Mecklenburg County

Will of Edward HOGAN

Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will Book 6, p. 96, Will of Edward Hogan

In the name of God amen. I Edward Hogan of the County of Mecklenburg being low? and weak of body, but of perfect sound sence with memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament making all others whatsoever made or supp? Have been made by me –

Now I leave unto my beloved wife Edith Hogan (after all my last Debts are paid during her natural lie, the following property [Viz, all the negroes, now in my possession, Namely Henry, Cicley, Hannah, Milley, Sam, Sam, Luck, Giles, Silvey, Peter, Epex, and Charity, together with one third of all my stock, all my household and kitchen furniture, all my plantation tools, and all my land.

Item I give unto my son Thomas Hogan[‘s] children five shillings.

Item I give unto my two grandsons Thomas Toon and Lewis Toon twenty five pounds current money each, after the death of wife.

Item. It is further my will that the stock not lent to my wife shall be sold to half copay my Debts as well as my Tobacco now on hand.

Item. It is my ? desire that after the death of my beloved wife Edith Hogan that all my estate real and personal except one negro man Kook? should be equally divided between my four daughters Edith Evans, Mary Richards, Prudence Jeffries, and Nancy Jeffries, to them and their heirs forever.

Item. It is further my will and desire that after my death the negro man Kook in the possession of William Richards shall be hired out until Mary Evans daughter of Ludwell Evans dec'd shall marry or come of age, for the benefit of said Ludwell Evans' children, namedly Prudence McCutcheon, Pascall Evans, Nancy Hogan, Ludwell Evans, Edward Evans and Mary Evans and after the said Mary Evans shall marry or come of age, the said negro man Kook shall then be equally divided between the aforesaid children and their heirs forever.

Item. Lastly I do appoint my friend William Pettus, John McQuire and Charles McCutcheon my whole and sole exors to this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighth day of April one thousand eight hundred and eight.

Edward Hogan
his mark

Signed, sealed and acknowledged
In presence of

William Hunt
Ja? Hestrof
Henry Moody

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 13th day of June 1808

This will was proved by the oaths of William Hunt and Henry Moody wherea? Thereto and ordered to be recorded – and on the motion of William Petters one of the executors therein named who made oath thereto and together with Archibald Green, Thomas Coleman, and Richard Jeffries his ? entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of twenty thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs certificate to [be] granted him for obtaining a probat[e] of the said William one form? Liberty being reserved for the other exors therein named to ? the probat[e] when they shall think fit.

Contributed by Kathy Turner December 30, 2010

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