Mecklenburg County

Miscellaneous Will Abstracts

Will of Richard FOX, dated January 9, 1771, and proved May 13, 1771. Sons, Jacob Fox, Richard Fox, Isham Fox, and John Fox. Daughters, Sarah Prince, Hannah Fox, and Anne Fox. Grandchildren, Amy Burchett, James Burchett, Joseph Burchett, John Burchett, Mary Ann Burchett, and Isaac Burchett, children of Joseph Burchett. Will Book 1, page 94.

Will of William LADD, dated March 7, 1778, and proved May 8, 1780. Wife, Ursula Ladd. Sons, Garrard Ladd, William Ladd, Thomas Ladd, Jacob Ladd, and James Ladd. Daughters, Huldah Ladd, Ursula Ladd and Elizabeth Ladd. Granddaughter, Agatha Ladd. Will Book 1, page 333.

Will of William FOX, dated September 4, 1783, and proved November 10, 1783. Wife, Mary Fox. Sons, Arther Fox, Richard Fox, William Fox, Henry Fox, Benjamin Fox, and Salley Jones. Daughters, Mary Kindrick Fox, Johannah Fox, Priscilla Fox, and Betsey Fox. Will Book 2, page 36.

Will of Robert JONES, dated November 6, 1783, and proved December 18, 1783. Daughters, Frances Jones, June Jones, Martilda Jones, Edna Jones, and Lucy Jones. Brother, Richard Jones. Will Book 2, page 39.

Will of Howell COLLIER, dated February 1, 1784, and proved May 9, 1785. Sons, Howell Collier, Lewis Collier, Frederick Collier, and Edward Collier. Daughters, Betsey Collier and Rebecca Collier. Will Book 2, page 99.

Will of Amos HIX dated November 25, 1785, and proved February 13, 1786. Sons, Shearwood Hix, John Hix, and Daniel Hix. Daughters, Sarah Jeffries, Mary Johnston, Elizabeth Hester, Martha Phillips, and Lucy Perdieu. Grandson, Sherwood Bugg. Also mentioned, Nathaniel Hix and James Hix. Will Book 2, page 147.

Will of Matthew MARABLE, dated March 12, 1786, and proved June 12, 1786. Wife, Mary Marable. Sons, Richard Marable, John Marable, George Marable and Champain Marable. Daughters, Elizabeth Marable and Mary Meriweather Stokes. Son-in-law, David Stokes. Will Book 2, page 169.

Will of John KEETON, Sr., dated October 18, 1794, and proved February 9, 1795. Wife, Elizabeth Keeton. Sons, John Keeton, William Keeton, Joseph Keeton, Warner Keeton, Thomas Keeton, James Keeton, and Edmund Keeton. Daughter, Mary Cardin, Fanny Keeton, Hannah Keeton, Ann Keeton, Betsey Keeton, and Sally Keeton. Unborn child. Wife, Elizabeth Keeton, and John Coleman named as Executors. Will Book 3, page 244.

Will of Mary FOX, dated October 9, 1795, and proved November 9, 1795. Sons, Henry Fox and Richard Fox. Daughters, Mary Kendrick, Sally Jones Nowell, Johannah Fox, Priscilla Fox and Betsey Fox. Grandson, Arthur Fox. Will Book 3,page 311.

Will of William CLEATON, dated November 12, 1791, and proved April 11, 1796. Sons, John Cleaton and Thomas Cleaton. Daughters, Mary Cleaton, Martha Cleaton, Jeane Giles, Edith Poythress, Lucy Matthews, Judith Wilkinson, and Nancy Pointer. Grandson, Woodley Cleaton. Will Book 3, page 339.

Will of William ELLIS, dated September 18, 1796, and proved Janaury 12, 1797. Bequest made to Joshua Winkfield and Joshua Winkfield named as executor. Brother, Stephen Ellis. Will Book 3, page 414.

Will of Joel ELAM, dated April 21, 1797 and proved September 10, 1798. Wife, Mary Ann Elam. Sons, Alexander Elam, Edward Elam, Peter Elam, and James Easter Elam. Daughters, Patty Grigg, Sabery Grigg, Phebe Moore, Frankey Graves and Polley Elam. Grandson, John Elam Grigg, son of daughter, Sabery Grigg. Son, Alexander Elam, and wife, Mary Ann Elam, named as executors. Will Book 4, page 49.

Will of James BAUGH, dated October 12, 1799, and proved December 9, 1799. Wife, Agnes Baugh. Sons, Richard Baugh, William Batte Baugh, and James Baugh. Daughters, Martha Harrison, Elizabeth Simmons, Polley Patrick, Salley Hutcheson, Frances Macgowen and Tabitha Baugh. Son-in-law, John Simmons. Executors named were wife, Agnes Baugh, son, Richard Baugh, and son-in-law, John Simmons. Will Book 4, page 219.

Account of the estate of Moses LUNSFORD. Will Book 6, page 336.

