Mecklenburg County

Will of Thomas BURNETT

written 12/19/1828 probated 2/16/1829

Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book 11, page 490, Will of Thomas Burnett

In the following words is contained my last will and desires viz. the two sums of money in the hands of the administrator of Joseph Burnett Dec'd in the state of Tennessee in the care of Samuel H. Laughton Esquire attorney at Law in said State. also whatever money may be due me from Edward L. Tabb, esquire the money due me from Peter Bailey to the amount of between 90 and 100 dollars. The money due me from Dr. Howell Jeffries not less than $100. The money due me from the estate of Capt John B. Goode in the hands of John C. Goode debt interest & upwards of $1000 with its Interest together with any Land & all other monies due me. I do hereby empower Col. Christopher Haskins to sue for sell (?) & recover in the same manner in my name as was I personally present and when in his hands so to divide among my children agreeable to a list that will be forwarded him by me after retaining what I may owe him for his trouble for same the above in complete effect I wish Samuel A. Taylor & John Winkler paid being all the money that I owe in this world that I recollect all the Estate I am possessed with in every shape is here to be considered as assets in his hands and subject for the above division in that way he devises for the best witness my hand the 19 th Dec 1828

Thomas Burnett

F. Noel (his mark)
Archer Cox (his mark)

At a court held for Mecklenburg County on the 16 th day of February 1829

The foregoing last will and testament of Thomas Burnett dec. was produced into court and partly proved by the oath of Foster Neal and at another Court held for said County on the 16 th day of March in the year aforesaid the same was again produced into court and fully proven by the oath of Archer Cox another subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be recorded.

Edward L. Tabb, clerk

Contributed by Shirley (Johnson) LaFleur

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024