Mecklenburg County


Thomas BEDFORD and Starling WALLER - 3 Oct 1796

Recorded in Mecklenburg Co. Deed Book # 9, p. 211.

This indenture made this third day of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six between Thomas Bedford of Mecklenburg County of the one part and Starling Waller of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Thomas Bedford for and in consideration of the sum of twenty-six pounds current money in hand paid the receipt being hereby acknowledged & himself fully satisfied and paid by the said Starling Waller doth give grant and bargain and sell and confirm to him the said Starling Waller his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg on the south side of Meherrin River Beginning at the mouth of a long branch joining Drury Allen, thence up the said branch as it meanders to the east fork thence up the east fork to a corner on Marshall's line thence S72 E10 chains 70 links to a corner Hicory (as spelled) on William's line thence N16 E sixty-nine chains to the river thence up the river to the Beginning with all and singularly the privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining to have and to hold the said land and premises with all the appurtenances to him said Starling Waller his heirs and assigns forever to have, hold, use, occupy, possess, and enjoy the same with every part and parcel thereof to him said Starling Waller his heirs and the said Thomas Bedford his heirs and to by these presents warrant and ever defend in witness whereof, he the said Thomas Bedford doth set his hand and affix his seal the day above written.
Signed sealed and delivered

In the presence of
R. Vaughn
John Ryland
Benjamin Malone
William Drumright (Sr.)
James Williams

(Note: Proved in court 10 Oct 1796)

Starling WALLER and James DRUMRIGHT - 10 Apr 1800

This indenture made the tenth day of April one thousand eight hundred between Starling Waller of Mecklenburg County of the one part and James Drumright of the same county of the other part. Witness that said Starling Waller for and in consideration of the sum of thirty seven pounds ten shillings good and lawful money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said James Drumright before the sealing and delivery of these presents hath bargained, sold alienated and confirm to the said James Drumright certain tract or parcel of land lying in Mecklenburg County containing fifty acres be the same more or less bounded as follows. Beginning at a corner pine on James Williams' line thence along the said Williams line to a corner Hickory thence along thence along (note: words appear twice in the document) the said Williams line and Woods Jones line to a corner white oak on Daniel Waller's thence along Daniel Waller's line to a corner ash on the great branch thence a new line to the beginning and the reversion and reversions remainders right estate benefit claim dormant of us or to the same on my part thereof to have and to hold to him the said James Drumright his heirs (2 words indistinct) or assigns forever and the said Starling Waller for himself and his heirs assigns will warrant and forever defend the said tract of land from all persons whatsoever to the only use and behalf of him the said James Drumright him and his heirs and assigns forever. In witness thereof the said Starling Waller hath hereto set his hand and seal the day, year above written,
Signed Sealed and Delivered.

Starling Waller (his mark)

In the presence of
William Drumright
Richard Crowder
Adams Crutchfield (his mark)

At the court held for Mecklenburg County the 14th day of April 1800.

This indenture was proved by the oaths of William Drumright, Richard Crowder, and Adams Crutchfield witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and Rebecca Waller, wife of the said Starling personally appeared in Court and being (word indistinct) examined, voluntarily relinquished her right of dower in the estate conveyed by the said indenture.

/s/ William Baskerville

James DRUMRIGHT and Starling WALLER, 4 Sep 1806

Recorded in Mecklenburg Co. Deed Book # 13, p. 44.

This indenture made the fourth day of September one thousand eight-hundred and six between James Drumright of Mecklenburg County of the one part and Starling Waller of the other part witnesseth that the said James Drumright for and in consideration of the sum of twenty pounds good and lawful money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Starling Waller before the sealing and delivery of these presents hath bargained, sold, alienated, and confirmed and by these presents doth bargain, sell, alienate, and confirm to the said Starling Waller a certain tract or parcel of land lying in Mecklenburg County containing Eighteen acres be the same more or less bounded as follows beginning at a corner Beech at the mouth of a branch on Meherrin River thence up the said branch to a corner maple at the head of said branch, thence a new line to a corner spanish oak thence a new line to a corner read oak on said Waller's old line to a corner ash on Meherrin River thence down said river to the beginning and reversion or reversions remainder rights estate benefit claim Demand of in or the same or any part thereof to have and to hold to him the said Starling Waller his heirs Executors administrators or assigns forever and the said James Drumright for himself and his heirs assigns will warrant and forever defend the said tract of land from all persons whatsoever to the only use and behoof (as written) of him the said Starling Waller him and his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said James Drumright hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and date above written.
Signed Sealed & Delivered
/s/ James Drumright

