Mecklenburg County

David STOKES to Francina COX 1794

Mecklenburg County VA, Deed Book 8, 1787/1794, Page 520

This Indenture made this Eighth day of December One Thousand Seven hundred and ninety four Between David Stokes of Mecklenburg County of the one part and Francinia Cox of the Same County of the other part Witnesseth that the said David Stokes for and in the consideration of the Sum of Ninety four pounds Current money which the said Franscina Cox paid before the Sealing and delivering these presents, the receipt whereof the said David Stokes doth hereby acknowledge and hath granted, bargained and Sold, sealed and Confirmed, and by these presents for himself and his heirs, doth fully firmly and absolutely grant, bargain and Sell ___and Confirm unto her the said Francina Cox and to her heirs and assignes forever one Certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg adjoining to Finneywood Creek and South Meherrin River and bounded as follows: Beginning at a small ash on the north bank of Finneywood Creek near Neal's old Corner white Oak thence down the said Creek, as it meanders to a Corner white oak Saplin at the head of Burwell's Mill pond thence north 20 Degrees East 57 (or 7.5) poles to a corner red Oak on Meherrin River, thence North Eighty degrees West three hundred and sixteen poles to a corner post Oak in Burwell's line thence North thirteen degrees West fifteen poles to pointers in the same thence North Eighty degrees West fifty Eight poles to a Corner post Oak in the same thence South fifty four Degrees West Sixty four poles to a corner pine in the Same thence a new line crossing the ride path just below Gregory's fork and the old Race paths near the head and so the Beginning. Containing by Estimation four hundred and Sixteen acres, be the Same more or less, together with all the appurtenances to the same belonging, appending or appertaining. To have and to hold the same lands, appurtenances and appendages free and clear of all manner of incumbrances unto her the said Francena Cox and her heirs and assigns forever, with all such right, ___ and Interest as was conveyed to her by the late John Cox of Finneywood, dec'd by his deed bearing date __21st day of September in the year One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Seven and Recorded in the Court of the said County to which reference may be had and I the said David Stokes for myself and my heirs do covenant to warrant and defend the Same against all claims arising from or ___ me or them or any of these. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and year above Written. Signed D.J. Stokes, Seal

In the presence of Geo. Marable, Branch Jones, Dan'l Wilson

Contributed 1998 Jun by Annette E. Wetzel

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