Mecklenburg County

Will of John ALLGOOD, Sr.

written 8/16/1798, probated 9/10/1798

Mecklenburg County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 51-52, Will of John Allgood

In the name of God, Amen, I John Allgood Senior of the County of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia being very sick and weak do make and ordain this my last will and testament & first of all I give & recommend my soul to Almighty God & my body I recommend to the earth to be buried Decently & what little estate I possess I do give and bequeath to my Son John Allgood all the lands that I possess to him and his heirs forever also all the rest of my estate of all kinds except one feather bed and one cow which I give to my grandson George Allgood & do appoint my son John Allgood and my friend Peter Hutcheson executors to this my last will and denying all other wills but this In witness whereof I do set my hand and seal this 16 th day of August 1798

John Allgood (his mark)

Peter Hutcheson
William Burton
Jesse Clark (his mark)

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 10th day of September 1798

This will was proved by the oaths of William Burton and Jessee Clark witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded & on the motion of John Allgood Junior one of the Executors therein named who made oath thereto & together with Richers Brame and Clausel Clausel his securities entered into & acknowledged their bond in the penalty of one thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs certificate was granted him for obtaining probat thereof in due form liberty being reserved for the other executor therein named to join in the probat when he shall think fit

Teste. William Baskerville, cc

Contributed by Shirley (Johnson) LaFleur

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024