Mecklenburg County

Edward TOONE Deeds

Mecklenburg Co., VA Deed Bk 35, pp. 65-66:

Toone & wife to Field: This deed made & entered into this 21st day of September 1855 between Edward H. Toone and Jane F. his wife of the one part and Jno. S. Field Senr. of the second part all of the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia. Witnesseth that for & in consideration of the sum of four thousand three hundred dollars in hand paid or secured to be paid have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell to the said Jno. S. Field Senr. his heirs and assigns the following tract of land lying and being in the said County of Mecklenburg and bounded as follows to wit – on the West by the said John S. Field senr. on the South by the lands of James M. Seddon on the East by lands of James Whittin – on the North by the lands of William Townes and John T. Wootton the said tract contains five hundred and thirty four acres and was purchased by the said Edward H. Toone at the sale of the lands of the late Thomas Vaughan and a deed was made to him by a decree of the Court by Edward R. Chambers and William Townes acting as Commissioners by reference to their deed made and recorded on the 23rd June 1838, will more fully appear. The Toone land conveyed is a part of the dower land held and occupied by the late Mary A. Vaughan widow of Thomas Vaughan – To have & to hold the said lands to the said Jno. S. Field Senr. to him & his heirs forever free from the claim of the said Edward H. Toone and his heirs & all other persons whatsoever. In witness whereof we the said Edward H. Toone and Jane F. his wife have hereunto set our hands and seals the day & year first above written.

Edward H. Toone (seal)

Jane F. Toone (seal)

Mecklenburg County to wit

I William Townes a Justice of the Peace for the County aforesaid do certify that Edward H. Toone whose name is signed to the writing above bearing date 21st day of September 1855 has acknowledged the same in my County aforesaid. Given under my hand this 17th day of October 1855.

Wm. Townes J.P.

State of Virginia

Mecklenburg County

We Wm. Townes and Wm. H. Blanch Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid ? certify that Jane F. Toone the wife of Edward R.(sic) Toone whose names are signed to the writing above bearing date on the 21st day of September 1855 personally appeared before us in the County aforesaid and being examined by us privily and apart from her husband and having the writing aforesaid fully explained to her she the said Jane F. acknowledged the said writing to be her act & declared she most(?) willingly executed the same and does not wish to retract it. Given under our hands this day of October 1855.

Wm. Townes J.P.
Wm. H. Blanch J.P.

Mecklenburg County Clerks Office 14th of March 1856

The foregoing deed of Bargain & sale with the certificates of acknowledgment & relinquishment of dower thereon endorsed was this day received in the Clerks Office aforesaid and admitted to record.

R. B. Baptist C.

Mecklenburg Co., VA Deed Bk 37, pp. 261-262:

Edward H. Toone to Alexander Sydnor, sr.: This Deed made the 4th day of August 1866 between Edward H. Toone of the first part and Alexander Sydnor hereby appointed Trustee of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said Edwd. H. Toone doth hereby grant bargain & sell unto the said Alexr Sydnor Trustee the following property, to wit, All the right title and interest of him the said Toone in law or equity(?) to the tract of land upon which said Toone resides containing seven hundred and ten acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Jno. S. Feild, the estate of James D. Whitin, and others, his entire stock of cattle, horses, hogs, and sheep, all his household and kitchen furniture, wagons, carts, and farming utensils of every description, one threshing machine, one piano, and the interest of said Toone in the estate of his deceased son Edward H. Toone, and the growing crop of every description the crop of oats and wheat now here vested, and the corn in the crib, and supplies of every description now in hand. In trust to secure First the following debts and liabilities of said farm hereby designated as debts of the First Class, viz. Bond of $1500 Robt. C. Friend executed the 1st day of July 1866 payable on demand, Bond to Edwd. Yancey Gdn of L. T. & J. C. Watkins

executed __ day of __ and payable 1st Jany, 1859, for $240.00 Bond to same
executed __ day of __ and payable 1st Jany, 1860, for $125.00 Bond to same
executed __ day of __ and payable 1st Jany, 1861, for $125.00 Bond to same
executed __ day of __ and payable 1st Jany, 1864, for $202.00 Bond to same
executed __ day of __ and payable 1st Jany, 1864, for $180.00

upon all of which said bonds, with the exception of that to Robt. C. Friend, Jno. S. Field, Sr. is bound with and as Surety for the said Toone. Whatever amount of Principal and interest may be due upon a Judgment obtained by James Bowers against the said Toone, and Jno. S. Field, at the April Term of the Circuit Court of Mecklenburg County, 1866, and Secondly to secure, the payment of a bond to E. Yancey Gdn. of L. T. & J. C. Watkins
executed __ day of and payable 1st Jany 1858, for $125.00
and any other debt of the said Toone however due which may be presented to and established to the satisfaction of the Trustee to be a proper debt of the said Toone within ninety days from the date of this deed.

And it is covenanted and agreed between the parties that the said Toone is to retain the possession, use, enjoyment, and control of the property and effects hereby conveyed until such time as debts generally can be collected by legal process in Virginia, at or after which time the Trustee shall upon the request of any party Secured or intended to be Secured by? This deed of his giving reasonable and proper notice of the time & place of sale, sell this property hereby conveyed for cash and that the forwards after defraying the expenses of making and executing this trust be apply (sic) first to the payment satisfaction and discharge of the debts secondly secured by this deed, and that the surplus if any in pay to the said E. H. Toone, or his order. Witness the following signatures and seals:

The Eleventh, Twelfth & part of the Thirteenth line from the Bond(?)
of the 2nd page erased before Signing
Edward H. Toone (seal)

Alexr. Sydnor (seal)

In the Clerks office of the Mecklenburg County Court, August 4th, 1866.

The foregoing Deed of Trust was this day acknowledged in the Clerk’s office aforesaid by E. H. Toone and Alexr. Sydnor, to be their act and deed, and with Internal Revenue Stamps of the Value of $3.00 adhered thereto, and duly cancelled, is admitted to record.

Teste R. F. Clack, Clk.

Submitted by Kathy Turner December 30, 2010

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