Mecklenburg County

Will of William EZELL, Sr.

Mecklenburg County
May 17, 1828

In the name of God, Amen. I, William Ezell of the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia do make constitute and ordain this instrument my last will and testament hereby revoking all others in manner and form following (to wit): Imprimis my will and desire is that after the payment of all my just debts of the remaining part of my estate be disposed of in following manner:

Item 1. I lend to my beloved wife Elizabeth Ezell during her life or widowhood the following property (to wit). I lend to her one half of my dwelling house and all other necessary houses as she may want with half the garden and as much open land as may be sufficient for her use or purpose and also the following Negroes (to wit): Simon, old Will, Lucy, Nancy and Charity, also one feather bed and furniture besides the one she brought with her, one fine chest and one trunk, one half the sitting chairs and one half the kitchen furniture, one Grey Horse, two cows and calves and two younger cattle, sioo? head of sheep and a reasonable quantity of hogs and also a reasonable quantity corn, wheat and fodder for her support for the year and one sixth part of tobacco and cotton of the present crop or the crop that may be on hand at my death.

Item 2. I give and bequeath to my son Benjamin Ezell the land whereon he now lives lying on the west side of Evans’ creek as low as the rock ford thence along the path that leads to dick old field to Taylor line also the following Negroes (to wit): Bob, Stephen and Rosetta to him and his heirs forever.

Item 3. I give and bequeath to Benjamin Ezell and William Ezell in trust for the sole benefit of Roberston Ezell and his representatives the following property (to wit): one Negro man William and Fanny and her present and future increase for the said Benjamin & William Ezell to use for his benefit as they may think proper and after his death to be equally divided among all his children to them and their heirs forever.

Item 4. I give and bequest to my son William Ezell the land whereon I now live including all the land between Flat Creek & Evans’ creek lying immediately in the fork of the said creeks also the following property (to wit): James and Maria and all her present and future increase, one feather bed and furniture, one writing desk, two cows and calves, sioo? head of sheep, one fourth part of the stock of hogs, half the sitting chairs and half the kitchen furniture, the land given to William Ezell in this clause is subject to the first clause as bounded to my wife, to him and his heirs forever. But in case of his dying without lawful heirs to be equally divided among all my children or their lawful representatives.

Item 5. I give to my Executor interest for the sole use, benefit and support of my daughter Rebecca Davis during her natural life and after her death to be equally divided among all her children the following property (to wit): one Negro man Tom and Negro woman Jemima and all her present and future increase also all the cattle and hogs now on the plantation where the said Davis now lives to them and their heirs forever and also all the land west of Evans’ Creek below the land left to my son Benjamin Ezell in the second clause of this instrument and after the death of my daughter Rebecca Davis, I give to my son Benjamin Ezell the said land just named or his lawful representatives.

Item 6. I given Interest to my Executors for the sole use and benefit of my daughter Elizabeth Walker during her natural life and after her death to be equally divided among all her children the following property (to wit): one Negro man Joe and one Negro man Adam and one Negro woman Matilda and her present and future increase to them and their heirs forever.

Item 7. It is my will and desire that my Negro man Sterling be sold and the money arriving from the sale of the said Negro to be equally divided between Benjamin Ezell, Rebecca Davis and Elizabeth Walker. It is also my will and desire that my Negro woman Linder be sold but wish that she may be bought by some of my children that she many remain in the family. It is my will and desire that all the property that I now possess or may hereafter be possessed of and is not disposed of in this my will be sold and the money arising out of such sale be equally divided among my five children above named or their lawful representatives but it is my will and desire that the part left to Roberston Ezell, Rebecca Davis and Elizabeth Walker be given in trust to my executors as heretofore mentioned with full power to dispose of for the sole benefit of them the said Robertson, Rebecca and Elizabeth as they may see cause and it is further my will and desire that there be no appraisement on any party of my property as I consider it as superfluous. And lastly, I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my sons Benjamin Ezell and William Ezell executors to this my last will and testament and trustees for the purpose above mentioned. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this seventeenth day of May in the year of our Lord one-thousand eight-hundred and twenty-eight.

William Ezell

Signed and delivered at presence of

William Harwell
Issac Wolson
Wm Bennett

Contributed by Jonathan Taylor 30 Dec 2003

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