In the presence of
William Drumright Sr.
Lucy Drumright (her mark)
William Drumright Jr.

Starling WALLER and Frederick MATHIAS, dated 24 July 1811

This indenture made this twenty fourth day of July eighteen hundred and eleven between Starling Waller of the one part and Frederick Mathias of the other part witnesseth that the said Waller for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty pounds to him in hand paid the receipt of which to him doth acknowledge hath this day sold to the said Mathias a part of his land lying in the county of Mecklenburg to wit thirty-one acres be the same more or less beginning on Meherrin River on a Sugar tree thence a South direction to a corner post oak on a small branch, thence down the said branch as it meanders to the big branch thence down the said branch as it meanders to Meherrin River, thence down the said river to the beginning. To have and to hold the said land with all the appurtenances thereon belonging thereto and the said Waller doth hereby warrant and defend the said land and all its contents to the said Mathias from all (word indistinct) person or persons forever in witness whereof the said Waller hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day of the year above written.

Starling Waller (his mark)

Henry Wilson,
Wm. Williams
Wood Jones
James Ricker (?)

At a court held for Mecklenburg County this 19th day of August 1811. This indenture was acknowledged by Starling Waller a party thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Test. /s/ William Baskerville

Tax Receipt - Starling WALLER, dated 15 Aug 1816

1816 August 15
Received of James Nalley for Starling Waller the sum of one dollar fifty-five cents for the tax damage and all charges on 6 ½ acres of land returned for the non-payment of taxes in the name of Starling Waller for the year 1809 in the county of Mecklenburg, which is vested in the president and directors of the literacy fund.

Truly recorded: Edw. L. Tabb

NOTE: There are many of these receipts in the records for Mecklenburg County residents. James Nalley appears to be an agent or tax collector for the county.

Starling WALLER, Daniel MIDDAGH and Wood JONES, dated 3 October 1817

Recorded in Mecklenburg Co. Deed book #17, p. 408.

This indenture made this third day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventeen between Starling Waller and Daniel Middagh of the county of Mecklenburg of the one part and Wood Jones of the same county of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Starling Waller and Daniel Middagh for an in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted, bargained, and sold and do give grant, bargain and sell (2 words indistinct) release and confirm unto the said Wood Jones and his heirs a certain tract of land lying in the said county of Mecklenburg containing thirty acres of land more or less and is bounded as follows (word indistinct). By the land of Wood Jones on the west & south, by the land of John Simmons on the east and by Meherrin River on the north, including the aforesaid quantity of thirty acres of land be the same within the said boundaries more or less. To have and to hold the aforesaid tract of land and premises together with all & singular the advantages and privileges thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining to him the said Wood Jones and his heirs forever and the said Starling Waller and Daniel Middagh for themselves and their heirs all and singular the premises before these presents mentioned to be granted and every part and parcel thereof with every their appurtinances to him the said Wood Jones and his heirs forever shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents the right and (word indistinct) against the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof the said Starling Waller and Daniel Middagh have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written.

Starling Waller (his mark)

Signed Sealed and Delivered
In the presence of
D. Middagh
Robert Jones
Geo. Jones Jr. (his mark)
Daniel Waller
John Waller

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 16th day of March 1818. This indenture was proved by the oath of Daniel Waller a witness thereto and at a court held for the said County the 17th day of August 1818 this indenture was further proved by the ... (end of collected material).

Contributed by Ed Waller 9 July 2000

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024