Will of Miles COLLIER, dated April 18, 1810, and proved July 16, 1810. Wife, Nancey Collier. Son, Burwell Collier. Daughters, Martha Collier, Mary Collier, Peggy Collier, and Elizabeth Collier. Brother, Nathaniel Collier, guardian for son, Burwell Collier (under the age of 21). Will Book 7, page 7.

Will of John HICKS, dated February 19, 1811, and proved May 20, 1811. Wife, Gracy Hicks. Children, Patsy Hicks, Polly Cox Hicks, John Coleman Hicks, Daniel Tayler Hicks, James Hicks, Betsey Ann Hicks, Salley Cleaver Hicks, William Archer Hicks, and Thomas Henry Hicks. Wife, Gracy Hicks, and Peter Philips named as Executors. Will Book 7, page 94.

Appraisal of the estate of John HICKS taken on May 27, 1811, and returned to Court and ordered to be recorded on November 18, 1811. Will Book 7, page 144.

Will of Grief HARWELL, dated May 15, 1809, and proved May 15, 1816 and August 19, 1816. Wife, Anna Harwell. Son, Thomas Harwell. Daughter, Hannah Harwell. Grandchildren, Samuel Harwell and Grief Harwell. Wife, Anna Harwell, named as Executrix. Will Book 8, page 258.

Appraisal and Inventory of the estate of Grief HARWELL, made on October 30, 1816 and returned to Court on July 21, 1817. Will Book 8, page 339.

Will of Thomas CLEATON, dated February 25, 1818, and proved March 16, 1818. Wife, Lucy Cleaton. Sons, Drury M. Cleaton, Charles D. Cleaton, Thomas Cleaton, and William B. Cleaton. Daughters, Catherine Rainey, Elizabeth Tanner, Edney Cleaton, and Parazade Cleaton. Sons, Charles D. Cleaton and Thomas Cleaton, and friend, James Harwell, named as executors. Will Book 8, page 416. Inventory of the estate of Noble LADD, dated October 11, 1816. Polly Ladd, Jessee Lad, Thomas C. Cleaton, Mary Lad, and James Harrison. Will Book 8, page 432.

Will of Joshua WINFIELD, dated July 13, 1818, and proved October 19, 1818. Wife, Rebecca Winfield. Daughter, Elizabeth Meridith. To Robert and Joel Winfield, sons of son, Auther Winfield. Daughter, Polly Robertson and her daughter, Mary Robertson. Daughter, Nancy Jones. To Mariah Winfield, daughter of son, Joel Winfield, deceased. To Elizabeth Winfield Barner and John F. Barner, children of my daughter, Rebecca Barner, dec'd. To daughter, Dorothy Walker. To daughter, Martha Robertson. To William and Nancy Meredith, children of daughter, Elizabeth Meredith. Friend, Benjamin Walker of Brunswick County named as executor. Will Book 8, page 472.

Will of Edmund PATILLO, dated July 4, 1822, and proved August 19, 1822. Edmund Patillo died July 17, 182__. To James Edmund Patillo, son of Williamson Patillo. To Robert Patillo, son of Williamson Patillo. Will Book 9, page 300.

Will of Sally NANCE, dated April 28, 1821, and proved August 19, 1822. Father, Isham Malone, dec'd. Son, Thomas J. Nance. Daughter, Lucy Ann Nance. Brother, Benjamin Malone. Sisters, Lucy Cleaton, Sophia Hall, Susan Malone, Rebecca Booth and Martha J. Grigg. Surviving children of sister, Rebecca Booth and surviving children of sister, Martha J. Grigg, dec'd., to wit, Lewis M. Grigg and Martha J. M. Grigg. Friends, James S. Nance and Reuben Booth, as executors. Will Book 9, page 311.

Will of James HARWELL, dated January 24, 1829, and proved December 20, 1830. Daughters, Elizabeth P. Baugh, Martha Harwell, Rebecca S. Dortch, Anne D. Harwell, Caroline A. Harwell, and Mary H. Pride. Sons, William Harwell, James M. Harwell, John B. Harwell, and Richard H. Harwell. Grandson, Robert Harwell. Son-in-law, Richard Baugh. Son-in-law, Samuel Harwell of Alabama for benefit of daughter, Anne D. Harwell. Will Book 12, page 316.

Account current of the estate of James HARWELL. Will Book 13, page 66.

Will of Lucy MALONE, dated May 4, 1831, and proved March 18, 1833. Daughter, Susanna Malone, Rebecca Booth, and Martha Jones Grigg. Grandson, Lee Roy Hall. Granddaughter, Martha Jones Malone Davis. Grandson, Lewis Mansfeild Grigg. Five grandchildren, Isham Malone Booth, Thomas Harsser Booth, Mary Caroline Gilliam Booth, Maria Susan Booth, and Minerva Rebecca Anderson Booth. Granddaughter, Lucy Ann Drumright. Benjamin W. Davis named as executor. Will Book 13, page 74.

