Mecklenburg County

Will of Richens BRAME

Dated March 27, 1789; Proved 1789

Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will Book 3, p 33, Will of Richens BRAME

In The Name of God Amen I Richens Brame of Mecklenburg County Being Very Low and weak of Body But of a sound and disposing mind and Memory Thanks be to Almighty God for the Same But knowing the uncertainty of this Mortal Life do hereby make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament Revoking all other wills Imprimis I do recommend my soul to God from whom I received it Humbly Trusting in him for a free pardon of all my sins through Jesus Christ my Blessed Lord and Savior and as to what worldly Goods and Estate it hath pleased almighty God to bestow upon me I dispose of as followeth it is my will and desire That my well beloved wife Susana Brame may have hold and enjoy the third part of my whole estate during her life and after her death it is my will and desire that the plantation whereon I now live and all the land there unto Belonging May be put up to the highest bider among three of my sons to wit James Brame John Brame and Samuel Brame they and they only and the highest bider of the three to heir and enjoy the said land and plantation it is also my will and desire that my grand children the heirs of my son Thomas Brame deceased May heir one fourth part of the money arising from my said land and plantation and that it be put out to intrust while they come to age To Receive it and then to be equaly divided I also give and bequeath to My daughter Caronhabbuck Frasher one half of my land I purchased of John Hill to her and heirs forever. I give and Bequeath to my son Richens Brame the other half of the afore said tract of land during his life and after his death to be heired by my grandson David Brame it is my will and desire that all the rest of my estate of all kinds may be equally divided among my children and my grand children the heirs of son Thomas Brame dec'd except Caronhabbuck Frasher (Fraizer) and it is my will and desire for her to have fifty pounds less than either of the above mentioned I leave and apoint my three sons James Brame John Brame and Samuel Brame Executors of this My Last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal This twenty seventh day of March one Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Nine

Signed sealed
Richins Brame (his mark X) (Seal)

and Acknowledged in presents [sic] of
Thos Norvell Jr
Young Norvell
(one more witness? Martha Norvell?)

...and Martha Norvell the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of James Brame and John Brame two of the executors therein named, who made oath thereto, and together with Henry Speed, Thomas Norvell, and Benjamin Pulliam their securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of two thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs Certificate was granted therein for obtaining aprobal of the said will in due form, liberty being reserved for the other executor therein named to join in the probal when he shall think fit

Teste John Brown

Abstracts and Notes

Richins Brame - decedent (Richens misspelled)
Susanna Brame - Wife
James Brame son - Executor
John Brame son - Executor
Samuel Brame son - Executor
Kerenhappuch Frasher Daughter - (Fraizer misspelled)
Richins Brame son
Thomas Brame son (deceased)
David Brame Grandson
Thomas Norvell Witness -
Young Norvell Witness -
Martha Norvell Witness -
Note: Thomas Norvell, Young Norvell, Martha Norvell may be the children of Thomas and Anne Nightingale Young Norvell
Benjamin Pulliam - gave bond
John Hill - bought land from
Henry Speed - gave bond

Probate may have been on March 4, 1791 or Dec. 14, 1789
Account of sales of personal estate of Richins Brame May 12, 1789 - returned to court 12 July 1789. Account of sales of personal estate 4 March 1791 - Total 945p 15s 7p.
Recorded 10 December 1792. Appraisal of personal estate of Richins Brame made by James Ferrell, Richard Hutcheson, and James Hamner. Recorded 10 June 1793.

Submitted by David Clark Dorsey

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