Mecklenburg County



Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will of Peter Crutchfield, Will Book 25 Page 16

Mecklenburg Co. Va
15 January, 1859

In the name of God Almighty, I, Peter Crutchfield of the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia, being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this life, do therefore make, constitute, appoint and declare this to be my last will and testament. That is to say:

First: I loan unto my beloved wife Elizabeth C Crutchfield: The tract of land on which I now reside and the tract adjoining to T Smelly and others containing sixty acres more or less during the term of her natural life to have the full benefit thereof and after her death, I give and bequeath the above said land to my son Edward G Crutchfield, to him and his heirs forever. I also loan unto my wife Elizabeth C Crutchfield the following Slaves to wit. Abrous, Edmond, Davy, Lee and Harriet, for the term of her natural life and after her death I give the said Slaves to be equally divided amongst my three children, namely William C Crutchfield, Dorothy A Puryear and Edward G Crutchfield, to them and their heirs forever.

Second: I give to my wife Elizabeth C Crutchfield, one Negro girl Susan to dispose of as she may think proper.

Third: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Dorothy A. Puryear the following Slaves who are in her procession to wit Henry, Mary Sarah and her two children and their increase to her and her hairs forever.

Fourth: I give and bequeath unto my son William C. Crutchfield The land on which he now resides and the following Slaves, who are in his possession to wit: Joe Alfred, Caroline and the increase of Caroline to have and hold forever.

Fifth: I give and bequeath unto my son Edward G Crutchfield the following Slaves to wit: John and his tools, Ben, Irene and the increase of Irene to him and his hairs forever.

Sixth: After my death I wish the following Slaves to be declared and divided by ___ and ___ equally among my three children William C Crutchfield, Dorothy A Puryear and Edward G Crutchfield.

Seventh: I give unto my wife Elizabeth C Crutchfield and son Edward G Crutchfield jointly all my household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools crop and stack of every description.

Eight: In confederation of the three old Negroes which may be left in the case of my wife Elizabeth C Crutchfield and son Edward G Crutchfield I wish my executor to sell Martha, giving her first the privilege of choosing a home and deposit the proceeds of the sale with my wife and son above named for the support of the three above by name Edy, Simthy and Dick.

Ninth: My debts are to be collected by executor of this will and if not sufficient to pay all debts that I may be owing each of my three children are to bear a proportionate part of the deficiency likewise . I make, constitute and appoint my son William C Crutchfield to be executor of this my last will and testament, here by voiding all former wills by me made and to qualify without bond and security.

In witness hereof I have here unto subscribed my name and affixed my seal on this fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine.
Peter Crutchfield (seal)

Wm. N Northington
E. Benford

Will Probate of Will of Peter Crutchfield

Mecklenburg County Court, April 20, 1885

The writing proposed to be the last will and testament of Peter Crutchfield late of this County deceased, was this day presented in Court and fully proved according to law by the oath of W. N. Northington one of the subscribing witness there to and E. Benford the other subscribing witness to said will being dead, the said W. N. Northington testified that he was well aquatinted with the signature of the said E Benford having frequently seen him write the same and that the signature of the said E. Benford subscribed to the said will was the own genuine signature of the said E. Benford and that the said testator Peter Crutchfield deceased acknowledge this signature to said will in the presence both the said W. N. Northington and the said E. Benford they the sail Northington and the said Benford both being present together at the same time in the presence of the said testator and that the said W. N. Northington and the said E. Benford as subscribing to said will, did each of them in the presence of each other and in the presence of the said testator, surely sign their names to said will at the request of the said testator so herefore, the same is evident to be recorded as the last will and testament of Peter Crutchfield late of this County deceased.
Teste. J. M. Sevace, clk

Submitted by Don N. Crutchfield 2-8-99

Will of Samuel CRUTCHFIELD

Will Book 18 Page 338

5th Day of July, 1854

In the name of God amen, I Samuel Crutchfield of the County of Mecklenburg State of Virginia being of sound mind and feeble in body and aware of the uncertainly of life do make and constitute this my last will and testament in the manner following, To witt

Article 1st I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Martha Crutchfield the one third part of my estate both real and personal during her natural life and at her death the one sixth part to be placed in the hands of my son William D Crutchfield, who I hereby appoint trustee for the benefit of my daughter Elizabeth J. Hightower free from claim or control of her husband William H. Hightower. The said William Crutchfield is to use any of my said property in any way for the benefit of my said daughter E.J. Hightower. This by no means restricts to the interest of said estate but I wish her to have the full benefit of it during her life. If the whole is expended during her lifetime, the remainder of said things to be equally divided between my sons Lewis G Crutchfield, Michael E Crutchfield, William D. Crutchfield, James M. Crutchfield and Lafayette Crutchfield.

