Mecklenburg County

Will of Francis GRIFFIN

Mecklenburg County, Virginia, Will Book 1, 1765 -1782, Reel 23, Page 1

In the name of God Amen this twentieth day of November one thousand seven hundred and sixty four I Francis Griffin of Lunenburg County being very sick and weak of body but of sound mind and perfect memory I thank God though knowing there is a time appointed for all men on ?__? to died do order and ?aprove? (sic) this to be my last will and testament and as ?touches? what worthy Estate is both pleased the Almighty God to Bell me with in this life I demise dispose of the same in this manner and form following I will that all my debts and charges be duly paid and discharge Item I lend to may beloved wife Philedelphia Griffin all my worldly estate during her widowhood and then it may lay within the discretion of my Executor and this land whereon I now live to be equally divided between my daughter Sarah Griffin and the child my wife is now living with and the hundred acres of land wherein my Brother James Griffin formerly live I give and bequeath to my son James Griffin (the next line illegible) James Griffin three hundred seventy nine acres of land that George Gunston bought of John Potter provided that John Busby does not pay unto John Potter seventeen pounds nine shillings current money of Virginia in or before the twentieth day of December next and if the said Busbey payes (sic) to John Potter the said money and brings my bond in or before the twenty fifth day of December next then my executor shall make him a deed to the said land. And I do hereby nominate appoint John Jones and Robert Jones & Richard Jones my sole Executors of this my last will and testament revoking and making void all others wills and testaments that ever before made signed sealed

Francis Griffin

and declared by the testator to be his last will and testament in presence of us.

Robert Jones, Junr
Edward Teagin?
Ambrose (his X mark) Boatwright

At a court held for Mecklenburg County on Monday the 8th day of April 1765 The last will and testament of Francis Griffin, decd was offered to proof by John Jones one of the executors (insert word) ?therein? named and was proved by the oaths of two of the witnesses thereto subscribed and ?al__? by the oath of the said executor and admitted to record. And Richard Jones one of the other Executors came into court and refused to take upon him self the barther (sic) of the Execution of said will and liberty is reserved to Robert Jones the other Executor therein named to join in probate with the said John when he shall think fit

Test: John Ta____ C. M. C.

Transcribed by Paula Carle-Bosch 1/2001; Submitted by Ron Jones

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