and proved by the oath of Charles S. Hutcherson and Green Curtis two of the subscribing witnesses (illegible) and ordered to be recorded And on the motion of Peter E. Lett the Executor therein named who made oath (illegible) and together with Charles S. Hutcherson, Robert M. Hutcherson and James Connelly his securities entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of Eight thousand Dollars conditioned according to law. certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in our form--
R. B. Baptist

Contributed by Kevin T. Lett - 9/20/97]

Will of Joseph LETT

Mecklenburg County, Virginia, Will Book 6, Page 98, Will of Joseph LETT

Dated 1807 May 03; probated 1808

In the Name of God Amen I Joseph Lett of the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia being in perfect health and of sound mind + memory calling to mind the mortality of my body and the uncertainty of human life do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following (Virg) Item It is my will and desire that all my Just Debts Shall be paid. Item I lend to my loving wife Faithy Lett during her natural life one tract of land that I purchased of Benjamin Waller containing one hundred acres be the same more or less, five negroes, Virg, Charles, Daniel, Fanney, Hannah and Bettey two choice feather beds and furniture two choice horses one bridle and Saddle, six pewter plates two pewter Dishes four pewter basans one Iron Pott one Dutch oven one frying pan four Choice Cows + Calfs ten fatt hogs two Sows and pigs four ewes and lambs thirty barrells of Ground corn and fodder Sufficent to winter her Stock also six Chairs one Chest ten Geis (Geese?) and one Table. Item I give to each of my three sons (Virg) Hardaway, Pennington and Edward Lett one feather bed + furniture each, which makes them equal with my children that hath married + left me. Item I give to each of my three Children (Virg) Drury, Jincey + Dolley Lett one horse and a piece each to the value of twenty pounds with a bridle and Saddle to each, also one bed and furniture to each which makes them equal to my before mentioned children. Item it is my will and desire that Bartholomew Short who married married my daughter Shall have all the property he received with my said daughter, which I hope will Satisfy him, as I do positively direct that its all and every Shilling he shall ever have or receive of my estate by gift or otherwise. Item I give unto Betsy Hardaway Short one negro Girl by the name of Nelley to her and her heirs forever. Item It is my will and desire and I do hereby Order and direct that all the residue of my estate both real and personal not given away or lent Shall be sold at my death and Credit of tweleve months also the estate both real and personal lent my wife at her death Shall be Sold on the Same Credit and the proceeds equally divided between my following Children /except Nance Lett/ who is to receive fifty Dollars less than the rest of the children hereafter named (Virg) the said Nance Lett, Joseph Lett, Hardaway Lett, Pennington Lett, Polley Davis, Edward Lett, Drury Lett, Jincey Lett and Dolley Lett to them and their heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath unto my Sons Hardaway, Pennington, Edward + Drury Lett also my Daughters Jincey and Dolley Lett, one Cow and Calf a piece which was omitted in the before mentioned legacy to make their proportions equal. Lastly I constitute and appoint my three sons Joseph, Hardaway and Pennington Lett my executors to this my last will and testament revoking and disannuling all wills hereafter made by me. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this third day of May 1807
Signed, Sealed and acknowledged}
Joseph [his X mark] Lett (Seal)
In presence of
Thomas Burnett
Joseph Hutcherson
Matthew Walker

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 11 day of July 1808

This will was proved by the oaths of Thomas Burnett and Matthew Walker witness (illegible) to be recorded and on the motion of Joseph Lett, jun, one of the executors theirin named who made oath thereto and together with Matthew H. Davis, Matthew Burnett, Richard Burnett and Thomas Burnett his Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of fifty thousand Dollars (illegible) in the law (illegible) was granted him following a probate of the said will in due form. Liberty being (illegible) for the other executors therein named to Join in the probate when they Shall (illegible) fit.
William Baskervill (Seal)

Contributed by Kevin T. Lett - 9/20/97

Will of Pennington LETT

Mecklenburg County, Virginia, Will Book 16, Page 430, Will of Pennington LETT

Dated 1847 Aug 12; probated 1847

In the name of God amen, I Pennington Lett of the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia calling to mind that I must die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following Virg.

Item 1st My will and desire is that all my just debts be first paid.

Item 2nd My will is that my grave yard be accently walled in with stone.