Article 2nd After allotting my wife her third then I give and bequeath to my son William D. Crutchfield trustee for the benefit of my daughter Elizabeth Jane Hightower the property contained in a deed of loan to her which will be seen by sef___ to the records in the Clerk office of Mecklenburg I also a special legacy of fifty dollars to be used for her benefit as directed in Article 1st of this will.

Article 3 The remainder of my estate the one sixth part of which I give to my son William D Crutchfield trustee for the benefit of my daughter Elizabeth J. Hightower free from the claim or control of her husband William H. Hightower said property to be used as directed in Article 1st and at the death of my said daughter if any of the said property be unexpended for her benefit during her life then the remainder shall be equally divided between her living children. - The remainder of my estate I then give to be equally divided between my five sons Lewis G. Crutchfield, Micheal E. Crutchfield, William D. Crutchfield, James M, and Lafayette Crutchfield.

Article 4th I nominate and appoint my sons William D. and Lafayette Crutchfield my lawful executor to carry into effect this will.

In Testimony of all of which I have hereunto affixed my hand seal this the 5th Day of July 1854.
Samuel Crutchfield (his mark)

Joseph C. Farmer
Edwin Benford
B. Vaughan

Mecklenburg County August Court 1855

Will was presented in Court and proven August 22, 1855 with the conditions of a bond posted by William D. Crutchfield, Lafayette Crutchfield, Peter Crutchfield, Thomas Cook in the sum of $8,000. Bond signed by above named persons.

[I could not read all of probate so this is a condensed version of court rulings.]

Submitted by Don N. Crutchfield 2-8-99

Will of Thomas CRUTCHFIELD

Mecklenburg County, Va, Will Book 23/214

In the name of God Amen I Thomas D. Crutchfield of the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia being of sound mind, though feeble in health and aware of the uncertainty of life do make and constitute this to be my last will and testament in the following to wit.

Article 1st
I give and bequest unto my beloved wife Martha W. Crutchfield the land on which I now reside and all other property belonging to me, during her life except one bed and furniture which I give to my daughter Georgiana Crutchfield and at the dearth of my beloved wife Martha W.. Crutchfield the said land and property shall go to my son Zackary T. Crutchfield, provided the said Zackary T. Crutchfield shall live with and take care of my wife during her life. The said Zackary T. Crutchfield shall also take care of my daughter Georgiana Crutchfield and she shall have a home with him on said land during her singlehood or until she marries.

Article 2nd
I nominate and appoint my beloved wife my Executrix without security. In testimony of all of which I have here to affixed my hand and seal this the 3rd September, eighteen hundred sixty nine.

Thomas D. Crutchfield (seal)

Witnesses, Thos. F Dunnright and Thos. O. Tanner

Mecklenburg County Court February 16th, 1874

A will proporting to be the last will and testament of Thomas D. Crutchfield, late of this county deceased, was this day presented to the court. And there being no subscribing witnesses to the said will, J. T. Harris and Thos. O. Tanner were sworn and (?) that they were well acquainted with the hand writing of the said Thomas D. Crutchfield deceased and verily believe that the signature to the will subscribed is in the handwriting of the said Thomas D. Crutchfield deceased whereupon the same is ordered to be recorded as the last will and testament of said Thomas D. Crutchfield deceased.

Teste N.P. Hughes, clerk

Know all men by these presents that I Martha W. Crutchfield am held and firmly bound unto the Commonwealth of Virginia in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars to pay which I bind ourselves my heirs and jointly and severally by these presents. Sealed with my seal and dated this 16th day of February 1874. The conditions of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Martha W. Crutchfield who has this day qualified as executrix of last will and testament of Thomas D. Crutchfield deceased (without security , the will requiring none of her). Now if the said Martha W. Crutchfield shall faithfully discharge the duties of said executrix according to the law then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in force and virtue(?).

Martha W. Crutchfield (her mark) (seal)

R. P. Hughes Mecklenburg County Court
February 16th, 1874

23/239 Inventory and appraisement of estate of Thomas D. Crutchfield made on the 11th day of March 1874

124 Acres Land $2.00 $248.00
3 Beds $10.00 $30.00

½ dozen chairs $3.00
Cooking utensils $1.50
Table ( no price)
Furniture $ .50

We the undersigned commissioners this day have met and appraised the property of Thomas D. Crutchfield and this is our report given under our hands this 11th day of March 1874 for Martha W. Crutchfield, Extz.

