Mecklenburg County

Will of Samuel BUGG

Dec. 24, 1775; Proved March 10 1777, Mecklenburg Co, VA, WB 1, p. 220-221 (not final proof)

In the name of God Amen. I Samuel Bugg of Mecklenburg county being sick in body but in perfect mind & memory do give and disperse of all my worldly goods in the following manner and form . First I lend my daughter Sarah Hix a Negro wench named Hannah and one feather bed & furniture to her proper use and no other and at her death to be given to her Children. I also give to my son Sherwood Bugg one Negro man named Dick & one feather bed & furniture. Also I give to my son Samuel Bugg one Negro man named Pompey & one feather bed and furniture. Also I give to my son Jacob Bugg one negro Boy named Bosson & one feather bed and furniture. Also I give to my son Edmund Bugg one Negro boy named Frank and one feather bed & furniture. Also I give to my son Anselm Bugg one Negro boy named Moses & one feather bed and furniture. Also I give to my daughter Lucy Bugg one Negro girl named Denah & one feather bed [WB 2, page 221] bed and furniture. Also I desire that my estate shall all be kept together (except what I now lend my daughter Sarah Hix) for the support and maintenance of my wife Martha Bugg and my six youngest children above mentioned until my son Sherwood Bugg comes to the age of twenty one years or my wife Martha Bugg should marry and then I desire that all my personal estate that I have not dispersed of to be equally divided between all my Children above mentioned and at the same time for my lands to be sold and the money equally divided between my five sons above mentioned and after the division of my estate I desire for my wife Martha Bugg to be maintained out of my children's estates (begotten of her) as long as she lives a widow and if either of my children should loose one of their negros that I have now given them before the division of my estate they shall be allowed the value there of the said negros I likewise constitute make and ordain Amos Hix, Jacob Bugg, Bennett Woods, & Sherwood Bugg my sole executors of this my last will and Testament. In Witness which I have hereunto set my hand & seal this Twenty-forth day of December one thousand seven hundred & seven five.

Signed & sealed
Samuel Bugg {seal}

in the presence of
Jacob Bugg
Thomas Langley
Joel Chandler
Samuel Leigh

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 10th day of March 1777.

This will was proved by the oaths of Thomas Langley and Joel Chandler Witnesses there to & Ordered to be
recorded. And on the motion of Amos Hix & Jacob Bugg two of the execs therein named who made oath thereto
and together with George Baskerville and Thomas Langley their securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of two thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs Certificate was granted them for obtaining a probal of the said Will in due form, Liberty being reserved for the other Exor's named in the said Will to join in the probate when they shall think fit

John Brown CK Court

Division of the Estate of Samuel Bugg

Mecklenburg County WB 2 p. 90
Made March 12, 1783, Recorded Feb. 10 1785

Pursuant to an Order of the Court of Mecklenburg County
We the subscribers therein mentioned have divided the following negroes and Beds (to each)

Culley to Sarah Hix - 90
Grace and Silvia to Sherwood Bugg - 70
Dina to Samuel Bugg - 85
Joe Amy and Jack to Jacob Bugg - 60
Stephen and Hannah to Edmund Bugg - 85
Jane & Fincy to Anselm Bugg - 100


1 Feather Bed to Sherwood Bugg - 9
1 Feather Bed to Samuel Bugg - 9
1 Feather Bed to Jacob Bugg - 9
1 Feather Bed to Edmund Bugg - 8
1 Feather Bed to Anselm Bugg - 9

Certified under our Hands & seals this 12th day of March 1783
John Speed {seal}
_________ {seal}
_________ {seal}

Inventory and Appraisal of the estate of Samuel Bugg
Mecklenburg County WB 1 p. 245-247
Mecklenburg County December ____ 1777 _______ to an order
This Court we the subscribers being first _________ hath appraised
The estate of Samuel Bugg decd. in current money. Viz.

One Negro Man Stephen 175
One Ditto Culley 200
One Ditto Jo 20
One Negro Women Jane 140
One Ditto Grace 40
One Ditto Amey 15
One Negro Girl Dinah 70
One Negro Child ____ y 80
One Negro Boy Jo 65
One Ditto Jack 45
One Negro Man Pompy 210
One Ditto Dick 210
One Negro Boy BosonLegacys155
One Ditto Frank 100
One Ditto Moses 80
One Horse 15
One Mare 10
One Horse Colt 30
41 Cattle 100
60 Hogs 30
33 Sheep 2415
1 Feather Bed and Furniture 12
1 Ditto 12
1 Ditto 10
1 Ditto 10
1 Ditto 8
1 Ditto 5
1 Mans saddle 7
1 Womans Ditto 10
3 old Saddles 110
1 Desk 10
2 Tables 8
1 Ditto 110
1 Ditto 10
1 Buchett on the new Testament2
1 Large Bible 15
__ parcel of old Books 3
1 pr money scales 10
1 pr hand irons 15
1 pr Tongs and shovel 8
4 China Bowls 1215
1 Dozen ____ Cups and saucers15
18 Stone plates 18
1 Dozen Stone Cups and saucers 3
1 Sugar dish 1
1 Milk pot 1
7 Iron Candle sticks 4
1 pr snuffers 1
1 pr salts 2
1 Popper _____ 6
1 Cannister 1
1 Glass can 96
1 Pint Tumbler 6
1 Stone Pitcher 16
1 old Cast 1
2 old Chevle 16
11 stone jugs 12
2 Bottles 2
3 Butter Pots 1
1 Flax wheel 2
1 Ditto 16
1 Wooling wheel 6
1 pr cotton Cards 110
2 pr old Cards 1
3 Iron pots and one Dutch oven616
1 Skillet 6
1 Tea Kettle & one Coffee Pot110
__ ____ _______ 10
18 Knives and forks 10
1 Cutter _____ 96
3 Pewter Basons 110
11 Ditto Dishes 15
11 Ditto plates 166
6 Ditto Spoons 11
1 Grid Iron 13
1 large Copper bottle 1210
1 pr sheep Shears 26
1 Wire Riddle 19
1 Loom and warping Bars 1
4 P____ and one Tubb 116
9 Chairs 17
7 Ditt 10
1 Old Slate 16
7 Axes 37
5 Grubbing Hoes 112
1 Cross cut saw 25
1 hand Ditto 015
9 hoes 3
1 Trow 2
3 Plow hoes 15
3 Plain stocks and 4 Irons 10
14 Beef hooks 112
4 Augers 8
2 Chizzels and a gouge 39
1 Howel 5
1 Drawing knife 3
1 Adze 5
1 pr stockyards 1
1 Flax Hatchet 210
1 gun 25
1 Hone 5
₤. 19397

Jacob Bugg
Amos Hix

John Speed
James Hix
Joel Chandler

This Appraisement was returned into Meckbg. County Court the 8th day of December 1777 & ordered to be recorded.
John Brown C Clerk

Submitted by David Clark Dorsey

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024