Mecklenburg County

Will of Charles HUTCHESON

Charles HUTCHESON settled in Mecklenburg Co. about 1767. He married Frances COLLIER, who had 3 brothers in Charlotte Co., Va.: Thomas, John, and Frances. I'm descended from John Collier. --Ed Dolan

Will of Charles Hutcheson: Mecklenburg Co., Va. Will Book 6, pp. 41-42.
[Obtained from Mecklenburg Co. Circuit Court, P.O. Box 530, Boydton, Va. 23917-0530].

In the name of God, Amen. I Charles Hutcheson of Mecklenburg County being of sound mind and memory do ordain this writing my last will and Testament.

Imprimis: I give unto my eldest son John Hutcheson the tract of land which I own lying on Cox Creek containing by estimation four hundred and sixty acres, be the same more or less, it being the same he now resides on to him and his heirs forever, also one negro wench named Peg and her present and future increase, also a negro boy named Ned now about nine years old, it being the same who is now in his possession.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son Collier Hutcheson my tract of land lying and being in the County of Charlotte on Horsepen Creek whereon he now resides, containing by survey eight hundred and fourty six acres, be the same more or less, also a negro woman named Beck together with her present and future increase to him and his heirs forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Hutcheson my tract of land on Layton Creek, which I purchased of Carter Clark, containing by estimation four hundred and thirty acres more or less, also I give him one negro woman named Bid, together with her present and future increase to him and his heirs forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Hutcheson, wife of John Hutcheson, son of Peter, two negro girls named Grace and Easter, also one other named Beck, and another named Winney with their present and future increase, to her and her heirs forever.

Item: I lend unto my daughter Lucy Simms two Negro girls named Milly and Nancy, and a negro by named Daniel, now in the possession of her husband Saunders Simms, during her natural life; but should the said Lucy Simms have lawfull issue of her body, then and in that case I give the said slaves to her heir or heirs forever, and if she should die without issue, the said slaves are to be returned to my executors, and be equally divided among my then surviving children.

Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Susannah Hightower three negroes towit, Sam, Milly and Easter now in her possession, with the present and future increase of Milly and Easter, also one feather bed and furniture, one horse saddle and bridle, a chest and sundry pewter, also now in their possession.

Item: I lend unto my daughter Martha Phillips wife of Dabney Phillips the following negroes, Cyrus and Lewis at present in his possession, during her natural life, after which they are to be with all other property hereafter lent her, equally divide among her children, and whereas the said Dabney Phillips sold a negro girl which I lent him named Dilcy [sic]. I hereby confirm the title to the purchaser.

Item. I give unto my daughter Hannah Moore, wife of John Moore, three negroes, Bob, Judy and Fanny, with the present and future increase of Judy and Fanny, to her and her heirs forever.

Item: I lend to my daughter Elizabeth Hutcheson three negroes of equal value to thos given to Susannah Hightower at the time she received them to be allotted and judged of by my executors, together with a good horse saddle and bridle, one feather bed and furniture, and such other household and kitchen furniture as my executors may deem necessary.

Item: It is my will and desire that the tract of land that I now live on, which I purchased of James Bilbo containing five hundred and sixty acres and my tract lying in Halifax County on Dan River and upper Double Crek which I bought of Henry Cook containing four hundred acres be sold by my executors to the best of their judgement and the money arising from such sale to be equally divided between my six daughters towit, Sarah, Lucy, Susannah, Martha, Hannah and Elizabeth, to them and their heirs forever (as above mentioned).

Item: It is my will and desire after my decease that the residue of my estate not mentioned before, shall be as equally divided between my nine children as possible in the manner prescribed in the foregoing clauses.

Item: I constitute and appoint my sons, John, Collier and Joseph Hutcheson my whole and sole executors to this my last will and testament; hereby revoking all others previously made by me.

In Testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal the 12th day of November 1807.

Charles Hutcheson

H. Ferrell
Pettus Phillips
Martin Phillips

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 14 Day of December 1807.

This will was proved by the oaths of Hutchens Ferrell, Pettus Phillips and Martin Phillips witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded, and on the motio of John Hutcheson and Collier Hutcheson, two of the executors therein named who made oath thereto and together with William Barkerville, Dabney Phillips, John Hutcheson (son of Peter) and Jon Moore their securities entered into and acknowleged their bond in the penalty of fifty thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs, certificate was granted them of obtaining a probat [sic] of said will in due form--liberty being reserved for the other executor therein named to join in the probat [sic] whe he shall think fit.

William Baskerville

The administration account and the report annexed were returned into Mecklenburg County Court the 12th day of October 1807 and orderer to be recorded.

Contributed 2000 Mar 24 by Ed Dolan

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