Mecklenburg County

James ELAM Order Book Notes

Order Book 15, page 273, October Court 1809

Mark S. Elam, James Elam and Prudence Elam infant children of James Elam, deceased, who sue by William Pettus their next friend, complainants versus James Hamlett, administrator of James Elam, Elizabeth Elam widow of James Elam and William Elam, defendants. By consent of the parties by their counsel and guardian respectively their cause this day came on to be heard on the bill and answer on consideration whereof it is decreed and ordered that William Boyd, Thomas Norment, James Norment and John Hill or any three of them attended by the county surveyor do divide and allot the land whereof the said decedent died seized in this county among the plaintiffs and defendant William according to quantity and quality and that they do also divide the slaves and personal estate equally among the said plaintiffs and defendant William after having assigned unto Elizabeth Elam the widow of the said decedent her dower in the same and make report thereof to the court in order to a final decree.

Order Book 15, page 344, December Court 1810

An administration account of the estate of James Elam, deceased, being returned into court is ordered to be recorded and is further ordered that James Hamlett the administrator be allowed the sum of ninety pounds for hi services in the administration of said estate.

Order Book 16, page 162, March Court 1812

Mark S. Elam, James Elam and Prudence Elam infant children of James Elam, deceased, who sue by William Pettus their next friend, plaintiffs versus James Hamlett administrator of James Elam, Elizabeth Elam widow of James Elam and William Elam, defendants. A report of the persons named in the decree order made in this cause October 1810 was returned in the following words, to wit, "In obedience to the annexed decree order of the court of Mecklenburg County the subscribed having met on the lands of James Elam, deceased, which by survey is found to contain 238 acres inclusive of the widows dower assigned her some time ago and after explaining the same have to the best of our judgment proceeded to divide it into four equal lots or parts as near as the nature of the tract would admit and have and do allot and assign to the orphans in the said decree mentioned in the manner following, to wit, the part or lot no. 1 on the surveyors plat containing 84 acres to James Elam which said lot corners in the ___?___ of the present using spring and lies adjoining on the east of the widow's dower and on the south of lot no.2. To Prudence Elam, lot no. 2 containing 54 acres adjoining and lying on the north of no. 1. To William Elam, lot no. 3 containing 45 acres next adjoining to the north of no. 2 and to the south of no. 4 and the remaining part or lot no. 4 on the said plat containing 54 acres to Mark S. Elam all of which parts or lots will more fully appear by referring to the within plat. Given under of hands this 22nd day of November 1810. John Hill, William Boyd, Thomas Norment, James Norment and further in obedience to the annexed order we have proceeded and have and do allot to Elizabeth Gillispie late widow and relic of James Elam, deceased, two Negroes, to wit, Jack and Mary and forty shillings being one third full part of the slaves belonging to the said decedents estate as her dower during her natural life and the balance of the slaves we find impracticable to make an equal distribution of among the orphans without making sale of them. Given under our hands the 17th day of December 1810, William Boyd, James Norment, Thomas Norment, John Hill." On consideration whereof it is decreed and ordered that the division so made as aforesaid be established and made final.

Submitted 2000 Nov 29 by Kent A. Elam Jr.

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