W. C. Crutchfield
W. W. Harris
Thos. O. Tanner

This is to certify that the above parties was duly sworn before me V. J. Smith J.P.
This the 11th day of March 1874 Examined and returned for record.
W. Baskervill Jr. Mecklenburg County Court April 20th 1874.

The foregoing inventory and appeasement was this day returned unto this court and ordered to be recorded.

Teste R. P. Hughes, clk

Date of probate of Husband's will Mecklenburg County Virginia will book 23/239

Submitted by Don N. Crutchfield 5-2-98

Will of William CRUTCHFIELD

Mecklenburg Co., VA
Last Will and Testament of William Crutchfield

In the name of God Amen I William Crutchfield of Mecklenburg County being of sound mind and disposing memory for which I thank God calling to mind the uncertainly of human life, and as for such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with I give and bequeath the same in manner and form following.

Item I lend to my beloved wife Martha all my estate both real and personal to her during her natural life or Widowhood which all my just debts are to be justly paid out of the same of which my beloved wife Martha may at her discretion sell what part of the personal estate she thinks proper for that purpose.

Item I lend unto my daughter Lucy Taylor the land where on she now lives to her during her natural life and at her death the same to be sold and the money arising therefrom to be equally divided among the heirs of her body that is lawfully begotten, also I give unto her fifty pounds five shillings at the death or inter marriage of my beloved wife Martha to her and her heirs forever.

Item I give unto my son Adams Crutchfield the land where on he now lives, one horse bridle and saddle and one bed and furniture all which he has in his possession to him and his hairs forever.

Item I give unto my daughter Amy Crutchfield one hundred pounds one bed and furniture at the death or inter marriage of my beloved wife Martha to her and her heirs forever.

Item I give unto my son Samuel Crutchfield the land where on he now lives and one horse bridle and saddle one bed and furniture all which he has in his possession to him and his heirs forever.

Item I give unto my son William Crutchfield one horse bridle and saddle which he has in his possession. Also one hundred pounds one bed and furniture at the death or inter marriage of my beloved wife Martha to him and his hires forever.

Item I give unto my son Peter Crutchfield one horse bridle and saddle which he has in his possession. Also all my land lying on the east side of Flat Creek, one bed and furniture at the death or inter marriage of my loving wife, to him and his heirs forever.

Item I give unto my Daughter Martha Harris one bed and furniture, one cow and calf which she has in her possession also one hundred pounds, also one hundred pounds at the death or inter marriage of my loving wife Martha to her and her heirs forever.

Item I give unto my daughter Sally Crutchfield one hundred pounds one bed and furniture at the death or inter marriage of my loving wife Martha to her and her heirs forever.

Item I give unto my son Thomas D Crutchfield all the land on the West side of Flat Creek at the death or inter marriage of my loving wife Martha also one horse bridle saddle one bed and furniture when my loving wife thinks proper to him and his heirs forever.

Item it is my will and desire is that after all and every one of the above items or legacies is paid or discharged in manner and form above directed then the residue of my estate be the same little or much after the death or inter marriage of my beloved wife Martha be sold at twelve months credit and the money arising from such sale be equally divided among any all my aforementioned children to them and their heirs forever.

And lastly constitute ordain and appoint my two sons Adams & Peter Crutchfield and my trusted friend William Drumright as the executors at this my last will and testament invoking and disowning there before made by me. In witness where of I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this Lance day of May one thousand eight hundred and nine.

William Crutchfield (his mark) Seal

Signed sealed and acknowledged in the presence of
James Gee
William Creath
Richard Crowder
Daniel Cheatham (his mark)
William Cook (his mark

Testate of Will of William Crutchfield

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 20 th of day of May 1816 this last will and testment of William Crutchfield Deceased was presented in Court and proven by the oath of Richard Crowded and William Cook two of the witnesses there to and ordered to be recorded and the motion of Peter Crutchfield one of the Executors therein named who made oath there to and together with William Durmright and Richard Crowder his securities enter into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars countitiond as the Law directs certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form liberty being reserves for the other Executors there in named to join in the probate when they shall think fit.

Testate Ewd S
Tabb cmc

Submitted by Don N. Crutchfield 8 Feb 1999

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