Mecklenburg County

Heirs of Mary YANCY to Rosa SCOTT 1897 Deed

Ex & mailed to WA Yancy
Teste W. A. Jamieson
Apr 4 1904

This deed made this the 22nd day of January 1897 by and between Ola Williamson & her husband Tom Williamson, Jennie Kearson & her husband William Kearson, Lena Fits & her husband George Fits & Lois Yancy, parties of the first part and Rosa Scott party of the second part Witnesseth that the parties of the first part hath for and in consideration of the sum one hundred dollars, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, bargained, sold, granted & conveyed unto the party of the 2nd part, with general warranty of title, the following tract of land lying & being in Mecklenburg County Virginia adjoining the lands of Thos N. Williams Mary Wood, James Tucker and others, being the lands which the parties of the 1st part inherited from the Estate of Mary Yancy dec. The parties of the 1st part covenant they had the right to convey said land; that they have done no act to encumber said land; that the party of the 2nd part shall ____ quiet and undisturbed possession of said land; that they will execute such further assurance of said land as may be requisite, suppose to be twenty acres.

Witness the following signatures and seals.
Ola Williamson (her mark)
Tom Williamson (his mark)
B. F. Knott
Jennie Kearson (her mark)
William Kearson (his mark)
Lena Fits (her mark)
Geo. Fits (his mark)

State of Virginia
County of Mecklenburg to wit:

I, B. F. Knott an acting Justice of the Peace for the county & state above written do certify that Ola Williamson & her husband Tom Williamson & Jennie Kearson & her husband Wm. Kearson did personally appear before me in my said county, whose names are signed to the above writing bearing date the 22nd of January 1897, did personally appear before me in my said county and acknowledge the same.

Given under my hand this 28th June 1897
B. F. Knott J. P. Seal

State of Virginia
Charlotte County to wit:

I, W. H. Grafton a Justice of the peace for the state & county aforesaid do certify that Lena Fitz and George Fitz her husband whose names are signed to the above writing bearing date the 22nd day of January 1897 did personally appear before me in my county and acknowledged the same.

Given under my hand this 26th day of Sept. 1897
W. H. Grafton J.P.

U. M. Yancy Seal
Martha F. Yancy Seal

Virginia Mecklenburg County to wit:

I, J. H. Blanks a Justice of the peace in and for the said county and state aforesaid do certify that ___________ whose names are signed to the foregoing writing bearing date January 22nd 1897 have each personally appeared before me in my county aforesaid and acknowledged same to be their ?.

Given under my hand this 2nd February 1899
J. H. Blanks J. P.

In the Clerks Office of
Mecklenburg County Court Jany 20st 1902

The foregoing deed of bargain & sale together with the certificate of acknowledgment thereon endorsed was this day received in the clerk's office aforesaid and admitted to record.

Ex & mailed to Rosa Scott

Teste W. A. Jamieson Clerk

Contributed by Don Kierson 14 Jan 1999

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