Mecklenburg County

Will of Thomas HAMBLIN

Mecklenburg Co., VA. Will Bk 7, page 85-86, Reel25, 1810-1813

In the name of God amen I Thomas Hamblin of Mecklenburg County and state of Virginia do hereby make my Last Will & Testament in manner and form following that is to say

First my will and desire is that all my Just debts and funeral expences be first paid out of my Estate

3rdly I Lend to my beloved wife Jane Hamblin two negroes namely Ninas and Amey? during her natural life & then they and their increase to return to my estate also I lend her one certain tract or parcel of land during their natural life containing sixty acres more or less lying on the North side of Jones Spring and the said branch to be the line it being all the land I now own that side of the said branch and after her death to return to my Estate. I also give her one horse at the price of Fifteen pounds One feather bed and furniture ten barrels of corn three hundred pounds of p---? Fifty pounds seed cotton three pewter plates three Knives and forks one cow and calf one sow and pigs three chairs 1 pewter dish and bason and my desire is that if her son Jessey Childrey takes leave of his mother that whatever is remaining of what I have given her that he should enjoy it at her death

3rd [again] I give to my son John Hamblin one silver dollar over what he hath already received of my Estate to him and his heirs forever

5th [rechecked] I give to my Son in Law Thomas Owen thirty pounds good and Lawful money of Virginia to be raised out of my estate to him and his heirs forever.

6th I give to my daughter Lucy Worsham one silver dollar more than she hath already received of my estate to her & her heirs forever.

7th I give to my son in law Berryman Ezell one silver Dollar more than he hath already received of my Estate to him & his heirs forever

8th My will and desire is that my old negro woman Beck? shall be at her liberty to choose her master among my Legatees and that after she is past Labour so as to maintain herself she shall have ten dollars a year out of my estate as long as she lives

9th My will and desire is that all the remainder of my Estate both real and personal be sold and divided between my children and Grandchildren as followeth to wit One fifth part to be divided between Elizabeth Ezell and her children to wit One half to Mayes's four orphans to wit Thomas H. Mayes, Salley Mayes, Charles Mayes and Dolley Mayes to them and their heirs forever and the other half to Elizabeth Ezell and all her other heirs forever including what she hath already received

10thly And the Other four parts of the Remainder to be equally divided between my son Charles Hamblin, my daughter Martha Jones, Mary Yancey and Nancey Jones to them & their heirs forever including what they have already hath received of my Estate and

Lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Charles Hamblin and Thomas Owen executors of this my last will and Testament and do hereby commission them to sell all my estate both real and personal and divide it as above directed and

I do acknowledge this to be my Last Will & Testament revoking and disannuling all other wills or forms heretofore made by me Given under my hand and seal this 1st day of January One thousand eight hundred and eleven Signed:

Thomas (his X mark) Hamblin

Witnesses: Bentley Wilkerson, Frances (her X mark) Wilkerson, James Newton

Proved by the Oaths of Bentley Wilkerson, Frances Wilkerson and James Newton

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 18th day of March 1811

This will was proved by the oaths of Bentley Wilkerson, Frances Wilkerson and James Newton witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded And on the motion of Charles Hamblin and Thomas Owen the Executors therein named who made oath thereto and together with Peter Overby, son of Zach, Archibald Clark and Robert Newton their securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of six thousand pounds conditioned as the law direct certificate was granted them for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form.

Page 160 Account of Sales of the Estate of Thomas Hamblin decd sold by Charles Hamblin & Thomas Owen Exors 21st Mar 1811
Recorded 20 Nov 1811
(Misc. items and purchasers- not in full here)

Mrs. Jane Hamblin Bot 1 negro woman Milley 100 pd 14 sh
1 book Pilgrims progress 6 shil
Thomas Owen 1 negro man Parker
Thomas Rudd 1 Dutch oven & hooks
Elder Balaam Ezell 1 cow & yearling
Parcel books
Daniel Jones 1 slay
John Yancey parcel iron tools
3 books
John Hamblin 1 ? and cuting knife
Richard Jones The home tract of Land cont. ? [illegible]
(other items)
Others purchasers: Joel Chandler, Jonathan Jackson, Ephraim Gold, William Childress, Abel Gregory, Bentley Wilkerson, Edward Jones, Dr. Spencer C. Vaughan, Jones Allen, Robert Newton, Edward Tillotson, Jesse Childress, Elisha Griffin, Mrs Maz? Vaughan, Pleasant Gold, Ambrose Gregory, Banister Gregory, Elijah Griffin, Caldwell P.Pool, Isham Vaughan. (Numerous others)

Contributed by JoLee Gregory Spears

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024