Mecklenburg County

Will of Jones MALONE

Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book 2, page 72 FHL Film # 32518

In the name of God, I Jones Malone of Mecklenburg county being very sick and weak but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for the same doth make an ordain this my last will and Testiment in manner and form as followeth first I give my soul unto God who gave the same unto me and my Body to be buryed according to the discression of my executors hereafter named nothing dobting but to receive the same again at the general resurrection at the last day and as touching such worldly goods as it hath been please God to bless me with I give and disperse in manner and form as followeth.

Item I leave unto my beloved wife Anney Malone four negros a fellow named Ned a wench named Dilie a girl named Cate a girl named Nann and half my land and half my horses, hogs and cattle and if the child that my wife is now with child lives

Item, I give and bequeath unto said child two negros Boys one named Nearer and a boy named Jimmey

Item, I give and bequeath to my son William Malone a negro fellow named Zingo and a negro wench named Frank they and their increase to him and his heirs forever. I also give and bequeath to my son William Malone half my land consisting of that part that I now live on to him and his heirs forever also half my horses cattle and hogs to him and his heirs forever.

Item I leave unto my beloved wife Anney Malone all my Beds household kitchen furniture of every sort and kind also all my working tools of every sort and kind and my will and desire is as my wife is also in a very low state of health that if she should not live to Bearing the child that she is now with that my son William Malone should have all my whole estate of land of negros horses, cattle and hogs Beds and all other of my estate of every sort and kind to him and his heirs forever.

My desire is that there may be as much of my estate sold to pay all my just debts My will and desire is that William Taylor and his wife Hannah Taylor should take my son William Malone and raise him if my wife should doth die.

And lastly I appoint William Taylor and Isham Malone executors of this my last will and Testament March 2nd 1784

Jones Malone

Zachariah Floyd
James Standley
Charles Floyd

At court held for Mecklenburg County the 13th day of September 1784

This will was proved by the oaths of James Standley and Charles Floyd witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of William Taylor one of the exor therein named who made oath thereto together with Davis Taylor, Goodwyn Taylor and Jaby Worthington his security's entered into and acknowleges their bond in the penalty of one thousand five hundred pounds conditioned as the law decrees. Certificate was granted him for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form. Liberty being reserved for Isham Malone the other exor therein named to join in the probate when he shall think fit.

John Brown Cl. Cur.

Contributed by Richard St Clair

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