Mecklenburg County

Will of Matthew CLEMENTS

written 1/6/1798 probated 12/21/1812

Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book 7, pages 319-320, Will of Matthew Clements

In the name of God amen, I, Matthew Clements of the County Mecklenburg and State of Virginia in the Parrish of Saint James being in perfect health and in sound memory and understanding have made and ordained this to be my last will and testament, revoking all others before made in the manner and form following.

Imprimus, my wish and desire that all my debts, be first justly discharged out of my estate, both real and personal.

Secondly, my wish and desire is that my wife Elizabeth shall enjoy of all and every things of both my estates, real and personal, as her own property only during the period of her widowhood and then I give and bequeath unto George Algood and Elizabeth Algood the son and daughter of my said wife Elizabeth the whole of my estates as aforesaid which is to be divided equally between the said George Algood and Elizabeth Algood and to them and their heirs forever.

And lastly, I hereby appoint my friend James Brown of the said County of Mecklenburg to be the sole executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this sixth day of January one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight.

Signed, sealed, delivered and
Matthew Clements (his mark)

acknowledged in the presence of :
John ___?___,
A. D. Winn,
William Brown,
James P. Brown

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 21st day of December 1812, this will was proved by the oaths of William Brown and James P. Brown witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.

Contributed by Shirley (Johnson) LaFleur

Design by Templates in Time

This page was last updated 03/08/2024