Item 3rd I give and bequeath to my daughter Polly Hutcherson, during her natural life, a certain portion of my Land described as follows: Virg. The Land being south of a line to commence at a charrpea spannish oak on saffolas Road above the corner of my Tobacco lot. From thence a straight line to the long Branch so as to embrace the orchard near said branch, and upon said land I wish a House to be built convenient to the best spring, worth about fifty dollars to be paid for out of her part of my Estate. I also give and bequeath to my same daughter Polly Hutcherson during her natural life two Negro boys named George and William and at the death of my said daughter Polly Hutcherson. My will is that all the above named property go to her bodily heirs if she has any if not then to go to the bodily heirs of my daughter Jane Lett.
Item 4th I give + bequeath to my daughter Jane Lett two Negroes named Tom and Ann.
Item 5th I give and bequeath to my son Phillip Lett during his natural life the balance of my land embracing my dwelling house and all other improvements and being north of the above mentioned line also I give and bequeath to my said son Phillip Lett a negro man named Cornelius and his wife Marinas and at the death of my said son Phillip Lett my will is that the above property willed to him go to the bodily heirs of my daughter Jane Lett.
Item 6th My will is that all the balance of my property, not mentioned above be equally divided between my above named children and at their death to be disposed of as above
And lastly I leave Joseph A. Lett Executor to this my last Will and Testament Given under my hand this 12th day of August one thousand Eight hundred and forty seven
Pennington Lett

and acknowledged in presence of
Robert A. Walker
Joseph H. Lett
Peter E. Lett

Mecklenburg County November Court 1847

The last will and Testament of Pennington Lett dec. was this day produced into court + proved by the oath of R. A. Walker and Peter Lett subscribing witnesses (illegible) and ordered to be recorded. And on motion of J. A. Lett the Exec. Therein named who made oath (illegible) and together with R. A. Walker and James Bowers his securities entered into and acknowledged bond in the penalty of $10,000 (illegible) according to law (illegible) is granted him for obtaining probat thereof in and form.

Teste Richard R. Baptist

Contributed by Kevin T. Lett - 9/20/97

Will of John MAYES

Mecklenburg County, Virginia, Will Book 4, Page 306, Will of John Mayes 1800

In the Name of God Amen. I John Mayes of the County of Mecklenburg and Parish of saint James's and State of Virginia being sick and weak in body but of a sound disposing mind and Memory thanks be to God for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this life do make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in the form and manner following to wit: I commit my Body to the Earth and my Soul to the hands of my Creator to be Intered as my Executors hereafter mentioned shall think Proper. First my desire is that all my Just debts be paid as my Executors shall think best to Raise The money Itim I lend my beloved wife Elizabeth Mayes the land and Plantation whereon I now live during her natural life or widowhood and after that I leave it to be sold and the money to be Equally divided between John G. Mayes, Thomas H. Mayes and Charles Mays to them and their heirs forever. I lend to my beloved wife one negroe man named French for the term of six years and at the expiration of that time I give him the said Negroe to John G. Mayes and his heirs forever. Itim I lend to my beloved wife one Negroe girl named Rose untill my daughter Dolley comes of age or marries and then I give the said Rose and her Increase to my daughter but if the said Dolley dies before the Expiration of that time my desire is that the said negroe and her Increase if any be equally divided between Thomas H. Mayes, Salley Mayes and Charles Mayes or their Heirs. Itim I lend to my beloved wife Elizabeth Mayes three Negroes Esbel, young Rachel and Gilbert untill Thomas H. Mayes arrives to the age of twenty-one years and then my Desire is that the above mentioned be Equally divided between Thomas H. Mayes, Salley Mayes and Charles Mayes to them and their heirs forever. Itim I give to my Son Bozeman Mayes one negro man named Tom who has been in the possession of the said Bozeman for a term of years and one desk I give them to him and his heirs forever. Itim I give and bequeth to my Son Stith Mayes one negroe boy named Emanuel and one cow and calf to him and his Heirs forever. Itim I give and bequath to my daughter Nancy Taney two Negroes namely old Rachel and Oney to her and her heirs forever. Itim I give and bequath to my Daughter Mary Carter two negroes namely Sarah and Rhoda to her and her heirs forever. Itim I lend to my daughter Elizabeth Hall two negroes namely Edie and Vacney during her natural life and after her death I give the said negroes and their Increase to her Children Lawfully begotten of her body and to their Heirs forever. Itim I lend to my beloved wife Elizabeth Mayes two Negroes namely Judie and Dinah and their Increase with all the remaining Part of my Estate as it not yet disposed of whither real or Personal during her natural life and after her death I leave it to be sold and the Money to be Equally divided between John G. Mayes, Thomas H. Mayes, Salley Mayes, Charles Mayes and Dolley Mays to them and their heirs forever. Itim I constitute and appoint Zachariah Yancey and Charles Hamblin Executors to this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and disannulling all and every other Will or Wills heretofore by me made and Confirm this to be my last Will and Testament. As Witness my hand and Seal the twenty-seventh of November In the year of Lord Christ one thousand Eight hundred.

