Mecklenburg County

Land Deed - Henry STEPHENS to Moore GOLD 1801

This indenture made this twenty ninth day of June in the year of our Lord God one thousand eight hundred and one
Between Henry Stephens of the County of Mecklenburg of the state of Virginia of the one Part and
Moore Gold of the above said County of the other Part.

Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the Sume of one hundred pounds Currant Money of Virginia to him in hand paid the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge he hath this day Bargained and Sold and Relinquished all of his right , title and Interest in and to a piece parcel or Tract of Land lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg on Dan river on the south side of the said River opposite Major John Nelson’s Island which is a Part of the Tract of Land Devised to Margaret Seat, daughter of Josiah Seat, deceased, who intermarried with Daniel Gold who departed this life sometime in the Year 1792, and devised the Land above described as followeth beginning at a red oak on the River near a large Rock thence south bounded by Henry Towne’s land. Thence by his Land now claimed by Jessie Hoard thence to the boundary line mentioned in said Daniel Gold’s will between myself and Pleasant Gold to the beginning containing one hundred acres more or less to him. The said Moore Gold, his Heirs, and assigns, forever, with all and Singular the appertinences priviledges here ditiments and advantages with a full right title and Power in and upon the above described Premises. I do for myself and my Heirs and by these presents warrant and forever defend and all and every power or powers claiming under me or my Heirs the aforesaid tract or parcel of land unto him the said Moore Gold his heirs and assigns forever. Witness my hand and seal the day and date above mentioned.
Henry Stephens

David Boyd
Pleasant Gold
Elijah Griffin
William Jones

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 14th day of September 1801. This indenture
was proved by the Oaths of David Boyd, Pleasant Gold and Elijah Griffin witnesses
thereto and ordered to be recorded.
William Bashervill

Transcribed and contributed 1999 Jan 13 by Patricia Henderson-London

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024