Mecklenburg County

Will of David CHANDLER

Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will Book 10, Pages 103-104, Will of David Chandler 1824

In the name of God amen I David Chandler of the County of Mecklenburg state of Virginia being sick and low in health, but yet of sound and? memory and deposing mind do by these presents make my last will and testament in manner and form following Viz first my will and desire is that all my just debts and funeral expenses be first paid out of my Estate and the money be paid out of my estate for the payment of the same from such property and my Exors hereafter named may think can be best posed for that purpose -

2ndly after the payment of just debts and funeral expenses my will and desire that my beloved wife Milly Chandly should enjoy and peaceably possess all my estate both real and personal during her widowhood or natural life, But if my beloved wife may choose to advance anything to any of her children out of my estate during her life she may use her ___? Discretion but the same to be accounted for at her death or marriage –

3rdly my will and desire is at the death or marriage of my beloved wife that the whole of my estate both real and personal should be sold at the discretion of my Exors and the proceeds thereof equally divided between my children, Namely Rebecca Chandler, Joel Chandler, Nancy Moore the wife of Anderson Moore, Elizabeth Talley the wife of Abraham Tally, Edwin Chandler, Polly Davis the wife of Jno. O. Davis & Patsy Chandler to them and their heirs forever, and the before names children is on the _on the_ day or time of the division of my Estate to account for all property advanced to them in my life time or my wifes life so as an equal division may take place among them.

4th and lastly I do appoint my friends Stephen P. Pool and Stephen Worsham Exors of this my last will and testament , and hereby revoking all others by me heretofore made - In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 24 day of June 1824.

Signed sealed and acknowledged
David [his mark] Chandler {Seal}

In the presence of
P. Z. Overby
Joseph Blanks
Thomas [his mark] Glasscock

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 18th day of October 1824 the last will and testament of David Chandler was produced into court and proved by the oaths of Peter Z. Overby and Joseph Blanks two of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded

Teste Edw L. Tabb

Transcribed and contributed 1999 May 19 by JoLee Gregory Spears

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024