Signed Sealed and delivered
John Mayes

Recorded July 1801

Submitted 25 Aug 1999 by: Irene E. Williams

Will of Thomas OWEN

Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will Book 16, Will of Thomas Owen 1846

I, Thomas Owen, of the County of Mecklenburg, State of Virginia being of sound mind and posing memory, well knowing that it is allotted to all men to die, I hereby constitute and appoint this my last will and Testament and revoking all others heretofore made or since made by me. In manner and form as follows: To wit,

1: I desire and wish my wife to have the land lying North of my land, commencing at Little Buffalo and going to the cow south during her natural life and then to be returned to my estate.

2nd I desire and wish her to have the fourth part of all of my stock, of all things used and also choice, devise and made & 1 fourth part of any plantation, tools, also 1 fourth part of my household and kitchen furniture.

3rd I desire that she shall have choice Negro of all of my Negroes, this last mentioned property I give her a right to go to her or assignees forever.

4th I desire and wish for my granddaughter Julia Tilloson to have one hundred dollars and also my niece Martha Wortham to have one hundred dollars.

5th I desire and wish the balance of my property both real and personal to be sold and divided equally between all my children : William Owen, Susan , now Susan Gregory, Nancy now Nancy Gregory, Elizabeth now Elizabeth Gold, Sarah now Sarah Gold, Margaret, now Margaret Blunks, Thomas W. Owens, Martha, now Martha Averett, Francis, now Francis P Pool and Parham Owen, which is now deceased. I wish that his part of my estate to be equally divided between his two children Elizabeth and Francis Owen the daughters of Parham Owen. John Owen who is excused without fees, I leave him one dollar. I leave a Book for my Executor to go by, which I left as much assistance as I could so as to make all of my all of my children equal in my Estate. I hereby constitute and appoint my son and in law, William P Pool my Executors to this my last will and testament.

And I desire that he shall sell the property both real and personal will for compensation for his troubles

My hand and seal this 11th day of February 1866.
Thomas (X his mark) Owen

William P. Pool
R.H. Walker
Daniel (+ his mark) Sizemore
Daniel Elias

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County at the Courthouse thereof on the 15th Day of March 1846 the foregoing last will and testament of Thomas Owen age--- was this day produced in Court and proved by the oaths of R.H. Walker, Daniel Sizemore, and Daniel Elias subscribing witnesses these ----and Polly Owen widow of the deceased appeared and ordered to be reasonable and on the matter of William P Pool the executor therein named who since with desires and together with Daniel Sizemore and Daniel Elias his executors entered into will acknowledged their bond in the paucity of $10,000.00 consideration recording to law certificates as granted him for obtaining ---- thereof on one form.

From Tester RB Baptist

Submitted by Patricia Henderson-London 21 Feb 1999

Note: "Margaret Blunks" above may be the same as "Margaret Blanks." /jgs

Will of Josiah SEAT

Lunenburg County Virginia, Will Book 1, Pages 338-339, Will of Josiah SEAT, 1760/1761

Note: Resident of land that fell in Mecklenburg County.

June 20, 1760

In the name of God Amen I, Josiah Seat in the County of Lunenburg being very sick and weak in body but in perfect sense mind and memory thanks be to God for the same. I do dispose of all my worldly estate as follows

Item 1 I give and bequeath to my son Robert Seat all my land upon Blewhing in the County of Halifax to him and his heirs forever.

Item 2 I give to my daughter Mary Seat th4e land on which I now live as low as the great rock on the river and if she dyes without heir then the said land to fall to my son Robert Seat.

Item 3 I give to Margaret Gold my daughter the remainder part of this said land below the said Back on the said River to her and her heirs forever.

Item 4 I give to my daughters Sarah and Elizabeth the land on the upper side of Buffalo Creek to be divided between them beginning at the mouth of the South Branch just below the Spring Branch across to the line Sarah to have her choice and all the rest of my estate to be equally divided between all my children after all just debts being paid . I do appoint Jacob Royster Executor.

Josiah Seat SS

Signed Sealed in presence of
Richard Jones
Robert Jones
John (X) Bray

At a Court held for Lunenburgh County the first day of December 1761 The Within written Last Will and Testament of Josiah Seat deceased was exhibited in Court by Jacob Royster the Executor therein named and the same was proved by the oaths of two of the thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded and of the said Executor who made Oath answering to Law Certificate granted him for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form. He is giving security whereupon he, together with Thomas Anderson and David Halliburton his security entered into and acknowledged this bond according to Law for that purpose

