Mecklenburg County


James MAURY to Henry & George NEWTON 1765

Note: These two tracts of land were sold in 1765, one tract to Henry Newton (Meck. DB1:126) and the other to George Newton (Meck. DB1:127).

Lunenburg Co. tracts of land that fell in Mecklenburg.

James Maury (clerk)
16 Aug 1756
40 shillings
400a Lunenburg
Pt Bk 34:101
"On both sides of Little Buffalo Creek"
Beginning at a white oak near a branch thence
South sixty three degrees East one hundred forty four poles crossing Grassy Creek Path and Little Buffalo Creek aforesaid to a white oak
South five degrees West two hundred and eighty poles crossing Grassy Creek Path and a fork of Little Buffalo f_(see below)_____ to a red oak
North eighty five degrees West two hundred sixty four poles to pointers thence
North twenty three & a quarter degrees East three hundred fifty six poles crossing Little Buffalo four??teen?? to the beginning

James Maury (Clerk)
16 Aug 1756
40 shillings
400a Lunenburg Co.
Pt Bk 34:103
"On both sides of Little Buffalo Creek, adjoining Thos Priestwood"
Beginning at pointers on Thomas Priestwood's line thence along the same
North sixty three degrees West one hundred thirty six poles crossing the Creek to his corner white oak thence off the same course continued eighty poles to a large pine thence
North twenty seven degrees East ninety eight poles to a little red oak
North twenty two degrees West two hundred twenty poles to two little white oaks
East two hundred thirty five poles crossing the Creek aforesaid to a little Hiccory pointer
South three hundred eighty nine poles to the beginning

Transcribed and submitted by JoLee Spears 25 Feb 1999


From Mecklenburg County Deed Book 1, beginning page 127:

This indenture made the 22d day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & sixty five between James Maury Clerk of the County of Albermarle in the Province of Virginia of the one part & George Newton of the County of Mecklenburg in the Colony of Virginia of the other part Witnesseth that the sd James Maury for and in Consideration of the sum of Thirty eight Pounds Current Money of Virginia to him this Jas Maury in hand paid before the Ensealing & delivering of these Presents the Receipt whereof the the said James Maury doth hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained & sold Aliened, Enfeoffed Released & Confirmed & by these Presents do grant bargain & Sell Alien Enfeoff release and Confirm unto the sd George Newton his heirs & assigns for ever one certain Tract or Parcell of Land Situate, lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg on both sides little Buffaloe Creek and bounded as followeth to wit

beginning at a white oak near a branch Thence South 63 Degrees East 164 Poles crossing grassey Creek Path & little Buffaloe Creek aforesd to a white oak Thence South 5 Deg West 280 Poles crossing grassey Creek Path & fork of little Buffaloe aforesaid to a Red oak North Eighty five Deg West 264 poles to pointers, Thence North 23 1/4 Degrees East 356 poles crossing little Buffaloe four times to the Beginning

Containing in the whole four hundred Acres more or less be the same together with the Reversion of Reversions remainder of Remainders Rights Issues & Profits thereof and also all the Estate, Right, Tythe, Interest, Property Claim & Demand whatsoever of him the said James Maury of in & to the sd Land and of in & to every part & parcel thereof. To have & to hold the said Seat Tract or parcel of Land & Premises unto him the sd George Newton his Heirs & Assigns to the only proper use benefit & behoof of him the said George Newton his Heirs & Assigns for ever the said James Maury for himself his Exors & Adm doth covenant & grant to and with the said George Newton his Heirs & Assigns by these Presents that he the sd Jas Maury & his Heirs the said Seat Tract or Parcel of Land & Premises unto the sd George Newton his Heirs & Assigns for ever shall & will Warrant & forever Defend from all Persons Claiming or to claim from by or under him, them or any of them In Witness whereof the sd Jas Maury hath hereunto set his hand & Affixed his Seal the day & Year first above Written

James Maury (seal)

Signed Sealed & Delivered in Presence of
R. Morris
Henry Newton
George Newton
William Newton

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County 9th Sept 1765 This Indenture was proved by the Oaths of three of the Witnesses thereto Subscribed & Admitted to Record
John Tabb

Contributed by Julia Ryden

Robert NEWTON Land Division

Note: This 400 acre tract was sold by George Newton to Robert Newton January 18, 1779.

Mecklenburg December Court—1814

Mary Newton – widow and whit [?] of Robert Newton deceas'd also of James H Newton, James Newton and Elizageth his wife, Daniel Williams & Milly his wife, Henry Newton and Robert Newton

Heirs of Robert Newton
George Newton Mary Newton, Joseph Newton William Newton Lettice Newton, John Newton & Nancy Newton infants under the age of 21 years__ also Robert Williamson Adm'r of Robert Newton deceased---

This day this cause came on to be argued – by consenting parties on Robert and answer – whereupon it is in decree and decreed, -- That Stephen P. Pool, Archibald Clark Edward Jones & Charles Hamlin or any three if Nim..? taking with Nim the county surveyor be appointed commissioners to lay off and allot to the said Mary Newton widow of said Robert Newton one third part of the lands and slaves of which Robert Newton died siez'd and possess'd and to divide the balance of the lands between the complanants and defendants aggreable to them [us justice?] rights and that the said Robert Williamson do make sale and if the balance of the said slaves be the highest bidder whom 1 or months wd?t ??hing from the purchasers receit – bonds with approved security – and then to assign the same over to the heirs of the said Robert Newton deceas'd – and further that the said Robert Williamson do account with the said commissoners—for all the acts of the administrartion – and pay the money if any in his hands in the following manner – one third part to the said Mary widow – and the balance thereof to the children of said Newton—They first executing refundry bonds to him – as the law directs – and that the a...[?] and commissioners a the said Robert Williamson do make a report of all the proceedings to court

Contributed by Julia Ryden

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024