Account current of the estate of Lucy MALONE. Will Book 14, page 8.

Will of Warner C. KEETON, dated April 10, 1857, and proved July Term, 1857. Sons, William M. Keeton, Thomas J. Keeton, Warner C. Keeton, Robert P. Keeton, John H. Keeton, and James L. N. Keeton. Daughters, Charity A. Keeton, Lucy J. Sullivan, Mary E. Wells, and Lyntha A. Hudson. Children of James L. N. Keeton, Ann E. Keeton and William T. Keeton. Executors Peter E. Lett and John H. Keeton Will Book 19,page 188.

Executor's Bond for the estate of Warner C. KEETON. Will Book 19, page 197.

Appraisal of the estate of Warner C. KEETON. Will Book 19, page 215.

Account current of the estate of Warner C. KEETON. Will Book 19, page 389.

Will of John F. BARNER, dated June 19, 1858, and proved September 19, 1859. Wife, Nancy Barner. Children, Rebecca J. Barner, Sarah A. Coleman, Mary J. Keaton, William H. Barner, Martha T. Barner and John R. Barner. Son, John R. Barner, named as Executor. Witnesses were Benjamin J. Walker and E. H. Riggan. Reserved 1/2 acre for use as a family burying ground and directed that a stone wall be erected around graveyard. Will Book 19, page 501.

Executor's Bond for estate of John F. BARNER, by John R. Barner, in the amount of 20,000 pounds. Will Book 19, page 504.

Appraisal of the estate of John F. BARNER, made on December 21, 1859, in the amount of $9,741.90, by Wm. P. Cook, Wm. H. Taylor, Wm. B. Cleaton, T. C. Thompson, and W. W. Cleaton. Returned to Court on January 16, 1860. Will Book 20, page 4.

Account current of sale of the estate of John F. BARNER, made on December 23, 1859 and returned to Court on January 16, 1860. Will Book 20, page 5.

Account current of the estate of John F. BARNER, returned to Court on February 18, 1861. Shows payment to Wilson W. Cleaton. Also shows payment of $30.00 for graveyard wall. Will Book 20, page 203.

Account current of the estate of John F. BARNER, returned to Court on October 20, 1862. Will Book 20, 417.

Will of Isaac BACY, dated April 5, 1866, and proved July 16, 1866. Wife, Martha A. Bacy. Son, John W. Bacy. Daughters, A. E. Powers and Emily A. Barner. Granddaughters, Vienna V. Bacy, Ellen Bacy, and Mary E. Bacy. Grandson, Isaac M. Bacy. Son, John W. Bacy, named as executor. Will Book 21, page 360.

Appraisal of the estate of Isaac BACY. Will Book 22, page 52.

Account Current of the estate of Isaac BACY. Will Book 22, page 70.

Account Current of the estate of Isaac BACY. Will Book 22, page 122.

Administrator's Bond for the estate of John R. BARNER. Sureties were W. C. Taylor, W. P. Cook, E. N. Riggan with W. C. Taylor, administrator. Acknowledgment of bond in the amount of $500.00, dated August 16, 1886. Will Book 25, page 139.

Administrator's Bond for the estate of L. V. BARNER. Sureties were W. C. Taylor, W. P. Cook, E. N Riggan with W. C. Taylor, administrator. Acknowledgment of bond in the amount of $500.00, dated August 16, 1886. Will Book 25, page 140.

Appraisal of the estate of John R. BARNER. List of personal property appraised by Wm. P. Cook, D. T. Ridout, and W. W. Cleaton, made September 3, 1886. H. C. Taylor, administrator, returned appraisal to Court on December 17, 1886. Will Book 25, page 299.

Appraisal of the estate of L. V. BARNER. List of personal property appraised by Wm. P. Cook, D. T. Ridout, and W. W. Cleaton, made September 3, 1886. H. C. Taylor, administrator, returned appraisal to Court on December 17, 1886. Shows that L. V. Barner died June 3, 1886. Will Book 25, page 300.

Account current of sale of the estate of John R. BARNER and L. V. Barner, on November 16, 1886. Returned to Court on November 24, 1887. Some buyers at the sale were L. M. Barner, Ervin Barner, Lem Barner, and Lula Barner. Will Book 25, page 443.

Account current of the estate of John R. BARNER, returned to Court on November 25, 1887. Will Book 25, page 448.

Account current of the estate of L. V. BARNER, returned to Court on November 25, 1887. Will Book 25, page 449.

Administrator's bond for the estate of P. S. GRIGG. Will Book 26, page 97.

Will of William B. CLEATON, dated December 17, 1889, and proved August 17, 1891. Sons, Thomas J. Cleaton and William D. Cleaton. Daughter, Eliza D. Barner. Granddaughter, Mary Olivia Wright. Sons, Thomas J. Cleaton and William D. Cleaton, named as executors. Will Book 26, page 224.

Contributed by Carol A. Morrison, Fayetteville, NC

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