Teste Clement Read ES

Submitted by: Patricia Henderson-London 20 Feb 1999

Will of Milderidge Vaughan

Dated 7 June 1789; Proved 10 Oct. 1791

Mecklenburg County, VA, Will Book 3, Page 79, Will of Milderidge Vaughan

In the Name of God Amen, I Milderidge Vaughan of Mecklenburg County Being in Perfect Health Tho Weak In body Yet of Sound and Perfect Understanding and Memory Do Make and Constitute this My Last Will and Testament as Followeth. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto My Son Ambrose Gregory this Tract of Land Wherein I Dwell Containing One Hundred Acres More or less with All the Appurtenances Thereunto Belonging Also a Feather Bed and Furniture to Him and His Heirs Forever and I Lend to My Son Ambrose the Just Sum of Thirty Pounds of Goodand Lawful Money to Dispose of as He Thinks Fit. Item I Give and Bequeath unto My Son Joseph Gregory One Featherbed and Furniture to Him and His Heirs Forever. Item I Give and Bequeath unto My Grand Daughter Lucy Hayes One Cow and Calf to Her and Her Heirs Forever. I Desire That the Remainder and Residue of My Personal Estate after My Decease May be Equally Divided among My Six Children out of Which I Choose Ambrose Gregory and Joseph Gregory and Thomas Hamblin My Sole Executor of this My Last Will & Testament. In Witness Whereof I Have Hereunto Set My Hand and Seal this Seventh Day of June in the Year of Our Lord 1789.

Milderidge [Her "O" Mark] Vaughan.

Sealed and Delivered in Presence Of:
Joshua James
Joseph Carter
David [His"x"mark] Chandler
Ellixander [His"o"mark] Ourbey.

At a Court Held for Mecklenburg County the 10th Day of October 1791 this Will Was Proved by the Oaths of Joseph Carter, David Chandler and Alexander Ourbee Witnesses Thereto and Ordered to Be Recorded. And on the Motion of Ambrose Gregory and Joseph Gregory Two of the Executors Therein Named Who Made Oath Thereto and Together with David Chandler Their Security Entered Into and Acknowledged Their Bond in the Penalty of Five Hundred Pounds Conditioned as the Law Directs Certificate Was Granted Them for Obtaining a Probate of the Said Will in Due Form. Liberty Being Reserved for Thomas Hamblin the Other Executor Therein Named to Join in the Probate When He Shall Think Fit. [Incomplete?] Joseph Carter, David [His"x"mark] Chandler

Contributed by JoLee Gregory Spears 9-23-97

Will of Peter VAUGHAN, Sr.

Dated 25 Jan 1839; Recorded 10? May 1842

Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will Bk 15, page 446, Will of Peter VAUGHAN, Sr.

In the name of God all men do this I Peter Vaughan senr of the county of Mecklenburg and state Virginia in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eighteen Hundred and thirty nine being of sound mind tho much debilitated do make this my last will and testament. Item I have divided heretofore between all my children equally and satisfactorily; 2nd Item I give and bequeath all the remaining goods & chatels that I have or may have unto my son David Vaughan unto him and his heirs forever after a decent burial whereunto I have set my hand and affixed my seal this day and date above mentioned as witness my hand & Witness this 25th of January 1839 -

Peter [his X mark] Vaughan
John Jones
W. M. [his X mark] Glascock

At a court held for Mecklenburg County at the Court house thereof on the 10th? [off edge of copy] day of May 1842 the forgoing last will and testament of Peter Vaughan senr was this day produced in court and proved by the oaths of John Jones & W. M. Glascock two subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.

Teste R. B. Baptist clerk

Will of William Vaughan

Dated 20 March 1785; Proved 15 February 1786

Mecklenburg Co., Va, Will Book 2, Page 149, Will of William Vaughan


Wife: Mildrege Vaughan

Children: Samuel Vaughan, John Vaughan, James Vaughan, Peter Vaughan, Millison Overbey, Nancy Gregory, Sally Gregory, Moley Hays, Millie Chandler and Elizabeth Vaughan.

Relationship not stated: Mary Sizemore

Executors: My friends John Wynn and Samuel Vaughan

Witnesses: Thomas Parker, Elizabeth Parker and Stith Thompson

Proved by: Thomas Parker and Stith Thompson.
John Wynn and Samuel Vaughan made oath with securities Windfield Hays, Harod Redd and George Stovawl

Deed Book 7:263, recorded 14 Apr 1788, the heirs of William Vaughan made bond as requested in the will above.

Samuel Vaughan, Peter Vaughan, Peter Overbey and wife Elizabeth, Richard Gregory, John Vaughan, James Vaughan, Ambrose Gregory, Winkfield Hays, David Chandler bind themselves unto Mildrege Vaughan, the widow of William Vaughan . . .

Witnesses: John Wynn, William Wilkinson, John Butler, John Gregory, William Stroud

Contributed by JoLee Gregory Spears 9-23-97

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