Mecklenburg County

Will of Reps J. ELAM - Related Documents

Inventory and Appraisement

Index to Wills No. 16, P. 435, Reps J. Elam, From September Court 1843 - To September Court 1848

Elam, R. J. An inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Reps J. Elam made Inven & appr.
November 12th 1847

4 Beds & Furniture 60:001/3 Grind stone :83
1 pine cupboard 2:50crop wheat straw 4:00
1 Walnut Table 5:004 Set plow ? 4:00
1 Round Table 2:502 Drilling machines 2:00
2 pine tables :501 ? ? 1:00
2 Trunks 1:0027 Bushels wheat 17:55
Lot books ? ? 1:0024 sheep 24:00
5 chairs 1:00crop flax 1:00
Lot earthen & glass ware 3:003 Scythes 3:00
Lot barrels & coffee mill 1:002 pitch forks 1:00
3 chest & 1 Trunk 1:0017 Geese 2:50
1 flax wheel 1:0013 hogs 25:00
crop cotton 5:0015 do 50:00
3 sides leather & flax 5:004 Sows & 12 pigs 20:00
3 spinning wheels 3:0012 Stacks Oats 75:00
1 loom 3:007 Stacks fodder 10:00
Lot Casting 2:50crop potatoes 3:00
Wood ? 3:001 young sorrel horse 65:00
Lot barrel safes (?) V6 2:001 white feet do so 60:00
ploughs hoes & 6 axes 10:001 bay horse 10:00
3 old wheels 1:501 waggon 20:00
crop corn 200:001 yoke oxen 25:00
crop Shucks 10:007 cows & heifers 55:00

p. 436

6 yearlings 12-Dick 200-
2 calves 2-America & Martha 600-
crop Tobacco 300-Martha 550-
1 Bay filly 30-Patrick 400-
Negro woman Nancy 300-John 450-
Agness 450-Henry 388-
Fanny 450-Haniberston 600-
Mumford 525-Nancy 450-
Peggy 250-Daniel 400-
Sally 200-Isaac 650-
Loveless 100-William 550-
Thursey 75-Cuffe ?00-
Harrison & Prudence 50-Guilford 450-
Matilda Cumby & Fanny 700-$10897:88
Lysa 400-Amt of Bond 614:53
Margaret 300-Amt on hand in money 74:00
Anabelle 300-$11586:51

Agreeable in an order from the county court of Mecklenburg to us divided we the under signed have proceded to appraise the personal estate of Reps J. Elam decd amounting to Eleven Thousand five hundred & eighty six dollars and fifty one cents as above stated.
C.H. Pettus
W.G. Smith
Wm Brame

In addition to the above there is

1 cow hide 1:00
1 ox yoke & parcel old irons 2:00
2 pr end irons ? & ? 1:00
2 bee hives 2:00

John Y. Richards admr.

Mecklenburg County November Court 1847.
The foregoing Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Reps J. Elam decd was this day returned into court and ordered to be recorded.
Test Rich R. Baptiste C

Accounting of Estate of Reps J. Elam 1848-1852

Index to Wills No. 17, p. 99, Commenced September 1848 - Ending the 31st of May. 1852

Reps J. Elam, Dc'
Estate of Reps J. Elam
asc current
In account current with John Y Richards Admr

October 1
Cash Toact Doc't D. G. Smith 47.13
Do pd Jefress & Richards 23.82
Do pd Robt. A.Crowder 20.00
Nov. 17
Do pd Thomas R. Mop 20.00
Do pd Cornelius Barnes 7.00
Do pd Jones 18.75
Do pd Carrage crop tobc to market 51.17
Do pd ? asc J.Y.R. 12.64
Do pd David S. Elam 28.00
Do pd Doct David G. Smith 12.16
Do pd Francis Smithson 1.00
Do pd Charles Crowder 11.00
Do pd Jones 1848 5.26
Do pd David S. Elam 49.72

p. 100
To Cash pd David S. Elam 134.00
Do pd Robert A. Crowder 100.05
Do pd Mrs. Elizabeth Elam 1/3 of $1408.62 267.54
Do pd John L. Chany 68.72
Do pd Joseph Knor 1213.92
Do pd Robert Gardner gdn to A. Haskins 191.72
Do pd William Elam 44.52
Do pd Robert A, Codwan 366.14
Do pd A J. Toone 368.18
Do pd D. S. Elam 282.80
Do pd William Amos 340.72
Do pd Mrs. E. Elam 8.00
Do pd Jeffress & Richards 10.75
Do pd Doct. D. G. Smith 22.00
Do pd Charles Coghill 21.00
Do pd Robt. Richards 5.74
Do pd Robert ? for preaching funeral 5.50
and carried forward 2875.65
Amt brought forward 2875.50
? 153.78
? 43.53


By credit of ?
By ditto of ?
By ditto of Robert A. Crowder
By ditto of William Elam
By ditto of sale
By ditto of Robert A. Reynolds
By ditto of ? ?
By ditto of James A. Jeffress
By ditto of Account for crop tobacco ? 1847
By ditto of Abraham Smith
By ditto of David S. Elam
By ditto of William Amos
By ditto of John H. Crowder
By ditto of A. J. Toone
By ditto of James A. Jeffress
By ditto of A. J. Toone
By ditto of Amos
By ditto of Robt A. Crowder
By ditto of Mrs. Elizabeth Elam
By ditto of John H. Crowder
By ditto recd plantation
By ditto of D. S. Elam hire negroes
By ditto of Robt. A. Crowder do
By ditto of Wm Amos
By ditto of A. J. Toone

By Cash of John Stembridge 30.50
By ditto ? Toone 78.07
By dittow of Alexander Smith 35.00
By this sum of A. J. Toone this sum was his portion $187.64
By Do Do of D. S. Elam Do Do Do 203.12
By cash Carried forward 390.16
By amount brought forward $3075.63

1847 Sept 12 By Balance due Estate 43.48

Agreeable to an order from the County Court of Mecklenburg (?) date December 1848 to us directed under assignment have produced to ditto the amount current of John Y. Richards Amd of Reps J. Elam decd and found satisfactory receipts for all charges and amount sold of estate according to ? ? ? (this line unreadable)
Given under our hand this 12th day of ? 18??

Four signatures (unreadable)

Submitted 12-26-2000 by Alice Ellingsberg

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