Mecklenburg County

Will of Thomas ADAMS

Last Will and Testment of
Thomas Adams of Mecklenburg County, Virginia
6th Day of May, One Thousand Eight Hundred and One

In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Adams of the County of Mecklenburg being of sound mind and memory do make, ordain, constitute and appoint this to be my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following, Revoking all Wills heretofore made.

Item I lend to my beloved wife, Lucy Adams during her natural life One Hundred And thirty Acres of Land whereon I now live be the same more or less. One Feather Bed and furniture all my Household and Kitchen furniture. One horse Called Buck, Two Cows and one Yearling, during her said life and after her Death to be Equally divided amongst my Children, William Adams, Mary McDaniel, Martha Crutchfield, Elizabeth Johnson, Lucy Frazer, Nancy Crowder, Thomas Adams, John Adams, Lizz Cook, to them and their Heirs forever. Executing what I have hereafter disposed to my Son Jeremiah Adams.

Item I give and bequeath to my Son Isaac Adams Sixty Acres of land be the same more or less beginning at a small red oak in Holmenesn line thence a new made line to a small red Oak in Creedles line to him and his Heirs forever.

Item I give and bequeath to my Son Jeremiah Adams One hundred and thirty acres of land whereon Isaac line reserving ------- the Mansion House and as much of the said Land as may be necessary for my said Wife to work during her Natural life together with one Black Mare and Colt, two Cows and one ------ yearling, one shot gun, two feather beds and furniture and after my Wife Death, all my household and kitchen furniture to him and his Heirs forever.

Item I give and bequeath to my Sons Isaac Adams and Jeremiah Adams, to be equally divided between them Forty Acres of Land being lately surveyed by John Holloway and taken off a track of one hundred acres I sold to Briant Creedle which land is bounded as follows. Beginning on the Lick Branch a corner Gum in Curtis line thence along Curtis line to a corner Spanish Oak in Oghurms line thence along a new line to the Lick Branch, thence along the said Branch to the beginning.

Lastly I nominate and appoint my two sons Isaac Adams and Jeremich Adams Executors Of this my last Will and Testament denying and revoking all other Wills by me made.

In Witness whereof I hereto set my hand and affixed my Seal this sixth day of May one Thousand Eight Hundred and One.

Thomas X Adams { Seal }

Signed Sealed and Delivered
In the Presence of
Samuel Simmons
Richard C Edmondson
Moses X Parrish

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 18th day of February 1802 This will was proved by the Oath of Samuel Simmons and Richard C Edmondson, Witness thereto and ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of Jeremich Adams One of the Executors therein named who made Oath thereto and together with Samuel Simmons and Richard V Edmondson his Securities enter into and acknowledged Their Bond in the Penalty of One Thousand Dollars Constuted as the Law directs. Certificate is granted him for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form liberty being Reserved for the other Executor therein named to join in the Probate when he shall think fit.

William Baskervill {seal}

Submitted 9-26-99 by Don Crutchfield

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