Mecklenburg County

Will of William DRUMRIGHT, Sr.

Dated 21 May 1828; Proved in court 20 Oct 1828

In the name God Amen. I William Drumright of Mecklenburg County and state of Virginia being of sound mind and (word indistinct) memory for which I thank Good, knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die and as for such worldly goods as it hath pleased God to bless me with I give and bequeath the same in manner and form following (sig)

Item 1st.. my will and desire is that all my just debts and funeral expenses be honestly and punctually paid.

Item 2nd.. I loan to my living wife Sally Drumright and my daughter Elizabeth Drumright all my estate both real and personally (that is left after my just debts and funeral expenses ae honestly paid) during my wife's life if my daughter Elizabeth chooses not to live with my loving wife then and in that case she my daughter Elizabeth may have a further bed and furniture and cow and calf.

Item the death of my wife my will and desire is that all my personal estate that I have loaned my wife and my daughter Elizabeth to be equally divided among my following children namely Frances Arnold, wife of Joseph Arnold; Sally Morris, wife of (name indistinct) Morris; Lucy Morris, wife of Henry Morris, William Drumright and heirs…William I give my shot gun at my death, Ephriam Drumright and Elizabeth Drumright which I give to him and their heirs forever.

Item 4th.. what property I have let my son James Drumright have I give the same to him and his heirs forever.

Item 5th.. what property I have let my daughter Nancy Taylor formerly the wife of Goodin Taylor I give to her and her heirs forever.

Item 6th.. what property I have let my daughter Patsy Hunt formerly the wife of Goodin Hunt I give to her and her heirs forever.

Item 7th.. at my loving wife's death I give the tract of land I now live on to Ephriam Drumright to him and his heirs forever.

Item 8..what property I have let my daughter RebeckahWaller, formerly the wife of Starling Waller I give the same to her and her heirs forever.

Item 9th.. and lastly I (2 words indistinct) and appoint my sons William Drumright, Ephriam Drumright to this my last will and testament (above is written in: (word indistinct) and disannulling all other wills and testaments) heretofore made by me. Given….(end of collected text).

Submitted 9 July 2000 by Ed Waller

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