Mecklenburg County

Will of Edward GILES

Mecklenburg County, Virginia, Will Book #8, page 416, 1818 Mar 10

Item first I give and bequeath to my Grand Daughter Milly Nance two hundred dollars to her and her heirs.

Item second, I give and bequeath to my Grandson Edward Poythress twenty five dollars to him and his heirs.

Item third, I give and bequeath to my Grandson John Poythress one hundred dollars to him and his heirs

Item fourth, I give and bequeath to my Grand Daughter Martha Giles Daughter of my Daughter Betsy P. Giles two hundred dollars to her and her heirs.

Item fifth, and last after all my just Debts funeral expenses and the above legacies are first paid it is my will and desire that the remainder estate be equally divided amoungst my four Living Children Jean P Basey, John Giles, Edward Giles and William Giles to each of them and their heirs, given under my hand this 10th day of March 1818. I appoint Edward Giles Jr and John Basey exors to this my last Will and Testament.

Edward Giles (his mark)

Signed and sealed in presense of
Bushrod Webb
Henry Wartman


The Last Will and Testament of Edward Giles dec'd was presented into Court and proved by the Oaths of the Witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Edward Giles, Jr. one of the executors therein named into made oath thusly and together with John Cook, Henry Wartman and Buchrod Webb his securities in turn into and acknowledge their bond in the penalty of Twenty five thousand dollars conditions as the law.

Submitted by Ruth O. Kauffman January 26, 1999

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