Mecklenburg County

Will of William DRUMRIGHT, Jr.

Signed June 12, 1856 – Proved February, 1857

In the name of God amen. I William Drumright of Mecklenburg County and state of Virginia being of sound mind and good memory do on the 12th day of June A.D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six make this my last will and testament in the following form that is to say

First my desire is that all my just debts shall be paid by my executors whom I shall hereafter name

Second I give to my son Jones Drumright one hundred dollars

Thirdly I give to my son Joseph Drumright five dollars

Fourthly after giving to my son Jones Drumright one hundred dollars and to my son Joseph Drumright five dollars – I give to my son Richard Drumright’s children or to their heirs one tenth part of my estate in fee simple not heirs before disposed of

Fifthly I give to my son Jones Drumright or to his heirs two tenths of my estate –

Sixthly I give to my daughter Nancy Morris or her heirs one tenth part of my Estate [Note: Nancy Drumright Morris was the wife of William I. Morris, son of Jesse Jr.]

Seventhly I give to my son Gee Drumright or his heirs one tenth part of my Estate –

Eighth I give to my daughter Mary Arnold or to her heirs one tenth part of my estate –

Ninthly I give to my daughter Martha Benford [Benfond?] or to her heirs one tenth part of my Estate –

Tenthly I give to my son Claiborne Drumright or to his heirs one tenth of my Estate –

Eleventhly I give to my daughter Eliza. Benford [Benfond?] or to her heirs one tenth part of my estate –

Twelfth I give to my son Thomas Drumright or to his heirs one tenth part of my estate –

Thirteenth – The one hundred dollars and one tenth part of my estate hereinbefore given to my son Jones Drumright have been given to secure the payment of a debt which Joseph Drumright owes to Jones Drumright and my desire after my son Jones Drumright shall have received the one hundred dollars and the one tenth part of my estate before mentioned in this clause that this amounts be justly and immediately applied to _____ of the debt before mentioned in this clause. Neither that or [indecipherable – ref to $100 & one of his two tenths?] the other tenth part of my estate given to my son Jones Drumright in the fifth clause of this will shall be disposed of as that clause directs.

I do hereby appoint my son Jones Drumright executor of this my last will and testament. In testimony hereinto I have set my hand and affixed my seal the day of the date above.

Written William Drumright (his mark) {Seal}

And notarized
In presence of
A.H. Middagh
John Ramsey (his mark)

Mecklenburg County February Court 1857

The foregoing last will and testament of William Drumright deceased was this day produced in court and proved by the oath of A.H. Middaugh and John Ramsey the subscribing witnesses trust and ordered to be recorded and on motion of Jones Drumright the executor therein named who made oath that and together with A.H. Middaugh Wm Stone J.B. Northington and E.R. Chambers his securities entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of $1000 – conditioned according to law certificate is granted him for obtaining probate thereof in due form

R.B. Bastist/Baptist

Contributed by Reed & Ginie Morris Sayles

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