Mecklenburg County

Mary PEETE to Elizabeth EZELL 1838 Deed

Mecklenburg County
March 20, 1838

This Indenture, made this 20th day of March, 1838, BETWEEN William Jones, attorney in fact for Mary Peete of the one part and Elizabeth Ezell of the other part, WITNESSETH that the said William Jones, attorney as aforesaid in consideration of the sum of $420 dollars of lawful money of this commonwealth, to him in hand paid by Elizabeth Ezell at or before the unsealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain and sell unto the said Elizabeth Ezell, her heirs and assigns a certain tract of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia--containing 210 acres, be the same more or less, it being the land allowed and set apart to the said Mary Peete in the division of the estate of the late Edward A. Peete--and bounded by the lands of the said Elizabeth Ezell, Martha Taylor and others. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcel of land with all the singular the premises herein before mentioned or intended to be bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof unto the said Elizabeth Ezell, her heirs and assigns forever, to and for the only purpose, use and behoof of her the said Elizabeth Ezell, her heirs and assigns forever and the said William Jones, attorney, as aforesaid for himself and his heirs the said tract or parcel of land with all and singular the premises and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said Elizabeth Ezell, her heirs and assigns forever free from the claim or claims of him the said William Jones, Attorney in fact for the said Mary E. Peete, for herself and her heirs the said tract or parcel of land with all and singular the premises and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said Elizabeth Ezell her heirs and assigns, shall, will and do warrant and forever defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the said William Jones, attorney in fact for Mary E. Peete have hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and date first above written.

Wm. Jones, Agent for Mary E. Peete
Mecklenburg County Court 18th June, 1838

Contributed by Jonathan Taylor 30 Dec 2003

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