Mecklenburg County

Will of Robert HESTER

In the name of God Amen. I Robert Hester of Louisa County being in perfect senses do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. I give to my Son Abraham Hester the Tract of Land whereon he now lives situate lying and being in Mecklenburg County on Butchers Creek containing three Hundred Acres. To him and his Heirs forever, he allowing my Wife Barbara Hester to work four hands on the land during her Widowhood.

Item I give and bequeath unto my son James Hester Two Hundred and Fifty Eight Acres of Land in the Fork of a Branch that makes into Butchers Creek, being part of a Tract that I purchased of Thomas Baker to begin at the mouth of the Spring Branch then to run according to the Meanders. Thereof until a line answers to make an Equal division of the Tract I bought of this Baker between by son James Hester and my son Nathan Hester this Two Hundred and Fifty Eight Acres to my son James Hester and his Heirs forever.

Item I give my son Nathan Hester the remaining two hundred and fifty eight acres of Bakers Tract before mentioned according to a line of division aforesaid between him and James Hester to him the aforesaid Nathan Hester his Heirs and Assigns, They this James and Nathan Hester allowing my wife Barbara Hester the liberty of working four Hands on the Tract of 516 acres during her widowhood and where it shall best suit .

Item I five to my son Charles Hester the Tract of Land whereon I now live containing Four Hundred and thirty one Acres to him and his heirs and Assigns forever, my Wife Barbara Hester having free and Indisputable authority upon the same during her Widowhood.

Item I give unto my son Francis Hester seventy pounds current money, to be delivered to him at the age of Twenty one years.

Item I give to my son Samuel Hester Seventy Pounds current money to be delivered to him at the age of Twenty one years.

Item I lend to my daughter Sarah Smith one negro Girl named Hannah (which she hath now in her possession) during her life, and at her death this Negro with her increase to be Equally divided between her children Robert Smith, Barbara Smith and Sarah Smith to them and their Heirs forever.

Item I lend to my Daughter Agnes Walton one Mulatto girl named Nan (which she has in her possession) during her life and at her death she and her increase to be Equally divided between her Daughters Barbara Walton and Annie Hester Walton to them and their heirs forever.

Item I give to my Daughter Barbara Walton one negroe boy named Peter to her and her heirs forever.

Item I give to my Daughter Ann Hester One negro girl named Milley to her and her Heirs forever likewise the Value of Thirty Pounds in Goods and Chattels out of my estate in what can best be spared to be delivered to her at the Age of Eighteen Years.

Item I give to my Daughter Anne Hester the value of Seventy Pounds current money in goods and chattels of my Estate to be delivered to her at the Age of Eighteen to her Heirs and Assigns forever.

Item I give to my Daughter Susannah Hester the Value of Seventy Pounds in Goods and Chattels of my Estate to be delivered her at the age of Eighteen Years to her and her Heirs forever.

Item I give to my Daughter Mary Hester the Value of seventy pounds in goods and Chattels and of my estate to be delivered at the Age of Eighteen years to her and Heirs.

Item I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Hester the Value of Seventy Pounds in goods and chattels to be delivered her at the age of Eighteen years to her and her Heirs. And be it remembered that my Estate and Estate hereafter mentioned is empowered to let the five last legacies have such things as can best be spared out of the Estate at the time of paying of these aforesaid Legacies.

Item I lend to my loving wife Barbara Hester the Rest and Residue of my Estate of what Nature or Property whatsoever during her Widowhood and if in case she should Marry that then the Estate be sold and the money Equally divided between my then surviving children Lending my said wife a child's part during her life and at her death the part so left to be equally divided among my then surviving children.

Item my Will and desire is that if any of my children should die without an Heir that their parts be Equally divided between my then surviving children Except my sons Abraham, James, and Nathan and Daughters Sarah, Agnes, and Barbara, my Will and desire is that my Estate lent my Wife may be Equally divided amongst my Children after her Death.

Item I nominate and appoint my loving Wife Barbara Hester Executrix of this my last Will and Testament during her Widowhood and if she should Marry, That then my son Abraham Hester to be Executor, hereby revoking and Disannuling all former Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made.

In Witness Whereof thereunto set my Hand and Seal this Sixth November 1769.
Sealed and Delivered
Robert Hester seal

In presence of
Robert Garland
Geo. Lumsden
Sam Temple

At a Court held for Louisa County March 12th 1770 This Will was this Day presented in Court by Barbara Hester the Executrix therein named who made oath thereto according to Law and was proven by Geo. Lumsden and Sam Temple two of the witnesses thereto and by the Court Ordered to be Recorded

John Nelson

Know all men by these presents that we Barbara Hester, Sam Temple, and Abraham Hester are held and firmly bound unto Thomas Johnson, Thomas Johnson Jr., James Overton, Maddy Thompson and William Phillips,

Submitted by Patricia Henderson-London 12-27-99

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024